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macrumors 68030
Oct 8, 2008
Albany, NY

Rodimus Prime

macrumors G4
Oct 9, 2006
Uh oh... Free App Store rankings: Romney - 15; Obama - 154

well rememeber Obama's App has been around for a lot longer. Romney App is new. This means the download Rate for Obama's is going to be a lot lower at this point in time. The rankings are based off a moving average.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
As any smart executive knows, his or her industry doesn't operate in a bubble. Ford was well aware of this and, in fact, lobbied for the bailout to be passed. Why? Because if GM failed... it would affect Ford.

Ford also requested in increase in its credit line. Why? Because in case anything happened, they'd have a safety net.

Yes, Ford didn't receive any money under TARPs provision... but let's take the blinders off for a second and take a look at other loans and subsidies.

Blinders aren't on. You are arguing straw man and actually agree with my point. Did Ford get bailout money? No, they did not. Even you agreed with me that they did not.

I am well aware of subsides and other things Ford did, that is not the point. (In fact, I don't believe any business should get subsides, but that is another topic).

Obviously, you wouldn't want your competitors to go out of business, no one would. Competition is good for everyone.


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004
Blinders aren't on. You are arguing straw man and actually agree with my point. Did Ford get bailout money? No, they did not. Even you agreed with me that they did not.

I am well aware of subsides and other things Ford did, that is not the point. (In fact, I don't believe any business should get subsides, but that is another topic).

Obviously, you wouldn't want your competitors to go out of business, no one would. Competition is good for everyone.

Ford not needing a bailout was a matter of timing and luck. Ford was in the same situation GM and Chrysler was in back in 2006-2007. They mortgaged themselves out to get every bit of credit and money they could get. They also hired a great CEO in Mulally. If Ford hit their situation in 2008 like GM and Chrysler, they would have been asking for TARP money as well.

I wouldn't be holding Ford up on a pedestal like the GOP does. They were all in deep crap. It was just when GM and Chrysler( Chrysler was sucked dry by Daimler and Cerberus) needed credit, they couldn't due to the financial crisis. While Ford could since they needed it earlier.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2003


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
Excellent points NY Guitarist. The speech you're referencing was based around a famous quote by Elizabeth Warren:

Don't for a second believe that what she states has no validity. Corporations absolutely utilize the social structure we, as tax payers, support for them to succeed. Without these foundations in place, the playing field would be even more of a mess. It is amusing reading some arguments against this very basic principle.

Even more amusing to read the arguments put out by the left who think they know what they are talking about and how government is the best thing since sliced bread and has provided for everyone.

Roads were being built by private companies way before the federal government got involved with road construction. In fact, during the 1790s-1820s most roads were built using money raised from the private sector. This was after government tried their hand at raising money through user fees, lotteries, forced road services, etc. Thousands of miles of road and turnpikes were built by multiple private businesses, because government failed.

The practices of building roads was not even started by government. It was started by trade merchants. If government ever built a road (like in Egypt) it led to the tombs were the ruler would be laid to rest or where an army needed to travel (Romans).

I see everyone wants to talk about roads, but no one wants to talk about the canals the government built (at the request of its citizens) that ended up losing money and left tax payers holding the bag

What, exactly, would that be? And please, don't waste my time with generalities and Faux News talking points. Be specific. What can the president do to fix the economy within the scope of the enumerated powers of the executive branch?

I await what I suspect will be a long silence.

Would love to tell you what Obama could do.

Cut the income tax to zero. The wall street journal said this would have a huge impact on the job market aka the fastest growth you would see ever in an economy. People and businesses would flock to this country in a heart beat:

You can cut regulations that are holding up businesses. Mainly the EPA. But, I know what you'll say next: "But, without the EPA businesses would just pollute and kill everyone!!!!" Really? They still do even with the EPA. Here is a major 2012 blunder:

Other blunders:

You could not provide subsides to industries (any), because it only promotes mal-investment, when there is no risk involved.

Speaking of no risk. You could make the Fed raise interest rates and not go into another QE, which if you look at older numbers, has inflation on the rise at 3-4.5%. Hence the rising costs of stuff at the grocery store. Americans then have less money to spend on goods, which further hurts the economy.


You Obama people just make me chuckle and I am NOT a republican by any means. No way, they are just as bad as the liberal left. BOTH parties are a cult. Their members follow blindly and listen to the words of their masters like gospel. I hear the most asinine arguments from people on both sides of the isle all the time.

"Trying to fix four years of Bush!" Yeah, Bush sucked, everyone knows this. But Jimmy Carter was AWFUL. Reagan inherited a mess and he fixed it. Why can't Obama take the high road, be a leader, and try to fix the problems without sounding like a child placing the blame on everyone else but himself? "it was bush!", "it was the congress", "its the republicans". There is ALWAYS an excuse...Always.

But I posted it earlier and no one wanted to respond to it. What about everything Obama has done wrong? Everyone looks at his ACA and arguing about roads, but no one cares that Obama did the following:

- Continued George W. Bush policies: Extended the patriot act, kept gitmo open, extended the bush tax cuts, provide bailouts for the rich and continues to expand the wars in the middle east (Libya, Syria). Barack Obama = Bush's Third term.

- Cover up: Fast and Furious scandal that cost American lives on the border. Hides documents to protect Eric Holder and his administration.

- Violated the War Powers Act in Libya by not declaring war and telling congress to go take a hike when they asked him to.

- Obama tramples on civil liberties by signing the NDAA (4th amendment violation), Trespass Bill (1st amendment), and other legislation (Even though he said he wouldn't)

- Under Obama: Gas prices have risen over 100% from 1.87 to 3.96 from when Bush was in office (war for oil), 39% increase in amount of Americans put on food stamps, and the real unemployment numbers (if you take into account people who gave up looking for work) is around 15-16%:

So, has Obama been a failure? Yeah, he has. You can't argue it otherwise. Unless you enjoy bailing out the rich at the expense of everyone else, continuous warfare, and your liberties trampled, then I am sure Obama has been a huge success.

If it makes the Obama worshippers feel better, then I dislike Romney has much if not more, than Obama. But, there is really no point to hate on either since they are the same person. Here is a well done article about 100 things that Barack AND Mitt have in common:

You people are being played off one another. Both are supported by the mega-banks and do not have Americans best interests at heart. I wish more Americans would wake up to this fact.


Ford not needing a bailout was a matter of timing and luck. Ford was in the same situation GM and Chrysler was in back in 2006-2007. They mortgaged themselves out to get every bit of credit and money they could get. They also hired a great CEO in Mulally. If Ford hit their situation in 2008 like GM and Chrysler, they would have been asking for TARP money as well.

I wouldn't be holding Ford up on a pedestal like the GOP does. They were all in deep crap. It was just when GM and Chrysler( Chrysler was sucked dry by Daimler and Cerberus) needed credit, they couldn't due to the financial crisis. While Ford could since they needed it earlier.

When did I hold them on a pedestal? I never did. I said they did not take bailout money. Did they? They did not. You even agreed with me on this point as well. You are also arguing straw man. The argument was "Did Ford take bailout money" the answer is "no".

Your argument has a lot of "ifs"


macrumors G5
Dec 22, 2004
Chicago, Illinois
Even more amusing to read the arguments put out by the left who think they know what they are talking about and how government is the best thing since sliced bread and has provided for everyone.

Roads were being built by private companies way before the federal government got involved with road construction. In fact, during the 1790s-1820s most roads were built using money raised from the private sector. This was after government tried their hand at raising money through user fees, lotteries, forced road services, etc. Thousands of miles of road and turnpikes were built by multiple private businesses, because government failed.

The practices of building roads was not even started by government. It was started by trade merchants. If government ever built a road (like in Egypt) it led to the tombs were the ruler would be laid to rest or where an army needed to travel (Romans):

I see everyone wants to talk about roads, but no one wants to talk about the canals the government built (at the request of its citizens) that ended up losing money and left tax payers holding the bag

Would love to tell you what Obama could do.

Cut the income tax to zero. The wall street journal said this would have a huge impact on the job market aka the fastest growth you would see ever in an economy. People and businesses would flock to this country in a heart beat:

You can cut regulations that are holding up businesses. Mainly the EPA. But, I know what you'll say next: "But, without the EPA businesses would just pollute and kill everyone!!!!" Really? They still do even with the EPA. Here is a major 2012 blunder:

Other blunders:

You could not provide subsides to industries (any), because it only promotes mal-investment, when there is no risk involved.

Speaking of no risk. You could make the Fed raise interest rates and not go into another QE, which if you look at older numbers, has inflation on the rise at 3-4.5%. Hence the rising costs of stuff at the grocery store. Americans then have less money to spend on goods, which further hurts the economy.


You Obama people just make me chuckle and I am NOT a republican by any means. No way, they are just as bad as the liberal left. BOTH parties are a cult. Their members follow blindly and listen to the words of their masters like gospel. I hear the most asinine arguments from people on both sides of the isle all the time.

"Trying to fix four years of Bush!" Yeah, Bush sucked, everyone knows this. But Jimmy Carter was AWFUL. Reagan inherited a mess and he fixed it. Why can't Obama take the high road, be a leader, and try to fix the problems without sounding like a child placing the blame on everyone else but himself? "it was bush!", "it was the congress", "its the republicans". There is ALWAYS an excuse...Always.

But I posted it earlier and no one wanted to respond to it. What about everything Obama has done wrong? Everyone looks at his ACA and arguing about roads, but no one cares that Obama did the following:

- Continued George W. Bush policies: Extended the patriot act, kept gitmo open, extended the bush tax cuts, provide bailouts for the rich and continues to expand the wars in the middle east (Libya, Syria). Barack Obama = Bush's Third term.

- Cover up: Fast and Furious scandal that cost American lives on the border. Hides documents to protect Eric Holder and his administration.

- Violated the War Powers Act in Libya by not declaring war and telling congress to go take a hike when they asked him to.

- Obama tramples on civil liberties by signing the NDAA (4th amendment violation), Trespass Bill (1st amendment), and other legislation (Even though he said he wouldn't)

- Under Obama: Gas prices have risen over 100% from 1.87 to 3.96 from when Bush was in office (war for oil), 39% increase in amount of Americans put on food stamps, and the real unemployment numbers (if you take into account people who gave up looking for work) is around 15-16%:

So, has Obama been a failure? Yeah, he has. You can't argue it otherwise. Unless you enjoy bailing out the rich at the expense of everyone else, continuous warfare, and your liberties trampled, then I am sure Obama has been a huge success.

If it makes the Obama worshippers feel better, then I dislike Romney has much if not more, than Obama. But, there is really no point to hate on either since they are the same person. Here is a well done article about 100 things that Barack AND Mitt have in common:

You people are being played off one another. Both are supported by the mega-banks and do not have Americans best interests at heart. I wish more Americans would wake up to this fact.

So...what's your solution?

BTW- it's obvious to me that you either weren't even close to voting age during Reagan. If you were, you'd know he was the beginning of where we are right now. He fixed nothing, he made it worse. In his eight years, he turned us from the biggest creditor nation in the world to the biggest debtor nation. He fooled everyone into thinking trickle down worked, when we all now know that it doesn't. Reagan put a band aid on a mortal wound, then even took the band aid away after he deregulated everything.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
So...what's your solution?

Stop believing what the political parties say and do some research on your own. You will be amazed at the stuff the media and our politicians won't tell you. Our founding fathers warned us about political parties during the founding the country, but we did not listen.

Get involved and know about the issues that can affect you. Bills like SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, Trespass bill, etc are getting bounced around Congress that can damage our civil liberties.

Petition government, You have to write your local Congressmen, tell him about your concerns and if he won't do anything, you will vote for his competition. I write my state's reps monthly.

BTW- it's obvious to me that you either weren't even close to voting age during Reagan. If you were, you'd know he was the beginning of where we are right now. He fixed nothing, he made it worse. In his eight years, he turned us from the biggest creditor nation in the world to the biggest debtor nation. He fooled everyone into thinking trickle down worked, when we all now know that it doesn't. Reagan put a band aid on a mortal wound, then even took the band aid away after he deregulated everything.

You're partially right.But, It did not start with Reagan. It actually started when we started to go off the gold standard. That is how we went from the biggest creditor nation to the biggest debtor. That and multiple wars we should not be involved in.

The problems in this country have been brewing due to 100 years of bad policies from both parties. No way to argue otherwise.
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macrumors G5
Dec 22, 2004
Chicago, Illinois
Stop believing what the political parties say and do some research on your own. You will be amazed at the stuff the media and our politicians won't tell you. Our founding fathers warned us about political parties during the founding the country, but we did not listen.

Get involved and know about the issues that can affect you. Bills like SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, Trespass bill, etc are getting bounced around Congress that can damage our civil liberties.

Petition government, You have to write your local Congressmen, tell him about your concerns and if he won't do anything, you will vote for his competition. I write my state's reps monthly. must not come around this forum much. If you think we here aren't informed about all of those things, you're kidding yourself. Most of us here are extremely politically active and knowledgeable. And yes, we write our congresspeople.

You still did not answer my question.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan must not come around this forum much. If you think we here aren't informed about all of those things, you're kidding yourself. Most of us here are extremely politically active and knowledgeable. And yes, we write our congresspeople.

You still did not answer my question.

I'm around here all the time actually. I never venture much into the political forums though. As I come here for mac rumors. This thread just interested me is the only reason I am partaking.

And its obvious most people on here do not know about the issues. This thread is pretty evident of that.

I also did answer your question by providing my "solution". There is a solution to both the economic problems and a solution to being more current on the issues.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
LOL at those suggesting cutting the tax rate to zero, not only will you have no government to reign in big business, but good luck when your currency becomes worthless with the supposed "biggest explosion of growth in history".

It's like you guys forgot you spent the last 50 years trying NOT to overheat the economy and cause massive inflation. Now we've moved to a short term all in and bust model? Pity.

The rest of us will be over here where we understand that economies are hugely complex mechanisms in which either extreme is disastrous.

I for one would love an economic model that doesn't resemble the biggest house of cards humanity has ever created.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
LOL at those suggesting cutting the tax rate to zero, not only will you have no government to reign in big business, but good luck when your currency becomes worthless with the supposed "biggest explosion of growth in history".

It's like you guys forgot you spent the last 50 years trying NOT to overheat the economy and cause massive inflation. Now we've moved to a short term all in and bust model? Pity.

The rest of us will be over here where we understand that economies are hugely complex mechanisms in which either extreme is disastrous.

I for one would love an economic model that doesn't resemble the biggest house of cards humanity has ever created.

Actually, you can still accomplish having government without the income tax. If you could not, then how did we survive as a country before 1913?

and who are "you guys?" I'm a free market and gold standard advocate. The last 50 years have been run by crony-captalists and Keynesian's theories/ principles.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Actually, you can still accomplish having government without the income tax. If you could not, then how did we survive as a country before 1913?

and who are "you guys?" I'm a free market and gold standard advocate. The last 50 years have been run by crony-captalists and Keynesian's theories/ principles.

With capitalism in its current sad state (and there really is not putting the toothpaste back in the bottle on this one) there is no way to fund a government with the current wealth distribution and companies that pay nothing.

Also, at the underlined, no need to be redundant. The free market has always been a myth, we've been protecting choice industries since the founding of this nation.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
Actually, you can still accomplish having government without the income tax. If you could not, then how did we survive as a country before 1913?

Well for one thing our government wasn't spending so much on social or military programs back then. And there was no need to build highways in the days before automobiles.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
With capitalism in its current sad state (and there really is not putting the toothpaste back in the bottle on this one) there is no way to fund a government with the current wealth distribution and companies that pay nothing.

Also, at the underlined, no need to be redundant. The free market has always been a myth, we've been protecting choice industries since the founding of this nation.

You would have to reduce current spending to 1990 levels (either 1992, 1995, or 98 can't remember which off the top of my head), then it would be doable. You would also have to close tax loop holes.

Free market is not a myth and I there are numerous examples of a free market throughout history.

This comment and the one above shows that you really do not understand economics.


macrumors G5
Dec 22, 2004
Chicago, Illinois
I'm around here all the time actually. I never venture much into the political forums though. As I come here for mac rumors. This thread just interested me is the only reason I am partaking.

And its obvious most people on here do not know about the issues. This thread is pretty evident of that.

I also did answer your question by providing my "solution". There is a solution to both the economic problems and a solution to being more current on the issues.

If you've only been in this forum for this thread, then no-you don't know the people who are regularly in the political forum. Most of the people in this thread, including you, are not regulars in the political forum.

We have many people in here very knowledgeable on economic issues. They have so far ignored this trashcan of a thread, with good reason.

You would have to reduce current spending to 1990 levels (either 1992, 1995, or 98 can't remember which off the top of my head), then it would be doable. You would also have to close tax loop holes.

Free market is not a myth and I there are numerous examples of a free market throughout history.

This comment and the one above shows that you really do not understand economics.

This kind of attitude is not going to do you any favors here.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
Well for one thing our government wasn't spending so much on social or military programs back then. And there was no need to build highways in the days before automobiles.

Those are not even the reasons why the income tax was brought into being in the first place in 1913. The income tax was used as a means of paying for WW1 and was only supposed to be temporary. Not programs, roads, or anything else.

Does anyone not pay attention in history class?


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
You would have to reduce current spending to 1990 levels (either 1992, 1995, or 98 can't remember which off the top of my head), then it would be doable. You would also have to close tax loop holes.

Free market is not a myth and I there are numerous examples of a free market throughout history.

This comment and the one above shows that you really do not understand economics.

Give me an example of a global scale free market, not some example from before corporations took over the world. This is 2012, give me an example from at least marginally modern history. We don't live in a vacuum and local economics are not the same as global. Where is the free market on the global scale? All I see is companies and systems including governments working their agendas through whatever means they can, all while collecting loan guarantees and special provisions to get a business in a current location. Show me how we get out of this global race to the bottom, I want no part in it if this is the best "the free market" can do.

I do agree with you on closing tax loop holes and bringing our spending down though. Let's start with military spending.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
If you've only been in this forum for this thread, then no-you don't know the people who are regularly in the political forum. Most of the people in this thread, including you, are not regulars in the political forum.

We have many people in here very knowledgeable on economic issues. They have so far ignored this trashcan of a thread, with good reason.

I never said I did know them. I don't understand why you want to keep arguing straw man.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
Those are not even the reasons why the income tax was brought into being in the first place in 1913. The income tax was used as a means of paying for WW1 and was only supposed to be temporary. Not programs, roads, or anything else.

Does anyone not pay attention in history class?

It doesn't matter if that was the intention. The fact remains that the government today needs a lot more money to effectively operate than it did back then.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
Give me an example of a global scale free market, not some example from before corporations took over the world. This is 2012, give me an example from at least marginally modern history. We don't live in a vacuum and local economics are not the same as global. Where is the free market on the global scale? All I see is companies and systems including governments working their agendas through whatever means they can, all while collecting loan guarantees and special provisions to get a business in a current location. Show me how we get out of this global race to the bottom, I want no part in it if this is the best "the free market" can do.

I do agree with you on closing tax loop holes and bringing our spending down though. Let's start with military spending.

Chilie is a great example:

its easy to get out of the "race to the bottom" stop having central banks that print money and go back to a sound money standard.


It doesn't matter if that was the intention. The fact remains that the government today needs a lot more money to effectively operate than it did back then.

And you can easily change that in a heartbeat. Many of the departments of government can be cut and the duties be given back to the states and you would never even know those departments disappeared

You have to get out of the warfare/welfare state though.


If you've only been in this forum for this thread, then no-you don't know the people who are regularly in the political forum. Most of the people in this thread, including you, are not regulars in the political forum.

We have many people in here very knowledgeable on economic issues. They have so far ignored this trashcan of a thread, with good reason.

This kind of attitude is not going to do you any favors here.

Seriously, what is your problem? First, you get on my case arguing straw man about stuff I never said and now "my attitude is not going to do me any favors"

You seem to be the one with an attitude here.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Chilie is a great example:

its easy to get out of the "race to the bottom" stop having central banks that print money and go back to a sound money standard.


And you can easily change that in a heartbeat. Many of the departments of government can be cut and the duties be given back to the states and you would never even know those departments disappeared

You have to get out of the warfare/welfare state though.
That is ignoring reality (italicized), you can't simply cut and hand over when STATES HAVE NO MONEY TO ENACT NEW PROGRAMS, never mind the sheer logistics of handing something so complex over to where it will only get more complex trying to work out congruency between 50 states.

Also, Chile's shock therapy to become a free market state is beyond atrocious. Mass disappearances, intimidation, military coups (I wonder who played a hand in that?), etc. That's what it takes to get a "free market"? Screw that, lets not torture and kill people so that money can be made.

Long story short, there is a lot more to economics than simply looking at the economics. It takes major forces to transform a culture, capitalisms force of choice happens to be force itself.
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