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  1. A

    anyone to save my files on macbook that won't boot

    Not sure what happened but my MBP pro won't boot up. I know I am going to have to install the OS again but if I pulled the hard drive out and loaded it into an enclosure would I be able to potential grab files through USB on another mac? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Image from Disk Utility
  2. UchihaObito

    Trouble upgrading to SSD using El Capitan

    I'm having problems installing el capitan onto my ssd. I've tried using the partition method as well as using diskmaker X5 but I keep running into errors when I tried booting it up. For both methods, I used an external drive in order to have a bootable OSX. But both methods comes out with log...
  3. Petar92

    iMac 27" Late2012 Kernel Panic on boot

    Hello guys, I am now couple a days into research and trial-and-error into repairing my iMac 2546. I want to apologise if there was a simmilar thread, but cuz I havent wound a solution yet I started this one. So, On boot, shows apple logo and one second later either panik or double panik...
  4. imrazor

    Suggestions for bootable Firewire 800 enclosure

    I have an older Mac that I'd like to speed up a bit. On of the most obvious things I can do is replace the internal 5400 RPM drive with an SSD. I've done it before, but cracking an iMac apart is a painful experience I'd rather not relive. So I hit upon the idea of putting the SSD in a Firewire...
  5. imrazor

    Can't boot off Firewire drive

    I have an Iomega Mac Companion that in a previous life had a 3TB drive in it that I've replaced with a 256GB SSD. The drive has Firewire 800 and USB 2.0 interfaces. It will boot off the USB interface, but for the life of me, I can't get it to boot off of Firewire. I've tried holding down the...
  6. iamrawr

    Disk with 2 Partitions. unable to boot Mac OS

    Hey guys. i'm currently using bootcamp right now but I am unable to boot into the Mac OS of my hard drive. I have a 2010 Macbook Pro using a Momentus XT Hybrid SSD, which was installed in it 5 years ago. I hope it's not a symptom of a hard drive failure. my bootcamp side works as expected. I am...
  7. L

    iMac 2008 not booting

    Hello, My grandad gave me his old 2007 iMac last year, i have been using it since and it works just fine, the only problem is that it can't play back 60fps (stutters ALOT), this is due to the underpowered graphics card (specs below). My friend has an 2008 iMac which he doesn't use anymore and it...
  8. Kjmlynar

    MacBook Pro will not boot following crash while watching video.

    Hi everyone! I am at the point with my MacBook where it will not boot, no matter what I try. Early 2011 MacBook Pro. Background: One year ago, I spilled liquid in the keyboard. It acted weird at first, and then went back to normal, although the left shift no longer works. I have always had...
  9. c1830

    Mac pro 2009 won't start up

    Hey, everyone. I got a problem that my mac pro 2009 doesn't start up. Yesterday, I use it but it shutdown suddenly. Then I press the start button again and it boot about 15 sec then shutdown. After this, I can't start up anymore when I press the start button. I try to check anything...
  10. F

    Boot OSX on a NVMe Card

    Hi! I read about the NVMe cards that aren't bootable because the EFI rom (off course) doesn't list them at the boot manager. The first thing i learned when fiddling around with a hackintosh (back in '05 with deadmoo image) was the "rd=" option. So since i already successfully booted OSX from an...
  11. laonikoss

    El Capital Boot Time 2'30"?!

    -- Late 2008 Aluminum full-Body Macbook (13"), with 8GB ram and over 25GB free space -- I updated to El Capitan a while ago, and everything works fine. My only concern is booting time - I like the fact that now there's a load-bar on boot, under the Apple sign, but I noticed it takes...
  12. Sciuriware

    Spontaneous WIFI on at boot

    Hi all, every time I boot up my MacBook, it switches the WIFI on, wanted or not. It does not happen when I wake it up by opening the lid, and it never happened with my iMac. Is there a switch to prevent this? Thanks. ;JOOP!
  13. mikeroxx


    Hi All, I am at work now but was hoping I could get some results by the time I am home. I have a Macbook Air 2010-2011 (not sure). Someone was playing with it and wiped the partition and the corresponding OSX (Mavericks). I tried to do a clean install - First I tried to use an El Capitan Boot...
  14. G1n0

    Macbook doesn't boot normally after installing SSD

    So i just installed a new SSD for my MacBook Pro 13, Mid-2009. Formatted externally, booted up with 'Option', clicked on the drive, and all is well. However, it doesn't boot up as it should normally (apple logo after powering on, etc.) It seems i have to always do the 'Hold Option' thing and...
  15. M

    USB 3 cards should all be bootable by now?

    Should I be checking bootability on currently available USB 3 cards for Classic Mac Pros or should they all pretty much be bootable? If it is not safe to assume they will be bootable in latest OS, what's the reason (other than they weren't made that way :p)?
  16. serge-m

    Black Boot Screen with GT 120 & LG 31MU97

    Hi Folks, thirst thread here :) As you can see at my signature, I have a 4K display, that normally runs by a GTX 980 (non Efi). With that card, I have a black booting screen as expected and after that the desktop at 4K. To have finally a boot screen (for updates and those stuff), I bought a...
  17. I

    Mac Pro4,1 Early 2009 Won't completely boot, no chime, no display

    Hello, I have a early 2009 Mac Pro 4,1. Out of no where while using it just shut it off completely and when I went to go reboot it, everything sounded fine except that I didn't hear the start up chime and my display remained inactive. The light above the power button stays solid and when I...
  18. adamisapple

    MacBook Pro 17" 2006 Weird Boot Issue PLEASE HELP!!!

    I just got a beautiful MacBook Pro 17" (2006) and It does this weird thing when I turn it on. It shows an Apple Logo, then a Progress Bar (But it only fills to 5% then disappears) and then the Spinning Icon below the Apple shows up and nothing happens. Any suggestions? Thanks, Adam
  19. T

    MacBook Issues with Macbook booting up

    Hi All, So day before yesterday my Early 2011 Macbook Pro was acting all crazy and working really slow. So, I tried to power cycle it by pressing the power button. Now, the laptop came back on - I chose the user profile I wanted to use (between Guest and myself) - entered the password. The...
  20. H

    Macbook pro not booting after update

    hi guys, first time posting here so go easy been struggling to find a way of reviving my 15" macbook pro mid 09 i7 after trying to update to the latest version of el capitan it just will not boot up any more. it will turn on, get to about 40% of the loading bar, go to a white screen and...