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apple pencil

  1. DeApp1e

    Is it worth buying an Apple Pencil now?

    Hello - I'm looking for some advice - Is it worth buying an Apple Pencil now even though it hasn't been updated since launch? Or should I wait till September for a possible v2?
  2. MisterTibbs

    iPad Pro Question - Vector Illustration

    Long time lurker here and I have a burning question for iPad illustrators. Is anyone using a pencil to create vector artwork which creates strokes as opposed to filled lines? I'm considering getting a 10.5" Pro/2018 iPad and I wanted to know. I've tried Adobe draw and I'm not keen on the filled...
  3. J

    iPad Pro Safe To Use Pencil With Missing Cap?

    I lost the cap to my Pencil. For now I’m just keeping the adapter widget attached till I can get a replacement. Or..., should I just put it asides to I can get a replacement? I’m sure I’m not the 1st to lose one of these!
  4. R

    iPad Pro Matte Screen protector w/o distortion? (For Apple Pencil)

    I just bought the iCarez screen protector and the distortion is really bad, but it feels great to use Apple Pencil on it. I took it off right away because I’m really partictuar about the screen clarity. On White screens, everything was spots off the rainbow. Anyway, what should I buy instead...
  5. P

    Future iPhones will support Apple Pencil

  6. D

    There is a place to hold the pencil!

    I've seen much frustration over where to keep the pencil and why there isn't a magnetic hold like the Surface Pro. Today I found out there is... sort of. You need to have the ASK for the trick to work, but I presume it's valid for the Smart Cover as well. First time I discovered this was during...
  7. Jervasio

    Ipad pro + Apple pencil transport

    Hello everyone, I'm thinking about buying something to carry the apple pencil but there's one problem which I am considering: How the apple pencil activates the connection with the ipad. Basically I'm thinking if I should buy a case with attachment for Apple pencil/Iman that attaches to a case...
  8. SammyNad

    Notability + Apple Pencil... problem found

    This issue will not happen in Apple Notes because there's no scrolling feature. To reproduce: Write in Notability, flick page to scroll, and try to write... no ink, until you lift the pencil off the iPad, and try again.. For the purposes of this message, I exagerated the scroll effect...
  9. SammyNad

    iPad Pro Apple Pencil Randomly stops working

    I can't identify when/how this happens, but I'll be sketching, or writing a note and suddenly the Apple Pencil will stop working. Battery is full on both iPad and Pencil. I've read others are having similar issues. Just purchased the iPad/Pencil yesterday, so disconcerting. Anyone else...
  10. willmtaylor

    Apple Pencil Clip & Grip

    I've searched the threads and come up empty, so apologies if this needs to be merged later on. I'm looking for a cheap & easy Apple Pencil solution. I thought I had read that some mechanical pencil clips could be removed and used with the Apple Pencil. However, I haven't been able relocate...
  11. 3

    iPad Pro Which one for educational purposes?

    I'm considering to buy an iPad Pro 10.5" or 12.9" (64 or 256 gb still don't know yet) for educational purposes. Also the Apple Pencil to write notes. I want to use my iPad for Math, Biology, German (I'm from Germany) and other subjects. Is the 'normal' Note-App in iOS 11 sufficient enough to...
  12. G

    iPad Pro iPad Pro - note taking app recommendation

    Need a recommendation. I was told about NEBU by an Apple representative, but I am curious if anyone else has a recommendation for a good note taking app for the iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil. I bounce around to meetings all day of varying nature and so far (disclaimer I'm still adjusting) NEBU...
  13. AndrewSalfinger

    iPad Nina - for the Apple pencil and iPad Pro. (Kickstarter)

    Hello, I came across this Kickstarter the other day and backed it as soon as I could!! It's an Apple Pencil holder, pencil a accessories holder, along with being able to rest the iPad Pro on an angle to draw on. Link to Kickstarter: I just want to try and get the word...
  14. N

    iPad Pro Annotation capabilities??

    I am a grad student and am considering the iPad pro; I currently have an older iPad, but would like to be able to work more directly with the materials (i.e. the Pencil). Most of the time I use a variety of platforms (Apple Books, Kindle, Ebsco Host, Adobe, etc.) I am curious about the extent to...
  15. ausimo

    iPad Pro Apple Pencil carrying case

    I recently launched a Kickstarter for an Apple Pencil carrying case called Apple Stem. It's made of machined aluminum, anodized, lined with rubber and has a magnetic closing cap. Link:
  16. V.K.

    iPad Pro Apple Pencil stops responding

    I've had an iPad Pro 12.9 with an Apple Pencil for over a year. A couple of months ago the pencil suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason. It just completely stopped responding to anything. also, the battery widget disappeared at the same time. Turning BT on/off, restarting the ipad and...
  17. J

    iPad or MacBook for Architecture???

    Hi there, I am in need of some advice! I already own a MacBook air 13", and I need to start using some sort of device for my architectural drawings and research. I went into Apple and saw that they do a digital drawing pad that links to my Mac so I can complete my drawings. But, the staff...
  18. NoHardFeelings

    iPad Pro Ever seen this weird Apple Pencil glitch?

    Roughly since I upgraded to iOS 10, I have increasingly noticed the instability of how iOS interprets Apple Pencil input. This is one of the issues that is extremely frustrating. Quite often, unwanted line segments are generated between two separate strokes drawn by the user. Please see the...
  19. Aeparker

    iPad Pro What notes app do you use and why?

    I have an iPad Pro 9.7 inch. I am a photographer that doesn't like a lot of paperwork. I am trying to find a solution to keeping up with my PDFs. I have client files on my iMac or should I say iCloud Drive. I am trying to locate the best way to annotate and highlight relevant information for...
  20. S

    iPad Pro Apple Pencil 2 wishlist

    The Apple Pencil is great, but there's always room for improvement. Here's what I'm hoping the next Pencil brings (in no particular order): - Off switch. Since I keep my Pencil in my bag with my iPad all day, the battery constantly gets depleted. Quick charging is quick, but it's still a chore...