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ios 11

  1. jelloshotsrule

    iphone 6 painfully slow messages, etc

    so about a week ago my iphone 6 became dog slow sending messages. like it'll take ~1-4 minutes for a message to send. whereas with my macbook pro messages are sending immediately like usual. i've confirmed it happens sending to various people, not just one message thread. i've also had my phone...
  2. NikhilGeek

    Want to Remove Jailbreak & Update!

    Hi, Right now i'm in 10.2. I want to remove jailbreak and update it to 11.2 but main problem is I don't have a pc for iTunes backup and there is one more problem sometime back i deleted some language file from icleaner to free up some space now i think if I update through OTA I'll brick my...
  3. M

    2 huge bugs on iOS 11.2 - iPhone X

    when speaking on the phone (on a call) - if you want to exit apps, the first time you exit it works, if you go to the homescreen and try to exit again does not work - you Can listen to music while on a call (weather by accident, or want to listen to something) you can not pause from the control...
  4. Gandek

    iPad Pro 10.5 (2017) Multi-tasking lag in iOS11 when switching from a game

    I have had a great experience thus far with my 10.5 picking it up months ago back when it was still running iOS 10. I'm not much of a gamer but recently decided to pick some games up from the app store. Whenever I go to the home screen after playing a game the multitasking menu will pause for...
  5. J

    iPhone Issues with Raise/Tap to Wake

    I've started to notice a significant delay when I try to wake my iPhone X using Tap to Wake or Raise to Wake. With my iPhone 7 Plus, Raise to Wake worked pretty much flawlessly; the screen would be on and ready every time I took it out of my pocket. With the X the screen frequently stays dark or...
  6. AnthonyG6

    No App Location Info on Search

    When I search for an app on my iPhone X using the search function it doesn't show the name of the folder the app is located in? I have lots of folders so this is rather annoying. It used to show the name on iOS 10, is this something that's missing from iOS 11?
  7. Trogdor796

    Hooking iPhone up to PC with iOS 11?

    So I'm helping someone at work with this. They simply want to transfer some photos and a video from their iPhone to their Windows 7 desktop. They don't have iTunes on the desktop, we are just trying to plug the phone in with a lightning to USB cable, open file explorer, and drag and drop...
  8. Kixxinghae

    Youtube app still overheats and drains my 7 plus battery after newest app update.

    I’ve been sick of having my battery drained and overheated by watching videos on Youtube app, so its been a month I uninstalled it and use youtube on safari instead. Until About a week ago I noticed that Youtube app had an update claiming it fixed the battery drain. I updated it 2 days ago...
  9. P

    General iOS 11 find contacts in other apps

    Hello everybody, excuse my language as i'm not a native speaker. I have a question. There is a function in the contact settings, where you can allow siri to look and find contacts in other apps. If somebody put his contact information e.g. his name and his phone number into the signature of an...
  10. Spooner83

    New Auto-Correct Bug

    Type the name Mario into your text field and watch it auto-correct to MARIO

    A month or so out, whats your thoughts on iOS 11 on iPhone X iOS 11?

    I just updated to iOS 11.2 I like 11 but it does appear to have some bugs, and I'm absolutely not impressed with notification centre. To be honest I'd rather a swipe up from the bottom to take me to to the widget centre, rather than swiping up to go to the home screen and then swipe right (or...
  12. loki_0927

    Resolved Cannot delete entry in App & Website Passwords

    Hi all, I’ve got this little bug with the ‘’ entry, which cannot be deleted. When I delete it, it pops up again. Any suggestions how to get rid of it? Cheers! Loki
  13. Appleman11

    iOS 11 system storage usage

    Upon checking storage today, I noticed my iPhone 8 Plus 64GB was using nearly 16GB of storage for the system. It used to be only 6GB but it jumped up after updating once to 14GB and now to 16GB. Have no iOS updates waiting to be installed. Is this normal and if not how can I rectify this issue...
  14. H

    iPhone Apps crashing December 2

    All apps crashing today, December 2, in Australia after about 10 seconds of use. Genius Bar says its a software fault and they are overrun. Genius Bar doesn’t know when there will be a fix. Most apps start working again if you change date to November 28!
  15. rcorai

    iPhone Change App Store account?

    I updated my iCloud account but when I try to update apps it's still asking me to login with my old app store account. If I visit Configuration -> iTunes and App Store I see my new account. How can I download/update with my new account?
  16. TheSwan48

    iPhone Blank lock screen issue?

    I have an iPhone 6S. Sometimes when I click on the wake button, the lock screen lights up and it is completely blank. Nothing will show up, not even the clock; all I can see is my wallpaper. This issue can only be resolved by me doing a soft reset. It happens to me maybe twice a day, sometimes...
  17. E

    Widget Tray lag on iOS 11.1.2

    Anyone got this annoying lag when swiping to widget screen? It is really annoying ... im using the 2017 iPad It happens every time. Apple did really terrible job with this ios
  18. E

    Portrait mode on smaller iPhones

    Why dont Apple make portrait mode on the smaller iphone 7 and 8 if their machine learning is "superior" over google pixel? (they said it in their WWDC on the ios 11 announcement) but google is the one with the portrait with only one lens which is sometimes superior over the iphones 8+,X
  19. I

    General Screenshot editor doesn't work half the time

    Sometimes if I take a screenshot and then edit the screenshot, once I save it the edits don't save. I have to then re edit them using the Photos app. But that's not all. The screenshot editor after that doesn't come up at all when I take new screenshots, only the sound is there and no...
  20. Ahmed7

    iPhone X RAM management

    Does anyone else notice bad RAM management on their iPhone X? Apps reload much more often than my 6s which had 1GB less RAM. I’ve watched comparison videos on YouTube and some Android phones are doing a better job than iPhone which is a shame since iPhone used to destroy Androids in this area...