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  1. Joseph C

    How secure is a standard account when FileVault enabled?

    Tomorrow I have agreed to lend my machine to someone and multiple others may use it in the day. I have set it up with a Standard Account because I noticed that since I have FileVault enabled, the Guest Account is a Safari-only account which runs off the recovery partition. Now, while I do trust...
  2. MarkShark

    Why is there a shared PC in my Finder bar?

    I just did a format and reinstall of Sierra on my Macbook Pro and there is an unknown device in my Finder sidebar. Screengrab: According to its info it's a PC (despite having 'linux' in the name). I haven't allowed any kind of sharing and my WiFi is locked down with no unknown devices...
  3. J

    How do you evaluate the potential risk of using an iPhone with an older iOS

    I have an iPhone 5 and I'm worried because Apple may be going to drop it with iOS 11. The iPhone 5 is not so gorgeous anymore and it's slow, but it works fine so far and if I can continue using it safely next year I'll be happy to do so. I think the biggest problem with using an older phone is...
  4. C

    Time Machine backups over network - encryption in transit?

    I know I can encrypt my Time Machine backups. If I choose that option, are the backups only encrypted at rest (on the disk), or are they are encrypted in transit, too, such as when sending over a network to a Time Capsule or Synology? I ask because I have a Synology sitting here on my desk at...
  5. shoves

    SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER after upgrade

    We use our macs on a windows network. Since upgrading to Sierra i get the above error when i open google chrome. I have upgraded the browser, tried canary, made sure the date and time is correct but still having this issue. Anyone else experience this? If so, how do we fix it?
  6. Braders88

    'Ask to Join Networks' - General settings query

    Hello Mac Community, Another question has arisen related to WiFi and Security. I am looking to get a proper answer as Google has revealed a mixed bag of decisions through multiple forums. People leaning one way and others leaning the other. Most of you are probably familiar with the settings...
  7. C

    Security of Apples disk encryption

    do you guys know how secure the non public disk encryption is Apple provides? I'm asking because I can read all over the net that you shouldn't use BitLocker on Windows because there is a "backdoor" in the encryption and if Microsoft is forced to, they give out the master key to decrypt. Is...
  8. C

    BruteForce .dmg

    Is there any tool which I can download which is able to crack .dmg files? I just want to test it on my .dmg container for test purpose.
  9. G

    WhatsApp out of control

    I decided to do this simple task: stop whatsapp from saving photos and imagens im my photos roll. I decided because when I open Photos, my camera photos are mixed with all images shown in whatsapp conversations. So following instructions (Apple Brazilian Help) I opened WhatsApp settings and...
  10. U

    Preparing iMac for Genius Bar / Drive Replacement

    I'm scheduled to bring my iMac into the Genius bar to have the 3tb fusion drive replaced under the 3tb Drive Replacement Program. I use TimeMachine and backup my machine locally to an external USB drive. I also backup off-site with CrashPlan. I basically feel like I've protected my data, but...
  11. U

    Security tips when upgrading to macOS Sierra

    the internet storm center put together a brief guide with security tips for a macOS Sierra upgrade.
  12. Ninja054

    iPod iPod activation

    I got an iPod 5th gen from someone. I restarted it. I don't know the original owners apple I.D. and have no way of getting in contact with them. I really need to know how to bypass the activation security. Please if anybody can help I am desperate.:confused: Thanks :);)
  13. pedzsan

    Security features of iPhone 7

    In my surfing today I've come across one article on CNET but it is asking the same question. The little skit before the presentation mentioned that iPhone 7 is the most secure ever but then nothing about security was mentioned in the presentation. There was mention of leaks in the skit. Does...
  14. basilt

    Security question curl & port 80/macinstallerinfo

    hello, my firewall poped a message about CURL command asking to communicate with info. and on port 80. I was wondering what this site is, does not exist on web and not sure if it is generated by OSX. Any help would be appreciated on how to remove this...
  15. M

    Safari vs Chrome Security and Privacy: Which is better?

    Safari vs Chrome Security and Privacy: Which is better? I am looking to see what people think about Safari (9 to 10+) and Chrome (Version 52+) in regards to security and privacy. But specifically on MacOS and not on iOS or Windows. I have yet to find a compelling article on comparing both. Thanks!
  16. J

    NSA hacked:What Snowden say about it?

    Following are the Snowden Tweets about NSA Hacked 1) NSA traces and targets malware C2 servers in a practice called Counter Computer Network Exploitation, or CCNE. So do our rivals. 2) NSA is often lurking undetected for years on the C2 and ORBs (proxy hops) of state hackers. This is how we...
  17. V

    iPhone Secure Image Upload On Server "Secure Image Upload On Server" – new project that provides security for personal information during exchange. Presented source code may be useful to: - freelancers; - clients who want confidentiality. Let's consider few...
  18. dollystereo

    Dropbox nasty OS X behaviour, gain complete computer control

    This type of behaviour shouldn't be allowed by apple, they just don't care. I am really more and more convinced that big companies don't really care about our privacy and security. This is a serious issue, that has been documented for a while...
  19. Avenged110

    Protect 10.9.5 from CVE-2016-4631 & 4632?

    According to Apple's information (, they patched ImageIO exploits CVE-2016-4629 and CVE-2016-4630 on Mavericks. However, they do not claim to have patched 10.9.5 with regard to CVE-2016-4631 or CVE-2016-4632. From how these have been described to me, this...
  20. Mentok..The Mind Taker

    Hotspot, 802.1X error, Ethernet In-->Wifi Out

    This seems like a difficult fix. . . What I am Attempting to accomplish: Use my MacBook Pro (Mid 2010, El Capitan) as a Wifi Hotspot for my Galaxy s5 to connect to (Ethernet in -->Wifi out) My Problem: First, my ethernet connection will not authenticate, though I can browse the...