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imac pro

  1. I

    iMac Pro in Silver?

    Just curious what are your thoughts on the possibility of future iMac Pro release in silver color?
  2. russkn87

    New iMac for 4K Video Editing - £2500 Budget

    Hey everyone, I'm in the market for a new iMac 27", with a budget of around £2,500. It will be used for video editing in Final Cut Pro X. Video footage will be from UAVs & a Lumix GH5 in 4K. I'm patiently waiting for the 2018 to be announced, but in the meantime trying to figure out what the...
  3. writevli

    Advice needed for Creative Agency: iMac Pro or iMac 5K?

    At the moment I have an iMac 27” Late 2013 - it’s pretty dead. We handle a lot of video data and post-production. I’m (re-)launching my agency and am investing in new gear (urgently needed). The minimal requirement is at least 1 iMac. It’s even better with 2 iMacs and several MacBooks...
  4. DiscoBall

    iMac Pro VS 2019 Mac Pro (for video and 3D)

    Hello, maybe it has already discussed here before, but I'm in a situation I need real users advice coming out of their experiences with iMac Pro so decided to ask the community. I need a new machine to replace my old Mac Pro 5,1. It will be used mostly for video compositing and editing (After...
  5. G

    iMac Pro iMac Pro - CPU - Intel SpeedStep

    Hi there I'm new user of iMac Pro and I would like to understand few things that looks unclear to me and now I'm focusing on CPU speed and Intel SpeedStep. I own 8-core version which from what I discovered (i.a. by HwInfo on Boot Camp) should step down as low as 1200 MHz without load...
  6. WizardHunt

    When will Mojave be included in the new iMac Pros?

    I am in the market of buying a iMac Pro but I do not want High Sierra on it. I would like Mojave to be preloaded on it. So when do you think it will be included as a pre-install on a new iMac Pro? i Plan to buy a 18 core, 16GB Video, 4TB SSD, 128 GB Ram, all the way. I do video work and need...
  7. bplein

    iMac Pro iMac Pro GPU heating up, under no apparent load

    All, Been having a problem that seems to have coincided with the latest Mojave beta update 10.14 Beta (18A347e). All of a sudden, while doing very little, my iMac Pro fans will speed up. My iMac Pro is silent almost always! So I look at TG Pro app, and the GPUs are running near max...
  8. C

    iMac / iMac Pro upgrade

    Hello, I am in the market for updating my 2008 original unibody MacBook Pro. It has limped along the last couple of years and finally hit software (outside of the OS) limitations. It served me well through college and post-college years, but I am ready for an upgrade. I no longer need the...
  9. DreWellet

    iMac Pro running with El Capitan?

    Hi, I'm a freelance video editor and I'm currently working on a production that uses FCP 7 (Yes... you read that right). I have FCP 7 on my early 2008 Mac Pro, but I bought a new iMac Pro earlier this year and would like to use it for this job. We all know that FCP 7 is now obsolete with High...
  10. T

    iMac vs. iMac Pro, which one is right for me?

    Hi guys, after long thoughts I decided to ask you Mac specialists. I’d need a new desktop computer for both my video and music production. In terms of video, I work with Premiere Pro and After Effects. The videos that I produce are usually in Full HD, but sometimes I use 4K footage, too. Right...
  11. V

    Imac Pro not as powerful as expected

    First time post, so please forgive me if this is in the wrong sub or if I need to supply more detailed information. I recently bought one of the stock model Imac Pro (3.2 GHz, 8 core etc) as a hasty replacement for a self-built machine which suffered a boot drive failure. The Imac is a...
  12. A

    iMac Pro Configuring a New iMac Pro

    My current machine is the trashcan Mac Pro (6-core, 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD, D700 GPU). I have decided to sell it and buy an iMac Pro. I am a photographer with stills photography as my focus. Mac Pro handles Photoshop CC well. However, I also do 4K video and find that rendering times in FCPX on the...
  13. M

    Base iMac Pro for HQ video/photo - enough power?

    Hello, despite thinking about upgrading my iMac to regular 5k with 580 GPU card, now there is a chance to get an iMac PRO which probably would suit my needs even better. I am photographer and started creating video footage too, so FCPX, Lightroom and Photoshop are my main programs I use. For now...
  14. alwaysbeincontact

    iMac Pro with dual 5k displays?

    HI, Is anyone using a iMac Pro connected to dual LG 5k displays? I know it supports this feature. I have been using a 2016 MacBook Pro running dual LG 5k displays. I have had more problems than I had hoped and way too many hours with Apple support trying to fix the issues.
  15. smallpaul

    Help me configure my imac Pro

    I am a motion designer. I use Cinema 4D and After effects a lot. I can afford one upgrade from the base model. Do I go with 64gb of RAM on an 8core machine? Or should I upgrade to 10 cores but only have 32gb of RAM?
  16. M

    Turning on iMac

    Hey Simple question please. Is there a way to turn on / power on the iMac Pro from an external button? Like a sort of button that is attached via USB or something? Sleepmode is not the option I am looking for. An iMac Pro in the Studio is placed further away from the desk and it gets annoying...
  17. B

    New 18-core iMacPro ordered and shipped in 12 days

    Subject: New 18-core iMacPro ordered and shipped in 12 days I ordered an iMacPro for a Client on April 18 (18-core, 2TB SSD, 64GB RAM, Vega 64) and it was delivered to Client's local Apple Store on April 26. That is a total of 12 days. :apple::) The initial estimate Apple gave was it would...
  18. D

    iMac Pro iMac Pro anti-reflective coating wearing off

    Hi guys, Posting this here regarding my iMac Pro issue which I experienced yesterday. I've had the Mac for just over 3 months and it was the first time I decided to give the screen a wipe using an apple cloth supplied with the iMac. I noticed a white, small dot/speck to the right of the screen...
  19. L

    What's Faster for FCPx? Top End iMac 5K + eGPU or iMac Pro

    Thinking about my next iMac purchase, and wondering if anyone has any input on this. I was pretty sold on the top end iMac Pro when I heard the specs, but based on the benchmarks so far, it seems the Pro models don't scale well according to the cores and price. Since the top end i7 does a good...
  20. arepty

    iMac Pro Graphical glitches on new iMac Pro - driver issue or worse? Anyone else experiencing this?

    Hi everyone, I recently got a new iMac Pro (woohoo) and I noticed some strange graphical glitches while doing a few things, such as playing Diablo III. Here's what it looks like: I also had a few issues with the image editor Acorn, so I asked the...