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  1. voshem

    HELP! Restoring jailbroken iphone that won't sync with iTunes

    Hi! So I was foolish enough to buy an iPhone 7 plus off craigslist without examining it thoroughly enough to see that it had been jailbroken. Stupid, I know. Now, I want to restore the iPhone, but iTunes doesn't recognize or sync with the phone. I am at a loss as to what to do. I think the...
  2. Ron12Ron

    Cydia opens then closes after hard-reset

    So I jailbroke yesterday via Electra (on iOS 11.2.1) and all was working well. Then I went ahead and install Anemone, i restarted springboard however i was stuck on the spinning circle for about 10 minutes, so i decided to hard reset. Which is how my problem started... after i rebooted i tried...
  3. acechapo25

    iPhone iPhone not turning on after installing Lydia tweak

    So I have an iPhone 6 with iOS 10.3.2 and I just jailbroke it using cydia impactor and g0blin ipa. Everything was going well, I jailbroke it, phone restarted no problem. I then installed a file through Cydia, and had to reset the springboard. Again no problem. A few minutes later, my phone...
  4. R

    iPhone 11.2.2 Jailbreak clarifications, please.

    I post rarely so If I am putting this in the wrong place, please take no offense and adjust if needed or let me know how to. Treads that I find by searching are already closed. I have a 6s running 11.2.2 and went through pangu8's walkthrough: Zjailbreak-->Anzhuang-->Cydia I can not seem to...
  5. B

    iPhone What is the most complete & stable jailbreak for 10.3.x? All this JB info is overwhelming!

    I haven't jailbroke my 6s in a long time & it's sad to say I haven't visited the jailbreak forums in quite a long time either. With all the jailbreak info flowing around, it can make anyone overwhelmed, especially me lol, I'm not tech savvy at all. I have an iPhone 6s (A9) on 10.3.3. Is g0blin...
  6. F

    Editing WhatsApp filesystem

    Hi everyone, recently I wanted to transfer my whatsapp chat and media extracted from an iPhone backup and copy the files into a jailbroken one. What I did is extracting ChatStorage.sqlite on my computer (it is the file with all the messsages I suppose) and all the media related to each chat...
  7. Help6666

    iPhone 7/Plus iPhone hack or not?

  8. faby GT

    iPad Ios 11 complete UI for ios 10

    hi I've jailbroken today my iPad 4 with iOS 10.3.3. Which addons have I to install to make my iPad look like iOS 11? I,m searching for themes, but also features, like lock screen, notification panel, use two applications in the same time, etc. I know it's long, but thanks in advance! Faby
  9. C

    Restoring iphone from iCloud will not overwrite iOS

    Hi, I just purchase a used iPhone with iOS 10.3.3, which is jailbreak. I am planning to restored the phone from iCloud. My old iphone has been updated to iOS 11.1. My question, if I restored the iPhone from iCloud, it will not overwrite my iOS 10.3.3 to 11.1, correct? Will the restored from...
  10. christjn

    Jailbreak iPad 1 with High Sierra

    Hi all Apologies, Ive tried to search but to no avail. I made an attempt to run Absinthe 2.0.4 but it doesn't even start up. Just bounces for a while then gives up. Any tips on whether I can do this? What I want to do is run a music app like Spotify or apple music, attach it to a wall so we...
  11. some1uDNTknow

    iPhone-6 9.3.3 (JB) => 11.1.1?

    Hey guys, I have an iPhone 6 that has started to experience some battery issues (drains really quick, phone ends up dying arbitrary around 10-30% ). So I think I need to replace the battery (please let me know if I'm wrong about this). If I do it through Apple, would they restore / update my...
  12. Sovon Halder

    Install iOS 7 on iPhone 5s 2017

    iOS 11 made my iPhone 5s pathetically slow for day to day usage. Situation gradually became worse with every single release from iOS 7. Want to go back to iOS 10 or earlier. How do I do that?
  13. T

    update iphone 4, keep jailbreak?

    hello community , id like to know, how may i update my iphone 4 to the latest supported ios without losing my jailbreak capabilities im a graphic designer, and the jailbroken iphone i have lets me practice custom themes and offer the service of custom themes to jailbroken phones . thanks in...
  14. H

    General Best Alternative to ProTube

    I know there is a thread in the regular iOS forum, but it's kind of...noisy...and it refers to the regular app in the App Store... Have the old jailbroken ProTube/ProTube HD app that is slowly losing functionality (plays videos about 50% of the time...otherwise, a force stream is necessary)...
  15. T

    iPhone Current state of iOS 9.3.x JB?

    I just ordered a "new old stock" iPhone 6S Plus that (based on serial number) will be running either iOS 9.3.3 or 9.3.2. Can anyone point me to the latest information on Jailbreaking it? I used Pangu with the Chinese certificate last year to jailbreak my 6. Does that method still work? As I...
  16. T

    Jailbreaking iOS 9.3.2 iPhone SE now

    Is it still possible to jailbreak 9.3.2? If I would like to jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 iPhone SE now wouldn't there by any problems? If have iPad Mini 4 iOS 9.3.2 that I successfully jailbroken myself and everything works great. But I've done it before April 2017. On Pangu site there is something about...
  17. T

    Jailbreaking iPhone 5S with iOS 10.2

    I can buy iPhone 5S with iOS 10.2. So I'm asking will there be no problems to jailbreak it? I've done jailbreak on iPad Mini 1 with iOS 8 (with TaiG, cause Pangu8 does not work) and on iPad Mini 4 with iOS 9.3.x and I haven't got much problems with it. Will I manage to do this jailbreak and all...
  18. P

    Jailbreak to get rid of notch on X?

    Wrong forum, can thread be moved?
  19. T

    iPhone 5s | Yalu doesnt install Cydia. |10.1.1

    I have an iPhone 5s with update 10.1.1 and I was trying to jailbreak my phone using Yalu and the Cydia Impactor anjd it worked! But once i go to open the Mach_Portal app it will give me a white screen for about 10-15 seconds and it'll reboot my phone now i understand that once it reboots that...
  20. C

    iPhone 4s / dont know which iOS / no sim / not activated

    Hello there, i just found my old iphone 4S with a broken screen. It's still usable and i want to use it as a music player. Now I need a sim card for activation, but I don't got a micro sim which fits in the iPhone. I just read I have to jailbreak my phone to avoid the activation but I have no...