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macrumors member
Jan 28, 2002
between yourself

1. In the "New Pile" menu item, the "e" in Pile is spaced a bit further out, and is bolder than the rest of the menu items. Photoshopped.

2. Why is Sketch in the dock? It was included with every release of OS X since the beta! It's pretty crappy and would really only be included to make people think it's a new app with Panther.

3. The "Consolidate" text looks too big, the font too skinny and the spacing too large.

4. The Pile looks like crap. (no pun intended.) That design for a pile would get annoying very quickly.


macrumors 68020
Jul 18, 2002
Too much hype, too little detail.

There's something off about the items highlighted. The font looks almost Photoshopped in there or something. The supposed new items to the Mac OS are a little crisper than the other stuff.

As far as the piles representation goes, there would be no way Apple would allow the piles to look that messy. They seem to erratic and disorganized to be a useful feature.

I think there are going to be far more noticeable differences when you first see Panther. A couple of months and we'll know for sure...


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
Originally posted by atodd

1. In the "New Pile" menu item, the "e" in Pile is spaced a bit further out, and is bolder than the rest of the menu items. Photoshopped.

2. Why is Sketch in the dock? It was included with every release of OS X since the beta! It's pretty crappy and would really only be included to make people think it's a new app with Panther.

3. The "Consolidate" text looks too big, the font too skinny and the spacing too large.

4. The Pile looks like crap. (no pun intended.) That design for a pile would get annoying very quickly.

1. Not really. I've looked at this at high magnification, and the 'e' is exactly space the same as in the word 'Folder' on the line above it. Neither does it really look any bolder at high magnification.

2. And X11 and Console are in the Dock, too. So what? We don't know what the system was being used for, so the fact that any given app is in the dock is hardly a reason to say this is a fake.

3. Again, at high magnification, comparing this to similar items captured from my system, this looks quite clean.

4. I have no real comment on this. Without seeing what it looks like in action, I don't feel terribly compelled to pass judgement on its appearance.

All of that said, I have no real opinion as to whether or not this is legit. But, none the less, it is interesting.

P.S. As to the 'Version 10.3 (build 7D15)', I could see it as conceivable that this was set this way for the developer versions, so they can keep track of what build they're on a little more easily. But, then, I really don't know. Just speculating...


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
fake stuff! lol. the thing looks a lot like that mock-up i made some weeks ago. i dunno, i really like the color in the screen shots, but there is no reason what so ever to believe they are real. i could make those in photoshop.


macrumors 65816
Jul 25, 2002
New Albany, IN
I like how so many people have jumped out and said these are faked. Just for comparison, I searched for the thread where a screen shot of 10.2 was leaked, and the .Mac screen was shown for the first time. Several people that have called these Panther screen shots fake also called the 10.2 .Mac screenshots fake (and the Jaguar one's turned out to be real). Kind of interesting if you ask me.

Personally, I think these may be legit. I guess we'll all see at WWDC.


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
From this pic it looks like the piles feature would have a circular magnification like the dock around its title. Just a thought.


macrumors member
Apr 7, 2003
I believe this is real, but honestly..I thought the next mac os x will look much different you know eyecandy :p


macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by MrMacman
Possible one of the better, clearest screenshots I have ever seen...maybe too clear... hm....
I was thinking the same thing. But, maybe they are real. I don't know.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: Good Strategy

Originally posted by DeusOmnis
I wouldnt be surprised if Steve had these leaked intentionally. With questions coming up about why the G5 isnt out and how motorola isnt going to be putting out any faster processors, mac users need hope, and this is a worthwhile distraction.

I find it ridiculous when people suggest that these things are leaked on purpose.

my 2 cents.



macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Re: Re: Good Strategy

Originally posted by arn
I find it ridiculous when people suggest that these things are leaked on purpose.

my 2 cents.

i second that, apple gets mad over unreleased web browser that is free, let alone pictures of an unreleased operating system.



macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Good Strategy

Originally posted by iJon
i second that, apple gets mad over unreleased web browser that is free, let alone pictures of an unreleased operating system.


Ahem? Jaguar screen shots were flying around Think Secret for a LONG time before it's released. And his Steveness did several demos in his keynotes before it was released. I find it silly that they think Steve did it, but intentional release isn't out of the question. It's all about hype. You get the Mac addicts all excited about Panther so they'll go out and buy it. It worked for Jaguar, I'm sure Apple can't wait to hype up Panther, and I'm sure Steve can't wait to show a nice long demo of it at WWDC. Just hearing about Piles makes me go want to buy a copy already. See, the hype is already working.


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2002
Alameda, CA
You mean to tell me that someone has a working version of 10.3 and *that* is the best screen shot they can come up with??? A lame pile on the desktop? Show us a feature that *hasn't* been discussed on the rumor sites (there will certainly be a few surprises when it's announced).

This whole thing stinks till next Tuesday, if you ask me.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: Re: Re: Re: Good Strategy

Originally posted by dukemeiser
I find it silly that they think Steve did it, but intentional release isn't out of the question.

In my opinion, it's almost entirely out of the question.

I think people have an over-inflated sense of importance of the rumor community. There were countless theories, how the pirated Mac OS X 10.0 versions that were floating around were actually intentionally slowed down by Apple - just to screw with people - and that the final release would be TONS faster. In fact, one website claimed this was exactly the case. (it was not the case, btw)

(Even when copies showed up at Staples a few days early... people were claiming that these boxed retail versions were fake, and that they were a ruse by Apple... that a new set of boxes would be released the day of the official release.)

I personally don't believe that Apple/Jobs sit around thinking how to mess with the rumor community, and/or make minor leaks - and for what purpose? There's plenty of hype to go around. I think if anything, Apple would prefer less hype... as it causes inflated expections.

again, just my opinion


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
well the more and more i look at this picture the better it looks. ive started looking at the little things like messups in the screen shot process and there are none, this is very well done. what is puzzling me though is if the site photoshopped their logos into the picture, i highly doubt they would have copy.



macrumors 6502
Feb 24, 2003

Honestly, I can't imagine Apple making something as ugly as the pile concept in their "screenshot" What would a neat freak do with a pile like that!? Even me, with icons and files cluttered all over my desktop, can't stand the idea of such piles.

Why would apple want to leak it's "piles" anyway? That's the only thing of interest on the screenshot.

hehe. Apple's "piles."


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by iJon
well the more and more i look at this picture the better it looks. ive started looking at the little things like messups in the screen shot process and there are none, this is very well done. what is puzzling me though is if the site photoshopped their logos into the picture, i highly doubt they would have copy.


it does seem to be well done. I have no evidence that this is fake vs real...

if you go just by random chances of pics/screenshots released anonymously-- most are fake. :)



macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2002

1) no way in hell would Apple's potential Pile system have an off-center logo like that (come on, just look at the histroy of every Apple OS)

2) I really don't see them making the Piles feature a haphazard arrangement of clipping icons. It would be much better if it fit into the size of ONE icon (like that flash demo that was posted here a few weeks ago)

3) Why would you need to make a "New Pile"? If a pile is an 'abstract' way of organizing stuff, what the heck would you be creating by selecting that from the File menu?



macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2002
Oh -

4) see those two selected items in the "Documents Pile" pile? how the heck would you know what they are, if you were interested in copying or 'consolidsating' them? No way to tell them apart from the other things in the pile.



macrumors 68030
May 14, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Good Strategy

Originally posted by dukemeiser
Ahem? Jaguar screen shots were flying around Think Secret for a LONG time before it's released. And his Steveness did several demos in his keynotes before it was released.

From what I can see in their archives, ThinkSecret didn't post any Jaguar screenshots until after WWDC 2002. That means they probably all came from the pre-release copies that were given out at WWDC.

Fake or not? We'll know on June 23rd. :D


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by JtheLemur

3) Why would you need to make a "New Pile"? If a pile is an 'abstract' way of organizing stuff, what the heck would you be creating by selecting that from the File menu?

good point... what would a new "pile" be? Presumably, you would create one by dragging one document on another.... though I suppose you could select them and decide to pile them. akin to how the Open option could be used

Though, if that's the case... "New Pile" would be a confusing term for it.



macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2003
state of confusion.
Slow down and think...

A couple of things:
1) The '10.3 (build#)' - Mine says 10.2.5. I don't know if the first release is techincally 'x.x.0', but just something to consider. Furthermore, don't you think that it's still in a 'beta' phase? Would not something reflect that? - The jury is still out on this one.

2) About the pile. Allthough I see no pointer, it seems that it would be over the pile in question and therefore the pile would be 'in motion' or something. And think about how the dock works. You don't see the name of the program/folder until you are over it. Right? So why would all of your the document titles be visible only to clutter things up? If you 'consolidated' the pile, don't you think you'd have a good idea of what's in it? - Looks convincing to me.

my 2 cents.


macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
No, text is off, don't think its real

Originally posted by Snowy_River
1. Not really. I've looked at this at high magnification, and the 'e' is exactly space the same as in the word 'Folder' on the line above it. Neither does it really look any bolder at high magnification.

Actually, if you look at the word File in the menu and Pile you will notice that there is much more spacing in Pile between the i, l, and e, than in the word File, since it is the same font and same bold level this shouldn't be true


macrumors member
Mar 7, 2002
photoshop snobs

All you photoshop snobs think you can spot a ps job from a mile away. You can't. That said, I still think it's more likely than not that this is fake. Most of the stuff on that screen wouldn't be terribly hard to make in Project Builder. You wouldn't need photoshop except maybe to cut and paste a few things. The only thing you couldn't make (at least I can't think how) is the pile, which looks like crap anyway. We'll see soon enough though.
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