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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
On windows it’s simple, every few weeks there’s a new pop up trying to nag you into using Edge. If you use Teams, it will default to links in Edge, then ignore your preferences after a few updates. If you’re using outlook, it defaults to Edge (system preference setting be damned), and again requires you to choose in the settings. Then an update comes along and blows out that preference.

It’s fun living in the dual world of seeing the teeth gnashing over Apple’s anticompetitive actions here, while at work being beaten over the heady by Microsoft’s daily 🤷‍♂️
Yup. And YouTube app will present me with two Chrome buttons and one Safari when I click a link.

Verified Whiskey

Mar 27, 2023
This is just getting ridiculous. Enough is never enough.

I heard a quote a while back:
We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all [mankind], as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.​
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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Western companies still do business with Russia every day. Exports got re directed by intermediary countries.

Everyone knows its happening, and no, they don't really want to stop it.
You forgot Eastern companies as well... Despite pretending not to, everyone is still doing business with Russia. Openly or secretly. Heck it wouldn't surprise me to see Ukraine still doing business with them in backdoor deals.
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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
On windows it’s simple, every few weeks there’s a new pop up trying to nag you into using Edge. If you use Teams, it will default to links in Edge, then ignore your preferences after a few updates. If you’re using outlook, it defaults to Edge (system preference setting be damned), and again requires you to choose in the settings. Then an update comes along and blows out that preference.

It’s fun living in the dual world of seeing the teeth gnashing over Apple’s anticompetitive actions here, while at work being beaten over the heady by Microsoft’s daily 🤷‍♂️
Sounds truly awful. I only use Windows for work and there we’re required to use Edge.


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
You forgot Eastern companies as well... Despite pretending not to, everyone is still doing business with Russia. Openly or secretly. Heck it wouldn't surprise me to see Ukraine still doing business with them in backdoor deals.
Why would eastern countries not do business… they do business together more and more because of distrust of the west. And of course Ukraine does business with Russia. People living on the frontline have no option. You get what you need to survive no matter who is selling it.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Sounds truly awful. I only use Windows for work and there we’re required to use Edge.
I’m the guy in charge of management of machines at work. I’m currently tasked with bringing the other browsers (Edge is already managed) under MDM management. Currently testing out a script to export Chrome bookmarks at login because god only knows what happens when you first manage a browser. I’m trying to avoid data loss.

Our SecOps and Compliance guys offered “why not force everyone to use Edge?” to which I laughed. I would love that, but good luck convincing leadership to actually mandate that when they’re using Chrome for god knows what reason. 🤷‍♂️

I really really liked Edge when it first came out. A quick and clean Chromium based browser. Over the last couple of years though it’s just getting jammed full of crap that nobody wants, nobody asked for, and god help you if you’re trying to disable some of the awful UI decisions that have come up.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2010
Why stop at browsers? When you take your phone out of the box it should ask you what OS you want: Android, Plasma, PureOs, Tizen, BSD, Ubuntu, fedora, Arch, SuSE. Then you have to pick your window manager: DWM, Flux, Qtile…. Then you pick your filesystem: Reiser, NTFS, Ext4, ZFS. And so on. After all you need to be fair right?

Apple should’ve taken the easy route and offered an optional bare metal phone with hardware only in the EU. Totally not locked down and no security or encryption. You install everything yourself. That would’ve met all the mandates.
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macrumors member
Feb 22, 2022
As I am experienced user, I have no problem downloading an alternative browser. Its the first thing I do on an iPhone. But less experienced users don't know there are much better browsers than Safari. Of course on an iPhone I am still stuck with Apple's inferior browser engine.


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
On windows it’s simple, every few weeks there’s a new pop up trying to nag you into using Edge. If you use Teams, it will default to links in Edge, then ignore your preferences after a few updates. If you’re using outlook, it defaults to Edge (system preference setting be damned), and again requires you to choose in the settings. Then an update comes along and blows out that preference.

It’s fun living in the dual world of seeing the teeth gnashing over Apple’s anticompetitive actions here, while at work being beaten over the heady by Microsoft’s daily 🤷‍♂️
My experience on windows is very different… are you completely sure its not just your companies/ work laptops preferences.
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macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
My experience on windows is very different… are you completely sure its not just your companies/ work laptops preferences.
I’m the one implementing these preferences. When not managed this is the behavior that my users are getting. I have to carefully wrangle this all together with Intune (and not disrupting users).

Eventually this won’t be a problem, but right now these settings are running in an unmanaged context, and the behavior of links in Outlook and Teams are issues that my Help Desk guys are getting literally every day now (“new Teams” is rolling out, so that’s why)

iOS Geek

macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2017
This is what I thought about too when the screen popped up when I opened Safari.
I wonder how many just clicks on the first one thinking that something needs to be downloaded and just downloads it, hence the increasing downloads of browser with letter A.
"Regular" users don't really care and just want to reach the web. I guess it would be better with random list order for every user.
I haven't read through the entire thread yet, so this may have already been answered for you, but apparently the list IS randomized per user, to avoid any claims of "favoritism"...


macrumors 6502
Dec 18, 2012
They should allow Apple to keep the "rest of the world monopoly update" as alternative to the European users that don't really care about these "anticompetitive practices updates" and like their iOS the way it is. You know, to give Apple a chance as a competitor in its own platform, or God forbid, an actual choice to EU users.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2008
East edge of Phoenix urban sprawl
These EU regulators would be mad even if you hung them with a new rope. Perhaps, their next trick is to require all Americans visiting EU to get EU phones on VSOP plans (Very Specially Over Priced).

Are there some really FAT cats at EU headquarters? Wonder if any background checks of these regulators personnel finances are done to double check for any under the table payments?

Been using Apple products since late 1989. See absolutely nothing in the non-Apple world of electronics and operating systems that I would want to get elsewhere.
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macrumors member
May 18, 2020
I love how all these baby browsers keep saying that this gained them a 250% increase in users. Going from 10 users to 5000 users is still nearly meaningless in the grand scheme of things. How many of you reading this are using the Aloha browser? Are you part of the 250% increase?


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
of course they complained, why wouldn't they? never happy.

maybe just stop developing for iOS and go Android only. not hard.

"Google has also updated its Pixel software to show alternative browser choices, and says that new Android devices made by other companies will also display the choice screen in the coming months."

Legend of Ive

macrumors member
Nov 20, 2013
Hey EU, it's really unfair that I can't use other OS on my iPhone.

Can you make it so the first time I boot up, I've given the choice to download Android, Blackberry, or Palm?
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