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macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
Why didn’t the union negotiate better benefits to begin with? Wasn’t that the whole purpose to create the union? Better benefits.

Looks to me that they want to have the cake and eat it too.

They haven’t started bargaining yet. They get the standard stuff.
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macrumors 603
May 14, 2012
This was the only Apple Store for years that I would have to drive to. The dealers were a poor substitute until Apple killed them off. Now we have one closer to us now and never visit Towson.


macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2014
Actually it's well within Apple's rights to do just that. Apple, and really any retailer, can shut down a store, fire its employees and there's not a thing unions can do to stop it.
may not be a good business decision but yes they are within their rights
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macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2012
Wake Forest, NC
Unions are a good thing. Just as Apple can use carrot and stick, so can union leaders.
Then they should use their legitimate carrots and sticks and stop whining to the courts and the government about mistreatment. They wanted collective bargaining and that is what they now have. Obviously the “leaders” are not getting the job done for their membership here.


macrumors regular
Nov 17, 2021
Ladies and gentlemen. Here’s a person that defends a trillion dollar company not properly paying and providing benefits for their employees.
Trillion dollar company? But not that store records trillion dollar sales. Have to be fair!!!!


macrumors regular
Nov 17, 2021
Ladies and gentlemen. Here’s a person that defends a trillion dollar company not properly paying and providing benefits for their employees.

Retail always see each store revenue and performance, if you know the true, retail doesn’t make money as what you may think.


Jun 5, 2022
Right… not stock buybacks, executive bonuses, profit windfalls being dispersed to shareholders… it’s always the workers that raise the prices.

public company = duty to shareholders. don't like it? go private. until then, board will keep CEO in check to make a profit for shareholders. tim cook suddenly slashing profits for workers = instant replacement by the board. it's a simple fact of being publicly traded company.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2017
Fort Myers, FL
unionization = more expensive products

i don't mind paying for better worker pay, but if you're going to complain why the next iPhone is $100 more expensive, this is why

apple passes the cost onto consumers. don't like it? don't buy it. it's very simple
The US automakers had reasonably priced cars and trucks for decades with a union workforce. It was only in the late 1980’s and after NAFTA was signed did they start shipping jobs overseas. The irony of all ironies however, wasn’t that they didn’t make a good profit with union labor, they wanted to make *bigger* profits with cheap labor.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 16, 2020
This is how collective bargaining works. If they wanted the perks and benefits that the non-union workers get then they should not have joined the union or they should have had their union negotiate to have those benefits to begin with. This seems more like a failure of the union's part. I honestly don't think they will get very far as they don't have very much leverage and I doubt benefit parity with non-union workers was a staple of their contract. Most union contracts are for 3-4 years and mid-contract changes and re-negotiations are very rare so I think they are stuck with the deal they signed for a bit.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Haha, so very true. The teachers unions are the absolute worst, and run half the political party in America. Obama had a choice: help inner city (mostly black and Hispanic) school children or help the teachers unions. To no one’s surprise, he let the students suffer (most likely ruining their chances of succeeding in life) and sided with the teachers unions.

There’s a reason why Dems love unions… it has nothing to do with caring about people. They happen to be in bed together, politically speaking.
100% this. It's one of the major reasons I vote no on any school funding measure put on the ballot. All they demand is money, money, money and have little to show for it. Teachers these days are just about worthless


May 3, 2022
The value of the employer has no bearing on what they need to pay their employees. Are you saying employee pay should be based on the companies profits? Because that's not how it works 😆
Ideally, that is how it should work. Have you heard of employee-owned companies? The employees are the shareholders. They reap the fruits of their labor. Silicon Valley emulates this somewhat with employee stock options.

You unionize when management is your enemy. In an employee-owned company, you don’t need a union. You are management.


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2013
Cincinnati, OH, USA
I have a bad feeling that one employee mentioned unionizing, and the rest just went along with it, not knowing what that exactly means. If you unionized your wages and your benefits are negotiated by the union, meaning you do not get a choice, the union gets a choice. Plus you pay them fees to do this every pay period.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
100% this. It's one of the major reasons I vote no on any school funding measure put on the ballot. All they demand is money, money, money and have little to show for it. Teachers these days are just about worthless

Absolutely, these people will simply waste 90% of what we give them. I have some teacher friends who are doing their best but between the corrupt gov’t and unions, there’s too much money being funneled away from things that are important. Also, the profession has been overrun with ideologues.

In NYC, they spent something like $250K on drag queen shows for k-6. Bill DeBlasio, the former mayor, wanted to eliminate test scores for 3 prestigious high schools because he thought there were too many Asians and he wanted the schools to be more “diverse” (ie, discriminate based on race).

In Camden NJ (one of the poorest cities in America) they were given $2 BILLION to fix their school system. Most of that money disappeared and to this day no one knows where most of that money went.


Jun 5, 2022
The US automakers had reasonably priced cars and trucks for decades with a union workforce. It was only in the late 1980’s and after NAFTA was signed did they start shipping jobs overseas. The irony of all ironies however, wasn’t that they didn’t make a good profit with union labor, they wanted to make *bigger* profits with cheap labor.

Today if Tim Cook decided that their margins are cut from 25% to 17%, board will fire Tim Cook and replace him with someone who can keep the 25%.

So while you may insinuate that Apple can stop making *bigger* profits, in reality, Apple can't do that for as long as Apple is controlled by shareholders and the board.


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2019
I hope the NLRB goes after them hard core. Tired of US companies deciding that labor laws and union protections don't apply to them. Starbucks, Amazon, Apple, they're all working from the same union-busting playbook. It worked for them in the last administration because they turned a blind eye, here's hoping the NLRB has some guts this time around. Some of y'all act like you've never worked a retail job in your lives. The idea that forming a union is so offensive to some folks here is beyond me. I wish my workplace was union, I'd sign a card in a hot second.
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