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  1. jagooch

    Will Time Machine backup an iTunes library that's stored on a network share?

    I store my iTunes library on a Synology NAS and access it from an SMB share. The library is larger the SSD in my Macbook, so I cannot store it locally. Does Time Machine back a library that is on a network drive? I entered Time Machine today and tried to navigate to the iTunes library share...
  2. Stephen.R

    Mojave TM on High Sierra shared drive?

    Hey all, I’ve reurposed my old 2011 MBP as a home “server” to run iTunes etc, and it’d also be nice if I could use it to share a drive for a Time Machine network share. I’ve tried sharing both a whole disk and a folder on it, with the TM option set in the shares “advanced” dialog, and tried...
  3. L

    Getting "The specified network name is no longer available" on share

    I have a SMB connection to my NAS. In MacOS Mojave, but also in older MacOS/OS-X versions, I often get the message "The specified network name is no longer available". Often I don't get this message, but the connection is always broken after some time. This is annoying, for example when I want...
  4. yellowtonkatoy

    Most Futureproof Carrier for iPhone?

    Given the upcoming transition to 5G, which cell carrier is likely to be most futureproof for current iPhones, especially since Apple won’t be making the jump to 5G anytime soon? I’m currently on Verizon, but since they’re shutting down CDMA sometime in 2019, I wonder how seamless that will...
  5. spiderman0616

    What Wifi Mesh Hardware Do You Use?

    Just wanted to get some opinions on mesh networking from anyone who cares to chime in. I have decided to retire the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express that I’m currently using, and I was about 2 days away from buying an Eero setup when the Amazon news broke, so I had to go back to the drawing...
  6. jezbd1997

    Alternatives to AirPort base stations

    I've always found these details so useful within Apple's AirPorts and was wondering if anyone could let me know of other routers that have a similar *live* feature. And all of this info is available within both the iOS and Mac apps. What I want is to see is; current data rate/link speed, current...
  7. L

    How to attach encrypted HFS+ drives to a network?

    I know that people have asked this sort of question before, but I've always found it geared specifically for their own equipment, rather than in a general sense. How do users out there attach an encrypted drive to a network, be it a hard drive or raid, be it attached via ethernet or via a USB...
  8. ccRVA

    Recent convert from Windows to Mac / Network Question

    I bought the new MBP 2018 right after it came out and have enjoyed learning how to use it after a lifetime of Windows products. However, the one thing I can't figure out to save my life is how to set the network to Private or even how to create a home network. Used to be pretty straight-forward...
  9. bobesch

    os9/late-OSX - no file-sharing via AFP !?

    Inspired by the dicussion about the end of the Dropbox-Client for PPC I tried to establish file-sharing not only for my Tiger/Leopard-PPCs but also for os9. Connectivity with Tiger/Leopard(PPC) and late OSX (ElCap) works fine and is easy to establish. But it took me a while to find out, how...
  10. P

    Wifi stuttering every 5 minutes

    Hello! I’ve got MBP 15 2017, Mojave. I’m playing video games using cloud platform based on realtime video streaming, so the connection stability is critical for me. I’m using wifi and almost everything works fine, except one thing: I’ve got some kind of lag every 5 minutes. Connection starts...
  11. F

    Can I have router in one room and time capsule in another?

    Hi everyone. I have my router and time capsule in the living room. The TC is connected to the router with Ethernet, and I then have multiple devices connected to the TC with Ethernet. Problem is that it’s a mess of wires and I need to add even more. So I’d like to move the router into the home...
  12. F

    Help I just can't decide whats right!

    Hi Everyone, I'm in a bit of a predicament and really could use some advice here. Firstly let me start by saying I love apple computers and have been using them now for 20+ years now! I also happen to love PC gaming with my ageing 2008 MacPro (via BootCamp) but it just can't cope anymore so my...
  13. E60LNDN

    My new Iphone X is locked to Vodafone in UK - any way to network unlock this?

    Hi guys I have a new iPhone X from Vodafone which is locked to Vodafone. Unfortunately they want me to use the device for three months before they unlock it for me. Can someone please advise me on how to get this unlocked? I have a macbook bro and can use software myself if there is guidance...
  14. RichardF

    Best network config for Google Fiber, 2 Airport Extreme 6th Gen serving < 20 wireless clients

    Hello friends, May I please ask you guys for some help? What's the best set-up to optimize speed and surface coverage with these elements? 2 story home over 2,000sq wired throughout with Cat6 and an Ethernet port in each room. Google Fiber, internet only (no TV) > Google modem/ router...
  15. rdyornot

    Multiple network connection help

    I have two network connections (wifi and ethernet) and I'd like to specify the wired connection for certain apps, is this possible? It is already first in the adapter list in system networking preference, but they still sometimes use wifi instead - (there is no in-app setting traffic has to be...
  16. B

    Cant update to mojave on new imac

    I just bought a new imac 27" which came with High Sierra. I am trying to update to Mojave and I am having trouble. I go to the app store and download the mojave installer and that seems ok. Then when I run the mojave installer, it churns for a while and looks like its working. After...
  17. Slix

    Mac OS X Server "Shared Applications"

    Hey all! I'm fairly new to Mac OS X Server, but I'm learning as I go! I know you can do this, but apparently it's either never been an issue for people or for some reason it's just really hard to search online for. :/ I've been trying to get a Share Point on my Mac OS X Server Leopard 10.5...
  18. dawindmg08

    Different login credentials for smb vs. afp?

    I have a Mac Mini upstairs in my house that I occasionally log into for file sharing (mostly it runs Plex and iTunes for my AppleTV). When I first set up the Mini, I gave the admin account the username HOME_SERVER. I had issues with logging into it remotely so I decided to simplify the admin...
  19. Godcin

    There was a problem connecting to the server

    Multiple people in my organization are losing it as we can't seem to disconnect a server that no longer exists. We have been trying to remove forever. I have followed a lot of different suggestions but this is becoming extra problematic as the frequency that this message pops up is increasing...
  20. H

    Create seperate network

    Actual setup: VDSL Router (Vodafone NZ) with DHCP for internal network . This router also provides a wireless guest network. Two Airport Extreme in Bridge mode and a "private" wireless network. Nevertheless, as all devices in the same IP range, guests can access hardwired devices...