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  1. S

    Anyone else have extremely slow AirTag sharing?

    We picked up 4 Airtags and bound them to my wifes iPhone, which she then shared to my account using the new feature in iOS 17. Both my iPhone and iPad can see them. However the location of the tags updates very very slowly, if at all. I tested this today by putting my spare iPhone with her in...
  2. jent

    Ring AirTag from far away?

    Is there a certain proximity within which you have to be in order to ring the AirTag from the Find My app? Is it Bluetooth range or can you be far away and trigger it to play the chime sound? I ask because I had my luggage lost at an airport on another continent, and had a close friend get it...
  3. M

    Other Airtag inside of Iphone

    Now that Apple has put an Airtag inside of the airpods pro 2. Will they also put it inside of the iphone?
  4. P

    I couldn’t get Duracell “Child Secure” 2032’s to work [MERGED]

    If you try to replace your AirTag battery with one of Duracell’s premium coated “Child Secure” 2032 batteries, good luck. Because I couldn’t get them to work. I tried 2 different batteries and neither would work. I popped the old battery back in and it immediately sprang to life. The old battery...
  5. oofio2461

    Lufthansa is starting to ban Airtags in Checked Luggage.

    I came across this article today on Simple Flying saying that Lufthansa is Banning Airtags in Luggage, saying that 'electronic devices in checked luggage must be completely turned off.' It's clear that Airtags help track lost luggage in Crowded Airports, but it's clear that Airlines want to hide...
  6. P

    Airtags not longer updating on iPhone

    Since updating to iOS 16, my four Airtags (bike, keys, bag and bag) are not longer updating in the "Find My"-app. However, on my Mac and on it's working properly. Have anyone experience the same and know what to do?
  7. J

    Recommended AirTag holders for cats

    Hi, I just bought some AirTags and my girlfriend has a couple of cats she'd like to track. Any suggestions on holders for the AirTags that can be used as collars for cats? I'm based in the UK thanks!
  8. snak-atak

    What's Your Experience w/ AirTags in Checked Luggage

    I am curious to know what has been your experience with AirTags in checked luggage? I don't want to leave it dangling on the handle. I'd rather tuck it away inside the suitcase. Will it track well like this? And can you monitor the location of your bag throughout the flight? I'd love to...
  9. Kaikidan

    So... with IOS 16 betas, is family sharing a thing now, or still only a dream?

    With all QOL improvements apple announced on the IOS16, including all the new family sharing settings and parental controls etc... did they bring family sharing to airtags too or are they still stuck on single user mode?
  10. Reggaenald

    Adding Find My capabilities to Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro

    We were gifted 2 AirTags last year, which we have no real use for. I got myself Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO headphones and was thinking of putting one AirTag into one of the cups, as I use them as my only headphones and am also not fond of leaving them somewhere behind. Dies anyone have experience...
  11. T

    Unknown device detected near you, but no AirTag or anything found.

    Hey people, I’ve seen lately people receiving notifications about unknown devices detected near them, but no one’s got an AirTag and no AirTag or anything else like from Belkin or whatever was found nearby when they looked. Plus, they’ve got their Bluetooth off all the time, and when pressing...
  12. S

    Smart Lock & Airtags

    Is there actually a Smart Lock that can open when there is an Airtag nearby? My use case: I have a child that comes home from school. I don’t wanna give her a Smartphone just yet but I do have spare Airtags. So I was wondering if I can get my Tedee Smart Lock or any kind of Smart Lock for that...
  13. josielinnea

    AirTags 2nd battery replacement already

    I bought a 4-pack of AirTags on launch day and was rather surprised when it didn’t take long at all for the first one to ask for a battery change. But - now the same one is requesting it’s 2nd battery change! What? The other 3 haven’t needed a single battery change as of yet. The one that is...
  14. WeatherWeasel

    Do I need to re-pair when a new phone?

    To make a long story short, I am getting the iPhone 12 Pro (upgrading from 8Plus), and wanted to know if I needed to re pair each of the airtags with my new phone or when I transfer via the quick set, the settings transfer over?
  15. applesque

    Precision find coming to Apple Watch?

    With the announcement of iOS 15, Apple announced Find My will be coming to apple watch, however, that begs the question, will we be able to precision find AirTags with the Apple Watch Series 6? As we know, Apple Watch Series 6 does have the apple U1 chip onboard to enable ultra wide band...
  16. FireFish

    Has Tiles Premium gone under yet?

    Who here still prefers using tiles for tracking stuff over Apple AirTags? to you I ask: why?
  17. jumpcutking

    Found My Keys - animation

    I thought I’d share with you the awesome sounding experience of me searching for my keys the other day. It was awesome… the attention to detail in the animations is quite interesting. When I moved between levels it indicated that it may be above or below the level you are on (not pictured) - I...
  18. S

    Airtag Precision Finding Stopped working after one day

    I set up 3 new Airtags on my iPhone 12 Pro. Working perfectly, precision finding working and guides me to each airtag as it's supposed to, and can also trigger them to play a sound. Also set up 3 different Airtags on my wife's iPhone 12 Pro and they're working perfectly too. Both phones are...
  19. Mac_tech

    AirTag owner modifies case to make a thin, wallet-sized version

    Take a look at this video for those who are into electronics and tinkering. Just be careful as the PCB is fragile, he broke off the power button in the procss and had to solder it back on. Cool though that it can be done.
  20. Spaceboy88

    AirTag for kids I share custody with?

    I share custody with my kids 50/50 and want to get both children an AirTag for their backpacks. If I give them each an AirTag, what will happen when they are away from me for a few days? Will it start making noise as if they're being "tracked?" Both kids have iPads that are logged into an...