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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Check this link out for more info on talents and Wrath of the Lich King;


Thanks Merc.

I have a 60 Pally, a 55 hunter and a 31 Priest among other low level toons. I'm thinking I'm going to push the 3 mentioned above however at a casual pace- really! But I'd like to see some new content sometime in the near future, I'm going to send the Pally up primarily. :)

Question about Paladins- Any strong feelings about a Retribution vs a Protection Pally? Considering I'm playing a Priest, even though it is a Shadow Priest, I'm resistant to playing a healing Pally. I'm planning a Retribution specced Pally.

As I have no plans to go beyond 5 player instances, maybe an occasional 10 player, and I have no interest in raiding. I assume with this attitude it won't really matter what kind of Pally I choose.

I found an excellent Pally Guide at including a seperate guide on Retribution, DPS, and Healing Pallys.

And I found this interesting perspective about Retribution Pallys over at the WoW Forums. Seems like some think it's not a good raiding spec. However, what about Ret Pallys for PVE and 5 player Instances? The other option would be to take the Pally up as a Healing spec, and then pic another class to bring up from the low levels.


macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
Well experience required to progress from 60 to 70 has already been reduced by 30%, more of a reduction for the lower half of the levels.

Still 30% is a nice reduction


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2006
Southern MD, USA
I tried Ret early on but switched to Protection due to the ability to AOE Grind. Ret was one class that seemed to be taking it hard so have stayed away from that one. But with the latest Patch they made some strong improvements in the Ret Tree from what I have heard. However there is strong suspicion that WOW Developers will nerf some of those and make the Ret tree a little less strong to balance it I guess. But I see you have been over at the WOW Forums and there you can look at all the different Classes and everybody has a mournful tale about how bad there classes got nerfed. I plan on trying Ret again once I can get in the mood to play my Pally again. Healing I hear is boring. It is a wanted Class when you are raiding but not in my interest right now. Right now I am concentrating on my Low Lvl Shaman to move him up a lot. Having fun there.



macrumors 68030
Aug 8, 2006
Northern California
I assume with this attitude it won't really matter what kind of Pally I choose.
It's already been said but Ret got a huge buff with patch 3.0.2, in fact so good that an imminent nerf is expected. Perviously there wasn't much demand for Ret pallys especially in raids - my own guild had exactly one raiding Ret pally, though that one good player did make a very big difference in raid DPS sometimes. We also had a hard time keeping Prot pallys - we had a few excellent ones that all quit playing WoW altogether (though they liked their time raiding with us) - and by the end of TBC progression we didn't even have one.

In Wrath/post-patch 3.0.2, I don't know what's going to happen, but I can guarantee that a Prot pally will be in demand regardless because tanks are hard to find, often harder than healers (but, with so many new Death Knights that might change). DPS is always overloaded, but ret should now be about as good as anyone else, though other classes might be preferred for certain utility/CC abilities.

In a post-Wrath patch they'll be adding the dual-spec feature that will let you switch on the fly (anywhere out of combat, besides Arenas) and save separate sets of action bars for each, so provided you have alternate gear sets you could change between Holy, Ret, and/or Prot anytime you wanted.


macrumors regular
Apr 24, 2003
It's already been said but Ret got a huge buff with patch 3.0.2, in fact so good that an imminent nerf is expected.

Nerf already happened. But even with it the burst damage on Ret pallies is vastly improved. They are definitely the spec of choice for levelling paladins now. I've got a lvl 65 ret pally on Sentinels. With run of the mill green BoE gear, last night I was taking on 4 lvl 64-66 mobs at a time (warlocks&warriors) and wiping each in around 10 seconds a piece - definitely under a minute for the whole group, which gives me a time-to-level that is much better than it used to be. Also, the new judgments allow you to manage healing and mana much more effectively, so it takes a lot longer to go OOM.


macrumors 6502
Sep 5, 2008
I missed out on most of TBC, playing only 2 months of it actually, but WotLK is simply too much lore to miss out on and the spoilerific wrathgate event gets me so hyped up.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
I have been on hiatus from Wow for a couple months for several reasons and I won't bore you all with them but, one of my main complaints about the game (I have played it for a long time) is that Blizz seems to be compartmentalizing the classes more and more. It's getting to the point that you are picking a class by the role in raiding you want. I know many will think "duh" but, the initial attraction to WoW for me was the creativity of taking a class and experimenting with the capabilities.

For example, I have rolled several warriors and really enjoyed playing them. However, when you get to the upper levels you start to get to the point where it's tank or die. I was always thinking 'plate-wearing dmg dealer' but, Blizz is nerfing that path more and more and tell me to go roll a rogue. I am having the same issue with my other favorite class(probably my most fav) the druid. They are all about healing or tanking in PVE and healing in PVP. I wanted to focus more on dps with my druid and I though that WoTLK was gonna help that but, after reading the patch notes and talent tree, it's more tank and healing.

Anyway, I don't mean to dump in your thread but, I just wish there were a more flexible system for the weirdos like me that wanna do different stuff. Oh well. My life is far more productive without WoW. It's good that Blizz is not catering to the creative ;)



macrumors 65816
Jul 28, 2008
Jacksonville, Fla
I've always been a DPS warrior as a main and it's nice again to be tops of the chart rather than a debuffing class. But looks as if Arms is being nerfed come Tuesday. Rets are already down.

I dunno. I like the game but too much. I'm seriously considering playing casually come xpac than full-bore raiding. I just don't know if I can do that. It really is addictive.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
Sure, you can DPS with a warr in low-mid level raids but, not in PVP or the difficult raids where Locks and Rogues are doubling your dps. Personally, I am not a raid kinda guy so it's a moot point anyway. If I got back in the game, I would most likely have to roll a rogue or a hunter to satisfy my pvp dps needs but, that is what everyone else does =( It's really hard to be different in anyway.



macrumors 6502
Feb 18, 2008
I have been on hiatus from Wow for a couple months for several reasons and I won't bore you all with them but, one of my main complaints about the game (I have played it for a long time) is that Blizz seems to be compartmentalizing the classes more and more. It's getting to the point that you are picking a class by the role in raiding you want. I know many will think "duh" but, the initial attraction to WoW for me was the creativity of taking a class and experimenting with the capabilities.

For example, I have rolled several warriors and really enjoyed playing them. However, when you get to the upper levels you start to get to the point where it's tank or die. I was always thinking 'plate-wearing dmg dealer' but, Blizz is nerfing that path more and more and tell me to go roll a rogue. I am having the same issue with my other favorite class(probably my most fav) the druid. They are all about healing or tanking in PVE and healing in PVP. I wanted to focus more on dps with my druid and I though that WoTLK was gonna help that but, after reading the patch notes and talent tree, it's more tank and healing.

Anyway, I don't mean to dump in your thread but, I just wish there were a more flexible system for the weirdos like me that wanna do different stuff. Oh well. My life is far more productive without WoW. It's good that Blizz is not catering to the creative ;)


No, they cater to the whingey 14yo's who's parents put the sub on their CC's and forget about it.

Sif druids dont DPS... BOOMkin is great. Druids are AWESOME since the patch for PVE(in the mid 60's atm) and my lock is worse off in the arena, but i win unless a retpally gets near me. bubble -stun -dead


macrumors 65816
Jul 28, 2008
Jacksonville, Fla
Sure, you can DPS with a warr in low-mid level raids but, not in PVP or the difficult raids where Locks and Rogues are doubling your dps.

Wow, you are misguided. My guild is on Kil'jadeen the final final boss in TBC and I'm 7/8 T6. Also, the highest recorded dps on Brutallus *the DPS benchmark* are from Arms warriors.

I also have more than 51k honor kills so a raid spot isn't the problem. It's just wanting to get off the mousewheel.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
Wow, you are misguided. My guild is on Kil'jadeen the final final boss in TBC and I'm 7/8 T6. Also, the highest recorded dps on Brutallus *the DPS benchmark* are from Arms warriors.

I also have more than 51k honor kills so a raid spot isn't the problem. It's just wanting to get off the mousewheel.

Look, I am the first to admit that RAIDing is not my thing (It bores me out of my mind) and I have no real information to offer other than what guild members (a raiding guild I joined because I had some family members in it) told me but, they (like most everyone else in the game) have a clear bias against DPS warrs - not one in the 150+ member guild...all tanks.

So, I assume you are correct but, I have to believe it is outside of the 'norm'. That may be because most warrs go tank or pvp.



macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
No, they cater to the whingey 14yo's who's parents put the sub on their CC's and forget about it.

Sif druids dont DPS... BOOMkin is great. Druids are AWESOME since the patch for PVE(in the mid 60's atm) and my lock is worse off in the arena, but i win unless a retpally gets near me. bubble -stun -dead

Well, I'll save myself the stress and just keep my acct silent. Apparently, even after years of playing I'm still noob.



macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
I have been on hiatus from Wow for a couple months for several reasons and I won't bore you all with them but, one of my main complaints about the game (I have played it for a long time) is that Blizz seems to be compartmentalizing the classes more and more. It's getting to the point that you are picking a class by the role in raiding you want. I know many will think "duh" but, the initial attraction to WoW for me was the creativity of taking a class and experimenting with the capabilities.

For example, I have rolled several warriors and really enjoyed playing them. However, when you get to the upper levels you start to get to the point where it's tank or die. I was always thinking 'plate-wearing dmg dealer' but, Blizz is nerfing that path more and more and tell me to go roll a rogue. I am having the same issue with my other favorite class(probably my most fav) the druid. They are all about healing or tanking in PVE and healing in PVP. I wanted to focus more on dps with my druid and I though that WoTLK was gonna help that but, after reading the patch notes and talent tree, it's more tank and healing.

Anyway, I don't mean to dump in your thread but, I just wish there were a more flexible system for the weirdos like me that wanna do different stuff. Oh well. My life is far more productive without WoW. It's good that Blizz is not catering to the creative ;)


blizzard has done anything but nerf dps warriors. In fact they are downright scary now. 2000dps sustained by one of my guildies keeps giving my enhancement shaman a run for her money.

Druids - best healers for certain encounters but mine is a boomkin and I can keep pace with any mage I have encountered. I can pass even the best spec'd frost mage with my ae. If I keep my dots spread around I do even more. Hell, casting my hurricanes gains me mana :p

Sounds like you never knew how to play.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
blizzard has done anything but nerf dps warriors. In fact they are downright scary now. 2000dps sustained by one of my guildies keeps giving my enhancement shaman a run for her money.

Druids - best healers for certain encounters but mine is a boomkin and I can keep pace with any mage I have encountered. I can pass even the best spec'd frost mage with my ae. If I keep my dots spread around I do even more. Hell, casting my hurricanes gains me mana :p

Sounds like you never knew how to play.

...and thanks for your valuable input...reminds me why I am not wasting my time with this game.



macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It's already been said but Ret got a huge buff with patch 3.0.2, in fact so good that an imminent nerf is expected. Perviously there wasn't much demand for Ret pallys especially in raids - my own guild had exactly one raiding Ret pally, though that one good player did make a very big difference in raid DPS sometimes.

I don't plan on doing raids. My focus will be 5 party action and instances. After some hard consideration, I'm going to ignore my Pally. Please don't take offense. (To each his own.) I remember how boring Pally combat was. Bash, bash, bash, heal, bash, bash, bash. ;) After some soul searching I've decided I'll have more fun pushing up my Shadow Priest, Lock, and possibly a low level Druid (L13). I got myself into a complete funk last time playing my Pally. The bad thing is how long it's going to take me just to get someone over to Outlands. I think these other classes offer more variety of game play, but maybe I'm just not bored with them yet. :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I also have more than 51k honor kills so a raid spot isn't the problem. It's just wanting to get off the mousewheel.

I think playing this game too much is bad and I think raiding on a constant basis will do "it" to you, give you the mousewheel sensation.

(Not directed at anyone in particular) After all what is the point? It's to enjoy one's self. I really enjoy the relative intimacy of 5 player parties. Man I hated 40 player raids. And I don't want to be all consumed by this game because in the end have you really achieved anything other than to become addicted? Is there something you can take with you from WoW, like say learning to play the guitar? No...

However, this game qualifies as great entertainment if you don't let it rule your life. I think spending a couple nights of week navigating a small party instance is just the ticket. Now I'll get off my pulpit. :D


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2006
Southern MD, USA
Agree with you about boring sometime with the Pally. So now playing my Shammy (24) which has been more interesting. Moved him up about 6 levels since last week. Not bad for a couple of hours every other nite and a little longer on weekends. I need to jump on my Hunter (50) who has been sitting with 150% Rested for the past couple of months. But thought I would get my Shamin up to 30 and then switch. That way I do not get burned out. Diversity helps sometimes!



macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Agree with you about boring sometime with the Pally. So now playing my Shammy (24) which has been more interesting. Moved him up about 6 levels since last week. Not bad for a couple of hours every other nite and a little longer on weekends. I need to jump on my Hunter (50) who has been sitting with 150% Rested for the past couple of months. But thought I would get my Shamin up to 30 and then switch. That way I do not get burned out. Diversity helps sometimes!


Other than taking longer, I think toon rotation helps a lot with boredom. The first time I played WoW, I ran my Pally up to 60 in 3 months. The only reason I kept playing for another 14 months or so was because I rotated 5 other toons, then I got discouraged with the 40 player raid end-game and quit. But happily it looks like there is much more emphasis on smaller party instances in the expansions. I do have a 55 Hunter which I loved playing although I was not thrilled with the down time of keeping the ole pet fed and happy, plus I do like having electric fingers (magic). Still I need to think about reactivating the Hunter. :)


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
However, this game qualifies as great entertainment if you don't let it rule your life. I think spending a couple nights of week navigating a small party instance is just the ticket. Now I'll get off my pulpit. :D

The problem is, can you really take WoW in such small doses? It is the kind of game that you have to spend at least two hours in one session to feel like you got anything done and many days of such sessions to "progress" (to what end we all know is more lvling).

I think in the end, a guitar will provide a lot more entertainment. WoW just leaves you feeling empty.



macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The problem is, can you really take WoW in such small doses? It is the kind of game that you have to spend at least two hours in one session to feel like you got anything done and many days of such sessions to "progress" (to what end we all know is more lvling).

I think in the end, a guitar will provide a lot more entertainment. WoW just leaves you feeling empty.


I'm not really countering what your saying, but I'd say realistically 2 or 3, 2-3 hours sessions, totaling 4-9 hours of game time per week is quite a bit. However, I've been playing computer games since I got an Apple IIe and have always devoted substantial game time for the last 20 years or so.

I thinks balance is possible to achieve as long as you acknowledge the danger and keep it in perspective. But yes there is danger for apparently a great many Wow players end up addicted and/or get that empty feeling. I got the empty feeling the first time (and ended up quitting) because I finally realized the game environment was no substitute for real living and I was spending too much time doing it. And I am playing a guitar! I get a satisfaction from that, that WoW does not give me. :D


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
Well, I honestly hope you succeed in your intention. I just believe the game is not designed to reward those who exhibit self-control. Even leveling takes time and there is just not much that can be completed in less than two hours.

Bravo on the guitar. I good thing about that activity is it can be shared and appreciated by others. WoW OTOH...yet, I realize they are very different is good, one is bad ;)



macrumors 68030
Aug 8, 2006
Northern California
Druids - best healers for certain encounters but mine is a boomkin and I can keep pace with any mage I have encountered. I can pass even the best spec'd frost mage with my ae. If I keep my dots spread around I do even more.
If you mean post-3.0.2, sure (though I haven't had the chance to raid since the patch to see for myself what boomkins are doing). If you were out DPSing any mage at all pre-3.0.2 then those mages sucked. :)

I remember how boring Pally combat was. Bash, bash, bash, heal, bash, bash, bash.
I was just saying Ret pallys weren't too desirable in PvE in TBC, though with just 5-mans there's not as much concern about what classes and specs you bring. It's certainly more relaxed. I know what you mean about how slow they are. Sometimes I'll get impatient just watching a paladin kill something, and toss a few shadowbolts at it to speed things up.

After all what is the point? It's to enjoy one's self.
If it wasn't for all the laughs had on vent and crazy antics of guildmates during raids, I probably wouldn't be playing at all.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2006
If it wasn't for all the laughs had on vent and crazy antics of guildmates during raids, I probably wouldn't be playing at all.

Well, that really is the point. I have friends and family that play regularly and that kept me in the game - even if I didn't play *with* them just talking about it was enough to make it appealing. Now, several of us have moved on and the game is pretty stale at that point.

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