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Mar 21, 2011
You can excuse them sometimes we all forget. What i can not stand are people who continuously cough without properly covering their face. Completely out of touch.

I keep blaming the situation we are in only for that more.. I'd like to think that's the reason


Jul 12, 2016
Yup, as predicted, gyms and restaurants are slated to close in my region.... again. So that lasted about five weeks, given that cases are on the rise about 200%. And people want continue to keep on complaining about why things are ‘shutting down’, which is the same people that have no ‘situational awareness‘ of what social distancing means, why masking is crucial and using proper hygiene is undermined. Those three ingredients if not all used collectively, the end result it was happening across the country all over again, given everything that was ‘positively done‘.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
The US seems to be experiencing the spike we all expected. In my local area of the UK we had a situation where a food factory experienced an outbreak. It was 101 people testing positive for the virus which ultimately means their families too. We’ve had a month or so of there being very few cases so it hits home how infectious this is and how the situation can can pretty much over night.

Schools here are outlining plans for children to return in September for the new school year and have admitted they can’t enforce social distancing. Instead children will be placed in smaller groups and wider contact minimised. It puts a bit of a strain on many parents who rely on their own parents to do the school run on their behalf as the grandchildren will be mixing closely now with other families. I will have to have the difficult conversation with my employer to ad it that I will have to continue sharing the child care responsibilities during the working week and will have to remain working from home for at least 2 days.

The NHS is already preparing for a second spike in September/October and I know this via my wife and cousin who both work in the medical supply industry. The orders have levelled off these past 2 months but March/April quantities are being placed for later in the year. Worrying times.


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2017
We can not make idiots ware masks, this feels so unsafe when I get out and someone doesn't wear a mask.

Just see places force people to wear masks, then we know if masks are important.

BUT.... idiots are everywhere.
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macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2016
In Sweden very few wear masks when going about their daily business. I sometimes wear mask just to remind people to keep their distance. It’s funny how me wearing a mask will make others keep their distance, when in reality it makes them safer from me.
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macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
CO2 is a red herring. Medical experts have debunked that as a concern for almost all, if not everyone. It's not an issue with me, so if you want to know, search it.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
CO2 is a red herring. Medical experts have debunked that as a concern for almost all, if not everyone. It's not an issue with me, so if you want to know, search it.
The problem is there is too much politics attached to this virus. There are people who will benefit from the economy collapsing and I think that's their goal. I wear a mask in public just to avoid people going crazy. Now it's the law here so at least I don't get dirty looks from people not wearing them. I don't believe anything that is reported on the news that "medical experts" say. They have flip flopped more than a crooked politician on just about every aspect of this virus. They're either lying/ being paid off to say whatever or completely incompetent. Either way I don't trust them.


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
Too bad for you, I guess. The only source for scientific information is from, uh, scientists. The experts are not lying or being paid off (great, a conspiracy theory, raising credibility exponentially) they are learning. This is new, remember? Experts don't have the answers already, they are acquiring knowledge, performing studies, ie: doing science. But, flip-flopping on almost every aspect is a broad brushstroke and a wild exaggeration. Yes, there's too much politics involved, so I ignore the politicians, and pay attention to evolving scientific knowledge. A politician who does that also has much more credibility than the ones who make stuff up.
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macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
The problem is there is too much politics attached to this virus. There are people who will benefit from the economy collapsing and I think that's their goal. I wear a mask in public just to avoid people going crazy. Now it's the law here so at least I don't get dirty looks from people not wearing them. I don't believe anything that is reported on the news that "medical experts" say. They have flip flopped more than a crooked politician on just about every aspect of this virus. They're either lying/ being paid off to say whatever or completely incompetent. Either way I don't trust them.

The virus doesn’t care about politics. Or age.

It is partial to ignorance through as a 30 year San Antonia man found found out Friday - a week after attending a “Covid” party he was dead. Cause: Covid.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
It is partial to ignorance through as a 30 year San Antonia man found found out Friday
Don't confuse stupidity, with ignorance. That victim was fully aware, he was not ignorant, he died because of stupidity


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
Don't confuse stupidity, with ignorance. That victim was fully aware, he was not ignorant, he died because of stupidity

It’s a fine line I feel. Stupid to ignore the facts, or ignorant of the real risks.

Covid doesn’t care either way - both sorts of people are it’s friends.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
It’s a fine line I feel. Stupid to ignore the facts, or ignorant of the real risks.

Covid doesn’t care either way - both sorts of people are it’s friends.
Ignorance is lacking knowledge, stupid is doing something with knowledge.

He chose to disbelieve what the world already knew, and sadly, and I mean that, it cost him his life.
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Jan 10, 2012
My wife was showing me a Facebook account where the user loudly said they wouldn’t wear masks, got sick, complained how bad the virus was, then died.

Astounds me that in this day and age we have such ... (looks above) stupidity - ignorance seems like a good word too. Just shocks me. We have more access to information now more than any other time in human history...

People I know choose to believe the virus is not bad because “insert political reason here” and “we were wrong about it before” - I’ll never understand that mentality either. I’m going to assume and prepare for the worst.
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macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2016
My wife was showing me a Facebook account where the user loudly said they wouldn’t wear masks, got sick, complained how bad the virus was, then died.

Astounds me that in this day and age we have such ... (looks above) stupidity - ignorance seems like a good word too. Just shocks me. We have more access to information now more than any other time in human history...

People I know choose to believe the virus is not bad because “insert political reason here” and “we were wrong about it before” - I’ll never understand that mentality either. I’m going to assume and prepare for the worst.

I think it’s a real problem that a lot of the information coming out of media can’t be trusted and it takes a lot of work to get reliable information.
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Jan 10, 2012
+Cases/total U.S. population = 1%...

Interesting, my wife sent this to me hours ago...



Jan 10, 2012
Factually wrong

Calculate Number of COVID deaths in America/total U.S. population and let me know what that number is...

How is it factually wrong? It's talking about a "hypothetical" what if 1% of the population dies. There is nothing wrong with the numbers in that image.

It is talking about what if 1% of the population of the USA dies. It is not saying there are 1% deaths.

What a lot of people don't take into account is the fact that if 1% of the population dies, there is a lot of people who won't die that will be affected by this. Even those that recover have permanent damage to their heart and lungs. That number will be a lot higher.
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macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
+Cases/total U.S. population = 1%...

You’re missing something horribly important.

That’s 1% with a HUGE amount of the country locked down.

That’s 1% with virtually no cross border travel.

That’s 1% with a large number of people wearing masks etc. to limit the spread.

That 1% is a frighteningly high number and should scare anyone if they thought about it.

People like to compare this to the flu - last year that hit 3% of the population with the country 100% wide open.

The fact that so many people are still being diagnosed - and dying - should scare the **** out of you.

Covid-19 took just one week to KILL an otherwise healthy 30 year old in Tx.

One week.

And here you are trying to minimize this.

This is legitimately deathly serious.

Right now the 20 and 30 year olds are at the biggest risk of getting this. Age is no longer considered a safety value. A 5 year old died just the other day.

And you come over all 1% like that means anything good.
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