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  1. Growler

    Recent open pages documents

    As we all know, the apple menu gives us the Recent Items option and included in that are Pages documents that were recently opened. On my old iMac running Mavericks, if I just wanted to look at pages documents and not sort through all kinds of other items that I had recently opened, I would...
  2. Dj64Mk7

    Major Bugs in Pages 6.0 on macOS Sierra

    So, I'm using Pages to create a Cornell Notes template with text boxes for each question and answer. Whenever I try to move one of the text boxes either by duplicating or copy and paste, the text box moves about half way up the page. Has anyone else experienced this?
  3. M

    Pages issue

    I found iWork09 online and started a trial version. I need to send it to someone with a Mac, but so far, they can't open it! I saved it and didn't change any settings. They couldn't open it. I click "get info" to see if it can help and see why. I then see its "Read" for staff and everyone else...
  4. F

    eliminate saving of versions in pages?

    I prefer not to keep previously saved versions of pages documents. Occasionally, I get rid of old versions by creating duplicate versions of documents and trashing the original (or sometimes just by deleting each old version individually). But is there a way to just prevent it from saving the...
  5. S

    iOS 10 - IWork apps not working on new iPad Pro

    Hi, I have just installed the iOS 10 Developer Preview on a new iPad Pro. After the installation the following native apps do not launch: Keynote Pages Numbers iMovie iTunesU GarageBand The app window opens for just a split second and then disappears. Have any body experienced something...
  6. K

    Pages/Numbers not free with new Macs?

    Are Pages and Numbers not available for free downloads on new Mac purchases any longer? Just got a new Macbook last month and I'm not seeing any option to download it for free. I appreciate any help!
  7. SuperKerem

    Back to 2010

    I have a 1st generation iPad that's been unused for around 4 years. I thought it'd be fun to downgrade it to iOS 4, and install the 1.0 versions of a bunch of launch iPad apps. I've got Pages v1.0, Keynote v1.0, Numbers v1.0, iBooks v1.1, and GarageBand v1.0 running on the iPad. And...
  8. H

    MacApp download issue

    Hello, I am a Mac Book Pro owner and since my hard disk broke and had to have it replaced, I lost the apps that were included in the DVD provided with my Mac purchase (Pages etc.). On the top of that, my DVD player is also broken and therefore I cannot install theses apps straight from the dvd...
  9. cavi

    Numbered first line indent only - Pages 5

    Hi folks, I want to add a tab between the auto-number and the first word. how can I do it? I can’t, for some reason, indent the first sentence without indent the whole paragraph. If I use the ruler to indent the first sentence there is no space between the number and the first word. If I want to...
  10. H


    HI! I have recently started to travel for work, which has meant leaving my desktop mac in the office, and working from my PC laptop only. I have been pleasantly surprised to find that you can use Pages online on a PC now (via iCloud), and it is actually quite good. However, I am working on a...
  11. cavi

    iWork improvements

    Hello friends, I just wondering of Apple do intent to improve the iWork suite to be more "powerful" and less entry level tool as it is today (except Keynote which is very good competitor to Powerpoint). For 3 years I sent more and more feedbacks to apple regarding the "power features" (that I...
  12. Huntn

    Pages- iOS/Mac Issues

    Transferring a Pages doc to my iPad. My iPad and iTunes has the latest iOS update. My Mac is running an updated Yosemite. I have transferred Pages docs between my iPad and MBP before without any issues. In iTunes I'm trying to add a Pages text document from my Mac to be used on my iPad via...
  13. J

    Copy/paste text color in Pages 5.5.3

    Hi, When I try to copy/paste a string of colored text in Pages 5.5.3, it just reverts to black. Every time. For example, I might copy a green sentence, then go to paste it and the text will be pasted, but it remains in black and not green. My reasoning is that the spot in which I am pasting the...
  14. O

    default text wrap in Pages

    When inserting an object in Pages, the default text wrap is "Automatic." I almost always prefer the text wrap to be "None," at least initially. It's a hassle to always need to select the object, go to "Arrange" and change the wrap. Have any of you a way to set the default to "none?" (Or...