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macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2012
Congress just kills me. If these lawmakers are so worried about our privacy, then where is the sweeping privacy legislation covering everything from devices to the web to automakers to advertisers to… you name it. I’ll tell you where: Nowhere because their campaign donors don’t want it.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2009
Zuckerbucks (i.e. D-Oregon; D-Massachusetts; D-New Jersey; D-California).

If they were serious, it seems obvious that they should start with Facebook and then Google.
They are still available for their evolving internal advertising (Apple TV+, news, etc)


macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2008
The problem here is with our legislators. Some of them just have to be voted out of office or recalled. It seems to be the dems that is going after big tech and they should be focusing on the state of the country, not the state of big tech.

Do any states allow the recall of representatives or senators? I don't think so. Article I allows the House and Senate to expel their own members, but Article I seems to indicate that there's no way for the people to remove representatives or senators.
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macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
What? For real? These people are so out of touch.

Apple added this anonymous identifier because previously they were collecting our device data in more invasive ways. If Apple locked them out and didn’t offer anything, online advertising wouldn’t function at all and millions of websites would go out of business, including most journalism. Is that what they want?
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macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2012
Wait…isn’t Apple the one company that isn’t trying to do this? I don’t understand why they are going after Apple.
Because Apple has A LOT of money, and politicians (D/R/I) all want that money to be in their control, and more importantly, in their pocketbooks.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2010
Yeah, “let’s go after Apple for privacy because Google and Amazon contribute too much to our campaign funds.” Of course.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
Apple needs to be held accountable just like any other company, and perhaps even more so because of their grand claims about privacy when it has been often alleged/shown that they do not live up to their claims. I wish there is a way to make some of the executives personally liable, but I assume that can't really happen. But keep them on their toes and restrict false claims as much as possible.
Politicians need to be held responsible for their claims and lies just like we the ordinary people are and perhaps even more so because they run the free world. I doubt it as they are often allowed to do as they see fit including messing around with tech companies they have zero clue about by people with equal zero clue.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
First create the feature to track users, then spin it as we're limiting it because "privacy".
Apple does trick their customer base to believe stuff in the most childish ways, don't blame them, this is the reality of the average consumer thinking.
No, you are thinking of politicians such as Senator Warren who claimed she was native american until proven she was not or how she claimed that Elon Musk was a freeloader and did not pay his fair share of taxes despite paying over $11BILLION in taxes which is over 50% rate. Warren however earned over $25 million and only paid $5000 which is less than 1%.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Ah, so rather than working on IMPORTANT legislation to make our lives better (universal healthcare, free college, gun control, women's rights, student debt relief, voting rights, Electoral College reform, expanding the Supreme Court, climate change name just a few), these members of Congress are working on something nobody really cares about.

This do-nothing Congress fits our do-nothing President perfectly.

This country is such a failed state. It's really pathetic.
You don't think people care about tech companies tracking and using people like cattle for their profit? I would say there are probably more then a few people who care about this and would like it if these companies were not given free reign to do whatever they want in the name of technological advancements.

All the things you listed are not halted because this is going on, that is not how the world works. More then 1 thing can be done at a time. Life is not so singular.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
I am surprised that Microsoft is missing from the list. Windows also uses advertisement IDs, and even more, includes unsolicited ads in their OS interface. Or what about Facebook? Amazon? It really feels silly to single Apple out in this regard.
Because Bill Gates is seen as can do no wrong and so whilst he is not the boss anymore he did found Microsoft so the politicians will not want to upset him especially considering that he 'controls' a large part of the media through his sponsorship of journalist collages through to media news stations etc.
Zuckerberg I think is right wing so no chance there of him being critiqued by right wing media or lawmakers, Jeff Bezos I have no clue about.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
I agree, they started this and then pulled away when their ad service failed. Now they use their fake “privacy is a human right” slogan, which apparently comes with small print limitations.

Also, remember when Facebook was baked into iOS, it literally came installed and accessible through Settings; now they throw c**p at each other, I bet it was more of financial difference than any real interest to protect users that led to it being removed.
So you do not think that a company can make mistakes and then change for the better? You think they have to be perfect from the start?Tell us how perfect from the start you are?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
Because Apple may have lied or exaggerated their privacy claims. Thus the investigation. It is important to do it because, see, you believed Apple, and if it's not true, then it is important to expose them.

But I also agree with those who snark the senators. Frustrating that those who hold tech companies accountable often do not know tech. So it ends up going nowhere or the wrong decision is made.
No, you are confusing Apple with politicians who have a track record of lying and self serving and stealing and yes even attempting to overthrow democracy *cough*Jan 6th *cough*


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Do any states allow the recall of representatives or senators? I don't think so. Article I allows the House and Senate to expel their own members, but Article I seems to indicate that there's no way for the people to remove representatives or senators.
Wishful thinking.\olr\htm/98-R-1540.htm However, I'll bet the threat of a recall would force these elected representatives to do a job for the people and not for the $$$.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
The reading comprehension on here is at an all time low. Tech companies have made tracking possible via device IDs. Then Apple comes back around a few years later and tries to limit the very system they created and act like a hero.

Apple created the problem they’re trying to solve in the first place.

Apple is not a hero. They are part of the problem.
No! Firstly Apple did not create this system, it existed a LONG time before Apple came along, take a long look at insurance comapmnies for one. Also Apple may have originally been more in bed with data collection and snooping than they should be but can't they learn from their mistakes? Are you perfect and always have been?
The answer is no and so if you can make mistakes and learn from them why not Apple?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2015
And this, boys and girls, is why people that make legal determinations about tech should have at least a rudimentary understanding of tech.

What a joke.
Unfortunately in politics it is absolutely sufficient, to yell around things, you just have heard about and enough people also heard about. No none expects, you to explain, what you are yelling around, because everyone, yelling around as well thinks, you are yelling around the right way, because they do not know, what it is all about, because many are yelling around just because of that...

So it must be ok.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
Just because Tim Cook claims it doesn’t mean it’s true. You aren’t given a guarantee that Apple won’t sell your data. They don’t underwrite a surety bond for you in case you are damaged by information they may provide others. It is just PR. The only reason they have to block Google and Facebook from your data is because it makes it more valuable to them if they are the only ones who can sell it.
Just because you hate Apple does not make your claims true because you say so.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
Let's be clear.. Apple helps the Chinese government spy on their citizens each and everyone day. "We are only following the law...." Sound familiar? Smoke and mirrors people.. smoke and mirrors.
Different thing entirely as China is not the US, look at a map and you will see. NO smoke or mirrors here.
Do you behave the same in every home you visit? NO!
You would not behave the same in my home the way you would in your own home.....point proven!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
Just wondering if any local shills would like to comment on this.

You need to give up some private info to people you don't like/trust to live and take advantage of 21st century tech, you'd be naïve to think you can get away without doing so.

Apple are not different enuogh from other companies to be able to call them trustworthy. If you don't believe that, enjoy giving them your data.
Just because you hate Apple it does not make them evil.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
I agree but if they caused the problem in the first place, that’s not really *that* impressive and it doesn’t undo the damage they did

You don’t think Apple lobbies the government and donates to candidates? They’re the richest company on the planet
Why are you and so many here ignorant to the fact that a company as a person has the right to change and correct mistakes they make. You all seem to be saying that everyone should be perfect and always have been perfect?
Have you heard of the gangster who cried, Nicky Cruz?
By your logic you all seem to say that he should have stayed a gang member and continued his live of crime and harming people because he was not perfect to start with? Ignore all the good he did in his life since turning to the light, ignore the wrongs he put right, ignore the people he turned to the light and away from the let you all complain because how dare he not be perfect as you must be, right?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2015
Somewhere in a Galaxy far far away
Apple is not squeaky clean in this field. Because Apple is pushing back against others tracking you does not mean they are not tracking you and using your data that they collect. If they are a tech company they are basically using you to get data as data is incredibly valuable. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, they are all doing it. Apple along with Google and Amazon both were found out to keep recordings from their smart assistants (ok google, Siri, Alexa) and had people listening them. Supposedly it was purely internal to improve things, we were all told of course that it is all private and these always listening devices would never send info back to their chain holders without our consent. Keep it simple, if they are a tech company they are tracking you. Live with it or start migrating away from tech.
So you also think that because Apple has not proven they aren't really run by space alien lizards that it must therefore be true? Give me a break with this nonsense!
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