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Jul 18, 2013
This. Now. The actual temp is 11.



Jul 18, 2013
That's some nice winter weather. You can actually go out and do things.

It was -30F today with the windchill here. FeelsBadMan
For sure. I've gone out doing a 5 mile walk when it was 16 degrees out. I didn't do it today because its colder today then it was when it was 16 and I have nothing to cover my head. 16 is still cold enough to get frostbite if you stay out long enough. I believe I came close the day I went out walking when it was 16 out. My ears were very numb and took awhile to feel normal.

Today, I created my own indoor workout and literally ran up and down my stairs and around the house for 30 minutes instead of doing it out there.


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
The weekend was perfect. 60's. Sweater weather. Lots of sun. Currently there are only two school systems open in the state and the governor has declared a state of emergency. It was all of 41 when I got up this morning, big deal, but it's supposed to get progressively colder, going into a hard freeze tonight and bottoming out at 18. They are predicting flurries tonight even all the way down here.


macrumors G3
Sep 21, 2010
Man, y'all need to form a political group that's supportive of global warming.

Call it "Northerners for Global Warming" or some such.


Jul 18, 2013
My watch says it's 18 degrees out here at midnight. I'm putting on my coat, my winter gloves and gonna get walking a few miles. I can get al least two in I think.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Got down to 24F last night, the coldest since we have lived in the Houston area. Fingers crossed my sprinkler system is still functional. The neighbor’s system popped... in Minnesota blowing out the sprinkler system was an annual fall event. I may have to reconfigure my system to do this here.
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macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
Yesterday it was ten degrees colder here in Mobile Alabama than it was in Bismarck North Dakota!

I'm sitting on the sofa enjoying my second day off school. This will wind up being a two day work week, since we were off Monday for MLK Day. It's still only 28 degrees, but it's supposed to go up to 45.

I'm tired of the water running in all my sinks and shower. My house is on pillars with all the pipes exposed. We're built for hurricanes down here: not ice!
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Yesterday it was ten degrees colder here in Mobile Alabama than it was in Bismarck North Dakota!

I'm sitting on the sofa enjoying my second day off school. This will wind up being a two day work week, since we were off Monday for MLK Day. It's still only 28 degrees, but it's supposed to go up to 45.

I'm tired of the water running in all my sinks and shower. My house is on pillars worth all the pipes exposed. We're built for hurricanes down here: not ice!
Holy cow! That must be hard for you all over there.

Rain, rain and more rain and lots of wind here on Lake Geneva. A lot of wind and snow in the Alps and also a big risk of avalanches as well. Was the same back in BC high avalanche risk.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Yeah, I am going to throw my hat into the ring here again. We actually dropped a little yesterday. Was a little cloudy and the cold was kicking into high gear at a chilly 78 degrees. Plus or minus of course depending on how close you are to the beach, desert, or mountains. But man, I actually had to break out a jacket for the morning commute, it was in the high 50's!


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
Yeah, I am going to throw my hat into the ring here again. We actually dropped a little yesterday. Was a little cloudy and the cold was kicking into high gear at a chilly 78 degrees. Plus or minus of course depending on how close you are to the beach, desert, or mountains. But man, I actually had to break out a jacket for the morning commute, it was in the high 50's!

That's normally how it is here this time of year. So be careful, global climate change is... Global.


macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2014
Ha,,,, yeah I know. Very strange to see the south getting this type of weather. My brother who lives in Columbus Georgia received some of the white stuff this week. More so than usual. A lot more!!!

Ah...Ft. Benning that place is cold even when it really isn't all that cold :D

Same with dahlonega :mad:


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Ah...Ft. Benning that place is cold even when it really isn't all that cold :D

Same with dahlonega :mad:
hahahah,,,, that is funny, he was stationed there for training waaaaaaaay back in the day and decided to move back there. Back then, it wasn't nearly the size it is now though. Somehow if you put the word "fort" in front of something, it makes it that much colder! LOL
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Back to the 60s. I sure hope winter is over!

We hit the mid 40's overnight a few days ago, but then over the weekend, we were hovering around the high 80's low 90's depending on where you are at.

Our mountains haven't seen any snow, or if they did, it was very little and burned off pretty quick. Mammoth received a little but by all accounts, they are not having a good winter for snowboarding or skiing.
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macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
Its not. Cold front moving in just in time for rat day.

Yes... here we are in heat wave mode (the high 30s) but we're looking at two days of single digits after that followed by another mini heat wave and then a dive to below zero in the overnights. Deer were pawing through the little bit of snow left on the ground very early this morning to get at the grass in my side yard. By dawn tomorrow they might need wading boots here and there if it rains, since the ground is frozen and won't drain well, but they won't have to dig for the greenery if they get right to it. After that though the party's over again for awhile. This winter's some rollercoaster. Two more days and I'll be watching deer trying to ice skate in my driveways if they decide to come down off the hill again.
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Sep 10, 2009
It was a warm 79-84 today. This is unusual and the extended forecast estimates similar temperatures with a 90 day thrown in for good measure (see: pissing people off).


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
It was a warm 79-84 today. This is unusual and the extended forecast estimates similar temperatures with a 90 day thrown in for good measure (see: pissing people off).

I used to have 90º days in winter here sometimes, but only in my kitchen... when I cranked up a woodstove enough to get the whole place warmed up.

I had to periodically close the door to the studio when I was running that gig though. In there is a cold air return and the thermostat plus one heat register, so the furnace would kick in once in awhile and let the ductwork keep the cellar from getting too cold for the water pipes. The thermostat was generally set to 58 or so for that purpose, so it was a weird sensation to be in the kitchen where it was 90º and feel "cold air" coming out of a heat register in the kitchen while the furnace was running. All that hassle of making sure I didn't let the furnace slack off for too long made me realize why a lot of people who burn wood most or all of the time have their big ol' woodstove in the cellar.
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