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Sep 15, 2020
That’s rough considering there’s a vaccin. Where I live, 90% is vaccinated. We’re returning to normal pre-corona life.
You must live in a very tiny country because in large countries it's uncommon right now to be 90% vaccinated.


Oct 22, 2020
Southern Cal
The virus came from a lab in China or a bat soup connoisseur.

There is absolutely nothing hateful about this. It’s fact. It’s science. Anyone with a brain can separate this fact from the fact that we have to work together to get through this Alive
I just can’t stand the sudden rise in the “sToP aSiAn HaTe” narrative with cherry picked incidents as if people suddenly started to hate Asians.


Oct 22, 2013
I just can’t stand the sudden rise in the “sToP aSiAn HaTe” narrative with cherry picked incidents as if people suddenly started to hate Asians.
I’m pretty far right. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with similar political leanings that don’t absolutely adore and admire Asian communities.

even Asians that I know are confused by the headlines

Whuch begs the question, who is committing these hate crimes?


macrumors regular
Dec 17, 2020
I just can’t stand the sudden rise in the “sToP aSiAn HaTe” narrative with cherry picked incidents as if people suddenly started to hate Asians.
I’d chill if I were you. Some of us have been attacked just for not being the right skin color.
The virus came from a lab in China or a bat soup connoisseur.

There is absolutely nothing hateful about this. It’s fact. It’s science. Anyone with a brain can separate this fact from the fact that we have to work together to get through this Alive

Ok let’s get this straight. The bat soup theory borders on the insane. But as for escaping from a lab, there is a lot of proof for this theory. That lab exists in China for a reason- most countries don’t want them. They are high risk. But China will take it. And the US want to use the lab too.

honestly, China and America and any number of countries that thought these experiments were sound are now responsible for this plague.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
I’m pretty far right. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with similar political leanings that don’t absolutely adore and admire Asian communities.

even Asians that I know are confused by the headlines

Whuch begs the question, who is committing these hate crimes?
I'm glad you speak for all conservatives. For a moment there, I thought we had a race/immigrant resentment problem in America.


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
my favorite thing about modern society is how the death of a few children is a perfectly valid trade off for the FREEDOM to be a first class jerk and not mask them up.
It's not a trade's reality. You don't form policy for an entire nation state or region on outliers. We don't mask up schools on an annual basis because 600 kids die a year from the flu.

Answer me this...if you care so much about saving every life possible you surely support my proposal to lower the speed limit to 30 mph nationally. That would save thousands of lives a year. thanks to lower speed wrecks and more reaction time to avoid them in the first place. In 2018 600+ kids under 12 died in car related accidents. Is your freedom to drive over 30 mph worth the all the deaths from car accidents we have every year.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
The Delta Variant started in India in Dec 2020, long before either country had even a percentage of their population vaccinated, and according to the CDC is spread just as easily by people with or without the covid vaccines. It is also less lethal which is why most people never know they were carrying it. The only thing that the vaccine is buying you is better chance against severe symptoms or death.

But hey, at least you'll get lots of likes by spreading hate against people that are weighing their risks vs vaccines that 9 months and 100's of millions of doses later still do not have full FDA approval and still have their manufacturers protected from any liability.
So what about all the other variants that have sprung up since then? CDC understands that there will be more deadly variants that can be stopped or slowed by the vaccines they produce this year and next year. The anti-vaxxers don't care about that because they were never truly weighing risk. They were lazy/selfish/scared and now they are dying more often than any other category of deniers.

We will never catch up to virus to eradicate it because the latest vaccine will always be an emergency measure that cannot be exhaustively tested. But back in time of polio, smallpox, etc., people weren't so suspicious of government and convinced that they know all they need to know from their conformation bias they found on the Internet.


macrumors 68020
Aug 4, 2008
Since I'm in this thread, and there are so many scientists and doctors in here, could someone please explain to me why it's not advised to overuse anti-bacterial soaps and antibiotics?
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macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
So what about all the other variants that have sprung up since then? CDC understands that there will be more deadly variants that can be stopped or slowed by the vaccines they produce this year and next year. The anti-vaxxers don't care about that because they were never truly weighing risk. They were lazy/selfish/scared and now they are dying more often than any other category of deniers.

We will never catch up to virus to eradicate it because the latest vaccine will always be an emergency measure that cannot be exhaustively tested. But back in time of polio, smallpox, etc., people weren't so suspicious of government and convinced that they know all they need to know from their conformation bias they found on the Internet.
You seem to have fallen into the lie that we can erradicate this. As long as there is unvaccinated people in the world a vaccine ressitant variant can form and there isn't anything we can do about that. The Spanish Flu aka H1N1 still shows up every couple years. The US which has 70% of it's adult population vaccinated isn't the issue regardless how much you gaslight.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2012
Okay I’ll jump in on the fun before the comments get locked. From a non biased (neither pro vax nor anti vax) perspective:

Firstly, good job to Apple for closing the store to protect staff and customers. No matter what you believe about Covid, the fact is that the Apple stores by nature have a lot of products that everyone is touching and in the current world state, it was a good move to close it down temporarily.

As for all the back and forth going on, here’s my take on things - take it or leave it:

1. The vax does NOT stop you from getting or spreading the virus. Also, since vaccinated people do not have to wear mask in most areas, they may contribute to the spread just as much as the un-jabbed. I also know there are a lot of un-vaxed people “pretending to be vaxed” and that certainly doesn’t help things either.

2. The media only gives you one side of the story. Yes there is a TON of misinformation out there but there is also a lot of suppressed information. In science and medicine, there is never a 100% agreement and this is no different. The doctors and scientists who are critical of the vaccine and who suggest other treatments are being silenced. Even as someone who believes in the vaccine, I can’t agree with the fact that the media refuses to show any opposing sides from medical professionals and scientists.

3. To go along with the previous point, there are scientists and doctors showing evidence that due to the way the vaccine does not fully prevent infection (called a “leaky vaccine”), those who are vaccinated and come into contact with Covid can actually contribute to variants. Personally I believe Delta and other variants are a combination of factors and no one group is fully to blame.

4. The vaccine does work great for reducing symptoms and it is a good idea for people at high risk. However, more data is coming out that the vaccine effectiveness wears off quite fast. Another reason why this war between the jabbed and un-jabbed is getting pointless.

Again, I stand for neither side. I support vaccines and I also support people choosing not to get it. There’s more I could say but I’m sure even this will make some people angry.

If I can say one more thing it’s this: United we stand but divided we fall. The amount of hate I have seen from both sides is gross.


Oct 22, 2013
I’d chill if I were you. Some of us have been attacked just for not being the right skin color.

Ok let’s get this straight. The bat soup theory borders on the insane. But as for escaping from a lab, there is a lot of proof for this theory. That lab exists in China for a reason- most countries don’t want them. They are high risk. But China will take it. And the US want to use the lab too.

honestly, China and America and any number of countries that thought these experiments were sound are now responsible for this plague.
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macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2019
Hmm…it’s funny that the same people against protecting kids by monitoring iCloud photos for CSAM in the name of “Freedom” and “Privacy”, are for enforcing mandatory masks and vaccines on the unwilling (trampling on their “Freedom” & “Privacy”) to protect themselves.

Bit of a double standard if you ask me.

BTW, don’t please don’t assume my position on either of these issues.
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