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macrumors newbie
Sep 1, 2018
I get this EXACT same thing. A sizzling/squishing sound in my throat/head when I’m hungry. I’ve always thought it was liquid of some sort making it’s way through a tight spot. I think I have thyroid issues and it may be due to that. Going to read on to see what other people say.
It's beyond me that this hasn't been solved yet. I believe the spinal fluid theory more. But still it's weird.

I experience this when I'm hungry. This morning before breakfast it happened every two minutes. Ate some eggs and it stopped.

Sounds just like a liquid with bubbles is draining into part of my spine right where it meets my skull at the back of my throat. As its draining the bubbles are popping like soda. It goes for about 3 seconds straight then stops.


macrumors newbie
Sep 19, 2018
Good morning poster. I have the exact same thing happening with me, although I haven't noticed if it happens when I'm hungry or not. I just woke up and it started happening so I went to google (as I have before with no luck on what it could be) and found your post. It's not painful but sort of strange and annoying. I've asked my husband if he's ever had this happen and he said no. I don't visit the doctor's office often but I would ask my physician what it was just out of curiosity. I'd really like to find out what this could be. I wouldn't care if they thought I was nuts or not haha. Sorry I don't know either but you are not alone in this mystery! Best to you.

I've never really thought much of it... simply because it never seemed threatening and only happens when I'm hungry. Wouldn't have noticed it again today, but I managed to skip breakfast and was starving.

The only problem, is my doctor is going to look at me like I'm a friggin nutcase. I can't exactly reproduce the problem very easily, either.

So, no one else with the same hissing spine?
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macrumors newbie
Sep 19, 2018
I've never really thought much of it... simply because it never seemed threatening and only happens when I'm hungry. Wouldn't have noticed it again today, but I managed to skip breakfast and was starving.

The only problem, is my doctor is going to look at me like I'm a friggin nutcase. I can't exactly reproduce the problem very easily, either.

So, no one else with the same hissing spine?
This is such an old thread but yes

Absolutely, I describe it as a boat propeller beaching in sand under water. But I grew up near boats. I’ve also heard it described as electrical hissing. Which also sounds accurate.
I just felt it laying in bed trying to sleep. I also got home late and skipped dinner so kind of hungry. And I hear it. So I immediately googled it again and found this!

I mentioned this just last week to my brother and he agreed so fast it blew my mind because no one else in my life knew what I was talking about. He also experienced this “sound” as well. You are not alone!


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
The cesspit of civilization
... I wish I knew what it was... it's driving me nuts

... Going to read on to see what other people say.

...I'd really like to find out what this could be... one else in my life knew what I was talking about. He also experienced this “sound” as well. You are not alone!


Once again (third time posting this).

That sound is caused by tinny bubbles coming up the oesophagus from an empty stomach. We hear them once they reach the back of the throat and are close enough to cause bone/tissue transmission to the ears. This is the reason some people describe them as "in the spine" or "in the neck".

It's not a sign of pathology, just drink some water (or anything at all) and it will go away.


macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2018
LOL. Nah, I'm still alive. I just haven't scheduled an appointment to see the doctor yet. I was hoping to get to it last week, but I kept putting it off.

I'll make an attempt at getting in later on this week or early next.

I have the same thing.. did u figure it out? I've had my spinal fluid checked, my BP is good.. i have had whiplash and I suffer with untreatable migranies.


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2018
I can reproduce it! Here is how: when I'm lying in the bed sideways, I place my elbow on the bed and move my arm around like a clock pointer while tightening my fist. That's me of course, and yes I can hear it in the mornings (empty stomach) and at this time im trying to fix my hypothyroidism with thyroxine. The worst for me is that all this started from a strong dizziness episode a year ago and since them I suffer from lightheadedness, dizzines and tinnitus. Doctors can't find anything of course (they suspected "intracranial pressure" but blood+eye exams prevented them do the spinal tap). Sounds like a liquid struggles to get through somewhere.


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2018
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?
[doublepost=1540304951][/doublepost]I kept getting this, early today. I've had it before, but I just decided to search it up today. I'm turning 17 in 2 days, and find it's more common when I have a bigger saliva intake. (Feel like throwing up, or just nocausious.) Or when I'm hungry? Very weird...

Thanks for opening up!


macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2018
I also have this sizzling/fizzing noise in my neck and i can pretty much confirm it is a parasite.

The sound is in my spine where my neck connects to my skull.

It ONLY happens if i have not eaten, at 1st if you are hungry but if you eat a lot it will get used to it and hiss for more food.

It is completely still so it must be a worm like creature of some kind, i was on a course of antibiotics that almost killed it and it would hiss about 30 mins after i took them as the drugs entered my bloodstream.

After contracting this thing, i had less energy and mentally felt drained i became less productive.

We hear it in bed lying down because that is the most quiet time when our body is at rest.

I went on a 4 week water fast and that finally killed it, after being starved for a few weeks - it non stop hissed then began to move and eventually it died.

My guess is it sits near the brain in the spinal cord as it in some way emits toxins to make us hungry.

The stupid replies about it being a parasite where funny and gross but really i'm pretty sure it is, maybe the hissing is from is secreting something that fores pressure out the spine or maybe it makes that sound as a creature.

But yea it was a pretty freaky experience and yes people will tell you you'r crazy, the post the guy wrote about the matrix pages ago just confirms it is a parasite as it is affected by thoughts that is just the brain releasing chemicals and or firing off small electrical currents that this creature is tapped into as it would his is i though or talked about it at times to or if i thought about certain things.

It is actually quite scary to think about as this thing may definitely have some control over your actions but many parasites do they usually control you so you feed them.


Jan 2, 2011
I get this mysterious grumbling sound from my abdomen whenever I haven’t eaten for several hours. I assumed it was dehydration but after rehydrating my symptoms worsen to red watery eyes, slow slurred speech, and being unsteady on my feet.


Perplexed in Minnesota


macrumors newbie
Nov 14, 2018
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?
[doublepost=1542183943][/doublepost]It could be your thyroid. Mine does the same thing and I’m so glad I’m not alone- my doctor looked at me like I was crazy. If you eat soy products STOP! It impacts your thyroid function. Look into Iodine supplements and definitely see your doctor to get your thyroid function tested- and Check the numbers yourself!! Some doctors have a higher threshold for hypothyroidism and I went undiagnosed for 15 years!! It sounds like it’s coming from your spine because your thyroid hugs it from the front of your throat almost around to the back in the shape of a butterfly (almost) xxx
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macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2018
Yes, I get this too. I always thought it was spinal fluid draining down into your spine.

My dad has hydrocephalus, which is where the fluid in his brain doesn't drain out properly so he has an excess amount in there which causes vertigo like symptoms.

That's what lead me to believe that sound was spinal fluid.


macrumors newbie
Nov 27, 2018
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?

I think I might have this same thing. Mine almost sounds like static electricity and only last a second or two. It’s a very hard thing to explain to people.


macrumors 65816
Sep 3, 2009
Yes, I get this too. I always thought it was spinal fluid draining down into your spine.

My dad has hydrocephalus, which is where the fluid in his brain doesn't drain out properly so he has an excess amount in there which causes vertigo like symptoms.

That's what lead me to believe that sound was spinal fluid.
I just happened to stumble on to this, I have hydrocephalus myself, so are you saying my vertigo-like spells might actually be related to the CSF not draining right. BTW. My shunt will be 25 years old in less than a month. (12/29)


macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2018
So I had the same problem for a while. Did u use to crack ur neck side to side?!
It was two days a go when I just felt I needed to crack it, I did and luckily I don’t hear the sound anymore, or I can say not as loud as before.
My advice to u would be carefully crack ur neck side to side just once would be fine.
Let me know if it also worked on u.


Sep 10, 2009
I get this mysterious grumbling sound from my abdomen whenever I haven’t eaten for several hours. I assumed it was dehydration but after rehydrating my symptoms worsen to red watery eyes, slow slurred speech, and being unsteady on my feet.


Perplexed in Minnesota
I've seen similar reactions from your type of people if they have a bell pepper with their food. They find it far too spicy and believe they're going to die.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I get this mysterious grumbling sound from my abdomen whenever I haven’t eaten for several hours. I assumed it was dehydration but after rehydrating my symptoms worsen to red watery eyes, slow slurred speech, and being unsteady on my feet.


Perplexed in Minnesota
I always thought the noises from the stomach were commonly associated with hunger. However, for the other part, I think I’d ask my doctor. Have you researched this on line? Wait, you are not rehydrating with alcoholic beverages are you? ;)
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macrumors newbie
Dec 5, 2018
Hi I think I have the same thing although usually for me it happens while I’m in bed sometimes as I’m flashing asleep and sometimes when I’m waking up it feels like spinal fluid is sizzling up to my neck and it’s a tingling sensation still don’t know what it is.
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?
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