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What do you think of iOS 7?

  • It's great! Very few problems

    Votes: 88 27.5%
  • It's good, but there's room for improvement

    Votes: 148 46.3%
  • Not good. It needs a lot of work

    Votes: 53 16.6%
  • It's terrible

    Votes: 31 9.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 8, 2009
It's great, the best iOS iteration so far.
But it surely need improvements, especially in memory management with 64 bits implementation.


iOS 6 just looks weird now. Could never go back now.

All this whining about iOS 7 amuse me, since I have a company iPad mini 1st gen that I can't update due to a close software configuration and it runs iOS 6.
Well every time I have to use it instead of my Air it feels like I'm back to Stone Age ...


macrumors regular
Oct 29, 2013
I like it but in detail:

Interface: Initially, I didn't like the childish/simplified icons would have expected better detail, as in iOS 6 but, they have grown on me over 4 months (not much option without Jailbreak really)

Would like to remove Facecloth and ****ter options from the menu as I don't use any of these apps :D
(just irritating on the menu but not installed)

Functionality: It works but needs fine tuning. Disappointing default music app given the strength in the market place apple had/have with the iPod, this needs more than fine tuning IMHO.

Other than that, quite happy to wait for iOS 7.1


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I still love it. No issues whatsoever.

You get exactly the same battery life as you did with iOS6 ?
Your Safari browser doesn't crash, freeze and take you to the top of the page when you swipe back (this is especially annoying when reading online newspapers and doing searches)?
Your calendar, notes and music apps are every bit as good as the ones in iOS6 ?
The speed with which you can navigate iOS7 is just as fast as iOS6 ?


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2012
What do you think of iOS 7 four months later?

You get exactly the same battery life as you did with iOS6 ?

I honestly don't care if it's exactly the same or not as long as my phone has excellent battery life, and it does.

Your Safari browser doesn't crash, freeze and take you to the top of the page when you swipe back (this is especially annoying when reading online newspapers and doing searches)?

No. I never had Safari crash or take me to the top when swiping. Maybe a few freezes that last only seconds but it doesn't bother me.

Your calendar, notes and music apps are every bit as good as the ones in iOS6 ?

I don't any use calendar or music apps. As for notes apps, I use the stock app, Evernote, and SwiftKey and they all work fine on iOS 7.

The speed with which you can navigate iOS7 is just as fast as iOS6 ?



macrumors newbie
Jan 28, 2014
Its the first of its kind. It needs some updates. I hate the gradients, whites, and blurs though. It was iOS 7, for the most part, that I just sold my iPad Mini. iOS 7 just doesn't feel Apple.

Strong opinion here, selling their iPad due to a new IOS. From this survey, when adding the Needs Improvements with the other 2 lower opinions, then 50% of responses were less than happy, vs. 30% who love IOS 7.

I expect a very large number of those who jumped on IOS 7 before researching it, as I did, would happily uninstall IOS 7 and install IOS 6. Apple is bragging about the high percentage of those on IOS 7. Not a gauge of user satisfaction at all, since there is no recourse. Sorta like the IRS bragging about the high percentage of people who file income tax returns!

Trusting Apple to give me nothing but improvements, I installed IOS 7 on my Ipad. I stopped there after seeing the new improved flat UI, and no other devices in the house were upgraded (I have quite a few). I now use my iPad Retina to check the weather and read some magazines. I use my iPad primarily to read books via the Amazon Kindle app. The iPods are now mostly for games and music. 95% of my Apple time is now spent using my MacBook Pro Retina. I found that some of the odd UI "improvements" in IOS 7 are included in Mavericks. So it's OS X for the time being.

Keeping an eye on this forum, waiting for an announcement that a new IOS release will, at a minimum, give me choices on some app's graphics. And maybe as a bonus, that they fired the little kid (surely an adult wouldn't have done this) who replaced Retina-ready graphics with those designed using all the imagination inherent in a blank piece of copy paper.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I honestly don't care if it's exactly the same or not as long as my phone has excellent battery life, and it does.

What do you class as excellent battery life and why don't you care if it is less than you were getting with iOS6 ?

No. I never had Safari crash or take me to the top when swiping. Maybe a few freezes that last only seconds but it doesn't bother me.

Why don't freezes bother you and how come you don't experience Safari taking you to the top of a previous page when you swipe back, when everybody else (*I know) does?

I don't any use calendar or music apps. As for notes apps, I use the stock app, Evernote, and SwiftKey and they all work fine on iOS 7.

Yes the stock apps work fine but they aren't as good as the iOS6 versions.

Yes! Almost everyone on this forum thinks that iOS7 is slower than iOS6

I have replied in the style you did, above.


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2012
What do you think of iOS 7 four months later?

I have replied in the style you did, above.

Safari doesn't freeze every time I use it, froze maybe 4 or 5 times so far. My iPhone lasts for 8-9 hours. I think that's good for a heavy user. So what if the majority think that iOS6 is faster. iOS 7 in my opinion is not slow. It's smooth and navigating between apps is fast.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 21, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
For the first time, I feel my 200 dollars Moto G runs better than 300 dollars iPod Touch. At least, webpages does not reload and switching apps are fast. Everything from switching tabs to switching apps, takes few seconds to complete on iPod Touch. And yes, I am running iOS 7.1. I know it is still in beta, but still not on par with my expectations and iOS 6 is faster than iOS 7.1


macrumors 601
May 1, 2013
Safari doesn't freeze every time I use it, froze maybe 4 or 5 times so far. My iPhone lasts for 8-9 hours. I think that's good for a heavy user. So what if the majority think that iOS6 is faster. iOS 7 in my opinion is not slow. It's smooth and navigating between apps is fast.

iOS 7 does have slower animations but this will be fixed in a later version.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
When iOS 7 was launched, the majority of people loved it. As time went on, a few people have been vocal about their hate of the new operating system, while others don't have a problem with it. I know there's already a poll about this, but I wanted an updated poll to see how people felt about it today.

It's been a nice OS for me. About the only complaint I can think of is the re-springing that seems to happen too much.


macrumors 6502
Aug 1, 2011
Loved the iOS 7 betas, but felt the GM was quite a lot slower and clunkier...

However, iOS7.1 fixes all the problems and improves the OS to a point where I can't understand how iOS 7.0(.x) was ever released...


macrumors 6502
Jan 8, 2011
Doncaster / Berlin
I really like it, been using it since the 7.0 beta's. There is always room for improvement, but compared to 6.0 and below it looks far more modern and sophisticated.

7.1 fixes almost all of the performance glitches and niggles that I had with 7.0, runs beautifully on my 5s and iPad Air. Using iOS 7 on one of the newer gen devices is an absolute pleasure. Actually quite surprised how well an iPhone 4 handles it as well, it's not that bad!

Really looking forward to what's coming in the future...


macrumors member
Jan 23, 2014
Strong opinion here, selling their iPad due to a new IOS. From this survey, when adding the Needs Improvements with the other 2 lower opinions, then 50% of responses were less than happy, vs. 30% who love IOS 7.

I expect a very large number of those who jumped on IOS 7 before researching it, as I did, would happily uninstall IOS 7 and install IOS 6. Apple is bragging about the high percentage of those on IOS 7. Not a gauge of user satisfaction at all, since there is no recourse. Sorta like the IRS bragging about the high percentage of people who file income tax returns!

Trusting Apple to give me nothing but improvements, I installed IOS 7 on my Ipad. I stopped there after seeing the new improved flat UI, and no other devices in the house were upgraded (I have quite a few). I now use my iPad Retina to check the weather and read some magazines. I use my iPad primarily to read books via the Amazon Kindle app. The iPods are now mostly for games and music. 95% of my Apple time is now spent using my MacBook Pro Retina. I found that some of the odd UI "improvements" in IOS 7 are included in Mavericks. So it's OS X for the time being.

Keeping an eye on this forum, waiting for an announcement that a new IOS release will, at a minimum, give me choices on some app's graphics. And maybe as a bonus, that they fired the little kid (surely an adult wouldn't have done this) who replaced Retina-ready graphics with those designed using all the imagination inherent in a blank piece of copy paper.
Yes, I would go back to iOS 6 if I could. I work on music. Music is my thing, and the stock music App on iOS 7 on the iPad Mini just doesn't cut it. It sacrificed the amazing album art view of iOS 6, making the experience just wrong. I often didn't find albums and had to use spotlight to search.

Apple does have a good mobile operating system–and arguably the best in terms of stability and performance. However, if Apple is going to sacrifice features for a new look, I'm not paying them a dime.

I love my Mac, but I just can't understand why iOS hasn't been pushed to its full potential. There are a lot of things iOS could be doing...primarily getting design and performance cues from OS X.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2013
East Midlands
All in all I'm generally happy with iOS 7.

Aside a couple of performance bugs that everyone else has experienced I actually hate it when an app still displays the iOS 6 keyboard style.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2004
I find iOS 7 soulless and charmless. But I found iOS 6 tacky and buggy. So, iOS 7 is newer and different, but not really better.


macrumors member
Dec 10, 2012
Very underwhelming on my iPad mini retina.

Constant resprings caused by ram issues, safari crashes, safari tab refreshes, glitchy animations when doing the five finger app close gesture.



macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2010
Where Judas lost it's boots.
UI needs some tweaks, esp usability ones.

Stability wise, it's crap. My chinese brand android phone is more stable than my iPad. Sad really since I used to bash android all the time because it was unstable.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2010
UI needs some tweaks, esp usability ones.

Stability wise, it's crap. My chinese brand android phone is more stable than my iPad. Sad really since I used to bash android all the time because it was unstable.


You cannot get more unstable than this... 12 low memory crash in a day
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2010
I am pretty sure those are not crashes, it is iOS stopping apps that were running in the background. That happens all the time, it is normal.

Nope...I am pretty sure these are generated after Safari/Chrome crashed, each time Safari/Chrome crashed, I saw new low memory thing appear and the time is just right after the crash.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 16, 2012
Nope...I am pretty sure these are generated after Safari/Chrome crashed, each time Safari/Chrome crashed, I saw new low memory thing appear and the time is just right after the crash.

Ok, I stand corrected in this case. It does happen with other apps without actually crashing though.


macrumors 6502
Apr 4, 2010
Watching the keynote, I loved it. Then the grumpy Internet got to me and I wasn't as big a fan. But after using it for a while, I do enjoy it.

Plenty of things that could be better, but you could say that about anything.
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