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  1. torukawahata

    Strange quick action bug on 9.3.1

    If I put the phone on landscape and force touch an icon the animation is choppy. The funny thing is that after doing that if you put the phone in portrait the same thing happens. (If I open another app then go back to the home screen the bug fixes itself and animations become smooth again)
  2. Steveatesh

    iPad pro 9.7 slow screen refresh when browsing and scrolling?

    Anybody else seeing this? When reading web pages on Safari as I scroll the page up maybe half or a full page the screen has a real lag in refreshing - it stays blank for a second or two before the text or pictures appear. Most annoying. As i only got it on Thursday I am not sure whether its...
  3. A

    What's with Apple's blur obsession?

    There's no denying performance has taken a severe beating since iOS 8, and even more so with iOS 9. Dynamic blurs are extremely taxing on processors. And I don't just mean phone processors. Microsoft removed almost all of their AeroBlur UI on their update to windows 8, and say what you will...
  4. R

    weird iPhone 5s calling problem - please help

    Okay so, I bought this used iPhone 5s today and I found out it has a bizarre problem. It simply has trouble making and receiving calls. In the video you can see that it lags or something when I pressed dial, and once it starts dialing nothing happens (doesnt actually dial). I should add: - it...
  5. darcyf

    iPad 2 on iOS 6 -- stay or upgrade to iOS 9?

    I've recently inherited an iPad 2 that is running iOS 6 and doing so smoothly. It's a little strange seeing all the old iOS designs and Safari still has the search bar separated from the address bar. And I'm sure there are other things that make being on 6 kind of strange compared to what we're...
  6. C

    After upgrade, laptop heats and lags insanely!?!?!?

    So during Christmas, I decided to upgrade my laptop for no good reason, and I was successfully able to do it with the help of some websites. Before the upgrade my mac was a MacBook Pro (13 in, Mid-2012), the processor was 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7, and it had 8GB of ram. When I did the upgrade, I...
  7. I

    Resolved [URGENT] I'm in a bad jam. (iPhone won't download/install things.)

    Hey guys, I'm in a bad jam. I really need some help, let me explain. > A long time ago. > iOS 8.2 comes out. > Jailbreaks iPhone 5s with Pangu and gets a bunch of tweaks. > Fast forward to last week. > Gets the tweak 'AppSync 3.1' and updates 'iAPCrazy' > Later tries to download app from the...
  8. J

    External display strangeness (conditional lag)

    I've noticed other people in these forums with external display problems on their MacBook Pro. I am one of these people, but this is a strange one... I'm running Boot Camp / Windows 10 on an early 2013 15" MacBook Pro with all the trimmings, maxed out with everything I could buy at the time...
  9. A

    LAN Aggregation / LACP / Link Aggregate (Virtual Interface) Challenge

    I'm attempting to setup a LAG between my MBP and NAS to double the bandwidth between the two, bonding/teaming/aggregating two NICs. The hardware I'm using is: Late 2013 15" MacBook Pro (OS X 10.10.5) with two thunderbolt (or USB 3) Gigabit Ethernet adapters Netgear GS724Tv3 (smart managed...