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macrumors 603
Nov 11, 2005
WWI saw roughly 3 million American males inducted out of a population of 103 million men. WWII saw roughly 10 million inducted out of a population of 137 million males. True: Much of the non-inducted males were beyond child-rearing age, but, likewise, many of those inducted were unmarried young men of just over high school age. Then you'd have to account for the highly-nuclear nature of families during those periods--where the absence of a father could be mitigated by the presence other family males (grandfathers, uncles, etc.)
also, they weren't inducted for that long, given how the u.s. opened the second front only in 1944. the death toll was in the 400k range, i believe. so yea)
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
But ofc if you're a straight white male you get the usual "**** you" from Woke Apple


macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2009
That is absolutely not happening.
What's happening is that there are.slots.for QUALIFIED people of color.

If you MCAT isn't up to snuff you do not get into medical school.
If your LSAT is not up to snuff you don't get in to law school.

Oh, unless you are white and a legacy.
I love how people perpetuate the lie that somehow Black and minority candidates only get I because of their color. You don't make it in the classes if you do not have the skills.

Color doesn't get a degree or does it pass the bar or medical boards. It sure didn't pass my engineering classes or design signal processors and CPUs for me.
Did you not read where I point out the system needs to be blind. That includes everyone.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2009
but you did previously? as in when their production was in china and before they ever mentioned moving it to usa?..
Found the apologist. I don't like hypocrisy. Apple wasn't playing that game then. The NBA wasn't protesting everything except the people fired for criticizing the CCP. Be one thing. Don't lecture people about eating meat while you're on your 5th whopper of the day.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Huge hat tip to Apple for stepping up!

For people here who would also like to help make a difference, consider donating to Bryan Stevenson's Equal Justice Initiative.
I’m not saying this is the case with the cause you mentioned, but whenever I see a qualifier for “justice”, it’s no longer about justice, but something else. Like “social justice” that gets thrown about by socialists like Castro, Pol Pot and Mao. It’s not about justice, but revenge.


macrumors 65816
Jan 1, 2021
Are you doing your part?
I personally am trying to, but the majority of Chinese people that I've met think China is the best and Mao Zedong was great (I'm not kidding) and when I bring up the issue of what the Chinese are doing in Africa then they say it's ok and the white people have done the same thing in the past.

Also, anyone that has lived in China know how incredibly racist they are.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2008
Will you be stepping up sending a real message to Apple by voting with your wallet? Or is that just forum yada yada?

I bet he even won't send a message to his local Walmart where he buys whatever is cheaper. But hey I get it, the rocking chair made in China is $100, the one made in the US is $300.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
I bet he even won't send a message to his local Walmart where he buys whatever is cheaper. But hey I get it, the rocking chair made in China is $100, the one made in the US is $300.

How many smartphones or computers are manufactured in the U.S.? Could you post a list of options? Thanks in advance.


macrumors 603
Nov 11, 2005
Found the apologist. I don't like hypocrisy. Apple wasn't playing that game then. The NBA wasn't protesting everything except the people fired for criticizing the CCP. Be one thing. Don't lecture people about eating meat while you're on your 5th whopper of the day.
well hey, you said you're religious about it. it's really a shame when you let other's actions determine your faith. :)


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
I’ve had enough of apples woke pandering now, im sorry but this is racist, it’s nothing to do with skin colour it’s to do with hard work, the best person for the job, giving money to a certain race only is racist in its self; but that’s all im gonna say; I know on this forum there are decent people like my self with honest views but there are also the woke left type that think blm was needed
You sound like you're running for office in this forum. Cast half of the forum population as indecent and dishonest in the hopes to further divide the entire forum.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Did you not read where I point out the system needs to be blind. That includes everyone.
Critical Race Theorists / anti-racists don’t believe in colorblindness. In fact, they reject MLK’s message and the civil rights movement because they don’t believe he went far enough. It’s an upside down world and I feel sorry for the students who were and are being indoctrinated with this worldview because they will live life believing that differences in skin color is more important than the far more profound shared traits that make us all human.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
I don't like this phrase but I'm gonna say it: This is virtue signaling. Pure & simple. As aforementioned what about China? And the Uighurs? Go woke, go broke. Get this culture of wokeness out of Apple & let's encourage Apple to get its assembly of products out of China.
So you want Apple to stop manufacturing in China so that they don't go broke? I think you're confused.

Apple Knowledge Navigator

macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2010
As a personal opinion, I believe that access to higher education has caused “education inflation” which people are expected to attain higher and higher levels of education for work that doesn’t require it.
Exactly. This is a major problem in the U.K (one of many, I might add) where you have snowflakes students moaning left-right-centre about a "lack of job opportunities". And if they're really riled up, they'll throw in the old "mental health" too.

Hmm... So they're upset because they're unable to go straight into a career that some university representative (salesman) convinced them would be a reality? Very naive.

It's this inability to accept anything less than some pre-concieved notion about what their career would end up being that is wrong with the jobs market. Degrees have become, essentially, worthless in many industries simply because of how many people have them.

And despite this, there are other avenues out of school (apprenticeships, self-employment, straight into work) that are perfectly attainable, some even crying out for employees, yet Mr/Miss Student won't swallow their pride and deviate.

Often, hard work and perseverance trump qualifications when it comes to careers.


macrumors 65816
Feb 22, 2010
Northern Ca.
Critical Race Theorists / anti-racists don’t believe in colorblindness. In fact, they reject MLK’s message and the civil rights movement because they don’t believe he went far enough. It’s an upside down world and I feel sorry for the students who were and are being indoctrinated with this worldview because they will live life believing that differences in skin color is more important than the far more profound shared traits that make us all human.
First of all you indicate your bias by using the term "critical race theory" in that context. That term is used today to by those that want to argue that America was never inherently racist and racism wasn't endemic nor systematic in this society.

It absolutely was. When the US military discriminated and was segregated it was not only accosted but enforced by the US. When it was legal to deny jobs at federal agencies just because a person was Black, it was systemic and endemic.

A race blind society now after 100 years of racial disparity when access was denied.

The same people talk about Black neighborhoods and businesses knowing full well that for 100 years "red lining" was the norm.

I don't need you to be color blind I need you to accept the differences of experience that people have had and recognize that people for generations were denied access.

You don't hold the participants in a race at the start line; then announce halfway through the race that they can start and are expected to do as well as those that weren't held back.

The whole "we need to be color blind" ignores the past disenfranchisement of groups of people. It ignores that people in the society still need a leg up.

And don't use Obama, athletes, etc as an example. Those are exceptions and not the norm.

A perfect example of this systemic and endemic racism is David Blackwell David Blackwell ; without argument one of the greatest math minds of the 20th century was denied tenure at Berkeley because somebody didn't want a Black man to attend social functions.

Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2009
well hey, you said you're religious about it. it's really a shame when you let other's actions determine your faith. :)
You do understand there is a difference between having a religion like devotion to an idea and region right?


macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2009
First of all you indicate your bias by using the term "critical race theory" in that context. That term is used today to by those that want to argue that America was never inherently racist and racism wasn't endemic nor systematic in this society.

It absolutely was. When the US military discriminated and was segregated it was not only accosted but enforced by the US. When it was legal to deny jobs at federal agencies just because a person was Black, it was systemic and endemic.

A race blind society now after 100 years of racial disparity when access was denied.

The same people talk about Black neighborhoods and businesses knowing full well that for 100 years "red lining" was the norm.

I don't need you to be color blind I need you to accept the differences of experience that people have had and recognize that people for generations were denied access.

You don't hold the participants in a race at the start line; then announce halfway through the race that they can start and are expected to do as well as those that weren't held back.

The whole "we need to be color blind" ignores the past disenfranchisement of groups of people. It ignores that people in the society still need a leg up.

And don't use Obama, athletes, etc as an example. Those are exceptions and not the norm.

A perfect example of this systemic and endemic racism is David Blackwell David Blackwell ; without argument one of the greatest math minds of the 20th century was denied tenure at Berkeley because somebody didn't want a Black man to attend social functions.

Please name the arbitrator of what is bias please. Do they have like an email or something if we have questions?


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’ve had enough of apples woke pandering now, im sorry but this is racist, it’s nothing to do with skin colour it’s to do with hard work, the best person for the job, giving money to a certain race only is racist in its self; but that’s all im gonna say; I know on this forum there are decent people like my self with honest views but there are also the woke left type that think blm was needed
Ok PROVE this “hard work ethic” you speak of actually translate to racial equality and/financial equity for ALL.

youre heavily sounding like those whom want to continue this issue because it affects their own comfort zone or sense of self worth determined by their worth being above others.

hard work:
tone arm for the record player - designed by whom? No equity or equity equated in history there!
villianizing Serena Williams - just Google that and although she’s financially secure through hard work continually not treated as equal to other female tennis stars cause she looks different.
Oh Washington D.C. slave labourers got a damn commemorative plaque! There was no equality there for their hard work and still no equal payment in equity for their hard work

Hell New York City was literary BUILT by slaves until the industrial revolution - there are countless records of slave ships buried beneath streets discovered long before and more after 9-11!

that’s just a brief mention as a debate against your post.

so please do enlighten us with historical proof of racial equality, and equity in the USA present or past.


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
Critical Race Theorists / anti-racists don’t believe in colorblindness. In fact, they reject MLK’s message and the civil rights movement because they don’t believe he went far enough. It’s an upside down world and I feel sorry for the students who were and are being indoctrinated with this worldview because they will live life believing that differences in skin color is more important than the far more profound shared traits that make us all human.
I mean no offence but you do not seem to know what critical race theory is. And pointing out that there is racism is not the same as teaching fatalism. Indeed quite the opposite. Finally, teachers don't really have the time to learn about an academic approach taken to explore the extent of structural biases in the US legal system - something typically taught in law school. CRT has become a lightening rod for anybody who wants to sweep current and past US racism under the rug by not teaching kids about it.

Anyway, not really sure what this has to do with Apple's donation.
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