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  1. robertcoogan

    Mojave beta bizarre connection issues

    Safari has become unusable, 95% of the time it fails to connect to the internet. Firefox is working fine - it connects with no issues. Other apps also are having connection issues, the most notable being Feedback Assistant (!). Another is Adobe Photoshop. It connects just fine - but the Creative...
  2. ramee.nana

    Internet Data Usage app for macOS

    I manage a small network of 18 computers with 6 Macs. Our ISP has a data cap for broadband use and I need to monitor internet (only internet. Not LAN) usage for each user on the network. I run NetLimiter for Windows PCs and set internet quota usage limits per user. However, I haven't been able...
  3. BigPictureGuy

    iPhone X iPhone X network speeds

    I've noticed a significant jump in network speeds from my iPhone 7 to the X. Just curious what others are seeing and with what carrier? Mine is with Sprint.
  4. willmtaylor

    Help a Networking Noob

    So we just signed up with SuddenLink internet again, and as a part of the promotion, we get a free modem/wireless router combo (Arris) for 12 months. I already have a modem and an AirPort Extreme (and will return to them when the 12 mo. promo is up). Here's my question(s): With a 2,100 sq.ft...
  5. M

    6 got weird WiFi network problems.

    I've got an iPhone 6 with latest iOS version installed that I'm using since the release day. Two weeks ago it suddenly started having connection problems. Even when I'm in a very close proximity to the router it shows 1-2 wifi bars. I thought it might be the router, changed the channel to...
  6. C

    Airport Extreme extending existing network

    Hello everyone, I wanted to see if any advice on this one? Maybe I'm doing this wrong... :-P I have a Linksys WRT3200 router at one end of the house and looking to extend the network more in the other end. I've done a factory reset on the Airport Extreme (2013 Model with AC network support)...
  7. Wifiner

    Meet Wifiner - WiFi Analyzer!

    Hello guys! We are glad to show you Wifiner! This is a new product from the NetSpot team. We have introduced a new and sleek interface in this lightweight friendly app. With Wifiner you can analyze and troubleshoot your current Wi-Fi network connection in a few clicks. You'll get the detailed...
  8. planetf1

    10.13.2 (public) beta 1 : VPN issues

    Has anyone had any VPN issues in this beta? I have one that works, but I noticed my cisco VPN fails completely after the update. Reported to cisco/apple... Whilst at 10.13.1 the vpn works fine, after the update it seems I just see in the GUI * Unable to contact <MY VPN NAME> * No network...
  9. wicked271

    Connect to Wifi and LAN at the same time

    Hi I'm using MAC OS Sierra. We have a wired network to our Server in our office without internet. If I connect to it using LAN on my Mac, I have to manually input the details and in the router section, have to put in our server ip - example If I do this, while I can connect to the...
  10. seanbperiod

    Network shared files on another mac require verification before viewing

    I have 2 computers, both on High Sierra. Previously, I was able to double click a file on a network share and it would open immediately. But with High Sierra, most files now have to be "verified" before viewing. This is especially problematic when they are large sized video files- and they...
  11. rhett7660

    Testing LAN speeds of various devices

    Hello, Is there a way to test the local speeds and also see what is being used the most on my LAN? I have two switches and a router installed on my network with various items connected to the switches etc. However I would like to see all the devices that are connected and how much of my...
  12. zednud

    Internet Only Works if Internet Sharing Ticked

    Hi, My 2012 MacBook Air (1.7Ghz Core i7, 8GB memory OSX Sierra 10.12.6), is having connectivity issues. My WiFi connection is robust and stable (tested on multiple devices including other MacBook Airs). The only way I can get the internet to work is by turning on Internet Sharing under...
  13. robbiemcmartin

    Setting up MacBook as a wired network bridge

    Can anyone help? I've recently bought a new Smart TV and i'm trying to use my MacBook Pro as a network bridge from a shared wifi hotspot to my TV. I'm using a Thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter and ethernet cable plugged directly into my TV. The TV shows that it's connected, however receives no...
  14. stonewallkid

    How do I add a device before router on network?

    I have a setup at work where the computer is in the office and the ethernet plugs into the wall. From there it runs in the walls across the building to another location. I just got a security camera system that requires the hard drive to be plugged into the computer and the router. The router...
  15. D

    Setup a NAS within OSX / MacOS?

    G'day, I have a 2011 Corei5 MacMini hooked up to the TV, currently running Mac OS X El Capitan. I already have a 2TB USB Drive hanging out the back of it, and wondered if its possible to set it up as a NAS to share to both Windows and Mac computers. is there some software that will help share...
  16. 1

    Network storage advice please! External raid or TimeCapsule

    hey! So my home network storage is in need of an update - I currently have a qnap NAS which results in 4 finder sidebar locations all for the same drive - which is ugly. I currently have a Mac mini used as a media server, connected to a qnap nas where my media is stored - however streaming can...
  17. K

    Network speed inconsistencies

    I have an irritating speed issue in my home network. My network has gigabit switches like this: Switch 1 <- Switch 2 <- iMac 1, iMac 2 Switch 1 <- Switch 3 <- Mac Mini 1, Airport Extreme Switch 1 <- Mac Mini 2 All Macs are manually set to 1000BaseT in their respective network settings, and...
  18. rhett7660

    File Structure of Audio and Video Files Recommendations

    Hello, I am in the process of setting up a new NAS box and I wanted to see if there was a better way to handle all of my digital music and video files in terms of file structure on the NAS box. Currently I have the following: MultimediaMaster\Artist Name\Album Title\Tracks...
  19. J

    Difficulty with two ethernet interfaces

    I have two Macbook pros, One with OSX 10.5.8, which don't want to upgrade becuase of boatload of expensive software aboard. The other is running Yosemite. I also have a Mac mini running Yosemite. The older OS Macbook pro has had no problems with built in en0 interface and usb-ethernet adapter...
  20. N

    iPhone loses all network connectivity when connected to a mac using USB

    Hi, I have a Wifi and my MacBook and iPhone both connects just fine. When I connect my iPhone to my Mac using USB, the iPhone loses WiFi and reverts back to 4G. After this the iPhone can't even reach the internet over the 4G connection. I removed the iPhone USB network service from the...