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We here at Apple do not tolerate ANY jokes, lines from movies, or otherwise having fun when out and about on your own time.

You must, at ALL times act like a corporate robot and answer in plain, simple English, even if some d-bag runs up and shoves a camera in your face and asks what you do.

The nerve of some people to have a personality. It disgusts me and we are not about that at Apple.
Good morning, Mr. Tim Cook,

Congratulations on receiving your Master's degree. How's the trip to Europe so far?



Jul 18, 2022
For people here commenting about the guy being a douchebag (a person that you never met): it was perfectly useful for Apple as a douchebag while working for them. But now we need to act as offended and fire him.

He probably used a even more “vulgar” language when talking about Qualcomm and others. But that was perfectly fine then.

That false morality only for the show makes me sick.
It has nothing to do with quoting a movie. I love quoting movies and joking around as much as the next person.

But whether I’m the face of a trillion dollar company, or just representing them as an employee, I’m not gonna blurt out quotes into a camera, about fondling women and being a big shot, especially when I don’t know where the content is gonna end up.

This World is too PC, I completely agree. But he slipped up and looked like a d-bag doing so. Knowing that you have to watch your every word and move nowadays, he should’ve known better.


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
Companies have policies that employees agree to. Those policies state that even comments off work must reflect company values.
Yah, probably true. So he blew it a bit.

Still I feel sorry for him getting blasted over a few joking remarks. You drive a fancy car and you gonna make jokes about being "rich" a lot right? It's a natural defence mechanism. It's being a human. Losing a job over that sucks.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2013
One thing no one has commented is that his wife/significant other was sitting in the passenger seat and laughed at his joke. If he felt comfortable quoting a line about fondling women in front of his wife, it's probably not that big of a deal. People need to ease up a bit.


macrumors 68020
Feb 21, 2017
Back End of Beyond
Rightly shown the door. If he wants to talk like that in the privacy of his own home then that is his right. However he’s an Apple exec and talking like this in public brings the company into bad repute. I admire Apple for being decisive with stuff like this.

Here in the UK our Government staggers from one appaling sleaze scandal to the next yet no heads roll. The up shot? Corruption is now endemic. I’m glad to see a company I admire standing by its principles and kicking this goon into the long grass.
I'll bet you don't have many real friends.


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2016
We need a website that tallies the idiots that have lost everything over needless social media posts. Always assume you're being filmed, and always assume millions will see it.


Sep 1, 2020
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