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Apr 11, 2018
Are you too scared/bored to learn how to repair the engine on your car yourself? Do you pay an expert mechanic to deal with it all for you? If stripping and repairing your own engine is too intimidating for you then that attitude isn't something I would look for in an employee. If you don't have a sewing machine either to darn your own socks, why would I hire someone who doesn't have the initiative to do everything themselves?

Nice try but I can and have rebuilt engines.

Oddly enough I used to avoid brakes but recently started doing those myself too.


macrumors 65816
Jul 20, 2011
Nice try but I can and have rebuilt engines.

Oddly enough I used to avoid brakes but recently started doing those myself too.
Ah, but you clearly don't darn your own socks or repair your own clothing. If you don't have the seamstress skills and tools to take care of your own clothing, if you just throw away your clothes when they get a hole or you pay a tailor to take care of them, then I don't think you're the kind of person any business would want working for them. The lack of initiative of not becoming an expert in absolutely everything is glaring and you would be a drag on the company, you'd let the company down, be more trouble than you're worth because you're not a superman who is an expert in everything not even related to what you do for the company.

NY Guitarist

macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2011
Imagine Apple just closes the store, bye. Lol
Why do you think Apple would close the store?

Do you mean like Walmart, an enormously profitable company, who doesn't want stores to unionize so they will close it instead of paying people a better wage?

Illiberal economic tropes are propaganda handed out by neoliberal 'think tanks' and pundits who understand critical thinking and constructive problem solving has been intentionally conditioned out of a now intellectually lazy American populace under the guise of attacking the 'educated elites' and blaming the working poor for the decline in the middle class.

Unions have been instrumental in creating a strong middle-class in America and the economic elites have been tearing them down for their own gain for as long as they have existed.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 21, 2019
Greater Seattle Area
Sorry to have to point this out, but being a member of a Union is not the same as being a Bolshevik. Seems to be a peculiarly Murican thing that when anyone expresses the notion that the people at the bottom (i.e. you and me) should look after each other, or that they can get a better deal from their employers (who would rather pay them as little as possible and have them work as much as possible) by acting together, that's the same as Communism!

It is not!

(I'm a union member.)
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macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
Nope. Not in the United States. Walmart has done it countless times. It's Apple's store. They can do what they want with it.
They're not allowed to close a store with the sole purpose of shutting down a union. Read up on some labor laws. Unfortunately, stores often close unionized stores and blame it on other things, and no one typically asks questions. But this NLRB is more union friendly than usual and have been filing a lot more complaints than ones in the past.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2021
They're not allowed to close a store with the sole purpose of shutting down a union. Read up on some labor laws. Unfortunately, stores often close unionized stores and blame it on other things, and no one typically asks questions. But this NLRB is more union friendly than usual and have been filing a lot more complaints than ones in the past.
The supreme court ruled on this in the 1960's.

"Under the 1965 Supreme Court case Textile Workers Union vs. Darlington Manufacturing, it is legal for companies to close their entire business even if doing so is a response to union activity."


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Americans are struggling and there’s no one left to defend them. They’re finally standing up for benefits and security. All companies have to do is offer something similar, and the unionizing will stop since it’s a form of protesting against capitalistic abuse.
The union Can tell the people whatever they want. They can’t force apple to give them anything.
Do you have any idea what benefits the employees currently have?


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Apple store employees are oppressed???

It’s worse than I thought…
did you know the store management walk around with iPads and force the employees to take breaks?
Having worked in a store, I recall being physically dragged off the floor several times. Then they forced me to enroll in their benefit offerings. It was horrible.<sarcasm>
it was a fantastic job, decent pay fir the job abd the benefits were excellent
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May 23, 2012
It seems some would rather support a trillion dollar corporation over workers.
It makes you wonder if they would hold the same opinion if that (those) employee(s) was (were) their own son(s) or daughter(s)!
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macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
Bottom line is, if a majority of workers vote to unionize, I'm sure they have valid reasons. I've worked retail, there were a ton of reasons I would've wanted to unionize. Unfortunately, they played a training video that contained anti-union propaganda and it makes employees afraid to even suggest it.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2003
Who speaks for the 32 that didn’t vote for the union, though?

I expect that the company will endure that they are not disadvantaged by not joining the union. Future benefits will be key factors, as well as qualifications of promotions, and EOY bonuses.

Expos of 1969

Aug 25, 2013
It makes you wonder if they would hold the same opinion if that (those) employee(s) was (were) their own son(s) or daughter(s)!
Or if they were the employee. Some would probably give up their own position to "take one for the team (Apple Corp.)" as they somehow feel they are subservient to their Cupertino overlord. Quite sad.


Mar 15, 2018
Well, idk, maybe don't Be greedy, Apple? And also Union?
Greed is the cancer of our society. Unfortunately we can’t eliminate greed.
The cancer of our society is capitalism which else can overcome.
Man is greedy when it makes sense to be greedy. That’s why we need to built a society where greed and exploitation of others dies not make sense.


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2019
Always amazed by some of the member comments on here at times. The talking points are out the 70s or something. It must be a generational age difference.

Hopefully the union can fight for better working conditions
You’re right! Apple employees at the stores work in absolutely horrible horrid conditions! Have you seen the lighting in there? I don’t know how they put up with it. It’s too bad there aren’t other stores around that they can go to. They’re stuck and have no options. #prayforappleemployees


Apr 11, 2018
Ah, but you clearly don't darn your own socks or repair your own clothing. If you don't have the seamstress skills and tools to take care of your own clothing, if you just throw away your clothes when they get a hole or you pay a tailor to take care of them, then I don't think you're the kind of person any business would want working for them. The lack of initiative of not becoming an expert in absolutely everything is glaring and you would be a drag on the company, you'd let the company down, be more trouble than you're worth because you're not a superman who is an expert in everything not even related to what you do for the company.

I'm not sure why you have gone down this path of comparing engine rebuilding and seamstress/tailoring expertise to negotiating for yourself in the workplace. No one claimed you must be an expert in everything.

What you can do, with little effort, little time and no tools is work on your self esteem and communication skills to be a better advocate for yourself and more effective in the workplace.

You stated yourself that:

I'd always prefer to be in a union. Negotiating stuff in person can be very intimidating and I'd rather someone else do it for me.

So work on that. No one will argue on your behalf better than yourself. You could have way more to offer and be of much more value to your company than the rest of your team yet you are willing to settle for an average negotiated for the group?!?! That would infuriate me. You might perform really well but the rest of your team drags down your department and you want to settle for that versus having a meeting with your boss to discuss how great you are at your job?!?! Or perhaps you are the drag on your team and that is why you are just happy getting the negotiated average?

Why don't I just pay you to negotiate for me then, and instead of going to Toastmasters I can do something fun instead.

Then when someone tries to offer a way for you to work on your skills you dismiss them because you want to do something fun. This clearly shows all of us that you cannot be bothered to invest minimal time and effort to be a better advocate for yourself. I went on to say that if you are unwilling to stand up for yourself in the workplace then you probably won't stand up for your ideas in the workplace either and then you probably aren't a good candidate, at least in a team environment where collaboration is key.

Pretty simple stuff here but YMMV, if you are too intimidated or bored to be an advocate for yourself then don't ever complain you don't receive the compensation you feel you deserve. A union, at least in terms of compensation and benefits, is not an advocate for you, they are an advocate for themselves and then the collective, remember that. You are nothing to a union besides a source of income to support their power.
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Bottom line is, if a majority of workers vote to unionize, I'm sure they have valid reasons. I've worked retail, there were a ton of reasons I would've wanted to unionize. Unfortunately, they played a training video that contained anti-union propaganda and it makes employees afraid to even suggest it.
Exactly. This decision is not an overnight thing. There is probably a piling of dissatisfactions and other issues building up to this decision. And clearly Apple's HR is not looking for a solution, but instead behaved like any other corporation in trying to create tension and division between employees by intentionalky giving certain benefits to non-union employees instead if looking at the core problem in what made the employees decided to unionize.

Something is definitely rotting inside Apple.
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