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macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
Really? Is that why a bunch of countries don't have income taxes?

Once again, you are arguing straw man. I never said that we should be like them, at all.

And you wouldn't want the U.S. to be like Qatar (GDP wise), who is the richest per capita? I guess you like being 6th behind great countries like Brunei and Norway, right?

You may continue trolling now.

What is wrong with Norway in general? Note that most of the countries you linked are funded either by exports of natural resources or as hubs for offshore banking. I'm not sure how that would work out here.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
Hardly trolling. Qatar is not a place I wish to emulate. However, Norway is much better. Are you now arguing that emulating Norway is a better way to go? Because I can agree with that.

No surprise there.

At this point, no one even knows what you're arguing anyway. I thought it was income taxes and economics, now it's...what exactly?

Completely trolling.

I never said do you want to emulate their culture or that I wanted to. I never even brought up their culture, you did. I talked about their GDP per capita.

And it is no surprise that Romney would cut taxes for the rich. Hes in bed with goldman sachs, just like Obama is.


Huh? I thought you were a right-wing conservative?

Now you're saying Norway is a great country? :confused:

So technically you must want Obama to win since he wants the USA to be like Norway and you must be hating Romney because he wants the contrary? :confused:

And of course any sane non-Muslim don't want their nation to be like Qatar, they still follow Islamic laws and advocate stoning...

Why would you think that? Especially since in multiple posts I have said I am not a republican or a democrat. I don't understand how this is so hard to comprehend for so many readers.

I want neither Obama or Romney to win. I want the people of the United States to win, but that option is currently not available in either party.


Methinks you have one more shot at providing sound reasoning instead of hiding behind this facile defense.

I have provided tons of reasoning and links throughout my posts. If you are unable to comprehend those, then that is beyond my problem.


Jobs is spinning in his grave over Obama's Romney's "You didn't build that!" nonsense.

There...fixed that for you. Because it is nonsense from Romney. Everyone knows the words were taken out of context and that Romney has said similar things himself.

You DO realize that oil prices are set on the world market and being that Obama is just President of the United States (and not President of the whole freeking world) that he has no power or jurisdiction over gas prices which are influenced by wars, oil traders, refinery downtimes, etc., RIGHT??? Even drilling in sensitive areas (that would take far longer then his Presidential term to even come online) would not change the gas prices. So not sure what you think he could do.

If you look at the price of oil compared to gold it actually has not risen to much. The cost goes up because of our fiat money:

Cut the income tax to zero. The wall street journal said this would have a huge impact on the job market aka the fastest growth you would see ever in an economy. People and businesses would flock to this country in a heart beat:
I have heard many claim this, but it's just not true. In fact, I believe that if you raised taxes dramatically for 20-30 years you would have more growth by far. But hey, what do I know.

How is it not true? Do you have any evidence that suggest this would not be the case? Obama even says raising taxes is not about revenue, its about "fairness":

I wish there wasn't an income tax for anybody and instead we do user fees and other means to create revenue for government (along with not nation building and bringing our troops home).

EPA regulations actually result in more jobs, not fewer. (When you make a claim, it's good form to provide a link. So, here.

Result in more jobs because you need to hire the people to fill the department. Which means, since government doesn't make any money on their own, they take it from somewhere. They need to take money out of the hands of people in order to fund the EPA. This leaves less money into the hands of people who might use it to start a business, buy a home, etc.

The EPA has created "jobs." But, like I pointed out, the EPA is doing a lousy job managing things. See my other post for links on how this great protection agency has been dropping the ball for years.

Seriously, have you ever been suckered. Tell you what, go do some reading about the fast and furious operation, and then look at what documents the Republicans were trying to get. Come back, we'll talk. It should be fun.

I actually have done some reading on the fast and furious operation. And I really don't care what the republicans were after, because they are doing it for political gain and to cover their own rears. I want justice for the people who were murdered because our DOJ decided it would be a great idea to give guns to Mexican drug cartels and then lost track of them.

FBI, CIA, and others engage in this kind of stuff and get away with it all of the time though. I guess I should not be so upset over it. But, Obama could have made Holder step down, released the documents, among other things instead of cowering behind executive privilege like past presidents (Bush and Clinton).

Who hasn't been suckered at one point or another? You have also been suckered. I mean, you are an Obama supporter after all. All of you guys got duped.

Libya, Syria... debatable.

Disagree entirely here. You don't think violating the War Powers Act and supporting Al-Qaeda rebels in both countries is cause for alarm?

U.S.-Nation support Al-Qaeda in Libya:

When Bush took office, Gas was $1.479 (using the midwest all grades conventional retail gasoline prices - I don't have a link, the data is on my wall next to me. You can find it at the US Energy Information Administration). Gas peaked under GWB at $4.005.

You would be right on this and as I look back on it, I have no idea why I included this in my arguments. Especially since the price of oil hasn't gone up much if you compared it to sound money (gold) instead of a fiat currency. Oops
Last edited:


macrumors 601
Apr 3, 2003
Because it is nonsense from Romney. Everyone knows the words were taken out of context

Yes, which is why the speech is still reverberating across the country - and not in a good way. :rolleyes:

Drinkers of the Hope n' Change Koolaid may believe it was "taken out of context." Then again, all you need to do is read the speech in its entirety to see that no, it wasn't.

Government isn't the solution to our problems. We pay them (taxes) to build our roads for us. Then we use those roads to build businesses. The government should simply be a contractor to us. Like your plumber. And I bet when you look at your house, you don't think "This house isn't mine. The plumber did this."

The government should be a servant of the people. Not the other way around. Obama's Marxist philosophy is finally being exposed to the public.


macrumors 65816
Apr 20, 2009
I want neither Obama or Romney to win.

LOL..good luck with that.

Yes, which is why the speech is still reverberating across the country - and not in a good way. :rolleyes:

Drinkers of the Hope n' Change Koolaid may believe it was "taken out of context." Then again, all you need to do is read the speech in its entirety to see that no, it wasn't.

Speaking of drinking the Koolaid, looks like you've been doing a fair amount of that yourself. Here's some things both candidates have said:

Exhibit A:

Government isn't the solution to our problems.

Oh, okay. Then I guess there is no need for anyone to make the claim that we must elect Mitt Romney to office then in order to fix things, because government isn't the solution to our problems. Thanks for clearing that up.

We pay them (taxes) to build our roads for us. Then we use those roads to build businesses. The government should simply be a contractor to us. Like your plumber. And I bet when you look at your house, you don't think "This house isn't mine. The plumber did this."

The house may be mine, but I'm intelligent enough to know, that I didn't build it on my own. In fact, I didn't lift a hammer or install even one drain pipe. The plumber did. Would I say the plumber owns the house? No. But Obama isn't saying that the government owns your business either. It's dumb to think otherwise. If the plumber (the contractor) says he helped build this house and that I didn't get it built on my own without his help, he'd be RIGHT.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2011
Chicago, IL
Where is muh Ron Paul app yo?


macrumors 6502
May 14, 2012
Yes, which is why the speech is still reverberating across the country - and not in a good way. :rolleyes:

Drinkers of the Hope n' Change Koolaid may believe it was "taken out of context." Then again, all you need to do is read the speech in its entirety to see that no, it wasn't.

Government isn't the solution to our problems. We pay them (taxes) to build our roads for us. Then we use those roads to build businesses. The government should simply be a contractor to us. Like your plumber. And I bet when you look at your house, you don't think "This house isn't mine. The plumber did this."

The government should be a servant of the people. Not the other way around. Obama's Marxist philosophy is finally being exposed to the public.
Did a real life person write this?


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
The blame game is merely politics.


Keep in mind that the Republicans and Democrats in Congress actually compromised in the 80s. Reagan didn't face obstructionist Democrats, nor was he facing a recession created by fraud, abuse and massive Wall St. malfeasance.

Excellent post; well articulated points and spot on. Thank you! :)


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2002
I have provided tons of reasoning and links throughout my posts. If you are unable to comprehend those, then that is beyond my problem.

No need to get all worked up Raider - I'm pointing out that it's easier to (mis)use phrases like "straw man" than to actually make a point.

Minimoose 360

macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2008
The amount of neocon ******** in this thread is immense. It's like most of you get your beliefs directly from Fox News.

Don't worry you old Christian farts, us young people will make damn sure Romney doesn't get elected. No man who wants to control women's bodily choices is my president...and that's just one thing wrong with him.

He's an elitist, homophobic, bigot. He talks about how hard it was living off his father's wealth to try and relate to the common man...I don't know how anyone believes him.


macrumors 6502
May 14, 2012
The amount of neocon ******** in this thread is immense. It's like most of you get your beliefs directly from Fox News.

Don't worry you old Christian farts, us young people will make damn sure Romney doesn't get elected. No man who wants to control women's bodily choices is my president...and that's just one thing wrong with him.

He's an elitist, homophobic, bigot. He talks about how hard it was living off his father's wealth to try and relate to the common man...I don't know how anyone believes him.
You're just as bad as them


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004

I agree. It's boring when everyone agrees with each other. It's nice to have a civil discussion with both sides. I just wish the Republicans that participate in PRSI were moderates and weren't as far on the right as people here are far on the left...

This thread is proof enough that all people are doing is using talking points to show support of Obama or Romney.


macrumors 68030
Oct 8, 2008
Albany, NY
I agree. It's boring when everyone agrees with each other. It's nice to have a civil discussion with both sides. I just wish the Republicans that participate in PRSI were moderates and weren't as far on the right as people here are far on the left...

This thread is proof enough that all people are doing is using talking points to show support of Obama or Romney.

I wish the Democrats that participate in the PRSI were moderates and weren't as far on the left as Chairman Mao.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
We will pick it up come November. This forum is full of lefties.

As if that is a bad thing.

You are always free to make the choice to go find another forum. In fact, Extreme said it best:

Extreme said:
You're all invited to the party
you know you didn't have to come
But no rotten apple is going to spoil my fun

If you don't like what you see here
get the funk out
We won't try to force feed you
get the funk out

In short; don't like us here? leave.



macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004
I wish the Democrats that participate in the PRSI were moderates and weren't as far on the left as Chairman Mao.

That is what I am talking about.... How is that in any way being civil? Comparing some of the far left to Mao is like the people who drew Hitler mustaches on Bush back in 2004 and Obama in attempts to compare those two in being like Hitler.

It's ridiculous.


macrumors 68030
Oct 8, 2008
Albany, NY
That is what I am talking about.... How is that in any way being civil? Comparing some of the far left to Mao is like the people who drew Hitler mustaches on Bush back in 2004 and Obama in attempts to compare those two in being like Hitler.

It's ridiculous.

What are you talking about? It's not the lefties on here that respect Mao? Just the ones at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Anita Dunn, a personal counsel to Obama called Chairman Mao one of her favorite philosophers. I guess you don't agree with that Anita Dunn but have no problem with her position of power?


**Crocodile tears** lol



macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004
What are you talking about? It's not the lefties on here that respect Mao? Just the ones at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Anita Dunn, a personal counsel to Obama called Chairman Mao one of her favorite philosophers. I guess you don't agree with that Anita Dunn but have no problem with her position of power?

What are you talking about? I am talking about the members here to participate here in the PRSI forums. You came in and said you wished the Democrats who post here were not as far left as Mao. I simply replied that's ridiculous and it is the same as comparing Bush and Obama to Hitler. That it is uncivil.

So Anita Dunn, her position, and her thoughts on Mao is irrelevant to what I was saying. Quite frankly, I think you know that.


Jun 21, 2011
NYC/Raleigh, NC
I have posted many times in various threads that I am of the opinion that both sides in the argument (Republicans and Democrats) are equally to blame in gridlock, uncivil behavior and disengenuous remarks.

Every single time, someone will come back with something like "... yeah, but the Republicans are worse, the Republicans suck more, the Republicans are liars, etc.".

There is no compromise or negotiating differing opinions on this site. The overwhelming majority will always come back with "yeah, but..."


macrumors 68030
Oct 8, 2008
Albany, NY
It's not irrelevant, it shows exactly where the leftist mindset is.

It's all about robin hooding, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Redistributing wealth.

While the left wants to take from the rich and give it to the poor, the right wants to let the rich keep their money and let them produce job opportunities to those in need.

What are you talking about? I am talking about the members here to participate here in the PRSI forums. You came in and said you wished the Democrats who post here were not as far left as Mao. I simply replied that's ridiculous and it is the same as comparing Bush and Obama to Hitler. That it is uncivil.

So Anita Dunn, her position, and her thoughts on Mao is irrelevant to what I was saying. Quite frankly, I think you know that.
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