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Nov 8, 2015
Tim Cook does probably the same, just behind the curtains.



macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2008
you likely don't shop where he got his suit so I get you wouldn't know the difference.
I guess you dont travel much or you might recognise the lower part of his shirt is a motif based on the Union Flag of the UK. But I admit after careful examination and extensive research it is probably a Union Jack waistcoat.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008

Tony Blevins, Apple's vice president of procurement, is set to depart the company after he made a crude comment about his profession in a recent TikTok video, reports Bloomberg.


Blevins was in a video by TikTok creator Daniel Mac, who was doing a series on the jobs of people he spotted with expensive cars. After seeing Blevins in an expensive Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, Mac asked Blevins what he does for a living, and Blevins had a lewd response. From Bloomberg:Blevins is in fact a high-ranking executive at Apple, and as Apple's vice president of procurement, his job was to work with suppliers and Apple partners. He was part of the team that inked a deal with Globalstar for Apple's iPhone 14 satellite functionality, and he has a reputation for aggressively negotiating with Apple suppliers to bring down Apple's costs.

In a 2020 profile, The Wall Street Journal said that Blevins had earned the nickname "the Blevinator" within Apple because of his tough stance on negotiations. Blevins was said to be the one encouraging Apple suppliers to deprive Qualcomm of royalty payments during the Qualcomm v. Apple dispute, and he was personally tapped by Apple CEO Tim Cook to manage negotiations for the Apple Park campus.

Apple held an internal investigation after learning about the TikTok video, and afterward, he was removed from his team of a dozen direct reports and several hundred employees. Blevins told Bloomberg that he was sorry for what he said. "I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who was offended by my mistaken attempt at humor," he said.

An Apple spokesperson also confirmed that Blevins will be leaving the company, a decision that came down to Apple's senior vice president of operations, Jeff Williams. Williams will be overseeing Blevins' team following his departure.

Article Link: Apple Procurement VP Departs Company After Vulgar TikTok Comment

Oh big deal.


macrumors 68000
Aug 28, 2014
I could care less about what cars this guy drives or what he fondles but sounds like he stepped in it pretty good if he were a politician it would all get swepted under a rug personally I think he will survive


macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2019
I guess you dont travel much or you might recognise the lower part of his shirt is a motif based on the Union Flag of the UK- but I admit it could be a scarf of some other apparel other than the shirt.
sure thing.


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
Someone that jokes like this possibly is one that has done this.

No - not at all. You say "possibly" but in the context of these threads it's more like it's possibly "probably" maybe. lol. It amounts to another form of prejudice in my books, just in a new way or something.

He was under pressure from a nosey camera guy. Granted, other CEO's and bigwigs have conversed a little better with this video blogger guy though.

Jeez - gotta be so careful these days. Dude was just trying to be funny.

People wanna jump all over this guy with hate and assumptions now??? That's what is unfair.

Enough of the gang of cancel culture people is what I would say about it. Off the cuff joking remarks shouldn't cause you to lose your job. Yeah having said that, if he is a bigwig, he should know better already - but sometimes you just say whatever with no filter. I do :)
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Oct 19, 2007
The guy was at a car show, NOT at a company event or representing Apple and he was quoting a movie?

I dont get why people give a ****.
Companies have policies that employees agree to. Those policies state that even comments off work must reflect company values.
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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
I thought for a moment from the photo that Adam Schiff porked out and became VP of procurement at Apple

Had to do a double take - just me?


macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2007
Brisbane, Australia
It’s telling that they were OK with it until it was public. You know everyone who worked with him had to endure this kind of talk
We have no idea what this dude is usually like. And he was clearly trying to quote a mainstream Hollywood movie. Apple management would not have been aware of it until someone was eagerly triggered by the tic tok video and decided to go to Apple and accuse him of misogyny. I am sure the informer got a strong frisson of righteousness at their achievement.


Sep 1, 2020

We here at Apple do not tolerate ANY jokes, lines from movies, or otherwise having fun when out and about on your own time.

You must, at ALL times act like a corporate robot and answer in plain, simple English, even if some d-bag runs up and shoves a camera in your face and asks what you do.

The nerve of some people to have a personality. It disgusts me and we are not about that at Apple.
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