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macrumors newbie
Jun 30, 2004
Just to clear up some of the ridiculousness in this thread, here a few facts:

1. There never has been spyware ever on a Mac version of RealPlayer. If you think this has changed with version 10; it hasn't.

2. Although the Mac OS 9 version of RealPlayer was a pain and hijacked all your file formats, RealPlayer does not take over any file formats. It asks when you install it and doesn't bother you after that.

3. The new version doesn't even have an installer, it is just like good OS X citizens. It's distributed on a DMG and you can just drag it into your app folder. Anything it installs after that is no different from apps like Safari, Transmit etc...

4. RealPlayer now plays QuickTime files. Apparently from reading around RealPlayer also plays files better than QuickTime. Streams start quicker, quality is better and they also allow full screen for free.

5. RealPlayer has a fully free version, but I think this has already been covered.

6. RealPlayer has been completely rewritten in Cocoa. It now has all the niceties of any other Cocoa program. It doesn't quit the program when you close the last window. It uses webkit for its web browser and apparently is faster than Safari because it doesn't have all the extras.

7. Unlike QuickTime which is written in Carbon (currently, it seems like it was rewritten in Cocoa for Tiger) it doesn't have parts of it that look like its from System 7. Like getting movie properties. It also has true OS X preferences with beautiful icons.

8. RealPlayer even includes other niceties like nice smooth controls that fade in when you want to do changes like brightness and whatnot.

Anyways, I think that's most of it. I don't even use RealPlayer that much, in fact I rarely use it, but I think that most of the feelings in here are quite unfounded.

I also included a quick screenshot of Real's beautiful toolbar icons, excuse the theme, I'm too lazy to change it :)


  • realprefs.jpg
    60.2 KB · Views: 273


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2004
Fayetteville, NC
The only available DRM for Mac

Anyone who follows my posts of late will know I just joined a media distribution firm. We distribute copyrighted files over the internet and have to include some DRM to protect them. Up until this week we have not been able to support Macs because there wasn't any DRM for OS X. Apple has Fairplay, but they aren't releasing it to other content developers. The new Helix DRM is Mac compatable - so this opens a new type of content to Mac users.

Finally copyright holders can offer their content for the Mac platform, which means more, legal opportunities for Mac users. I'm not crazy about the Real player either - but it actually opens up a huge new area for all us Mac users. And its a sign that Macs are becoming more accepted by the industry and consumers!



macrumors newbie
Jun 30, 2004
idkew said:
do you work for real?
Hardly. I just usually like to view things objectively and not make judgments before actually trying things out. For people who are unsure about whether or not they should install RealPlayer or not, I posted some things that hopefully cleared up some of the misconceptions.

seems like you registered just to throw some corporate pr fud into the thread.
With the exception of a few subjective comments in there, they are facts. You asked if there was any spyware and I responded. Because that conflicts with your misinformed view you label it as FUD (actually misusing the term, if anything you're spreading fud)? MacRumors get linked to all the time, and I wanted to respond to some of the comments here. If you want to see some of my posts go to MacNN, I have about 1700 posts there, if that's enough for you of course.


macrumors member
Jan 6, 2004
idkew said:
do you work for real?

seems like you registered just to throw some corporate pr fud into the thread.

I'm with you brother. Join date 6/30/04.... Wait that's the same date the topic appeared. Coincidence? Maybe, but I still don't like/trust Real or care enough to use it, even if what you are saying is true.

Download at your own risk, especially if you are satisfied with what you have.


macrumors regular
Jan 4, 2002
Who cares. I could already play real format. Hey, how about a version of Windows Media Player 9 that actually plays Windows Media Video 9 with the Windows Media Video 9 Screen codec? Which is pretty much every WMV stream out there?


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Meh - too "Windows"y - I never liked RealPlayer, so I won't bother with this one. I can do everything I need to do on my Mac just fine as it is right now...


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2003
Lancaster, PA, USA
Piece of Junk

When I went to stream a game on with it the video was all choppy and was off from the sound. I got on there site and got the old version and it worked great.


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
Secret Moon base
Boy you guys are really hard to please... Just looking at it I can see the developers have gone the extra mile to make it Mac-like - they deserve the thumbs up in my opinion.


macrumors member
Jan 6, 2004
broken_keyboard said:
Boy you guys are really hard to please... Just looking at it I can see the developers have gone the extra mile to make it Mac-like - they deserve the thumbs up in my opinion.

Oh, I'm sure they did work pretty hard on it. I'm just saying that I am more than happy with what I've got right now, so it makes no sense to pick up a copy if it seems they have a bit of a shady past. To make sure I don't trample on anyones feelings - I don't exactly know that Real has a shady past, but it seems that the majority of people don't like them. And those feelings have to come from somewhere. In fact I've never really had a problem with Real, because haven't used it hardly at all.

To make an application mac-like doesn't take a whole lot of work if you are using cocoa. In fact it would be harder to make it un-mac-like. But then again I'm no expert in development either. :)


CHILL people

People CHILL its a Media Player use it if you want no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to use it. Try it if you like othewise keep it shut.

I tried it seems alright then again I don't need it since VLC and mplayer does read most if not all formats use the ADVANCE settings.

I have no reason to believe why people have to speak negativly about everything if it doesn't work for you SAD look else where if it does GREAT happy camping.

Where is the ENERGY @. :) :cool:


BTW those Apple banners those were not negative infact those were in good fun adn games for competition who else do you know makes the most wide spread OS other than MS and Apple that the average user knows how to grasp.

LINUX is still regarded as half-baked and *NIX is enterprise.

(no offence to any LINUX users) trust is that no average user cares to take the time to investigate the OS and the many varities.


macrumors 6502
Dec 28, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
This is a great news!!! I have already downloaded it and it is wonderful. I wish I could use Quicktime for everything, but the sad reality is that not all websites offer their content for quicktime. Real Player is the most popular player and I think 60% more times I have been forced to use it compaired to Quicktime and Windows Media Player. So we as Mac users should be happy that we have companies such as Real Media making software for the Mac platform. I am happy!


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
Secret Moon base
a_iver said:
Oh, I'm sure they did work pretty hard on it. I'm just saying that I am more than happy with what I've got right now, so it makes no sense to pick up a copy if it seems they have a bit of a shady past. To make sure I don't trample on anyones feelings - I don't exactly know that Real has a shady past, but it seems that the majority of people don't like them. And those feelings have to come from somewhere. In fact I've never really had a problem with Real, because haven't used it hardly at all.

I suspect these are ex-Windows or OS 9 people. On those platforms previous versions of the player were quite invasive. They would install permanently running background tasks and if you tried to change your file type associations it would automatically change them back. However in my experience RealOnePlayer on OS X and now RealPlayer 10 have been very well behaved. They are satisfied to just be media players.

a_iver said:
To make an application mac-like doesn't take a whole lot of work if you are using cocoa. In fact it would be harder to make it un-mac-like. But then again I'm no expert in development either. :)

It's not just the Cocoa widgets though - they have put in controller fading and window size transitions, quite impressive. I'm sure it is all done through ordinary system APIs but I'm still glad they put in the effort.


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
broken_keyboard said:
I suspect these are ex-Windows or OS 9 people. On those platforms previous versions of the player were quite invasive. They would install permanently running background tasks and if you tried to change your file type associations it would automatically change them back.
The really funny thing is that on Windows, QuickTime is almost as bad. It also wants a permanent presence in the tray, and it loves to nag you to buy the pro license.
However in my experience RealOnePlayer on OS X and now RealPlayer 10 have been very well behaved. They are satisfied to just be media players.
Same here. It's nice that mplayer and VideoLAN offer alternatives, but mplayer still doesn't understand the concept of maintaining aspect ratios and VLC has a horrendously un-Mac-like interface that seems to become a different, even more horrendously un-Mac-like interface with every release.
It's not just the Cocoa widgets though - they have put in controller fading and window size transitions, quite impressive. I'm sure it is all done through ordinary system APIs but I'm still glad they put in the effort.
It's evident that they put some serious effort into optimizing playback this time around too. Nice job.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2002
iMeowbot said:
The really funny thing is that on Windows, QuickTime is almost as bad. It also wants a permanent presence in the tray, and it loves to nag you to buy the pro license.
And installs resident-in-memory background bloatware (qttask.exe), and the same happens with iTunes(iTunesHelper.exe, iPodSomething.exe -even if you do not own an iPod!!!) and gives NO means to remove those. Apple is a crap-o-developer in the Windows platform...


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2002
Eh... Real player...
I've had bad experiences with them.

In the past the download page for the Mac player was almost impossible to find, it wasn't on Google, you'd click a link saying download for mac and end up somewhere else...

I don't think I want to use Real anymore.

Dave Swift

macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2003
Boston, MA
Wardofsky said:
Eh... Real player...
I've had bad experiences with them.

In the past the download page for the Mac player was almost impossible to find, it wasn't on Google, you'd click a link saying download for mac and end up somewhere else...

I don't think I want to use Real anymore.

For quite a while, all you've needed to do is go to and you'd automatically be redirected to their OS X page. The "Free Player" link is small but clearly visable in the upper right hand corner. I understand a certain level of contempt for Real, but the whole speal that it's impossible to find the free version never made too much sense to me.


macrumors member
Aug 5, 2003
Tempe, AZ
I have killed brain cells by getting this far.

Who are you people?

Do any of you have any idea what you're talking about?

Well, a few do--and were subsequently childishly attacked--but this is yet another thread where I say, "I killed brain cells by reading it."

Sure, I too remember the old days of Classic Real, where I manually removed every portion of it right after installing it. But today, Real is one of the few companies who have built a program in the OS X spirit. It's a single Mac OS X package that one can put anywhere desired. That alone is impressive, even more so considering their history.

Not only that, they're at least trying to give Mac users full functionality--a far cry from Windows Media Player "9" for Mac OS X. Never bite the hand that's giving you, a small percentage of the world, something complete.

It may currently have a memory leak. That's why it's called Beta. That sort of thing is expected in fact, that's the least of a typical Beta problem.

I mean, seriously, at a minimum, read the thread before you repeat, over and over, "No way, Real sucks, Rah!"

In other words, Quit your b-- complaining.
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