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macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2003
Can't vote. 14 years old.

But if I had a vote it would be for Kerry, the lesser of two evils. I hate Bush's handling of the war and our allies, along with his economic and environmental policies. Anything to see him go out of office. Always amazed me how one president could manage to replace a huge surplus with a huge deficit.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2004
way out in the sticks
If you are over the age of 18 and are a US citizen who IS NOT voting in this election, you need to reconsider what it means to be an American. Some countries around the globe would kill for the opportunity to vote in an election.


macrumors Core
Jan 4, 2002
mms said:
Can't vote. 14 years old.

But if I had a vote it would be for Kerry, the lesser of two evils. I hate Bush's handling of the war and our allies, along with his economic and environmental policies. Anything to see him go out of office. Always amazed me how one president could manage to replace a huge surplus with a huge deficit.

People seem to forget that the Dot Com bust was a big reason for the decline in the economy and that was Clinton's watch, add to that 9/11 and you can't really totally blame Bush for the economy.


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2004
KingSleaze said:
Now, I would have thought there wouldn't be a need to suppress the votes of any felons, because I was under the impression that felons weren't allowed to vote anyway (a right revoked by the conviction of a felony).

In Florida that's correct, however you can petition the court to have the right given back to you. If you've completed all required jail/probation time, there is a chance they'll grant your right to vote back. The reason, I gather, that more hispanics get their right back, is they know they can petition the court. I presume nobody bothers to tell the blacks that (which would be the duty of their lawyer).


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2004
SiliconAddict said:

Sorry, you're a bit late. You can't register for this election (at least in Florida) now.


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2004
I figure it's best to pick the better of two evils. If you want this country to become a French style socialist country, vote for Kerry. If you want a country that isn't going to tax you to death (and beyond), and you believe in working to buy a home, and raising a family, and sending your children to college, vote for Bush.

On the one hand, working 30 hours a week, and taking a 3 week vacation every year sounds great, but when you look at how that comes about through taxes, and other items, to me that just doesn't float my boat.

Kerry wants to reduce our dependance on oil. Are you really wanting to pay $5/gallon when he doubles or triples the federal gas tax? Do you really want a health care system like Canada's? and are you willing to pay thru the nose to get it?

My two cents...


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
relimw said:
Do you really want a health care system like Canada's?

Yah, the free health care we have up here really sucks, man, I hate not having to pay for anything... :rolleyes:

I see your point though, because in America's situation, you probably would have to incur a substantial cost in order to implement something like what we have here.

And it's not all good if you need a lot of treatment and attention, as the waiting times can be far too long for MRIs, etc. But that's when you bite the bullet, pay some cash, and go to a private clinic. Paying some cash on rare occasions is far better than having to pay all the time. :cool: I still can't fathom the concept that giving birth to a child in America costs money. :confused:


macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2003
King of Prussia, PA
relimw said:
I figure it's best to pick the better of two evils. If you want this country to become a French style socialist country, vote for Kerry. If you want a country that isn't going to tax you to death (and beyond), and you believe in working to buy a home, and raising a family, and sending your children to college, vote for Bush.

On the one hand, working 30 hours a week, and taking a 3 week vacation every year sounds great, but when you look at how that comes about through taxes, and other items, to me that just doesn't float my boat.

Kerry wants to reduce our dependance on oil. Are you really wanting to pay $5/gallon when he doubles or triples the federal gas tax? Do you really want a health care system like Canada's? and are you willing to pay thru the nose to get it?

My two cents...

Ha. Please nobody listen to this person either.

Where are the facts supporting your comments here? This is full of crap. Reducing dependence on oil is a GOOD thing. And Kerry is not going to turn our health care system into one like Canada's. You're just wrong in everything you said.

And if you think Bush was bad the last 4 years, imagine what he'll do the next 4 years when he doesn't need to worry about re-election.


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2004
coconn06 said:
And Kerry is not going to turn our health care system into one like Canada's. You're just wrong in everything you said.

Dude, what the freak do you think universal healthcare is? And how do you expect to pay for it? God is just not going to walk down the street and hand everybody $10,000. Somebody has to pay for it.

Any Canadians want to break out their pay stub, and tell us how much tax you pay on everything?


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
relimw said:
Dude, what the freak do you think universal healthcare is? And how do you expect to pay for it? God is just not going to walk down the street and hand everybody $10,000. Somebody has to pay for it.

Any Canadians want to break out their pay stub, and tell us how much tax you pay on everything?

Amen to that. Our taxes are significantly higher, but keep in mind too that we have a significantly smaller population base than America - in fact, the state of California has more people than all of Canada I'm guessing, with our population being around 34 million as a rough estimate. Simplistically, less people = the more taxes each person has to pay depending how you look at things. We may be the second largest country in the entire world, but we don't have the population to match! (Personally, I enjoy the extra breathing space... ;))


macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2002
Greenville SC
Replies to WordMunger

wordmunger said:
I wonder how big a deal the Republicans would have made if Gore had won on a recount.

It didn't - so moot point - and actually it was NEVER close - the media called it early in a blatant attempt to cap voting in the west.

This country is not simply a republic, it is a democratic republic, where representatives are elected democratically, which appears to be also what Bush wants for Iraq.

I agree, but our forefathers intended for the people to care about the country and have the integrity not to vote someone in that served an agenda of a few individuals. They created the electorate as a balance to this. They also expected us to vote people in who had integrity.

Source? Even Katherine Harris said the margin was 537 votes. Depending on how you count, the votes could swing for either candidate. For me the most damning evidence against the Republicans was the supression of the vote for black felons but not for conservative-leaning hispanic felons.

You threw in a couple conspiracies there. What about Gore not wanting to count several 1000 absentee military votes that were mysteriously lost and found? Look, I think there was some strange things ON BOTH SIDES going on in Florida and probably a few other states. But, what it boils down to - Bush became President. Rehashing it now is being a sore loser.

I believe there is exactly one example of an electoral college member voting in a different direction from the voting public, which had no impact on the overall results. The electoral college, for all intents and purposes, is simply an accounting system. There is NO WAY the scenario you envision (south carolina voting for Kerry but its electors voting for Bush) would EVER happen.

Actually my state has grown a tremendous democrat constituency - I envision it happening sometime soon. There are dozens of examples of the electorate voting differently than the popular vote - but only when it was very close in the popular vote. The governor's political affiliation has a bearing.

Bush didn't "luck into" Iraq.

I don't even know what this means - I certainly didn't say it. I just said Bush has had no "gold rush" - in fact he's had 3 very devastating things happen to the economy- oil prices, 9/11, stock market correction from the false economy(gold rush) that Clinton enjoyed.

He CHOSE Iraq. Now the American people can choose if that was the right choice. Not all of a presidency is luck, and Bush's choices have consistently been the wrong ones.

I would disagree, I am glad we have a President that won't back down from a decision. Even if it ended up being wrong. At least he won't say I'm sorry, to compromise his integrity to get re elected. This is essentially what Kerry is doing. In fact, Kerry seems to think if he gets in office he will have the luxury of a time machine. He said, "If I knew what I know now, I would not have voted for force against Iraq" Say what? How can you know now, what you won't find out for several months? That's a crazy spin of words. What would democrats be saying if Saddam had not been removed and we found Osama Bin Laden in his harbor, or worse yet he invaded Kuwait again and tried to put the entire world ransom against 50% of the world's oil supply, or sent missles into Israel or the US, or anywhere for that matter.

As for the people promoting Independent candidates - I agree - vote for who you want to be President. BUT DO NOT VOTE for an independent to make a statement. Elections are not about statements, they are about leadership. An independent vote IS a vote thrown away because that vote is not being cast for someone that WILL be President.

I would love to see more parties, but this is what caucases are for - different opinion candidates get out there and debate and win votes, then get the chance to represent a party. There were many viable candidates in the past two elections that were running for nominations that could be considered essentially Independent or even Libertarian; they just chose Dem or Rep so they would have an honest chance at winning.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
My only solace in the upcoming election is my faith in God and Jesus Christ. I pray daily for our leaders and the election. No one comes to power, but by the will of the father. So I'm confident of the choice that will come.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
MacNut said:
People seem to forget that the Dot Com bust was a big reason for the decline in the economy and that was Clinton's watch, add to that 9/11 and you can't really totally blame Bush for the economy.

Actually you can. It may have been on the way down but it was predicted. And the fact of the matter is Bush had all these wonderful forecasts preaching why he could hand out checks to the American public. He ignored the forecasts about a slumming economy because he's Bush and he's a pompous arrogant prick.
The gov saw the recession coming a mile away and the fact of the matter is they didn't do the right things to stem off that recession.

I love how Bush has single handedly blames everything on someone else. I thought it was quite telling last night when that lady asked Bush what three things he did wrong. Didn't list anything. He's never admitted to wrongdoing. He's never admitted that HE was wrong about WMD and the reason we went into Iraq. The FACT of the matter is that HE. Not Kerry, not Edwards took us into Iraq. If you base your reasoning for going to War, one of the most serious acts a president can do to a country, you damn well better get it right and better have damn good reason to do it. A single freaking report IMHO is NOT justification. The guy as I said before is a arrogant prick and last night’s debate was a beautiful example of this. I’m actually surprised he could restrain himself from telling the moderator from shutting up when he all but yelled at him. Why do I get the impression this is the exact behavior that got us into Iraq in the first place. Sodamn Insane pushed Shrubs buttons just right and he responded. Thank but I’d rather have someone level headed governing my country instead of a swaggering shoot from the hip, I do it my way, hotheaded imbecile who depends more on his staff to get the job done then

PS- I’d bet cold hard cash that Powell will be resigning if Bush gets reelected. I’ve read more then a few places on the net that Powell is exasperated with the administration. Time will tell. I almost had a political orgasm the other evening thinking of how it would effect this election if Powell resigned a week before election night. He won’t do it because he is the consummate soldier. E.g. Follow his CaC into the gates of hell but it’s an interesting thought nonetheless.


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2003
hehe I love how some people are defending the american medical system...

It is by far the most horridly bad medical system on earth. My g/f was sent to the hospital one night due to taking the wrong pills from the cabinate.. You know how much that cost her.. AFTER insurance.. 5000.. YES 5 grand for nothing more then a bandaid and a pat on the back. I have lived in many other countries.. and I ended up going to the hospital.. the most ive ever paid has been about 30 dollars and I got better care then she did. Lucky for me I have never been injured here in my home country.. Id go bankrupt!

Here is a hint.. Americans need to get rid of their dependance on insurance.. Since you all have insurance the hospitals and doctors charge what they want.. after all the insurance will pay for it... so the insurance companies turn around and charge you higher deductables and higher monthly costs... Its a cycle that only goes up :-/

A new medical system can only be a good thing.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
Hmmm I'm a Christian and I go to church every week. I listen I read the Bible but you know. I still think God is really like a parent. The child moves out of the house but a good parent doesn't interfere with their child's life but occasionally they look in and sometimes lend a hand. I still believe with every fiber of by being that WWII wasn’t won by allied forces resolve. NAAH. Nope. No way. But that's another topic for another thread.
I quite frankly don't think God is concerned about elected officials and politics and I think this notion that some arrogant people have that God is pro Repub is so asinine that it makes me gag with rage. God isn't affiliated with any party.

I'm more of the mind he's concerned with the deeds and acts of the people and frankly if he's been paying attention to the deeds and acts of Bush there is going to be a nice list to atone for when he meets his maker. All I can say is Bush can BS the American people but I think its going to be a bit hard to BS the big guy. I don’t think a cute and quick wink like Shrub was doing last night to God is going to swoon him. Just my take on the whole religious aspect of things. All I can say it I've prayed. I haven't prayed for Kerry even though I've asked that he do well in the debates. I haven't prayed for Bush. I've prayed that whoever is best to lead our country win. Be that Shrub or Kerry. That’s what is known as non partisan praying.

PS- Don't take that the wrong way guys. Just my approach to religion. I personally look at this world and get the impression that if there is a god (Obviously I can't PROVE it.) that he has a fantastic sense of humor. I look at organized religion and appreciate it but don't think religion has ANY sense of humor. I keep getting his impression of God looking down and shaking his head going: Lighten up dudes. Just my take. YMMV. Bye.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
I voted in 2000 (I turned 18 that year), and I shall vote again this year. I need to get informed about local issues though. I've already decided how I'll vote in the presidential race (no, I'm not telling).


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
wrldwzrd89 said:
I voted in 2000 (I turned 18 that year), and I shall vote again this year. I need to get informed about local issues though. I've already decided how I'll vote in the presidential race (no, I'm not telling).

The last presidential debate is on Wednesday night if that might help you to be better informed, for what it's worth.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Unfortunately yanks don't know what socialism really is. they think its a form of communism, which is definitely is not. If you think that then you are most certintly misinformed / clueless.

GW Bush is the biggest threat to the world.. Refuses to believe in global warming ( mans hand or otherwise) so on two fronts:
1. environment ( a bigger threat to the world than 'terrorism')
2. bgw bush is much more likely to lead the world in to the next global war because of is war-lord like mentality.
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