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macrumors 6502a
Dec 10, 2020
Norway & Mexico
Copy/paste functions. If you know, you know. Shout out to the OGs who went out and bought the iPhone (2007) and the iPhone 3G (2008).
Yeah, they were crap, IMHO. There were Symbian smartphones (I had many - with and without touchscreens) that could do so much more 5 years before the first iPhone was released.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2016
I do this on my iPad Pro. Weaker camera system but the large display makes previewing a lot easier.
Well, the iPad is indeed has expansive screen. And for this reason alone I'm contemplating it every now and then, but still haven't make the jump. Probably because my current need still has been fulfilled by the iPhone alone.


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2016
Finally someone mentioned this! Having the ability to scan documents (in the native Notes app), saving documents to the Files app and easily downloading, sending and receiving documents of various file types is a godsend. It was one of mine, any many others, critique of the iPhone's limitations of the past. The 'walled garden' approach was always a pain in the A for me, but now it's not an issue at all. I've always used my smartphones to their maximum potential. I'll never understand why anyone would ever by such expensive devices and not use them to the fullest. For that reason, and many other limitations previous iPhones had, I skipped every version prior to the iPhone X and used Symbian, Android and BlackBerry 10 devices instead. Also, I love FaceID, the increased storage and the swipe gestures (the latter was actually first implemented on BlackBerry 10). USB-C is also much welcomed, and of course the camera improvements (even though I feel the camera has been sufficient for several years now, and I hate how the camera bump keeps growing and growing). :)
I agree. The bump is indeed a bit annoying, because that makes my iPhone wobbly on any desk. A case could solve that of course, but still...
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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2022
How about the one “feature” that makes you hate Apple products?

For me, and I am only saying for me, it’s the notch/dynamic black hole! I can’t stand it. I want so badly for Apple to put FaceID under the display so it doesn’t ruin my experience with the display. I love my Nothing Phone and its beautiful display. I would happily put an A17 Pro SoC in the Nothing Phone and run iOS and be much happier. I would also be much happier with a Galaxy Ultra running the A17 Pro and iOS.

I guess I have disliked Apple’s hardware and loved the ecosystem for years as I really don’t find the hardware from a physical design standpoint even good. They take some amazing parts and ruin the user experience with stupid design language decisions.

It’s like the new MacBook Pros with HDMI and SD Card slots. I would prefer another Thunderbolt to the SD Card slot for sure. And in the M1 Macs, the HDMI 2.0 really ruined the experience. As it was less capable than a Thunderbolt port. Now, can make a case for the HDMI 2.1 port. But the NOTCH is a major step back. I have a black wallpaper, and I hide the Menu Bar. And I just don’t want to have to see it for anything. Again, Apple trying to ensure everyone knows you’re using a Mac by destroying the user experience.

The M series SoCs are quite amazing. Apple would be better off with spending some money hiring back Forestall and find some creatives who can design an authentically great user experience from the hardware design perspective as Apple dominates when it comes to the actual SoC but have to again ruin the display experience.

Such choices are all about money now to line the pockets of Timmy. $100m per year in stock grants. Life must be tough destroying the future of the company for money now. I suppose it’s the nature of shareholders in these mega corporations.
I love the anger emojis in response. It’s quite hilarious actually. How dare I say something truthful about Apple and Tim Cook. Haha


macrumors regular
I'm genuinely surprised that 3 pages going on and yet no one has mentioned this: document scanning, saving and/or sharing with just the camera app. This feature alone has been making my life more efficient significantly.
Of course, along with that feature there are some other for me as well: battery life, performance, and faceID.
Third-party document scanners aren't that bad. I use Genius Scan and it works pretty well for me.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2011
Give me back the fingerprint sensor just so I can get the camera and flashlight buttons off the lock screen but I would hate to give up the much better cameras.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2020
The camera is pretty fecking nice. I like face id. Although if you can get the print sensor just right when pulling out of your pocket it is faster than face id. It sucks if you have a cut and you have to make a new print profile, and keep updating as it heals.. for those who dont work with their hands.


macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
For me, it would be at least 128 GB (minimum) storage. We were really balling with 16 GB iphones even less than 10 years ago lol.

So my rommmate/best friend has been using an iphone 6 for the last 9 years. 16 GB at that. Just constantly deleting **** all the time or dealing with apps that don't necessarily work anymore properly.
For him, it really just worked so he never bothered to upgrade.

Well, the universe finally intervened today when he visited me at the bar i worked at and later left his phone on the roof and it went flying (we live literally across the street so he was fine to drive) and someone ran over it. The phone surprisingly still works albeit completely bonkers screen but after convincing him to treat himself and move to the actual new age, we went to the apple store.

Homie JUST got an iphone 15 Pro Max today (he got something better than me) and immediately he was caught off guard with the lack of Touch ID and the gestures.
Congratulations to your best friend!🙌

For me it would be:
- FaceID
- Gesture interface
- 256GB minimum storage
- Optical zoom camera
- USB-C (I could NEVER go back to Lightning after this! Now all my smartphones, laptop and tablet use it)
- 120Hz screen

All these are now a must for me, I can still live on 256GB even though my phone is now 512GB, but anything less than 256GB will be too little for me.
FaceID and the gesture interface are firmly baked into my muscle memory.
Optical Zoom has been a game changer for when I do both car and aeroplane spotting (I am both an automotive enthusiast and avgeek).
USB-C, I have had this on my secondary phones that are Androids, work PC, headphones and my iPad Pro, so it was high time my iPhone got it, I no longer need anything Lightning port related lol.
120hz screen, once I got my iPad Pro in 2020 I realised how amazing ProMotion is and had to have an iPhone with it and ever since I had 13 Pro Max and 15 Pro Max, I find it hard to use a 60Hz screen phone, it’s manageable but not ideal as I miss the 120hz of my phones.


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2013
I would say the bigger sizes. Although the bigger phones don't fit in a pocket as easy, and are harder to hold with one hand, the bigger size is easier to read and type on. 😆

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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
Face ID
Apple Pay
Curser on keyboard
Ability to access camera and flash light directly from the lock screen
Spotlight search
Full screen display
iCloud Key Chain


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
Copy/paste functions. If you know, you know. Shout out to the OGs who went out and bought the iPhone (2007) and the iPhone 3G (2008).
It was so long ago I almost forgot we didn't have this feature lol I did have the 3G. My first iPhone.
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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
As fragmented as Android is, I would probably still be using it if Apple didn’t get rid of that dumb AF home button. You don’t want gestures, fine, give me a proper nav bar.

Thankfully, not only have they switched to gestures, but it’s also the best implementation of it that I have come across.
It's funny because not only did I not care for the iPhone getting rid of the home button at the time. I did not see the point/use of the gestures. Then I got the X and within a couple of hours I was sold on the gestures and couldn't imagine using a home button again.
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