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macrumors 6502
Dec 12, 2002
Seattle, WA you people are really weird about Real Player.

I would think it's good that a major player wrote a Cocoa interface. And it IS free, you just have to look through the site a bit (they hide the free version as best they can). I just downloaded the free version without that stupid pass thing, and it is a much better player than before.

Good job, Real. One less reason to have to use a PC is ALWAYS welcome, and I don't know why you people aren't seeing that.


macrumors newbie
Jul 23, 2003
It may be Cocoa now, but it's still crap. This RealPlayer beta has a CPU-wasting loop (or memory leak, can't tell sometimes... maybe both), meaning that I'm wasting battery power just having it open and "idle".


macrumors regular
Jan 28, 2002
leftbanke7 said:
The only reason I don't use it is b/c of the spyware issue.

I keep hearing people say this, but IS there a spyware issue with Real player on OSX? I myself have not seen Real install anything nor any 'out of bounds' network traffic leaving my Mac so is this just people expecting there to be spyware because it exists on the Windows version or is there something that is being missed?


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2003
Keep this trojan away from my computers! I ignore any streaming media that requires Real software of any kind. It simply isn't worth the risks involved with using Realplayer.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2003
mmmbop said:
Just wait until the stripped-down, non-spyware version appears as a download through the BBC's site. You won't get any of the that RealOne non-sense.

Just when BBC implement wm format so I can watch their stuff, this comes along. The old software never worked for BBC video for me. Now it just feels like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place with real and wmp, although at least I can just use it in browser, and not in wmp.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2003
just downloaded this new beta and i must say, its a huge improvement from previous version.

it now gets along better with Safari, and isnt as buggy in that area.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I'm wary of Real software because of all the intrusive settings that were on by default in previous players, for Windows too. I'd like to know the "real" details about privacy/security in this player before I start using it.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2001
Los Angeles
Jeff Harrell said:
One word: C-SPAN.

OMG you have to be kidding. If I ever sat in front of my computer watching a live stream of C-Span I would hope someone would shoot me. I can't change the channel fast enough on the Television when I come to C-Span, I can't imagine downloading software with the sole purpose of tuning in. I prefer to sleep in my bed.



macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2004
i would laugh at all of your caution regarding spyware; but alas, i can not bring myself to install real on my computer.

I remember Real on os 9...and pc.

i will hate real for approximately ...3 more eternities. after that we should be square.

and i KNOW that there are sies that are exclusively real, actually 2 siutes in particular that i buy records from use real...and i simply find a computer already infected with real.

...o my, did i say infected...o ya, 3 eternities to go.

i will give it a chance some day, when i am VERY...VERY...VERY forgiving.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
Pipian said:
How is it playing Protected AAC files?

That's my question too. And Quicktime -- that's a first. Didn't Real approach Apple about this very thing, and Steve told them not only no but hell no?


macrumors regular
Jan 24, 2004
Columbus, OH
Butler Trumpet said:
Yeah... still not free... only for 14 days. And what sucks more... is that on OS 9 or a stupid PC its free. I dont get it.. thats retarted.

Edit: OK never mind.. I was looking at Real One Player... .difference.


It's the stupid service they sell that isn't as well as a PLus version of the player.. I have never paid for Real on a Mac ever.


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2003
Real Player Really Sucks

Seriously, what the hell is Real Player used for these days? I have it on my Mac and totally forgot it existed until this announcement. I’ll do with out all the extra crap Real player has been known to install behind your back. I remember during my dark days being a Windows user and Real Player installing and running unnecessary resource hogging apps in the background. Hell no! It's too late for them to try and make any noise in the Mac world.


Well, I'm up for giving this a try.

I live and die by the BBC streams (especially the comedy on BBC Radio 7 ) - they don't do QuickTime, so RealPlayer is my choice.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2003
greenmonsterman said:
OMG you have to be kidding. If I ever sat in front of my computer watching a live stream of C-Span I would hope someone would shoot me. I can't change the channel fast enough on the Television when I come to C-Span, I can't imagine downloading software with the sole purpose of tuning in. I prefer to sleep in my bed.


How can you not like C-SPAN? It's one of the best developments ever for a well-informed democracy. I know a professor who bought a large-screen TV for the *sole* purpose of watching C-SPAN.

Spend some time with it. You will be hooked.



macrumors member
Jun 5, 2004
Johnson City, TN
IJ Reilly said:
That's my question too. And Quicktime -- that's a first. Didn't Real approach Apple about this very thing, and Steve told them not only no but hell no?
Any program can use Quicktime, It's embedded into all kinds of apps on Windows and MacOS.


Well, I've tried it (albeit only on the BBC web site) and it -

a) Crashes Safari 1.2.1
b) Doesn't work on Firefox 0.9
c) Causes errors on IE
d) WORKS! - sort of - in OmniWeb 4.5

Back to 'real one' free player for me.


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
Secret Moon base
I think it's great - good work Real. They have even tried to make it Mac-like by using fade and transition effects. Also Real streams usually start right away on my slowish 512kbps DSL, whereas Quicktime usually spends 30 seconds buffering first.

There are only two small things I would like to see improved before the final version: smoother resizing and the option to turn off the HTML display to the right of the image on streams.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2003
sigh...yet another "gem" from Real... :rolleyes:

in all honesty, there really isn't much of a reason to get this. there are barely any positive things about realplayer.


OK. I've just tried it 'stand alone' using 'Open Location ...' and I'm now much happier - I can get where I want to be without problems.

Now to try it with iRecordMusic


macrumors newbie
Jun 30, 2004
On the sunny side :-)
RealOne on AirTunes

No, really, is there a way to funnel RealOne Output into AirTunes? Sort of like this: You grab the SoundOutput with something like Wiretap, encode it as an MP3 stream and pick it up with iTunes (which will play ANY mp3-stream) and play it through AirTunes on your stereo. That shouldn't be too hard, should it? I'm not a programmer (far from it :) ) but it should be doable...

The radiostations I listen to require RealOne since I don't like Windows' MediaPlayer and thats all they offer. Some used to have an MP3 stream a couple of years back as well but they all dropped it. Right now I either listen to it on the iBook or I plug the iBook into the stereo.

PS: So far the RealPlayer 10 beta works pretty much the same as 9, no problems.
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