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macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2007
Los Angeles / Boston
Found out about this today, it instantly made me the happiest person ever.

I enabled this as well as deleting startup daemons and my iPad feels the way it should from the start! I haven't had any problems and I've been stress testing it like mad.

I also noticed that its not just a 64mb swap file, but a seemingly infinite one from what i have observed. I did a stress test where I opened the maximum amount of tabs in Safari, pandora, new york times, and two big 3D games: NOVA and Real Racing HD. Backgrounder helped me keep everything running. Nothing crashed, and every app chugged along, albeit a bit slower than normal as it was rendering two games.

When I was done, I closed all of the apps and went to the swap file location and there was the 64mb one and two other 128mb swaps right there with it. it seems that the swap file can expand based on needs. The only complaint I had about my iPad has been alleviated.

What is supercharged and should I even mess with it if I'm having a good experience so far?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
Found out about this today, it instantly made me the happiest person ever.

I enabled this as well as deleting startup daemons and my iPad feels the way it should from the start! I haven't had any problems and I've been stress testing it like mad.

I also noticed that its not just a 64mb swap file, but a seemingly infinite one from what i have observed. I did a stress test where I opened the maximum amount of tabs in Safari, pandora, new york times, and two big 3D games: NOVA and Real Racing HD. Backgrounder helped me keep everything running. Nothing crashed, and every app chugged along, albeit a bit slower than normal as it was rendering two games.

When I was done, I closed all of the apps and went to the swap file location and there was the 64mb one and two other 128mb swaps right there with it. it seems that the swap file can expand based on needs. The only complaint I had about my iPad has been alleviated.

What is supercharged and should I even mess with it if I'm having a good experience so far?

This is interesting because I can't run this VirtualMemory mod on my ipad without it locking me up after opening 6+ tabs. I don't even have hardly any daemons running except for Backgrounder and SBSettings and still major issues.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
About Supercharged

Supercharged is a compiled deb file to achieve the same thing.. there might be a few tweaks here and there. The author asked for a small donation of $1.99 so I said sure whatever and got it.

In the end, no different than what we're doing here folks.. He did say that his compiled deb is NOT intended for the iPad and that he's working on a modified one for the iPad. He said he would shoot me the iPad version the moment he releases it free of charge.

So even with Supercharged deb, i'm still locking up badly. I have a better experience on the iPad *not* using Virtualmemory turned on unfortunately. It seems when my iPad goes to access the swapfiles, it just locks up and I have to hold both the home and power buttons to force off the iPad.


macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2010
I can confirm that it keeps expanding swap - currently 512MB in 5 files (after opening 10 tabs with engadget pages in Icab mobile).


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2010
Guys, I installed this. It worked great for half of the morning. Then it started to lock up my iPad - entire ipad was unresponsive, had to reverse DFU bootup. I can consistently get it to lock up and I don't even background anything. It happens during safari browsing and/or atomic browser browsing and it's not any of my mobilesubstrate daemons running.

It's just not stable enough to warrant having it installed and running. I suggest everyone who wants to try it go ahead, but I'm sure you will find the locking up annoying enough to go back to what you started with (no VM). Use atomic browser, it does help significantly if you need multi-tab browsing.


macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2007
Los Angeles / Boston
I feel like the only one who has had zero problems and a ton of overall improvement with this mod. Is anyone else having a great time with it? I'm getting scared, hahah.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
Ah ha! I figured out the lockups and got virtual memory swapping working properly.

It seems either Backgrounder or Sbsettings breaks the functionality.

I did a fresh restore to start from scratch and the only things I did was jailbreak then installed iFile and turned on virtual memory and then rebooted and found there were multiple swapfiles instead of the single 64mb one like before.

I can essentially load as many tabs in Atomic or Safari and it never locked up nor crashed (so far).

I'm afraid to install backgrounder and or Sbsettings now but I'm 100% sure one of these two are the culprit. Perhaps the above person with no issues can tell me what daemons you have running on your iPad?

Thanks and loving the extra memory but I am noticing things start to slow down after loading a ton of websites into memory. Typing on the ipad is noticeably slower too in the browsers but its not enough to make it any more difficult to type.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2010
So I reinstalled the plist again and yet the iPad will still crash (it doesn't crash right away) - but eventually, it freezes the entire iPad you'll have to hard reset it.

I have sbsettings, backgrounder running. BUT I don't background any apps at all. Sometimes when using beejive, it will lock up. Not all the time, but it does happen consistently.

I'd really rather have a stable iPad than an unstable one. I am not discouraging anyone here to try it out - but I'm sure if my iPad locked up, there are bound to be others as well which means there's something not fully compatible like you mentioned above.

I agree with the other posts, the enabling of this dynamic page file may result in damaging your ipad/ipod/iphone - but I don't know if I will keep my iPad version 1 that long. I'm very sure I'll be picking up a V2 model when it arrives ;)

Ah ha! I figured out the lockups and got virtual memory swapping working properly.

It seems either Backgrounder or Sbsettings breaks the functionality.

I did a fresh restore to start from scratch and the only things I did was jailbreak then installed iFile and turned on virtual memory and then rebooted and found there were multiple swapfiles instead of the single 64mb one like before.

I can essentially load as many tabs in Atomic or Safari and it never locked up nor crashed (so far).

I'm afraid to install backgrounder and or Sbsettings now but I'm 100% sure one of these two are the culprit. Perhaps the above person with no issues can tell me what daemons you have running on your iPad?

Thanks and loving the extra memory but I am noticing things start to slow down after loading a ton of websites into memory. Typing on the ipad is noticeably slower too in the browsers but its not enough to make it any more difficult to type.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2010
I'm starting to wonder if I need to do a chmod 777 to the plist file and swap directory to get it working properly?

If you see the swapfile0, 1, 2, etc then it's working. When you restart, the system will automatically remove the other swapfiles in the /var/vm/ folder.


macrumors member
Jun 6, 2008
I had the same Crashing issues as the person above me mentioned. If you uninstall sbsettings then the iPad runs much more smoothly. I have yet to have a crash or lockup after deleting sbssettings


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 20, 2009
hEy, did anyone try playing youtube on browser ?, it works badly, and after 30 second it reboot by itself. :( i'm using supercharged, i will try again script from ipod touch fans.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
DAMNiatx said:
hEy, did anyone try playing youtube on browser ?, it works badly, and after 30 second it reboot by itself. :( i'm using supercharged, i will try again script from ipod touch fans.

Supercharged is Not for iPads... The author said so himself after I tried it. He is working on an iPad version. What we do know now is that virtual memory is not compatible with sbsettings. Slightly disappointing because I like to adjust brightness on the fly but I'm liking the iPad much better with VM enabled.. Everything is smooth and tabs don't reload anymore.


macrumors newbie
Oct 7, 2009
anyone else notice issues with 3g not working or not connecting? daym so its confirmed that sbsettings is a issue with VM mod?


macrumors newbie
Oct 7, 2009
Well now I just removed the hack since trying to post here once again 3G became unresponsive.. I'm gonna run further tests to determines if it's the hack or another application is interfering at the moment I have now removed sbsettings and tabs+ to help determines the culprit


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2010
I can confirm now having removed sbsettings and using the plist virtual memory version I haven't experienced a single lockup so far after about near two days usage.

I am going to give up sbsettings for now because this virtual memory is indeed more worthy of use and makes the iPad a real joy to use now without worrying about low memory!!

Before I had lockup problems but after hearing the suggestions posted about sbsettings conflicting with virtual memory I removed sbsettings and it's all gravy. If u r experiencing lockups with virtual memory and is using sbsettings remove sbsettings reboot and it should be legit.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
I can confirm now having removed sbsettings and using the plist virtual memory version I haven't experienced a single lockup so far after about near two days usage.

I am going to give up sbsettings for now because this virtual memory is indeed more worthy of use and makes the iPad a real joy to use now without worrying about low memory!!

Before I had lockup problems but after hearing the suggestions posted about sbsettings conflicting with virtual memory I removed sbsettings and it's all gravy. If u r experiencing lockups with virtual memory and is using sbsettings remove sbsettings reboot and it should be legit.

Yeah i'm sure glad I did consistent testing to see what the issues were.. :p And i'm with you, having VM turned on far outweighs the need for Sbsettings until they update it to play nice with VM turned on. My iPad's silky smooth with 8+ tabs and other apps running at the same time...


macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2010
I haven't had a single issue with sbsettings and the virtual memory hack. This is on an iPad 32GB without 3G.


macrumors 6502
May 16, 2006
VM has issues for me, even with nothing but appsync installed. Starting NOVA results in black screen and device has to be hard reset.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
Chrysaor said:
VM has issues for me, even with nothing but appsync installed. Starting NOVA results in black screen and device has to be hard reset.

Is Nova an official purchase from the AppStore? If not the problem is something..... Else.
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