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macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2004
j_maddison said:
Just wondering if anyone else is coming across this problem.

If i chat to someone and send alot of messages, after a while something strange happens. The person I'm chatting to sends a message but all I is their face/icon an a blank line. Its accompanied by a thud sound to. The only remedie appears to be closing the app and logging back on.

Is anyone elese experiencing these dud message problems?


yes i had that problem too


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2003
Nelson, Wales
dontpanic said:
yes i had that problem too

Are you having constant crashes with file transfers to?? Also this is weird, I had a complete system crash today. I had to hold down the restart button. I can’t remember the last time I had one of those; I think it was a few years ago. Very annoying, but don’t know if its related or just a coincidence. And before anyone suggests repair permissions, I do it daily :p and I run Mac janitor to.



macrumors 6502
May 30, 2005
Stoke-on-Trent. Midlands, UK
msn 5 hmmm lots of problems im having, people typing, theere name coming , but no message,,,, and even wierder, log in with Adium,, and see them typign again, then it comes up with an error, saying somat like tere was an error ,, i cant rem what, it was late last nite, but everything ok today,,,,


macrumors 68020
Apr 18, 2004
okay, i see what everyone is saying now.. msn 5 is crap.. i talk to my friends on it and like half way through the convo's it tells me they disconnected.. when in fact they have not so im like wtf.. with msn 4 i don't have this issue at all so go figure, the older version is more stable and works better. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2002
Behind you!

File transfers and stuff work now, but why can I STILL not rename my contacts??? It's not a lot to ask, is it? Deciphering names whenever people are chatting to me is incredibly annoying!



macrumors 68010
Oct 4, 2003
London, UK
J@ffa said:

File transfers and stuff work now, but why can I STILL not rename my contacts??? It's not a lot to ask, is it? Deciphering names whenever people are chatting to me is incredibly annoying!

Gah - tell me about it. I'm always polite enought to put something like "hob-[stupid random quote]" or something. Easier than talking to "pot-bellied monkeys landed on my doorstep this morning"...


macrumors 65816
Mar 13, 2005
Ok, the confusion over the blank messages is growing!!

While talking to a friend online it kept happening. I explained the situation to them and asked them what they were trying to send. It turns out they were trying to send the word "cool" to me...but it kept coming back blank, with messenger making a noise (like the "denied" or "failed" noise).
To make it more confusing they tried to send it me with more o's in, but with no luck!!...only one worked, when there were about 10 o's in it!!..the rest came back blank!! they're stuck to using "kewl" and not "cool"...strange eh?!! It comes out ok on their screen!


macrumors 65816
Mar 13, 2005
I've reported the problem to Microsoft incase anyone else hasn't! To amuse them! Hopefully will fix these problems...worth a shot.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2002
Behind you!
hob said:
Gah - tell me about it. I'm always polite enought to put something like "hob-[stupid random quote]" or something. Easier than talking to "pot-bellied monkeys landed on my doorstep this morning"...

Hopefully it gets updated more often than MSN 4, which I do believe was only upgraded to 4.0.1 when it was barely working at all. Do Microsoft have a user feedback thing, and is it read? Hehe :p


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
Langly said:
Hark at you, with your crystal ball :rolleyes:

My word, some of you guys are very critical – not to say picky – of something that's (a) Free, and (b) Free!

I realise that's only one point, but it's such a good one, I thought it deserved making twice :p

I think you meant "(a) Free, and (b) from Microsoft!" ;)

I thought that this was going to be a good update, but apparently not. :mad: Here's to the next version of Office including a better version of the client.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2004
Auckland, New Zealand
Gil_Grissom said:
Ok, the confusion over the blank messages is growing!!

While talking to a friend online it kept happening. I explained the situation to them and asked them what they were trying to send. It turns out they were trying to send the word "cool" to me...but it kept coming back blank, with messenger making a noise (like the "denied" or "failed" noise).
To make it more confusing they tried to send it me with more o's in, but with no luck!!...only one worked, when there were about 10 o's in it!!..the rest came back blank!! they're stuck to using "kewl" and not "cool"...strange eh?!! It comes out ok on their screen!

This problem is driving me insane!! I'm not sure what is triggering it on my system.

And file transfers are often crashing the program.. Just quits without an error message.

So many bugs....


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
You know what the funny thing with all of this? I was waiting for Messenger 5 for the longest time, and then when it finally came out, it took me a few days to download it. And now, since I've downloaded it, I've hardly used it. :eek: Now I ask myself what I waiting for, as I'm not really excited to use this app at all anymore, and from some of the reviews, I'm not really missing out... Ah well, whatever...


macrumors 65816
Mar 13, 2005
JordanNZ said:
This problem is driving me insane!! I'm not sure what is triggering it on my system.

And file transfers are often crashing the program.. Just quits without an error message.

So many bugs....
I daren't try the file transfers!! :confused: :eek:


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
File transfers work flawlessly for me, don't know what these other guys are doing.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2004
Auckland, New Zealand
Chundles said:
File transfers work flawlessly for me, don't know what these other guys are doing.

If I have many windows open, and are chatting to a lot of people.. If someone tries to send a large file.. Sometimes it will just quit randomly.

Not very solid at all. It seems they didn't do much in the way of testing!


macrumors 68020
Apr 18, 2004
yeah im so over msn 5... i thought it was going to be the best thing ever, guess not. so as of now im sticking with ichat for the aim buddies (don't get me started on adium and/or aim for mac) and msn messenger 4.0.1 for my msn friends... at least it "seems" to work.. and the whole thing about buddy pics... meh.. w/e :rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Nov 10, 2004
CubaTBird said:
don't get me started on adium and/or aim for mac:rolleyes:

What issue do you have with Adium?

I don't really know anyone using Yahoo IM or AIM for that matter so I only use Adium for MSN chats. If I do have to speak with an AIM user I'll use iChat.


macrumors 65816
Mar 13, 2005
The rate we're going with Microsoft and "Microsoft Messenger for Mac", we'll be better hoping that Apple with make iChat Microsoft client compatible, which Microsoft will probably try and stop...**sigh**, oh well!


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
your talking about the company that made three bugs in the 512 byte xbox boot rom, not just one THREE.


macrumors 68020
Mar 22, 2005
I find MM5 much more stable than MSN4, although I still have the lost network problem


macrumors 6502a
Apr 7, 2005
Monterrey, México
Come on guys, it's not THAT bad. It's actually a lot more than I expected from Microsoft (which wasn't much). ;)

j_maddison said:
If i chat to someone and send alot of messages, after a while something strange happens. The person I'm chatting to sends a message but all I is their face/icon an a blank line. Its accompanied by a thud sound to. The only remedie appears to be closing the app and logging back on.

That happens sometimes when someone sends a large custom emoticon. They might take a while to transfer so in the meantime all you can see is an empty message.
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