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macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Am I right in thinking that Tim Cook's 'we will enter a new category in 2014' will get Apple in trouble for misleading investors if it doesn't come true?


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Looking forward eagerly to its release... Kinda wanting it badly now!

Me too! I wear a fitbit and use RunKeeper, but they just don't have all that I want.

I'd love to see a heart-rate monitor with a rate vs. time graph as well as temperature and oxygen monitors. They could pull this from wrist measurements.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
So we're all in agreement, right?

Ming-Chi Kuo knows nothing more than any one of us or all of us collectively.

That was easy.


macrumors member
Feb 17, 2011
Lynchburg, VA
Why am I not surprised? lol

This always happens with nearly every single Apple product. Besides the iWatch has been for at least a year pushed further and further back. So this isn't exactly any new news.

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see an iWatch for at least another year to be honest the way things are going. So I think this is just some idiot making up some news that some people may find some interest in. I shall just calmly wait and see if the iWatch is released this year or next year. For all you know, may not even be out be out until 2016!


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Am I right in thinking that Tim Cook's 'we will enter a new category in 2014' will get Apple in trouble for misleading investors if it doesn't come true?

Except he never said "hardware category". He said "product category" which could include iHealth, CarPlay and iHome and even Beats headphones which would then include hardware too.


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2010
Collegeville, PA
Personally, I am ok if they delay it. Its possible they want their newer iPhones in more hands once they release iWatch.

My current iPhone 5 doesn't even have an M7 motion chip and I plan on an upgrade this fall.


macrumors 65816
Jun 23, 2012
Mason, OH
If they don't announce anything besides an iPhone 6, that's going to be really sad, especially since they promised this would be a big year for products.


macrumors member
Jul 12, 2010
You just gotta love Mac Rumors. One day they post that the iWatch/IPhone is going to released on x certain day.

Then the next day they quote some industry analyst nobody has ever heard of
saying, the opposite thing. Then the next day something totally different.

Makes me a bit queasy.


macrumors 603
Apr 2, 2008
New York.
People who believe this are foolish . Do you REALLY think Apple is scrambling at the last minute to make these things ? There is no "delay" . If it doesn't come out this year then it's quite possible that it was their plan all along .


macrumors 6502
Aug 11, 2014
Southampton - United Kingdom
I don't understand your comment, the ipad is not really selling well. Last I heard the numbers were not only going down but rather sharply.

Yes, the numbers are going down and yes, next year the tablet market is predicted to decrease. However, when the iPad was first released in 2010, the tablet market saw massive growth. Apple could have the same affect on the smartwatch market- which they could sustain for longer.


macrumors 601
Oct 1, 2010
iWatch has been talked about for so long with absolutely now eveidence to support that this watch is even close to being mass produced. I am not even sure there are any 'leaked' proto types.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Didn't Tim Cook promise a lot of new products rolling out of Apple in 2014 (As he did in 2013). The year is coming to a close as the holiday shopping season is around the corner and what do we have to look forward to - not much it seems :(

These delays are only going to give its competitors more time to hone their products.

How long have we been hearing about rumors about this product - I'm not understanding why its been delayed so much.

I don't recall Tim making any promises for 2014. All I remember is him saying that they have a lot of great stuff in the works.

Competitors are creating and making SWAG products, providing market research on what will sell and what won't sell. The longer Apple uses other people's market research time and money, the better.

We know of no delays in creating these new products. New product development often takes many years. The iPad was in the works since the Newton bit the dust many years ago. It takes time for new products to evolve to the level acceptable enough to have the Apple name applied, and still that provides no guarantee that they will be successful.

Apple doesn't make "Instant Pudding". They make the real stuff.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2006
MacRumors should compile a list of rumors related to the release of the iWatch and qualify each rumor with the source and their proven credibility.

like a matrix of rumor and credibility of source. sheds better light than just posting a new rumor every week.


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2010
Jeez... First of all these analysts with there crazy predictions to create attention piss me off!

But lets also not forget about Apple, which every year keeps our hopes up with statements from Cook like "201x will be an exciting year and there are big things to come"...
Every year I have to listen to this crap and except for product upgrades nothing special since the ipad has came out yet and to be frank, this year up till now has been a lame year by apple with regards to releases!
Nothing new yet regarding the apple tv and it would be so easy to create a fabulous plattform, just put in the latest hardware and open it up with an appstore! Then I garantee you that it would take over the market of mediaplayers and be a serious competitor on the console market, I would even go so far that it would dominate the casual gaming console market and that would be the end of the Wii...
The mac releases this year were just sad, nothing anybody should get excited about and it feels like apple didnt even tried to release something remotely that anyone wants.... Just sad and before anyone tells me some kind of crap how all this is the fault of intel, they should shut up and think that there is more in a mac then just a cpu! Not one word yet about the mac mini!!!! I believe there is lots of potential for a good and updated mini...
iOS devices? Nothing yet and except for a bigger screen for the next iPhone, Im not expecting too much anymore! All the excitement about bigger battery, saphire display and groundbreaking design, have calmed down over the past few months with the leaks...
Next iPad: i guess updated hardware and touch-id... Wooooow, bring me a coffee so I dont fall asleep!
Software: from what i have seen only the new osx got me a little excited, but iOS8 up till now was kind of lame. The only question remains, why have a healthbook app if there won't be a health-tracking device (= iWatch) anytime soon???

Also, why create this huge sapphire infrastructure that is already up and running, if the iWatch is not coming anytime soon???

Please Apple, please get us excited with something truely amazing and groundbreaking...


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Am I right in thinking that Tim Cook's 'we will enter a new category in 2014' will get Apple in trouble for misleading investors if it doesn't come true?

"Enter a new category" does not mean "selling a new category". The company is working on a new category and a ton of money is being spent on a new category, which fits well into his statement from a $tockholder$ financial perspective. It means they're going to be spending a lot of money and resources on a new category in 2014, letting stockholders know that there might be an impact on profits. At least, as a big stockholder, that's how I took it.


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Except he never said "hardware category". He said "product category" which could include iHealth, CarPlay and iHome and even Beats headphones which would then include hardware too.

Headphones aren't a new category - apple already made them.
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