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macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2015
As long as there’s camera feature parity between the sizes, I much prefer the standard Pro size. That said, I’m with the 14 Pro Max due to (foolishly?) holding out hope that ONE of these days Apple will give us true multitasking/split screen mode to better utilize the larger screen. Should’ve been an option since the X, in my opinion, and is really the only holdover I have from my work phone (Galaxy Plus Ultra).


macrumors 65816
Nov 22, 2015
I tried both a 13 PM and a 14 Plus, and while I could deal with the reduced weight of the 14 Plus, it was still too wide for my hands to be comfortable.

The 13 PM was just way, way too heavy and big for me to be able to deal with, even after toughing it out for 3 months, trying to get used to it.

Sadly, the Pro model size is smaller than what I’d like (something around 6.3 to 6.5 inches), so I’m kinda stuck with being unhappy with Apple’s current iPhone size offerings. I’ll be sticking with the Pro model, I guess, and hoping they’ll eventually offer a third size option with something between 6.1 and 6.7 inches. *shrugs*

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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
I will always buy the pro max. I’ve been using larger phones since 2012. Started with the galaxy note in 2012 and then from 2014 onwards I’ve used the plus and pro max iPhones.
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macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2016
Both sizes have their benefit, but personally I am happier with the smaller device.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Every year I get super torn between the two. I like the normal pro size of course but the battery life and extra ease of typing on the pro max model is just something I don’t know I want to live without.
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macrumors member
Nov 2, 2017
I’m switching back to the Pro models vs the Pro Max. After years of using the larger sized phones , I’m just ready to use a normal sized phone for a while


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2015
I’m switching back to the Pro models vs the Pro Max. After years of using the larger sized phones , I’m just ready to use a normal sized phone for a while
Probably an easier call to make if the hardware is the same across the board, minus screen size and battery; what if they pull a 12 Pro move and have different camera hardware between the two sizes? That's when the decision gets harder (for many).


macrumors regular
Apr 4, 2023
I generally buy the best camera in the smallest iPhone I can, but unfortunately that often means buying a Pro Max (and eventually Ultra) device.

I would be so delighted if Apple made a mini with all of the features of the Pro, but physics and consumer demand aren’t supportive of that idea.


macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2013
Florence, AL
Went from iPhone 5 to 6s Plus in 2015. Went to Apple Store in November 2018 for new battery. They broke the torch and camera. Gave me brand new 6s Plus (not a refurb). Used 22 months, then got a 12 Pro Max³. Now have an iPhone 14 Pro Max⁴. I may skip the 15 Pro Max⁵, and wait for the iPhone 16 Pro Max⁶. Or maybe the iPhone 16 Super Ultra Max⁶. Regardless of name, it will be large screen.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
Metro New York
I switched over to the larger Max iPhone three years ago and love it. I wouldn't go back to the smaller screen now. iPhone 14 Max 6.7" has been great so far. I'll have to see what the 2024 Max model will look like with the 6.9" screen.


macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2006
Down south
I haven't gotten a max, but am strongly considering one with the 15, mainly because, even with my iPad mini, when I am in bed, I still tend to grab my phone. I think it's partially because I have a Loopy case on my phone, and it makes it super easy to hold compared to any other device, but whatever the reason, it tends to be what I grab, and I'd like to have that extra screen size. Of course it'll depend on weight and other things at the time, but I'm definitely considering it this time around.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2022
I've had the pro max variants since they came out, but lately I've been having reservations about the size. More than likely though I will continue to buy the max variants and if I decide to get the 15, I'll probably go with the max


macrumors regular
Mar 3, 2019
No way!

I've had the Plus/Prox Max models since they were introduced to us and I've now started to resent the size/weight of them.

I'm counting down the days until I can buy the iPhone 15 Pro.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2016
Definitely! After having a 12 PM (and now 14 PM) I can't stand anything else. Perfect size and battery life for me.


macrumors 65816
Feb 16, 2018
Yes. Absolutely love the form factor, performance and battery life of my 13PM. That said I have no intention of upgrading to a 15PM when it comes out.


Jul 18, 2011
Not sure, but likely.

I like my 13 pro max for the screen size and camera, but really dislike the weight. The 14 pro looks like an acceptable compromise, but it wasn’t an option when I got my phone.

For a device I see myself holding on for 4 years on average, it really doesn’t make any sense for me to not go with the best that Apple has to offer. Any savings to be had simply isn’t that significant over that period of time.


macrumors 68000
Mar 18, 2023
12 max to 13 max to 14 pro, no complaint about the max till I needed to pocket it.
More the weight than size, if they can get the max weight down to pro weight, maybe.


macrumors 68040
Jul 27, 2013
Probably. I do love the ergonomics of smaller phones, but I love the larger display and larger battery of the bigger phones even more I think. I’ve mostly had bigger phones, but I do sometimes go through a phase where I get fatigued by the bigger size and crave something more ergonomic.

I was really happy with my 13 Pro when I had it because it was a lot more comfortable in the hand compared to the bigger models, and I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything since there really weren’t any features exclusive to the bigger phones, even software wise. But then iOS 16 obliterated my battery life, and I got tempted by the new 14 Pro series features. I actually pre-ordered a 14 Pro, but returned it and drove 45 minutes to get a Pro Max because battery life was so disappointing on the 14 Pro.

Now, I’m very happy having the big display and battery of the 14 Pro Max, and I look forward to getting the even bigger 6.9” display (and hopefully battery) in 2024 or 2025.
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macrumors regular
May 28, 2023
The only reason I even choose a Max was the battery life. But honestly I should have just went with the Plus for ONLY the battery life. Also the weight on the Plus is significant less imo. So yeah I’ll not choose a Max ever again unless it gets the same weight as the current Plus line up.
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