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macrumors 601
Oct 7, 2012
It will settle out of court and the lawyers will get the huge chunk of money while the consumer gets diddly...
Because it is those lawyers doing the work. You (the generic you, not you specifically) are free to not be a part of the class and individually sue apple in small claims court. Then the money would go to you, not some lawyer
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macrumors regular
Dec 1, 2019
It was supposed to fix years ago and lawsuit could be evaded if it stops pretend nothing wrong with the MBP keyboard. Apple refuse to discontinue the faulty butterfly mechanism has exacerbated the case and the judge is right to proceed forward.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2008
As someone who is on their 4th keyboard replacement I can guarantee you that it is not made up. Now I use my MacBook with an external keyboard and a cover over the built in one to try and lengthen its life as much as I can.
Wow 4 replacements is bad, I've had two replacements so far and that was painful enough. Both times I took the machine in there were other people waiting for their appointments, we got chatting, as you do, and compared non-functional keys. Perhaps the lawsuit, if it goes forward, will flush out an actual figure for how many failures there have been.
I don't agree with this suit however, Apple has replaced my keyboard the two times it's broken and if it breaks again they will likely fix it again. For me that's service enough.


macrumors member
Aug 21, 2007
The Big Apple Bully Screwed me on my early 2011 Video Card a known problem i repaired my MBP 9 times
and Apple fixed it for free 1 time. Apple knowingly make a POS and they should fix it for free for Life of the Original Owner. My Apple mechanic was a 7 hour drive One Way. No one in my City had the ability to repair
the graphics card. I hope my 2019 MBP holds up for 10 years after paying $4000. Thats with out Tax and $400 off the MSRP. Only 1 keyword failure, 1 Battery replacement and a bad Hard Drive which i fixed and didn't have a problem with. But screwing me on the Graphics Card that was EVIL! Some of the stuff APPLE does to its customers is worse than a Micro$oft OS !!!


macrumors member
Aug 21, 2007
Wow 4 replacements is bad, I've had two replacements so far and that was painful enough. Both times I took the machine in there were other people waiting for their appointments, we got chatting, as you do, and compared non-functional keys. Perhaps the lawsuit, if it goes forward, will flush out an actual figure for how many failures there have been.
I don't agree with this suit however, Apple has replaced my keyboard the two times it's broken and if it breaks again they will likely fix it again. For me that's service enough.
Don't feel bad My Early 2011 MBP has a BAD GRAPHICS CARD and had been repaired 10 times, Got tired of trying to keep it alive. APPLE should be responsible for their POS faulty design for the life of the original Owner. ALL NEW REPLACED KEYBOARD'S NEED TO BE THE NEW DESIGN! Apple has become Very Greedy by screwing its loyal customers.


Oct 6, 2017
Your initial comment was the suit would go nowhere. You have zero substantive knowledge of it. None.

All you have is a posting track record that everyone here knows.
You mean being consistently right, basing my posts on facts, quoting the annual reports, and not freaking out over every little thing? Guilty.

Ok...we will see where this goes and if it fits the definition of nowhere in the sense that was pretty clear when I made the comment.

”Nowhere” would mean a small sum for affected users, a meaningless (to Apple) fine, or some sort of extended warranty program that essentially already exists. Those would not be examples of big wins for consumers, so it’s pointless.
What do you recommend one do after their replacement keyboard fails and no longer can repeat the cycle of replacements? Remember, it’s only valid for four years after purchase date.
That speculation. I’d recommend taking it to Apple and seeing what they’d do case by case. Tech isn’t designed to last forever anyway.
Attorney here.

Just so everyone is really clear on this.....

This lawsuit, and 99% of the class action lawsuits you see, and certainly 100% of the class action lawsuits against Apple, are encouraged, pushed and maintained by crooked Plaintiff lawyers.

This is a money grab from Apple with the lawyers the primary beneficiaries.

His comment here, the one you responded to, is accurate though.
See? Told you guys...but you won’t even listen to an attorney unless he tells you to sue Apple for your $3.50 gift card.
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macrumors regular
Mar 28, 2007
I love Apple and all that they do but they messed up with the keyboard. Not once, twice, but three years in a row. I’m so glad we are on the way back to a working keyboard (for larger MBPs, hopefully 13 inch will be replaced in the Spring).
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macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2003
"Apple has faced public scrutiny and many, many complaints". please define "many, many": 6, 100, 1000, 10% of owners? Seems more like a made up issue by a few loud influencers, maybe even paid influencers, than a real one. I'd say it was not many, many unless the defect rate exceeded say 2% of owners.

I don't know about anybody else, but out of the two butterfly MBPs I use, both obtained at about the same time, and both carried in the same camera bag at all times, only one of them is fine after about two years. The other had a couple of keys that started malfunctioning after about three months, and at this point, has five or six key caps that quite literally fall off if I turn the machine upside down. I've never had a Mac keyboard failure of any kind in 25 years of using them prior to this one, so to say that this is alarming is something of an understatement.

BTW, a failure rate of even 0.1% of hardware is typically a recall-level event when you're building things in the quantities that Apple does. I'd be willing to bet that this keyboard's failure rate is way, way higher than that. In fact, one recent study suggested that the number might be as high as 30%, which from any less beloved company would be a career-ending failure, if not a company-ending failure.

My guess, based on a non-random sampling of people I know who own/use them, would be probably more on the order of 10%. Either way, this keyboard is an absolute disaster, and I'm being generous with that wording.

The class action lawyers working on this should not accept any warranty extension that does not include replacement of the keyboard with a redesigned model. It should be relatively easy for Apple to provide updated top-cases based on the 16" keyboard, with connector cables designed to attach to each of the previous 15" models' logic boards, and nothing less than that complete solution is, IMO, an acceptable outcome from this lawsuit.


macrumors 603
Jul 13, 2008
Inside information. Befriend any individual who works in an Apple store and they will tell you that these keyboards are the Bain of their existence. Similar to the battery replacements a couple years ago and the white MacBook top case repairs almost a decade ago. Their internal percentages are in the double digits. And that doesn't even include people like me who had them replaced once and gave up on doing it a second or third time.

(former employee and still current large stockholder)
What’s the stats on the 2019 butterfly 15”? Haven’t seen any reports of issues with updated materials
After S E V E N keyboard failures across 4x 2018 15" MacBook Pros, I hope Apple loses hard. The keyboard failures ARE REAL.
Why haven’t you called AppleCare and have them swap the machine for a new one already? It’s what they did after 3 replacements of mine(2016-2019)
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macrumors 603
Jul 13, 2008
Don't feel bad My Early 2011 MBP has a BAD GRAPHICS CARD and had been repaired 10 times, Got tired of trying to keep it alive. APPLE should be responsible for their POS faulty design for the life of the original Owner. ALL NEW REPLACED KEYBOARD'S NEED TO BE THE NEW DESIGN! Apple has become Very Greedy by screwing its loyal customers.
After 3 major repairs you have an option to get the machine completely replaced. It’s happened to me twice I. The past with two different machines. Talk to AppleCare senior advisor and bring up lemon laws and the time you lose without your computer.
10 replacements? have you not looked up the 3-4 major replacement issues with electronics? Apple will take care of you but you have to get ahold of the right person. I emailed Tim cook about my 2016 keyboard issues and one of his senior advisors called me literally within 5 days of that email.


Oct 6, 2017
"Many" lawsuits in the US are frivolous - and class actions usually do not benefit the consumer....However, in this case, Apple has been selling a known defective keyboard. The internal numbers are much, much higher than 2%. The best we can hope for as consumers is for Apple to never repeat this mistake - and to receive some financial punishment.
Source for much, much higher than 2% or any number at all?


macrumors newbie
Oct 14, 2019
Waste of everyone's time. Nothing meaningful comes out of class action suits.

The keyboard was redesigned. Let's move on.

It's not a "waste of everyone's time." That's why a judge moved forward with the case. Redesigned? You mean after 4 years of butterfail keyboard hell? You act like it was QUICKLY resolved by Apple. Stop drinking the Apple Koolaid and posting ridiculous fanboy comments like this.

Apple should be severely nailed for this disaster, a frickin 4 YEAR DISASTER!


May 4, 2012
A link to a large study showing "much higher than 2%" defect rate please. I was under the impression that the butterfly keyboard was much worse than the previous scissor keyboards, but still *much* less than 1%.

As far as Apple knowingly selling a defective keyboard, that's obviously wrong as it's working just fine at the time of sale. At worst, it's been knowingly selling a keyboard with a higher defect rate than its predecessors.

They probably knew they were selling a device with a latent defect, that is, a device that they knew would fail at some point, (though unlikely at the point of sale). In Europe, at least that is illegal and a company can be held accountable for up to 12 years.


Oct 6, 2017
It's not a "waste of everyone's time." That's why a judge moved forward with the case. Redesigned? You mean after 4 years of butterfail keyboard hell? You act like it was QUICKLY resolved by Apple. Stop drinking the Apple Koolaid and posting ridiculous fanboy comments like this.

Apple should be severely nailed for this disaster, a frickin 4 YEAR DISASTER!
Name a similar case any tech Company was “severely nailed” for something like this. You dont even know the breadth of the “problem” besides some anecdotal evidence. Apple kept this keyboard for 4 years before redesigning, indicating it was not a serious problem that needed immediate attention.

Designs change and optimizations are made all the time. Very difficult to prove this was some widespread issue without data only Apple has. Their actions tell me it was somewhere in the neighborhood of reasonable or they would have immediately changed it.

Perhaps it became too much of a headache and they changed it. That doesn’t mean there was some gigantic issue or design flaw that needs consumer compensation. Show me the huge damages consumers experienced. Apple has a repair program if you’re impacted.

Get over it. Class action lawsuits are a waste of everyone’s time besides the lawyers, which is the only reason there are so many class action suits. Historically, they have VERY RARELY amounted to anything and the only ones of any consequence are health and safety related or accounting fraud. Even still, the awards for consumers are typically small and the impact tot the company is near zero.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Except that almost everyone who has one loves them and has had no problems with them. I think it would make a better story on social influencing, that actually defective design.

I'd love just one of these "OMG there are so bad" types to come up with any statistics whatsoever. Wouldn't the after market warranty providers have a number? Certainly if they are repairing them, they must no how many
There is a SPECIAL WARRANTY to cover them. Do you think Apple did that for fun? Get real.


macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2015
I am just starting to get regular issues with 3 keys on my 2016 15” MBPro. I have about 11 months left to have it repaired but the repair just sticks the same faulty keyboard in it. So, best case I get another 3 years out of my Mac, vs the 8 years and 7 years on my 2011 13” and mid 2012 15” which are still going strong.

i might get the top case replaced and sell it on, put the proceeds towards a 16” instead, although the soldered in memory and ssd still bug me as they are true points of failure in computers.

on another note, the uk has a right to repair/refund covering up to 6 years from the purchase date on goods that have an inherent manufacturers fault. Like the keyboard that Apple acknowledges is faulty. This should be a strong case to push for a refund as the repair is not actually going to fix it.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 21, 2019
Eindhoven (NL)
Inside information. Befriend any individual who works in an Apple store and they will tell you that these keyboards are the Bain of their existence. Similar to the battery replacements a couple years ago and the white MacBook top case repairs almost a decade ago. Their internal percentages are in the double digits. And that doesn't even include people like me who had them replaced once and gave up on doing it a second or third time.

(former employee and still current large stockholder)
Those are completely baseless claims.
I could say “I am Tim Cook under cover and this is BS”.

The ONLY meaningful research done by Appleinsider showed than less the 10% OF THE DEFECTIVE MacBooks that went into assistance were related to keyboard issue.
WHich is a relevant statistic but FAR from the disaster you are describing here.
It's abandoned in terms of revisions to the engineering/manufacturing/design implementations. It's not abandoned in terms of continued manufacturing of the currently flawed design which is not an appropriate repair. If Apple actually finds a solution to the problem, then I'll gladly give them some praise. But, they don't deserve any right now.
In reference to the current "solution"; it only applies to the '18-19 MBP with an added silicone material placed between the switches and key caps. The '15 MB and '16-17 MBP didn't receive this addition. Thus far, the butterfly keyboard can become inoperative from foreign bodies, the switch mechanism material failure (this may have been improved), and the metal dome (which may have been improved).
Last revision (MacBook Pro 13” 2019) is from a few months ago. Apple didn’t abandon anything.
Hey you ... @Baymowe335 @MauiPa @twolf2919 @citysnaps @Jefe's MacAir and the rest of the small batch of posters who repeatedly defend the faulty apple keyboards ...

I suppose you think @randyhudson is just lying, right?
Yes. According to my own anecdotal experience I don’t believe him
No one but Apple knows the numbers. But clearly a pretty large number is they have a 4 year keyboard replacement plan for all the butterfly keyboards. Not to mention going back to the scissor mechanism.
Even if 5% of the sold keyboards are defective, it still is an huge number (millions of units).
That’s the reason for the replacement program and the decision to switch back to the scissor.
But it still is different from the “all are defective” meme you can find on forums like this.
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Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
Still enjoying my v1.0 2017 keyboard and much prefer the look & feel to the one in my previous machine. That may change if something does eventually go wrong with it but, touch wood, no reliability issues so far ?


macrumors 68000
Jan 22, 2013
Three years, no problem with mine. Nobody I know has a problem with theirs. As far as I can tell, only whiny podcasters have this problem. Maybe it's related to being a podcaster? And whiny.
If you rely on your laptop for work AND you’ve been without it for a week while the keyboard was being replaced – on more than one occasion – I can assure you that you would certainly not be so blasé.

FWIW, I actually like typing on the butterfly keyboard, but dust particles can be a killer for this design. It’s very easy to get unlucky. I don’t eat or drink at my keyboard, or have dirty hands, but computers attract dust, especially in an office environment. Just have a close look at your screen to see if that’s the case or not. I’ve had two keyboard replacements. Now I have a compressed air blower can to hand and a plastic tool for lifting off the keys. I really shouldn’t have to be doing this.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2011
Lincolnshire, IL
Regardless of how this lawsuit is benefiting only the lawyers, Apple is also not caring for customers experiencing the issues saying, and also by Apple fanboys, "it's corporate business". Yes. both side is doing their typical American business as usual.

So why should I be angry about any one side? Hence, I take a side based on my view, and this time, Apple's the side that gotta be kicked. good luck laywers! you are good for sometimes.
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