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macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Yeah, I think I've definitely got the issue.

Just tried playing Asphalt 8 again and on some moments of the gage, when racing, when I turn the car slightly to one side (left or right) and then pull my finger away the car still goes to that side and crashes. This never happened to me on the Nexus 10.

Will exchange next week probably and see how that goes.

EDIT: if this touchscreen issue is so widespread and so many people are having it then it could be more software related, or it could be a hardware problem from early on.

Good luck. It'll be worth the trouble especially if you're so enamored by the device.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
Good luck. It'll be worth the trouble especially if you're so enamored by the device.

Definitely. I love this device and enjoy using much more than my smartphone or previous Nexus 10, iPad, etc.

No matter what I'm keeping a Nexus 7. I'll just try to find one without this bug.

If there was official confirmation by Google that this is a software bug and that they will fix it then I wouldn't exchange it for another. Everything else is perfect.


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Kii offers gesture typing. You have to enable it in the settings under "Gesture & Input".

HA...thanks, i did not know that. Big, big help! And i do like that the , is on the front keyboard without having to change it like on stock keyboard. That was the one gripe i had about the stock keyboard.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
Great battery life.

Light stuff like forum reading, Pulse news, web browsing and some video: 2 hours on screen time with 80% left.



macrumors 65816
Feb 1, 2011
I hate these capacitive buttons. You can't type anything o. This tablet without hitting the home button. Torn between note 10.1 and the new retina mini.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
I hate these capacitive buttons. You can't type anything o. This tablet without hitting the home button. Torn between note 10.1 and the new retina mini.

While the Nexus 7 doesn't have capacitive but rather on screen buttons, I understand what you mean. I also just picked up a new Note 10.1 and actually dislike the physical home button/capacitive combo that it uses. They make holding the device in portrait mode awkward and I don't like how Samsung puts the back button on the right. It's not enough to dissuade me from keeping the tablet but something to consider.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2012
Hollywood, CA
Well the 2013 Nexus 7 definitely has a hold on me. I have been looking at Nexus ever since the last generation, heard the newer one was coming out, so I waited. Should have got it earlier, but I got a 5S so I held off... anyways...

I got the Nexus on Sunday, took it home, played with it, loved it, super fast, not a single glitch, unlocked and rooted it, even messed around with some roms. Then I starting thinking the screen was too cramped. Went back to Best Buy, returned Nexus and got the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0.

Galaxy Tab 3 was nice, perfect sized screen, very customizable, had more of an "iPad" feel to it, if that makes any sense. Again, loved the screen. Hated the busyness of it though, and I don't think I'm a fan of TouchWiz. It just didn't run as smooth as the Nexus 7 feels. And once I actually did a lot of research and realized how badly the Tab 3 did vs. the Nexus in benchmarks, the Tab 3 went right back to Best Buy and I rebought the Nexus.

I hate returning products, I never do. But when I'm getting a tablet that I want to hold onto for a few years, I wanted to get something that satisfies. And the Nexus definitely satisfies. Also, when I realized the Nexus will receive updates in an instant, I was sold. Even with that small screen, this thing has to be one of the fastest best compact tablets you can buy for this price. Again, I hate returning things but it felt really good at Best Buy when the guy gave me 50$ back when I exchanged the Tab 3 for the Nexus. Getting a better tablet AND getting money back?

I have a wireless charger coming in the mail. :D
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2012
I got the nexus 7 2013 32gb LTE, pretty happy with it. I can't wait for the ipad mini refresh. It's fast, the screen is amazing, the battery life is great. Love that I'm using different OS other than iOS for first time. I'm excited :D :)


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Well I just sold mine. Nice device but prefer to use my Note 3 for the things I was using the Nexus 7 for.

I'll put the cash towards the new retina ipad mini.


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2012
Hollywood, CA
Well I just sold mine. Nice device but prefer to use my Note 3 for the things I was using the Nexus 7 for.

I'll put the cash towards the new retina ipad mini.

I purposely got an Android tablet. I know most people feel opposite, but I feel like iOS on a tablet isn't as good as Android on a tablet. iOS on a phone is good because it's simple and straight-forward. It's nice to have a big screen to run Android because of all the stuff you can do with it (which is why so many Android phones have big screens). For my phone, I prefer iOS, for my tablet, Android. This is of course just my opinion, and this is my first Android experience.

Also, for a lot of the benchmarks/performance tests, wasn't the Nexus 7 (2013) right behind the iPad 4 in a lot of the tests? Meaning performance wise, it will still beat the retina iPad mini? And the Nexus still has a screen that will rival the mini. Not saying the Nexus is better than the mini, because the mini isnt out yet, but I dont think the mini will be that much of an upgrade from the Nexus 7.2, as far as raw performance goes.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
And if there's no retina mini?

I'll make do with my Note 3 as I use it more than my Nexus 7 anyway :) it's not like I'm desperate for a retina mini so even if it didn't come to next, that's grand.

Mind you im looking with interest at the new mac pros but will likely wait for the first refresh of them rather than early adopt and be an expensive beta tester.


Jul 18, 2013
I'll make do with my Note 3 as I use it more than my Nexus 7 anyway :)

And I'll continue using my current iPad Mini because I use it more than my Nexus 7.

I have the first gen Nexus 7 and there are times when the battery is at 30% after just 12 hours with 30 minutes screen time if I am lucky. This is the 32GB 3G version.

I know my 4S on AT&T will just use battery power like nothing due to bad reception here in Denver so maybe this is the reason my Nexus 7 us doing this. On T-Mobile, I can go nearly 3 days on one charge.

I haven't renewed my T-Mobile sim lately to see if the AT&T sim is the problem. I may do that this month once the month is over.

I can still get two full days with 12-15 hrs usage out of my Mini.


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2012
Hollywood, CA
And I'll continue using my current iPad Mini because I use it more than my Nexus 7.

I have the first gen Nexus 7 and there are times when the battery is at 30% after just 12 hours with 30 minutes screen time if I am lucky. This is the 32GB 3G version.

I know my 4S on AT&T will just use battery power like nothing due to bad reception here in Denver so maybe this is the reason my Nexus 7 us doing this. On T-Mobile, I can go nearly 3 days on one charge.

I haven't renewed my T-Mobile sim lately to see if the AT&T sim is the problem. I may do that this month once the month is over.

I can still get two full days with 12-15 hrs usage out of my Mini.

I have had my Nexus 7 (2013) for just a few days, I had the tablet on for 2 days and 10 hours and still had 52%. Both days I was using it for a decent amount of time, downloading a bunch of apps, browsing, watching some Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, playing games. Seems like excellent battery to me. I don't own an iPad so I can't compare, but having to charge every 4-5 days (according to my use) doesnt seem bad at all. :confused: I also have a Qi wireless charger coming in the mail. People who are complaining about bad life on the new Nexus 7 probably should use the option of turning off wifi when it's sleeping.

I researched A LOT before buying my first tablet, and in most of the reviews the battery life on the new Nexus is rated as excellent, and just short of the iPad mini's life.

All in all, I can confidently say that the Nexus 7 (2013) is best cheap tablet you can buy. For $100 more you can get an iPad mini sure, but that means the mini is almost 50% more expensive than the Nexus. For the specs, raw power and the beautiful display, it was a clear decision for me. If the iPad mini had expandable storage (which it obviously doesnt and wont) then it would be different.

Have you guys seen the benchmarks for the N7 2? I mean seriously.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2010
Thinking of selling my 2012 N7 for the new one. Is it worth it? Is there a big jump from the old nexus?


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2012
Hollywood, CA
Darnit, my N7 seems to have the "defective wireless charging issue", got my LG wireless charger (which many have said works great on their N7) doesnt work, tried it on my friends Qi charger, doesn't work. I looked it up on Google and there was a lot of people on XDA forum saying the same thing and when they swapped it, it worked great, so unfortunately it's hardware. I'll take it back for an exchange tomorrow at Best Buy, would have gone tonight but I just found out it doesn't work and they close in 20 minutes.

I'm planning on bringing my wireless charger with me to BB, that way when I get the new one I can maybe ask to check out if it works right there in store. I hate getting a product with a defect. I love this tablet but that sucks...:rolleyes:
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