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macrumors G5
LOL, you guys are exaggerating...the new iPhone is not that big. Those larger pockets pants at Target are for the new Samsung phone which is comparable to a Boom-Box.

So now Samsung is copying the negative perception of "too big" to drive the production of copies of new pants with bigger pockets too? It's not enough to rip off the products from which Apple directly makes it's money... now they also want to rip off the imagined issues made up by fans against the next iPhone design because only the one for sale right now is the one and only perfect size for everyone (forget that used to be the argument for the 3.5" screen phone too).

Seems to me that 1) The pants makers should be very excited about the new iPhone and 2) maybe Apple should have spent that $3B on Levis and similar since we'll all apparently need to buy new pants soon.

Maybe the new category for Apple in 2014 is pants?
Launch day: "shut up and take my money" and "best pants ever"
5 days later: watch Samsung start making pants now
2 years later: Apple invented pants
5 years later: Apple invented legs

All :D


macrumors regular
Oct 2, 2011
Not good, now I'm starting to worry the iPhone 6 with large ugly bezels is real.

If they sent out 300 Spartans instead, that would be badass.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Mar 25, 2010
Actually, yes. This Chinese knockoff market is starting to get out of hand. As a designer I find it horrendous that these companies that are paid a great deal of money to manufacture these AMERICAN-designed products turn around, leak the specs, and then run off to create this cheap knockoff ****.

Tim Cook is right, this is a question of character and morality. Unfortunately you don't see a great deal of that in those *specific* markets.

Character and morality in US? You are actually telling me american are better than other people? Please, people are just people in the end, I don't care if you are american, or not. You can expect just as much leak by bringing the job back to US. Someone will always take the money.

Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2011
3 countries for tax benefit
Not good, now I'm starting to worry the iPhone 6 with large ugly bezels is real.

If they sent out 300 Spartans instead, that would be badass.

Everyone was so excited to see the iphone 5. Sadly it was a stretched iphone 4 with the same nasty bezel.

Everyone is so excited to see the iphone 6. It will be the iphone 5 stretched sideways now, still with the same nasty bezel.


macrumors regular
Aug 2, 2006
I don't understand why anyone bothers leaking iPhone designs or why Apple's bothering to crack down. I enjoy my iPhone 5 and I'll buy an iPhone 6, but there's nothing interesting about the leaks I've seen. Other than the size and being a sliver thinner, it's virtually identical in appearance to the 5. What's the big deal?

It's not about deciding when to be secretive and when not to. You have to establish secrecy as a business rule, and you have to practice it so that you're consistently good at it.

If you weren't secretive one year or for one product, then you were secretive later, that already tells the competition that something significant is happening. Besides, trivial things to consumers are not trivial to competition. A simple design change, or even no change at all, gives the competition an early lead on what the market leader is doing before product launch.

There was a football player from years ago, can't remember his name or who he played for, that said no matter how hard he was hit, he always got up slowly. That way the opponent could never tell if they hurt him.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
So now Samsung is copying the negative perception of "too big" to drive the production of copies of new pants with bigger pockets too? It's not enough to rip off the products from which Apple directly makes it's money... now they also want to rip off the imagined issues made up by fans against the next iPhone design because only the one for sale right now is the one and only perfect size for everyone (forget that used to be the argument for the 3.5" screen phone too).

Seems to me that 1) The pants makers should be very excited about the new iPhone and 2) maybe Apple should have spent that $3B on Levis and similar since we'll all apparently need to buy new pants soon.

Maybe the new category for Apple in 2014 is pants?
Launch day: "shut up and take my money" and "best pants ever"
5 days later: watch Samsung start making pants now
2 years later: Apple invented pants
5 years later: Apple invented legs

All :D

We are practically neighbors. I'm in Boynton


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
The leaks will continue and most will have no merit apple seems to control the real leaks. A perfect example is how Touch ID was only releases at the last moment and nobody was really sure about it. As it was developed outside of a working model


macrumors G5
Everyone was so excited to see the iphone 5. Sadly it was a stretched iphone 4 with the same nasty bezel.

Everyone is so excited to see the iphone 6. It will be the iphone 5 stretched sideways now, still with the same nasty bezel.

And all this pre-launch negativity about it being too big, need new pants, etc. will evaporate overnight, replaced by "shut up and take my money" and "best iPhone ever" and similar… just like it did in the hop from 3.5" to 4".

It's the same over and over. We hate it while Apple doesn't endorse it in the currently-available product mix. Then Apple rolls it out and we love it. It's not that we actually detested _________ itself. We just didn't like it because Apple didn't appear to like it. Once Apple does like it, we like it too.
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