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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
I was very interested in this series, and given the John Favreau's track record I think expectations were high.

I've enjoyed the series so far (with 2 episodes under my belt).

A couple of points where things didn't meet my (probably unrealistic) expectations:
  • Boba Fett - he seems more kinder gentler, less likely to shoot and more likely to talk - seems to be a bit out character.
  • Sand People - I really love the idea of exploring this aspect of Star Wars Lore, BUT you can't help but notice that these flashback vignettes are a clear rip off Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai.
What I hope to see in future episodes:
  • A bit more ruthlessness, cunning and action from Boba.
  • Why does he need to be in a Bacta Tank? Did the Sarlacc do something to him? His is clone body breaking down?
  • Being Daimyo, I love this idea of being the head of a crime syndicate but his crime syndicate seems a tad empty right now, i.e., no one but Boba and Fennec are in Jabba's castle.
  • A story arc regarding the Hutts, episode 2 has left us with the idea that Twins (Hutts) will be back in some form/fashion.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
I was very interested in this series, and given the John Favreau's track record I think expectations were high.

I've enjoyed the series so far (with 2 episodes under my belt).

A couple of points where things didn't meet my (probably unrealistic) expectations:
  • Boba Fett - he seems more kinder gentler, less likely to shoot and more likely to talk - seems to be a bit out character.
  • Sand People - I really love the idea of exploring this aspect of Star Wars Lore, BUT you can't help but notice that these flashback vignettes are a clear rip off Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai.
What I hope to see in future episodes:
  • A bit more ruthlessness, cunning and action from Boba.
  • Why does he need to be in a Bacta Tank? Did the Sarlacc do something to him? His is clone body breaking down?
  • Being Daimyo, I love this idea of being the head of a crime syndicate but his crime syndicate seems a tad empty right now, i.e., no one but Boba and Fennec are in Jabba's castle.
  • A story arc regarding the Hutts, episode 2 has left us with the idea that Twins (Hutts) will be back in some form/fashion.

That is a big out of character moment for me too. I know it was brought up in the teasers, commercials, and it seems to be the way "he" wants to go, but I hope we get to see his ruthless, shoot first ask questions later personality come out. There seems to be a slow burn on getting us to that point and with the introduction of Black Krrsantan and the Twins we get to see this!


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Why does he need to be in a Bacta Tank? Did the Sarlacc do something to him? His is clone body breaking down?
The Sarlac digests its 'food' slowly over 1000 years. That's a very long time to be bathed head to toe in stomach acid. It burned him in all the spots that his armor didn't cover.

When he fights his way out by burning the damn thing from the inside out he's immediately in desert heat and accosted by Jawa.

When the Tuskens find him he is given very little water.

Bacta is not a cure - at best it can eliminate pain for a while but deep wounds aren't going to be healed. That's why Vader never healed his burns. But he did use the tank because it stopped the pain for a while so he could focus on dark side energy. If you weren't aware, Palpatine cut corners with Vader's suit on purpose. It was designed to inflict irritation and pain upon him in order to keep him in line. A lot of the technology was sub-standard. It was not insulated against electricity either. But Vader needed the suit to survive. Any chance to get out of it for a short time and ease his pain (in the bacta tank) he took.

So for Boba, the tank is probably easing pain (I would imagine from the acid burns) long enough for him to function for a while.

As to Boba's turn towards being a better person I think that's partly Temeura Morrison's influence. He wanted to bring some of his Maori heritage to the role. But I also think Boba realizes that respect trumps fear. You can rule by fear, but the people who fear you are always looking to bring you down. Ruling is quite a bit different than being out just for yourself.

Oh yeah…Boba IS a clone, but he is a perfect copy. That was one of Jengo Fett's conditions for being the clone template. So, Boba ages normally and his body isn't going to break down any faster than a regular human.

Nitpick of mine: Episode three during the 'Vespa' chase sequence. Was it just me or did that whole thing seem to be a slow speed chase? It just seemed like they weren't going that fast - despite all the stuff they were running in to.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2020
I was pretty disappointed in the first two episodes and have stopped watching for now. Will probably binge the rest when the whole season is out.


macrumors 68040
Jul 18, 2002
They were literally Space Vespas, complete with all the extra mirrors. Space Mods with droid mods! At least Boba has a crew to work with now.

What has disappointed me so far is that the Tuskan Raiders — who were always a fairly intimidating and mysterious presence on Tattooine — ended up being easy pickings for the various outlander gangs vying for power in the area. Maybe it was just the particular tribe Boba was with? Still, it's disappointing that they didn't pick up some of the tactics he tried to teach them.


Jan 10, 2012
I don't usually like to link Forbes but:

This grabbed my eye. lol. I'm more of a Trekkie than I am Star Wars but even I found some problems with what I thought was Boba Fett.

We're watching it but I can't say we're anywhere near interested in it like we were with The Mandalorian.

How the heck does an assassin infiltrate that place, catch him sleeping, and not be able to .... :p

The relationship with the Rancor seemed a bit weird to me as well...
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I don't usually like to link Forbes but:

This grabbed my eye. lol. I'm more of a Trekkie than I am Star Wars but even I found some problems with what I thought was Boba Fett.

We're watching it but I can't say we're anywhere near interested in it like we were with The Mandalorian.

How the heck does an assassin infiltrate that place, catch him sleeping, and not be able to .... :p

The relationship with the Rancor seemed a bit weird to me as well...
I think the Boba introduced in the prequels and covered a bit more in depth during the animated Clone Wars series is different than the Boba in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Lucas provided a bit more back story to the character, but that has resulted (in much the same way as midichlorians with the Force) in demystifying a character whose main attraction was the mystery about him.

When you start talking you reveal to others who you are. So, it's important if you're going to demystify that what you're revealing is interesting.

So far, to me, Boba is still interesting. What seems to be happening around him is not.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 22, 2018
This show is just boring but I can’t understand why. It’s slow and there is no stakes. I’ll continue but I never checked my phone so often in front the TV.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
This show is just boring but I can’t understand why. It’s slow and there is no stakes. I’ll continue but I never checked my phone so often in front the TV.
My opinion…you have to be invested.

In the Mandalorian, everything in the first episode was cool and interesting but you didn't really have a deeper interest in it until the final scene when Grogu appeared.

All of a sudden you intensely cared about what was going to happen to Baby Yoda. You became invested.

Nothing like that has happened with the Book of Boba Fett - yet.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
What, Grogu is not in this spin-off. I am not gonna watch it ??

Ok, he or something nice could show up later. I'll check it out when time gives.
I can check hehe first, right. If Grogu comes along. So much to watch....have to pick.


macrumors 68000
Jul 22, 2018
Yeah it is difficult to be engaged but that is just my personal opinion. we have 3 minutes of Boba with the big cow, it’s kind of pointless. The fight inside the bar with the teddy bear, what’s the point? Well, I believe there are only 3 episodes left, right?

I mean I was expecting something as good as Mandalorian but I’m a bit disappointed.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 7, 2009
What, Grogu is not in this spin-off. I am not gonna watch it ??

Ok, he or something nice could show up later. I'll check it out when time gives.
I can check hehe first, right. If Grogu comes along. So much to watch....have to pick.
Yeah, Grogu isn't showing up in this series. There would be no reason for him to at this point of Boba's storyline.

But with the end of this week's episode, we know who will be showing up:



macrumors 6502a
Oct 7, 2009
This week's episode was better. Glad that the flashback scenes are done and everything is current. But with two episodes left, I really am curious how it'll end. I feel like the final two episodes will tie-in with Mando and the other future projects that are slated to show up on Disney+.

As slow of a burn the show has been, I'm enjoying it for what it is. I never got into the lore of Boba Fett, but seeing how Disney and Lucas Films is now canonizing his character arc is cool to see.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
Ah well, it's an ok serie to watch while waiting for the Mandalorian. And Ming-Na Wen's precense are always welcome, she’s great.
Thing is that you just want the Mandalorian or hope Grogu will show up all the time in various places.
Or at least some mention....of something. But nothing ?
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 7, 2009
Ah well, it's an ok serie to watch while waiting for the Mandalorian. And Ming-Na Wen's precense are always welcome, she’s great.
Thing is that you just want the Mandalorian or hope Grogu will show up all the time in various places.
Or at least some mention....of something. But nothing ?
Yeah, I think Grogu's story arc will be explored down the road. The character is a fan favorite and now that he's with a prime Luke Skywalker, a lot of fans are going to want to see where their storyline goes leading up to the events of the latest trilogy.

But I am looking forward to Ashoka's series dealing with Grand Admiral Thrawn and possible the return of Ezra Bridger (from the Star Wars: Rebels animated series)


macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Glad that the flashback scenes are done
Yeah, me too. The latest episode was nearly an entire flashback to the detriment of furthering the story. I liked the flashback, it was interesting in how they fleshed out the sand people more but it did slow things down quite a bit.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 7, 2009
Yeah, me too. The latest episode was nearly an entire flashback to the detriment of furthering the story. I liked the flashback, it was interesting in how they fleshed out the sand people more but it did slow things down quite a bit.
With two episodes left (I think), the pacing of the show should be a lot better now. We'll see lol
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