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Jul 12, 2016
Its crazy what kind of emotions a phone can stir up.

{Tech sites only}. Not one person outside a tech forum (And I mean literally not one person), Ever strikes the conversation about Bezels on their smart phone. We, [Tech enthusiasts] represent like .0001% of the most frivolous discussions on sites about bezels and notches. That’s a brisk reality.


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
{Tech sites only}. Not one person outside a tech forum (And I mean literally not one person), Ever strikes the conversation about Bezels on their smart phone. We, [Tech enthusiasts] represent like .0001% of the most frivolous discussions on sites about bezels and notches. That’s a brisk reality.
I know! We are enthusiast here but the majority of phone buyers just want a phone that works and take good pics. They don’t even know what the heck a bezels means for phones.
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macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
I don’t really mind. I like less bezel only because it allows a bigger screen in the same space. Like how the iPhone max size phones have a 6.5 inch screen in the body of 5.5 inch iPhone 6/7/8 Plus.
{Tech sites only}. Not one person outside a tech forum (And I mean literally not one person), Ever strikes the conversation about Bezels on their smart phone. We, [Tech enthusiasts] represent like .0001% of the most frivolous discussions on sites about bezels and notches. That’s a brisk reality.
This is very true. Not long ago one of my friends got the new Galaxy note and I was comparing it to my iPhone. The size and whatnot and he looked like at me like I was crazy.
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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 16, 2008
I don’t really mind. I like less bezel only because it allows a bigger screen in the same space. Like how the iPhone max size phones have a 6.5 inch screen in the body of 5.5 inch iPhone 6/7/8 Plus.

I respectfully disagree. Because of the notch and the rounded edges on the Max-sized iPhones, the screen size is not truly 6.5 inches. And this brings me to another reason why I love bezels: Bezels allow for true screen size claims instead of false advertising. That's because bezels allow for no notch and no rounded edges. If a screen has bezels and 90-degree edges, as well as no notch (nor any notch variants like cutouts and hole punches), then the screen will be a perfect rectangle, and thus the reported screen size will be accurate.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
I respectfully disagree. Because of the notch and the rounded edges on the Max-sized iPhones, the screen size is not truly 6.5 inches. And this brings me to another reason why I love bezels: Bezels allow for true screen size claims instead of false advertising. That's because bezels allow for no notch and no rounded edges. If a screen has bezels and 90-degree edges, as well as no notch (nor any notch variants like cutouts and hole punches), then the screen will be a perfect rectangle, and thus the reported screen size will be accurate.
Ok so the actual viewable space is around 6.2-6.3 inches. That’s still very good for something the same size as the Plus size iPhones.
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macrumors 604
May 20, 2010
Same. Would prefer a little bit of forehead (and chin to keep things symmetrical) rather than notch. I find the 5.8/6.1" diagonal screen size misleading as you've got a sizable chunk of that not available for content. Thankfully, it appears the notch will be reduced on iPhone 12.

Mind, two of the most comfy e-ink readers I've used have large bezels (Oasis being the comfier of the two). The huge asymmetrical bezel makes for a very comfy palm rest. The hump on the Oasis's back (aside from housing the battery) gives you something to easily grip.

Yes I just wish they could have a true 16x9 ratio again with no wasted black space and no content covered by anything. Games are fine with the notch if they code properly to avoid the notch, but movies/videos either get blocked or you have it squished and wasting available screen.


Sep 11, 2014
I own and love my iPhone 11 Pro, but with developing health problems I dropped it a lot. It’s really expensive to repair and I’d rather keep it in reserve for use on vacations where the bigger battery and extra camera lenses will be appreciated. For around the house, I love my new iPhone SE. it gives me ease of use I don’t have with my other bezel-less phones.

I also have a Samsung S20. For the person who asked, I don’t find the in-display fingerprint sensor to be particularly reliable or fast on the Samsung. In fact, it’s so bad for me (some people love it) that I use their version of face unlock or my passcode most of the time. And I am forced to use a film display protector since tempered glass is reported to not work well with the FPS. I’m sure at some point in the future these kinds of FPS will be great. Currently, it’s not a desirable option. Also, it’s sure to add to the cost.

It isn’t so much that I like bezels. I like that bezels allow the Touch ID sensor to be on the front where I prefer it. I’ve used Androids with the sensor on the back and there are some disadvantages to having it there.

I like that bezels mean I’m not paying extra for technology that does the same job the cheaper FPS does, with also no discomfort to my eyes. (If I have to use Face ID several times in a row to authenticate accounts I am left with dry gritty feeling eyes).

Some people know me here for having a lot of different flagship phones and trying them out has been sort of a hobby for me since around 2017. I knew I would eventually stop doing that when we hit retirement while having college tuitions to pay for. But the rocky economy now means I’ll be stopping the fun sooner and looking for the best value. So now I’m really thinking about what features are too costly, not just initially, but also require more expensive costs to repair or replace or insure.

Bezels with a good old fashioned efficient, effective Touch ID on the front represent a good value to me. And that’s my priority now.

(I do still love a good camera and video capability and fortunately the SE 2020 doesn’t compromise on that).


macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
I don’t hate the notch but I sure as hell cannot wait for Apple to find a way to implement Face ID without the notch being there.

I cannot wait for this era of smartphones in general to end:
- Notches big or small
- Punch holes
- Pop up cameras

It’s all a little crazy, the day they can implement under screen cameras that work just like they do now with the notches and punch holes will be amazing.


macrumors 6502
Mar 29, 2020
Sometimes I hold my SE between thumb and forefinger by its top or bottom bezel. I have an old kindle that I like to similarly hold touching the screen. These are deliberate choices - nothing gets activated by accident. Aesthetically, I don’t like the shape of that notch. I’m good to go 😃


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2006
I actually prefer a bezel over a screen that bends around the edge. I like my displays flat, thank you very much. I'll make exceptions on big screens like a giant monitor on a desk, IMAX theatre or planetarium. But having the screen wrap around the device (instead of around my vision) is just silly and catches glare.

Bezels kinda give you a space to hold the thing without blocking the screen, you can rest your phone on your pinky finger and reach comfortably below the display with your thumb to pull up control center.
I'll probably replace ye olde iPhone SE with a 12 but I know I will have to get used to not having bezels anymore. Then again, all those apps with the important buttons out of reach because they didn't think of older phones will finally be usable. Screens got bigger over time, but they're usually not showing more information, there's just way more empty space. The big max iPhones still show 4 x 6 icons on the home screen right?

Jayson A

macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
I can go either way with bezels. I did just sell my iPhone 11 for an SE, so clearly they don’t bother me, but if that 5.4” phone comes out and it’s still a lightweight device that’s full screen and the same size as this SE, I’m pretty likely to buy it. It’s not really because of the lack of bezels, but more because I do like the idea of a little more screen in this small size phone.

That being said, I’m not gonna lie - I prefer the bezels to the notch just because it’s a more symmetrical look to me. Perhaps small enough bezels to eliminate the notch, but not quite the size of the bezels on the SE? I’m not sure what the perfect device would be for me, but a 5.4 full screen that’s lightweight will come close. I am LOVING this SE!

I do also like having Touch ID on my phone again, but Face ID is certainly not a deal-breaker.
So did you buy an iPhone 12 mini? It's great. I got rid of my SE2 and bought the mini and the "notch" doesn't bother me one bit. It blends into the phone so well that you barely notice it's there.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Nobody actually cared about or even really used the word "bezels" (much less "chin", etc) until tech bloggers started kvetching about them a few years ago. Now it's just become a knee-jerk response.

For a pocketable device, I get it, you really need to maximize screen size and minimize device size. I can even understand to some extent for laptops, which are also size-limited. But when people start bitching about the bezels on a desktop, that's just absurd. My iMac 5K had big wide black bezels around the screen and frankly they provided a good visual buffer between the screen and whatever happened to be behind it. Very hard to see an issue there unless you're just following the "I heard bezels are bad and now I hate them" herd.

I also question the holdability of a tablet that doesn't have any non-touch sensitive area around the screen (aka, the bezel). I have an iPad Mini and very frequently find myself using the sides of the device to, you know, hold the thing in a neutral place without inadvertantly activating some aspect of the interface.

Jayson A

macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
I also question the holdability of a tablet that doesn't have any non-touch sensitive area around the screen (aka, the bezel). I have an iPad Mini and very frequently find myself using the sides of the device to, you know, hold the thing in a neutral place without inadvertantly activating some aspect of the interface.
That makes sense for a tablet, but only really useful if you're holding the device in landscape mode as nobody is gonna hold it from the top or bottom in portrait mode.
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macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
That makes sense for a tablet, but only really useful if you're holding the device in landscape mode as nobody is gonna hold it from the top or bottom in portrait mode.
There are bezels on the side of the iPad Mini as well. They're not as wide, but enough to grab onto and hold the device steady.

Besides, I've definitely held this device from the bottom or top on occasion, depending on how I'm sitting. It's always good to have flexibility and be able to change hand positions for comfort.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
It's not that I love bezels, but they just don't bother me the same way that they seem to bother tech reviewers and other enthusiasts. So many complaints among the techie community about a device looking "dated" or "obsolete" if it has bezels... What does that have to do with its function? I just don't get it.

Seems like this false dichotomy comes up frequently. To most people, both form AND function are important, to various degrees. But there aren't many people who literally don't care AT ALL about form (even form that doesn't affect function). In other words, people want to love both the way their device functions AND the way it looks.

So, I get why many people don't like bezels, though I personally don't mind thin bezels, and I do think people make TOO big a deal out of it when they make it a deal-breaker.


macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
Bezel-lovers of the world, UNITE! Let's unite under this one thread. It's time for us to come out of the closet and declare our love for bezels. I'll start.

I'm ThomasJL, and I'm a bezel-lover. I love how bezels make room for a home button. I love how bezels allow for Touch ID. I love how bezels remove the need for a notch. I love how bezels make the screen have 90-degree edges instead of curved edges. I love how bezels make my hand feel more comfortable by not having to reach down to near the bottom of the phone to touch a part of the screen.

Bezel pride!

Ummm the iPhone 6,6S,7 all had bezels and the edges was curved. No amount of bezels would change that. It was a design choice.


macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
If the iPhone got the bezels back like the iPhone SE 2020 I’ll gladly go back to Android. I hated the iPhone 6 Plus that I had. I broke that phone so many times I went through the Apple care plus benefits and had to pay for the full price for screen damage like 4 times. Mind you minus the one time I left it on top of my car and forgot about it the times it broke was because of its massive size. I never broke the Note 8 which was bigger but the width was smaller. I love the screen size of the 11 pro and X at 5.8 inches and if we got those same bezels I’ll go get a Samsung Galaxy 22 or whatever.
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