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macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2009
I’ve pretty much swapped to ProtonMail but for my 2 other email accounts I still use (rarely) I’ve settled on Airmail after trying many others. They have good support and the options are near endless.


macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2009
With the imminent demise of Newton, I decided to give Canary a shot (I've also got Spark, but have always been a bit leery of the "free" model). So far, Canary is pretty awesome. I don't use the PGP options, but the rest is great. Nice UI, lots of options, pretty much everything Newton had... and for less money.

I liked Canary a lot but dealt with enough bugs and lack of customer support that I finally switched back to Airmail. My key interest in Canary was their headlining claim of a privacy focused experience. Just a word of caution. These claims haven’t been verified and their TOS are a little vague. I’m pretty sure if you opt to use their push notifications, snooze feature and some other features that make the app nice they do store your email on their servers. They have to in order to make those features functional. I hope the app has gotten more solid as it really was well put together but again, I’m not so sure they’re as privacy focused as they claim.

Having said that, Spark, while also a nice app, has big issues with privacy from what I’ve read.

It’s the internet so take that for what it’s worth.


macrumors 68020
Nov 12, 2012
I’ve pretty much swapped to ProtonMail but for my 2 other email accounts I still use (rarely) I’ve settled on Airmail after trying many others. They have good support and the options are near endless.
The trouble I’ve run into with Airmail is that some of my emails display in a font so tiny it’s illegible on my phone without rotating to landscape. I’m using it on my
iPads, where it’s a fantastic experience, but display on the phone is off—it seems to want to always display like a desktop and doesn’t use a mobile layout.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2018
Manchester, UK
The trouble I’ve run into with Airmail is that some of my emails display in a font so tiny it’s illegible on my phone without rotating to landscape. I’m using it on my
iPads, where it’s a fantastic experience, but display on the phone is off—it seems to want to always display like a desktop and doesn’t use a mobile layout.
Yep that's why I dropped it as a 'serve all' app.
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macrumors 68020
Nov 12, 2012
I use iOS Mail or Newton Mail and they are really great
The trouble I’ve had with iOS mail is that I delete stuff and if reappears the next time I load the app, and I un-delete stuff and it never shows back up unless I go into the gmail app and do it there. So there’s some sort of sync disconnect.


macrumors 65816
Nov 22, 2010
Hong Kong
I am using Spark as alternate to Newton Mail.

I miss Newton Mail.

If there is another other email app which lets us choose the photo size when attaching to an email.

Newton and Spark can do this.


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2008

I’ve tried Spark and really liked it. I had a couple of issues with it (it was a little heavy on battery use with a lot of background activity, and I didn't like only 2 sound options for notifications) so I’ve been trying out Email (Edison Mail) the last week or so and I think I like it even more than Spark.

It's definitely using much less of my battery on my XS and shows no background activity even though it's running full Push notifications on all three of my accounts. I also like the various sound options for notifications. And I really appreciate the option to opt-out of data sharing with 3rd party which I didn't see an option for in Spark.

Give it a try.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2008
Does Edison Mail help to shrink image sizes when attaching to emails?
Yes, just before the email is sent you get a pop up offering 4 sizes for attached images (Small, Medium, Large and Actual) each with a corresponding file size value to choose from.


macrumors 6502
Aug 17, 2009
Anyone else agree/disagree that Edison Mail is better than Spark?
Was about to start using Spark. Not concerned about the privacy stuff.


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2016
does Edison mail and airmail store your login details like spark?

need a new mail client for my Mac


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2014
I wonder if he will try to ressurect it with a different model.

The lead designer replied to me on Twitter after I asked him "Honestly, what are the chances of continuing @newtonmailapp and it still being available for iPhone"... He replied "Good chances. Just a matter of time". Fingers crossed on this as I'm currently using Spark, which I like, but Newton will win if it continues.


Sep 13, 2018
Spark Is it that good?

Im not a privacy nut by any means but it depends how much you value your online privacy.

Edison was already caught with its hand in the cookie jar allowing real humans (not AI) to read user email; there was a big news article months back.

Spark has their own servers and keeps your emails for 4 hours. What are they doing with them in the Ukraine? Who knows really. My bigger concern is what if their servers are breached? The hacker has 4 hours of EVERYONE's email. Once in hacker can also trigger a password reset link that could be deleted right away before pushed to your device and you would never know your account was gone.

There is a TON of risk giving a 3rd party server access to your email. Google (gmail app) and Microsoft (outlook app) are one thing; they are huge companies subject to US law and scrutiny as public companies; they also host email for much of the worlds largest companies between G-Suite and Exchange.

Facebook and other scandals lately have really opened my eyes to user data privacy lately; which should be 10000 times more important for email with sensitive data about yourself.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2011
That's a concern with 3rd party email apps. They might offer new features but they also somehow monetize their services in order to cover their costs of development and running servers. Even if you go by their claims to privacy, their security may not be as robust as big tech companies and they could just fold their business in case of a larger data breach instead of compensating customers. So it again comes down to apps and services from the same big tech companies even if they are slow to implement new features.

Im not a privacy nut by any means but it depends how much you value your online privacy.

Edison was already caught with its hand in the cookie jar allowing real humans (not AI) to read user email; there was a big news article months back.

Spark has their own servers and keeps your emails for 4 hours. What are they doing with them in the Ukraine? Who knows really. My bigger concern is what if their servers are breached? The hacker has 4 hours of EVERYONE's email. Once in hacker can also trigger a password reset link that could be deleted right away before pushed to your device and you would never know your account was gone.

There is a TON of risk giving a 3rd party server access to your email. Google (gmail app) and Microsoft (outlook app) are one thing; they are huge companies subject to US law and scrutiny as public companies; they also host email for much of the worlds largest companies between G-Suite and Exchange.

Facebook and other scandals lately have really opened my eyes to user data privacy lately; which should be 10000 times more important for email with sensitive data about yourself.


macrumors 68020
Nov 12, 2012
Spark Is it that good?
I’m not a fan. I redownloaded it and used it for several days and I just don’t like that it doesn’t de-bold the read emails. Each time I open it I feel overwhelmed because everything looks new to me. I just can’t seem to adjust.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2007
In my endless quest for the ultimate email app, I ran across one that's new — at least to me. Spike (formerly Hop) seems to have a pretty interesting take on the email problem. It uses a messages-like metaphor to display emails in an easy to read format. I’ve only played with it briefly, but so far it seems quite nice. I really like the way it separates out threaded messages to make the order more obvious—a real problem I have with Spark. It's also fast and pretty customizable with features like snooze, unsubscribe, aliases, etc.

Until Newton re-emerges, this might be a good option.

Anyone else have experience with this one?
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macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2017
I'm back on stock and if they added a setting to go to the inbox rather then the next message after deleting I might almost be happy. Almost!

I have found airmail to be a little slow, canary clunky (imo) and do not trust spark. Also hoping Newton reappears.


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2008
I'm back on stock and if they added a setting to go to the inbox rather then the next message after deleting I might almost be happy. Almost!

I have found airmail to be a little slow, canary clunky (imo) and do not trust spark. Also hoping Newton reappears.
I’ve also tried the ones you mentioned but I’ve settled on Edison Email. I found it to be the best of the lot, to the point I’ve now deleted the stock Mail app. Give it a try, you may like it.


macrumors regular
Sep 29, 2012
The trouble I’ve run into with Airmail is that some of my emails display in a font so tiny it’s illegible on my phone without rotating to landscape. I’m using it on my
iPads, where it’s a fantastic experience, but display on the phone is off—it seems to want to always display like a desktop and doesn’t use a mobile layout.

I have the same problem with spark - it does not allow increasing the font size . I have written to the developers several times but there has been no response. Outlook and iOS stock email app both have dynamic font size .This is the biggest drawback with spark and the reason I switched over to outlook .
No point in getting an XS max and having tiny fonts .
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