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macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: photoshop snobs

Originally posted by iSmell
All you photoshop snobs think you can spot a ps job from a mile away. You can't.

I agree 100% with this statement. :)

Despite people's claims... they can't spot photoshop fakes.

Famous items which were claimed by many self-proclaimed "experts" to be photoshoped yet were real: eBay motherboard, Cube photos, Quicksilver Photos, Photos from Jobs' speech at Intel.



macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Re: Slow down and think...

Originally posted by coumerelli
2) About the pile. Allthough I see no pointer, it seems that it would be over the pile in question and therefore the pile would be 'in motion' or something. And think about how the dock works. You don't see the name of the program/folder until you are over it. Right? So why would all of your the document titles be visible only to clutter things up? If you 'consolidated' the pile, don't you think you'd have a good idea of what's in it? - Looks convincing to me.

my 2 cents. [/B]
your wrong, i thought of this too and tested to make sure. when you take a screen shot the pointer dissapears, its authentic the way they did it.



macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
Re: photoshop snobs

Originally posted by iSmell
All you photoshop snobs think you can spot a ps job from a mile away. You can't. That said, I still think it's more likely than not that this is fake. Most of the stuff on that screen wouldn't be terribly hard to make in Project Builder. You wouldn't need photoshop except maybe to cut and paste a few things. The only thing you couldn't make (at least I can't think how) is the pile, which looks like crap anyway. We'll see soon enough though.

WORD TO THAT...all of this "this letter is a half a pixel farther away than the same letter in this word..blah blah blah" is making me sick. by your measurements, i can go to my file menu in safari right now and tell you the the 'e' in Open File... looks further away than the 'e' in the File header.


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
Re: photoshop snobs

Originally posted by iSmell
All you photoshop snobs think you can spot a ps job from a mile away. You can't. That said, I still think it's more likely than not that this is fake. Most of the stuff on that screen wouldn't be terribly hard to make in Project Builder. You wouldn't need photoshop except maybe to cut and paste a few things. The only thing you couldn't make (at least I can't think how) is the pile, which looks like crap anyway. We'll see soon enough though.
there's an acute irony to your post. you attack PS snobs, and here you go being a project builder snob. you couldn't create this in project builder! don't be an idiot. there would be nothing of it involved. you would have to hack the resource file for the theme. people do this all the time with ThemePark. and surprise, surprise, the app they use to change the individual images that are then composited into what you see on the screen is... ah, you guessed it, photoshop.

not that i don't agree with you that someone who claimed to know it was fake by photoshop would be an idiot, but the simple fact is most, or many, like myself, just say that it could easily be done in photoshop. whether that be by photoshopping individual theme elements or by altering a screen shot, it all ends up the same. same with the icons with the piles. you would just have to copy some icons, rotate them, and place them there. it's not that it's fake, the thing is, it could just as easily be fake as real, so it's pointless. there is literally nothing hinting at these being real except for someone with dubious credentials claiming such.


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2001
Greensboro, NC
people dont seem to realize that there are many ways that this could be fake without being photoshopped.

one could easily whip up a little fun in Interface Builder to create the 'new pile' addition to the Finder menu screenshot, which by the way fails to show the left meny that says Finder or the rest of the screen.

its easy enough to edit files to report the wrong version numbers. such as in the finder.

something is wrong with the 'about this mac' as well...everytime i have seen a build # it says 'Build' with a capital B.

food for thought.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
Re: No, text is off, don't think its real

Originally posted by Krizoitz
Originally posted by Snowy_River
1. Not really. I've looked at this at high magnification, and the 'e' is exactly space the same as in the word 'Folder' on the line above it. Neither does it really look any bolder at high magnification.

Actually, if you look at the word File in the menu and Pile you will notice that there is much more spacing in Pile between the i, l, and e, than in the word File, since it is the same font and same bold level this shouldn't be true

But the problem is that you're looking at anti-aliased fonts in two different settings. The fact that the font in the menu bar looks less spaced out than the font in the menu itself isn't conclusive.

Indeed, I'd guess that if this was faked, it was faked with interface builder or something similar (for that menu, at least). And, if it was, then there would be no way to distinguish this from a legit menu from 10.3 (at least for those of us that don't know what 10.3 really looks like).


macrumors 6502a
Apr 13, 2003
Gorgeous, WA
Man, I need to check page 2 more often...

I almost missed the boat on this one! And wouldn't you all have been disappointed :D

Here's my take:


I think that almost speaks for itself...I mean, come on, someone has a shot of panther and all they've got is the most highly debated and described feature it is rumored to have?

Lame. Way lame. Lame if it's real, and lame if it's fake.

If it's fake, at least do something cool...not like people are going to run back to you and go "HEY! That screenshot wasn't real after all!" after the fact. Lame creativity!

If it's real, piles look lame, and there must have been something cooler to take a shot of. Lame screenshot!

That's it for me. I'm not even going to open it up in PS to get all bad on it, I just don't think it's very impressive either way. For all it shows, who even cares if it's real? Not me.

Oh, and word to Snowy, I was thinking your anti-aliasing comment every time I heard two pixels here and there, but you beat me to about two hours...


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
I have to agree, Apple have been working on 10.3 for ages and all they have to show for it is the RUMORED piles feature?

I'm going on these are fake.



macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: Man, I need to check page 2 more often...

Originally posted by BaghdadBob
I almost missed the boat on this one! And wouldn't you all have been disappointed :D

I moved this story to Page 1. Not because I necessarily think they are real... but they seem to be of enough interest to everyone...



macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2002
Malmö, Sweden
Originally posted by Flowbee
You mean to tell me that someone has a working version of 10.3 and *that* is the best screen shot they can come up with??? A lame pile on the desktop? Show us a feature that *hasn't* been discussed on the rumor sites (there will certainly be a few surprises when it's announced).

This whole thing stinks till next Tuesday, if you ask me.

Exactly. Steve and Co. come up with their new version of their next-gen OS, and the only that they have to show for is this pile feature (btw the only feature that has been discussed extensively on rumour sites recently), and that's the only thing different visually??

I just don't buy it.



macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2002
Malmö, Sweden
Originally posted by AppleMatt
I have to agree, Apple have been working on 10.3 for ages and all they have to show for it is the RUMORED piles feature?

I'm going on these are fake.


Oops. I should have read all the posts before posting mine. You beat me to it by half an hour and baghdadbob beat me by almost 2 hours... I agree with you 100%.



macrumors regular
Mar 21, 2002

I thought os 10.3 was supposedly going to reflect more like safari's steel look? the white menu bar at top would become steel in color/style and so would the menus & finder & such..

that'd be a more logical step..since everything apples put out recently is of a metalic (sp) theme (imovie, idvd, iphoto, safari, etc)..



macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2003
Originally posted by JtheLemur

2) I really don't see them making the Piles feature a haphazard arrangement of clipping icons. It would be much better if it fit into the size of ONE icon (like that flash demo that was posted here a few weeks ago)


I'm pretty sure that the icons were spread out at the time, then like in the demo when you click on it they spread open, then if you put your mouse over it it says the name, and their might be some way or something to lock it to stay I don't know, but personally if this is real at all, I think it looks pretty cool, I was looking at in magnification also, and it looked pretty smooth


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Indeed the screen shots do look really good. There is nothing crazy being done with Panther like "pay my taxes" in the applications folder so it seems like a legit shot.

Maybe the person has no more info on the OS because they aren't really working on it - ie. like a janitor with a digital camera that got a quick peek.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Dubuque, Iowa
Re: metal

Originally posted by cgmpowers
I thought os 10.3 was supposedly going to reflect more like safari's steel look? the white menu bar at top would become steel in color/style and so would the menus & finder & such..

that'd be a more logical step..since everything apples put out recently is of a metalic (sp) theme (imovie, idvd, iphoto, safari, etc)..


Not that I've heard. The GUI will remain aqua. All apps are supposed to go brushed metal though.


macrumors 6502
Dec 30, 2001

The corner og the pile-sheets where the sheet is folded looks like crap. It's transparent where it's suppose to be a transition from dark to darker grey.
If this is real it is really bad work and if it's real it's a really stupid funktion. If I'm supposed to have all my documents laying around like this it would be a total chaos!


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I don't think Apple actually wants this stuff leaked before they are ready to say "the word." However, It is more positive for a software leak then a hardware leak. Hardware leaks kill your sales, software leaks can help because people know what is coming is better and they can upgrade their OS when it comes. Big difference there! I would guess that Apple legal is not nearly as concerned with stopping software leaks as they are with hardware leaks.

I can't tell if they are real or not. I just remember how everyone said the .Mac was a PS fake and Apple was not going to rename iTools... .Mac Well that one was true. Anyhow I guess I will just wait for awhile. Apple usually shows a few screen shots months ahead of the release. I would guess in June when they do the Dev. conference, they will probably post a few screenshots on


macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2003
I am of no certainy, but for some reason I think that was a real picture

And here's a joke:


  • 469.gif
    42.9 KB · Views: 855


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2002
Re: Re: photoshop snobs

Originally posted by Shadowfax
you couldn't create this in project builder!

This could easily be created using Project Builder. If you really need proof, I'll make 10.3 (as they have) as well.

Future Man

macrumors member
Jul 17, 2002

Originally posted by sparkleytone

something is wrong with the 'about this mac' as well...everytime i have seen a build # it says 'Build' with a capital B.

food for thought.

I can barely quit Photoshop successfully. So I can't say whether or not they were done there or any similar app. But I feel like sparkleytone's evidence is rather compelling for a prognosis of fake. On the other hand maybe capitalization and grammar is the last things on the developers minds until the end of the process.

I also feel like Baghdad Bob has a valid point, if a developer or whoever has a copy of Panther running wouldn't there be more compelling features to screenshot that piles?

We will all see soon enough I suppose...


macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2003
Well, maybe the photos were taken a little while ago and the other things were/are still being developed, and aren't in that build or weren't ready.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2002
Panther features?

If this is 10.3, what has Apple been doing. Implementing one feature for over a year!? I find it odd that this is the only feature highligted in the photos. It seems it is the only thing new on the desktop, menus. Apple doesn't release a 10.X release with one new feature. In Jaguar there was more than one thing visable on the desktop that changed. The dock, the menu bar widgets, and more if one opens a window. This realease is supposed to be a user oriented experience. I highly doubt that piles are the only main feature of 10.3. This is targeted to rumor maniacs, and has succeeded in gaining our intrest!!:) If it is real, what has Apple been doing! Based on this picture the release would seem to be vacant of GUI inhancements, which is what I thought it would contain lots of.


macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2003
Montréal, Québec
Re: photoshop snobs

Originally posted by iSmell
All you photoshop snobs think you can spot a ps job from a mile away. You can't.

I would go further than that: Real or not, those screens are UNINTERESTING! What's the point of getting excited over a menu that displays "New Pile" and some thrown icons on a Desktop? Until I see the purpose of using piles through a QuickTime demo (like the ones Apple published on their website to demonstrates Mac OS X 10.2), pictures won't excite me on that point...

Show me a Platinium-User-Centered Operating System, a new way of using my Mac. THEN I'll get excited over it...


macrumors member
Mar 15, 2003
Yeah, it's a total fake.

To add one more reason to the pile (pun intended):

The build ID is way off. There hasn't been a single release from the R7 trunk and yet the subrelease is all the way up at D, months before release. Wazzupwitdat?

For comparison, R6 -- Jaguar -- was only at B at launch.
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