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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
So you think the cheaper Apple vision headset will replace how we use phones everyday i.e people walking about, commuting etc with these headsets on, i highly doubt that will ever happen. Apple Vision can replace desktops yes, but not how we interact with our phones on a daily basis. Foldables are the future because the candy bar phone has reaches its end of life in terms of development.

Precisely. I don’t see how it’s possible in the next 5-10 years how a headset could replace a smartphone. If you want to show a photo to a friend standing beside you, how do you both see the same photo at the same time? If you’re on a date, do you take out your headset every 10 minutes to check for messages? If you see someone in the washroom, how you know they’re not taking a video?

Foldables are getting better every year. On Oppo phones, the crease is almost invisible this year due to new hinge designs which reduces curve radius.



macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2021
I think people on here would melt down over the demands on battery life and the noticeable crease. There would be 50-page thread on how evil Tim Cook is for shipping a defective product and how now everyone has PTSD.


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2020
Precisely. I don’t see how it’s possible in the next 5-10 years how a headset could replace a smartphone. If you want to show a photo to a friend standing beside you, how do you both see the same photo at the same time? If you’re on a date, do you take out your headset every 10 minutes to check for messages? If you see someone in the washroom, how you know they’re not taking a video?

Foldables are getting better every year. On Oppo phones, the crease is almost invisible this year due to new hinge designs which reduces curve radius.

View attachment 2236431

Is that the Oppo on the left and Samsung Fold on the right?
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macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2011
I played with the Google Fold and it is very cool. Need an Apple version, I am sure they will have one in 2027
Right now, every google version I've seen is very gimmicky. It's a cool idea, but the phones are so thick and bulky when folded, and the crease in the middle of the screen is a distraction, and they all have long term durability issues. I love the idea in theory, but for $1800+ it just doesn't seem worth it for most people (unless you've got a ton of extra cash to burn). Maybe once the tech has been refined a bit I'd be interested, for now I'll pass.


macrumors G5
Precisely. I don’t see how it’s possible in the next 5-10 years how a headset could replace a smartphone. If you want to show a photo to a friend standing beside you, how do you both see the same photo at the same time?

Share the photo to their device with Airdrop? Text or email it to them if they don't have Airdrop?

Since Vpro will be a huge novelty in the early days- much as iPhone and iPod was in their early days- it's going to be a normal thing to share them. Friends are going to ask "what's it like?" and owners are going to slide them off, hand them over, and let the friend see for themselves. I recall putting the first iPod in friend's hands so they could try the UI and listen to some example music. That was pretty common in my own circle. I don't see this being different. It will probably be even more common given that this isn't mostly invisible in a pocket.

That shared, since telephony is only an app, if a version of Goggles had a cellular service option- which seems likely so they actually could be used out and about away from wifi- a telephone app is just another app. If- as is the case with iPads- Apple chooses NOT to include their iPhone telephony app, others- like Google (voice), Talkatone, Comcast, etc- probably will. Of course, Apple could Watch-ify Goggles to have certain dependencies- like this one- on iPhone being with Goggles wearer too if owner wants access to cellular connections... but I hope Vpro will fully stand alone myself. If not, the phone that must be with Vpro user can display the picture they want to show their friends.

If you’re on a date, do you take out your headset every 10 minutes to check for messages?

First, it is VERY RUDE and shows a lack of interest if one is checking their phone screen (or Goggles) every 10 minutes while on a date. If I find myself on any date with someone who is checking their phone that often, the date is going to end ASAP and there will be no date #2. Myself: I usually leave my iDevice in the car for the date so that I'm focused on the date and not iDevice distractions galore. If tickets are digital and/or I anticipate wanting some photo or video on the date, I put the device in Do Not Disturb mode and it won't come out except to present the tickets or capture the photo or video. Practically NO messages- especially texts- are so important one can't take a few hours break from the Internet without the world coming to an end. If something is that important that one must be checking every 10 minutes, they probably shouldn't be on a date that day.

But if one wants their rudeness to be less obvious, they could get their notifications on their watch and then decide if it is important enough to pull out/down the Goggles to reply or otherwise react (exactly as we do now with iDevices). If me, I would excuse myself to the restroom and then check whatever is so important while away from the date. Else, whatever it is can wait a few hours for the date to conclude.

These kinds of concerns seem to imply an imagination that Vpro is on owner's faces at all times. IMO, Vpro will be used more like a MB- pulled out when someone wants to use a screen/apps, put away when they don't. I don't imagine many spending most of their day with Vpro on... just as not many spend most of their day with MB open and on. While it certainly looks like it could be propped up on top of one's head like a hefty pair of sunglasses or ski goggles, I suspect most will store them in a bag exactly as they do with a MB.

If you see someone in the washroom, how you know they’re not taking a video?
How do you know that's not happening now with iDevices or much smaller and less obvious spy cameras down to screw head sizes?


Best option for this worry has nothing to do with Goggles. Use a stall if you want to increase your privacy. Or don't "go" at all in public places to increase it more.


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macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2022
Share the photo to their device with Airdrop?

Since Vpro will be a huge novelty in the early days- much as iPhone and iPod was in their early days- it's going to be a normal thing to share them. Friends are going to ask "what's it like?" and owners are going to slide them off, hand them over, and let the friend see for themselves. I recall putting the first iPod in friend's hands so they could try the UI and listen to some example music. That was pretty common in my own circle. I don't see this being different. It will probably be even more common given that this isn't mostly invisible in a pocket.

That shared, since telephony is only an app, if a version of Goggles had a cellular service option- which seems likely so they actually could be used out and about away from wifi- a telephone app is just another app. If- as is the case with iPads- Apple chooses NOT to include their iPhone telephony app, others- like Google (voice), Talkatone, Comcast, etc- probably will. Of course, Apple could Watch-ify Goggles to have certain dependencies- like this one- on iPhone being with Goggles wearer too if owner wants access to cellular connections... but I hope Vpro will fully stand alone myself. If not, the phone that must be with Vpro user can display the picture they want to show their friends.

First, it is VERY RUDE and shows a lack of interest if one is checking their phone screen (or Goggles) every 10 minutes while on a date. If I find myself on any date with someone who is checking their phone that often, the date is going to end ASAP and there will be no date #2. Myself: I usually leave my iDevice in the car for the date so that I'm focused on the date and not iDevice distractions galore.

But if one wants their rudeness to be less obvious, they could get their notifications on their watch and then decide if it is important enough to pull out/down the Goggles to reply or otherwise react (exactly as we do now with iDevices). If me, I would excuse myself to the restroom and then check whatever is so important while away from the date. Else, whatever it is can wait a few hours for the date to conclude.

These kinds of concerns seem to imply an imagination that Vpro is on owner's faces at all times. IMO, Vpro will be used more like a MB- pulled out when someone wants to use a screen/apps, put away when they don't. I don't imagine many spending most of their day with Vpro on... just as not many spend most of their day with MB open and on. While it certainly looks like it could be propped up on top of one's head like a hefty pair of sunglasses or ski goggles, I suspect most will store them in a bag exactly as they do with a MB.

How do you know that's not happening now with iDevices or much smaller and less obvious spy cameras down to coin sizes? Best option for this worry has nothing to do with Goggles. Use a stall if you want to increase your privacy. Or don't "go" at all in public places to increase it more.
I think Vision Pro may get less bulkier over time, and see it as much better option than foldable. Add support to blow up MBP, Mac, or iPad. It’s a good way to overcome screen deficiencies of multiple devices.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 17, 2013
Seems like foldable phones would have a shorter service life because it has more moving parts and/or has lower build quality.

My first iPhone was a 3G and on a subsidized plan where I could get a new phone every 2 years for $200. Those days are long gone. Now my upgrade cycle is determined when Apple stops updating the OS in 6-7 years. You can avoid AppleCare if you buy a decent case and treat it with care. Lowers total cost ownership.

If you are the type of person that needs to always have the latest and greatest fancy device and can afford it, more power to ya.


macrumors G5
As usual, "we" can pile up enormous reasons to NOT want a product Apple does NOT offer yet. See countless threads railing against the "abominations" of phablet-sized phones while Apple clung to 3.5" and then 4" as "perfect" screen sizes. Then, Apple embraces the detested, hated, "99.9% does not want", etc <whatever> and the majority of us immediately flip to "shut up and take my money" and "best <whatever> ever" and "how did we ever get by without this?"

I'm still looking for all those pants with bigger pockets and man purses to carry the abomination iPhablets? And it's dazzling how our "one handed use" hands must have immediately grown as soon as Apple went > 4" because one-handed use was a major reason in support of 3.5" and then 4" screens BEFORE Apple when phablet.

Today, many of us ridicule 4" and smaller screens, proclaiming that there is no market for small screen phones, etc.

As in all things, "we" don't want/like it until Apple rolls out theirs. And then our sometimes very passionate opinions flip as if we never believed what we used to contribute- often very passionately- about such topics.
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Share the photo to their device with Airdrop? Text or email it to them if they don't have Airdrop?

Since Vpro will be a huge novelty in the early days- much as iPhone and iPod was in their early days- it's going to be a normal thing to share them. Friends are going to ask "what's it like?" and owners are going to slide them off, hand them over, and let the friend see for themselves. I recall putting the first iPod in friend's hands so they could try the UI and listen to some example music. That was pretty common in my own circle. I don't see this being different. It will probably be even more common given that this isn't mostly invisible in a pocket.

That shared, since telephony is only an app, if a version of Goggles had a cellular service option- which seems likely so they actually could be used out and about away from wifi- a telephone app is just another app. If- as is the case with iPads- Apple chooses NOT to include their iPhone telephony app, others- like Google (voice), Talkatone, Comcast, etc- probably will. Of course, Apple could Watch-ify Goggles to have certain dependencies- like this one- on iPhone being with Goggles wearer too if owner wants access to cellular connections... but I hope Vpro will fully stand alone myself. If not, the phone that must be with Vpro user can display the picture they want to show their friends.

Does AirDropping a photo actually sound reasonable to you? Most people aren't comfortable sending sending a copy of a photo as it might have sensitive content. In your scenario, does everyone have a $3,499 Vision Pro available and ready to use? What if it's not a friend, but a stranger?

First, it is VERY RUDE and shows a lack of interest if one is checking their phone screen (or Goggles) every 10 minutes while on a date. If I find myself on any date with someone who is checking their phone that often, the date is going to end ASAP and there will be no date #2. Myself: I usually leave my iDevice in the car for the date so that I'm focused on the date and not iDevice distractions galore. If tickets are digital and/or I anticipate wanting some photo or video on the date, I put the device in Do Not Disturb mode and it won't come out except to present the tickets or capture the photo or video. Practically NO messages- especially texts- are so important one can't take a few hours break from the Internet without the world coming to an end. If something is that important that one must be checking every 10 minutes, they probably shouldn't be on a date that day.

But if one wants their rudeness to be less obvious, they could get their notifications on their watch and then decide if it is important enough to pull out/down the Goggles to reply or otherwise react (exactly as we do now with iDevices). If me, I would excuse myself to the restroom and then check whatever is so important while away from the date. Else, whatever it is can wait a few hours for the date to conclude.

These kinds of concerns seem to imply an imagination that Vpro is on owner's faces at all times. IMO, Vpro will be used more like a MB- pulled out when someone wants to use a screen/apps, put away when they don't. I don't imagine many spending most of their day with Vpro on... just as not many spend most of their day with MB open and on. While it certainly looks like it could be propped up on top of one's head like a hefty pair of sunglasses or ski goggles, I suspect most will store them in a bag exactly as they do with a MB.

I think you missed the main point. Is each person supposed to be carrying a satchel containing the Vision Pro headset? Then assemble and put on the headset if they need to responding a text? Pack it up when done?

How do you know that's not happening now with iDevices or much smaller and less obvious spy cameras down to screw head sizes?

View attachment 2236601

Best option for this worry has nothing to do with Goggles. Use a stall if you want to increase your privacy. Or don't "go" at all in public places to increase it more.

I think you missed the main point again. Have you seen people putting tape on their webcam? It may be unnecessary, but people still do it. There are varying levels of social acceptance and technological understanding by people around the world. When you point an obvious camera on Vision Pro at someone, they will assume you are recording at all times.
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macrumors G5
Does AirDropping a photo actually sound reasonable to you? Most people aren't comfortable sending sending a copy of a photo as it might have sensitive content. In your scenario, does everyone have a $3,499 Vision Pro available and ready to use? What if it's not a friend, but a stranger?

If not a friend, email or text the photo to them vs. setting up the grab & run scenario with your $1000-$1500 phone?

If a photo has sensitive content, I'm not showing it to strangers with ANY device.

No need for everyone to have a Vpro. Just about everyone has some form of smart device. If you want someone else to see a photo, email or text it to them and they can look at it on their own device. Or post it to your own social media account and direct them to it there to see it. Etc.

I think you missed the main point. Is each person supposed to be carrying a satchel containing the Vision Pro headset? Then assemble and put on the headset if they need to responding a text? Pack it up when done?

What does each MB owner do now?

But none-to-worry, I find it hard to imagine that almost anyone would own ONLY a Vpro. Vpro buyers are probably owners of iPhone. So in all scenarios where iPhone is better/handier/safer, they can pull it out.

People who own MBs are typically people with iDevices too. If they have both with them, they may pull the handier one out for something vs. the bigger/bulkier one. However, if the latter is better for whatever they want to share, they can go that little extra trouble to pull out the MB, open it and show whatever they want to show.

Very common scenario: Just before a plane departs, many passengers are using their smart mobile devices to do whatever they want to do. After the plane is in the air, some will switch to a laptop to watch the movie... perhaps even sharing the viewing with the total stranger(s) in the seat next to them. They generally have BOTH devices and pull out the one that best fits the situation at the time.

I think you missed the main point again. Have you seen people putting tape on their webcam? It may be unnecessary, but people still do it. There are varying levels of social acceptance and technological understanding by people around the world. When you point an obvious camera on Vision Pro at someone, they will assume you are recording at all times.

When you point a phone camera at someone, will they NOT assume you are recording? Why is Vpro cameras the only cameras that are going to be used for capturing someone taking a pee? There are FAR more iPhone cameras in the wild now, in much smaller, much easier-to-hide packages. Hold one in a hand, part fingers around the video camera and you can capture 4K video with the whole phone hidden in your hand. Else, act like you are on a call when actually you are recording video.

Vpro is not automatically the ONLY device for invading people's privacy. There are abundant cameras in all sizes able to do that now. Why single out only this one product like it will trigger all these invasions not happening now by those who want to invade?

If I'm taking a pee in a public place and someone walks in with a Vpro on and the recoding light ON, I'll zip up. If someone walks in with an iPhone with recording light on, I'll zip up. In both cases, I might also opt to sick the law on them if not take some law into my own hands. Evidence against them will be in the photos app on their devices.
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
If not a friend, email or text the photo to them vs. setting up the grab & run scenario with your $1000-$1500 phone?

No need for everyone to have a Vpro. Just about everyone has some form of smart device. Email or text it to them and they can look at it on their own device.

What does each MB person do now?

But none-to-worry, I find it hard to imagine that almost anyone would own ONLY a Vpro. Vpro buyers are probably owners of iPhone. So in all scenarios where iPhone is better/handier/safer, they can pull it out.

People who own MBs are typically people with iDevices too. If they have both with them, they may pull the handier one out for something vs. the bigger/bulkier one. However, if the latter is better for whatever they want to share, they can go that little extra trouble to pull out the MB, open it and show whatever they want to show.

When you point a phone camera at someone, will they NOT assume you are recording? Why is Vpro cameras the only cameras that are going to be used for capturing someone taking a pee? There are FAR more iPhone cameras in the wild now, in much smaller, much easier-to-hide packages. Hold one in a hand, part fingers around the video camera and you can capture 4K video with the whole phone hidden in your hand. Else, act like you are on a call when actually you are recording video.

Vpro is not automatically the ONLY device for invading people privacy. There is abundant cameras in all sizes able to do that now. Why pick on only this one product?

There are countless situations where a user would not want to share a copy of a photo, document, or other file. Should I share a photo of my spouse or child with the retail clerk just because I want to buy the hat they’re wearing in a photo?

Most people would not feel comfortable with someone holding a iPhone at eye level, rear cameras facing forward, while entering a washroom. The same would apply to someone wearing a headset with cameras.

This debate we have here strongly indicates there is no chance a headset would replace a smartphone any time soon, at least in the next 5-10 years. There are many social barriers that exist. In my opinion, that is why foldables will be the next evolution for iPhone rather than a headset.


macrumors G5
There are countless situations where a user would not want to share a copy of a photo, document, or other file. Should I share a photo of my spouse or child with the retail clerk just because I want to buy the hat they’re wearing in a photo?

But you are fine doing that with a phone?

Quickly crop the image down to show only the hat?

Else, if you don't want the retail clerk to see photos of your spouse or child at all, don't show it... on Vpro, on iPhone, on iPad, etc.

Your original scenario had you seeing this big problem of WANTING to show a photo to someone else but Vpro would block that. I've offered many ways to do what you originally wanted to do. Vpro is not adding some "loss of control" to the equation. A Vpro owner can show or not show any photos they like. Vpro owners will probably have to have an iPhone too (for cellular signals), so they can share on their iPhone screen as they do now by pulling out their iPhone and showing or not showing a photo.

Most people would not feel comfortable with someone holding a iPhone at eye level, rear cameras facing forward, while entering a washroom. The same would apply to someone wearing a headset with cameras.

Someone trying to capture shots of someone else taking a pee are not going to EVER be so obvious. I don't expect them to walk into the washroom with a full size motion picture camera and crew either. If someone is that type, they'll probably use one of those micro-cameras like the example I showed in the prior post. They may even NOT walk in to do the deed but strategically plant the camera for a few hours and then go and retrieve the images/video later.

Vpro will be far too obvious for such people. If I own Vpro and need to use a restroom, I'm not walking in with it on my head. I put it in the MB-like bag.

If this worry is real, Vpro being obvious, big & bulky would at least let you see the potential invasion coming so you can hide "the prize." On the other hand, those micro "spy cam" cameras could be nearly invisible with NO ONE coming into the restroom at all to still capture their target. That's what that type of deviant would use to get such photos/videos.

This debate we have here strongly indicates there is no chance a headset would replace a smartphone any time soon, at least in the next 5-10 years. There are many social barriers that exist. In my opinion, that is why foldables will be the next evolution for iPhone rather than a headset.

Perhaps. Again, telephony is just an app. I don't own iPhone myself. Instead, I use iPad Mini to ALSO cover my phone and texting needs (VOIP app + buds). In a manner of speaking, I already have a permanently unfolded "iPhone" to fully cover that base for me.

I agree that an Apple Fold or Roll will follow. However, if Vpro or a future MB comes with cellular antennas, they too could stand in as iPhone... as it's only a VOIP app need after that. I have used PowerBook G4s as phones/texting devices as far back as the early 2000's. Their only limitation as a "phone" was no cell signal- wifi only.

IMO, iPhone (profit) is too important to Apple to self-cannibalize it. So my guess is Vpro will depend on iPhone for cellular signals... those Vpro owners will likely need both to do the AR side of things when out and about. If so, Vpro does not replace iPhone at all... just basically becomes an iPhone-dependent device (like Watch or CarPlay) for our heads.

Bottom line: I foresee NO scenario where iPhone goes extinct and Vpro takes over. Instead, Apple Inc would rather sell everyone BOTH even if Vpro comes with cellular capabilities. While the latter makes sense- especially for AR usage scenarios- I suspect exactly like on iPad Cellular devices, Apple will NOT include the iPhone VOIP app, nor select features that require an iPhone to try to motivate BOTH purchases instead of only one... exactly as they do now. The very iPhone-like, iPad Mini cellular can't do a handful of things that iPhone can do because Apple chooses not to let it. I suspect this will be no different.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2022
No thank you, if they do I'll still stick with the regular models. What I want is the "air display" that you see in sci-fi.
Hologram displays are nowadays being accomplished through Augmented Reality using devices like the Apple Vision Pro.
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macrumors 601
Oct 25, 2008
I check my phone dozens of times a day. Needing to unroll it each time sounds like a useability nightmare.
Depends on how it was done. However, I doubt it would ever come to pass. If there was a foldable phone I would want two things - when folded, at least a small screen on the outer side to see basic info and where the crease would be when open, would be dead flat smooth to the touch or stylus.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2004
What would anyone think of a device the size of an iPad Mini folded, iPad Air (ish) unfolded? Just asking...I actually really like my Mini for running most apps, but it's a bit too small for browser based tasks, so to go full iPad screen size for those tasks would be sweet. Maybe even add a laptop like UI, with keyboard on half, screen on other half, use semi folded...I think if Apple were to introduce a folding anything they might start with the iPad, since it's not going to be directly copying the other guys' phones, and I don't think there's anything like that out there yet. They could make the case that they are not trying to make a device be something it isn't, but it would be a new device category...

(slow day at work today...)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2023
Berlin, Germany
You hit the nail on the head, iPhone has to be reliable and last over 5 years, compare this with Android devices that are replaced every year to three years. If an Android folding devices fails who cares however if an iPhone folding device fails it will be major negative press. People salivating for these folding devices don’t realize that playing with one in a store for minutes vice using it daily is two different matters. The reliability is just not there compared to a candy bar form factor, rollable may be better than foldable but only marginally.

The OP sounds like one of those who test drives a luxury sports car and desires it only to find out that it’s expensive to purchase, own, maintain, theft and not practical on a daily basis.
Me viewing this on a 2016 Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, working perfectly fine;-;


macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
Doubt Apple will do this. It would eat up some of the iPad market.

Getting almost a square when unfolding these folding phones, a square is a very awkward formfactor for a screen. Maybe if they did a tri-fold?
Apple wisely does not worry about cannibalization, instead giving consumers what market research says is appropriate. If we all want foldables (right now I personally do not) Apple will make foldables.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2022
Tennessee, United States
I want an Apple-branded e-bike complete with Find My, battery status in the widgets, Car Key (Bike Key?) and so forth.

However I have a feeling we’re both going to be waiting a while for either of our dreams to come true…
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