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macrumors 68000
Mar 25, 2010
lol. I JB'd my 3Gs but chickened out on the iPad. I'll wait another day or two. guys are funny.

You do realize that you can always do a restore right? It will get the iPad back to how it came from the factory.


macrumors 6502
Aug 30, 2008
Ok, JB-ed my iPad, installed Backgrounder and SBSettings. Now what? I'm completely new to this and doing what I've read on here.

Is there a site I can read up on, or a thread?



macrumors 6502a
Apr 4, 2010
New Jersey
lol. I JB'd my 3Gs but chickened out on the iPad. I'll wait another day or two.

I was scared to but I did a JB last night and it's working fine. I only installed Categories from Cydia and all is well. Some have loaded up on Cydia apps and things are acting up I heard but you should be fine.

It is the easiest JB in the world :)


macrumors regular
May 5, 2006
Mesa Arizona
Something is definitely draining the battery, I read for about 15 mins and lost about 5%%. Im down to 83% and its been unplugged for about 8 hours but barely used today.

Im probably going to restore it, I dont listen to Pandora and I havent found another good use for backgrounder personally. The iPad is fast enough that switching between apps isnt really a issue for me. I think the JB is much better for 3G users with unrestrictor and stuff.


macrumors 68000
Mar 25, 2010
Something is definitely draining the battery, I read for about 15 mins and lost about 5%%. Im down to 83% and its been unplugged for about 8 hours but barely used today.

Im probably going to restore it, I dont listen to Pandora and I havent found another good use for backgrounder personally. The iPad is fast enough that switching between apps isnt really a issue for me. I think the JB is much better for 3G users with unrestrictor and stuff.

For me, backgrounder is really about switching apps fast, it's about being to to have that app keep functioning when you leave it.

For example, take YouTube. If you load a video...and for some reason they load pretty slow on the have to sit there and wait while it loads. With Backgrounder, you can start to load it...exit the app, and do something else and come back to it later.

Same for a website for example, especially if you use Atomic Browser. I've had it happen more then once that I would be writing a reply in a thread, and in the middle of writing, I had to check something for reference to the reply. If I exit the browser, I lose everything. Yes, I could select, copy and then paste when I return...but why when you could just have it run in the background?

Another instance I used today was settings (on my iPhone in this case). I would make one change and then go see how the change looked...I was able to background the Settings app so after I checked the change, I could return to the same place in Settings, not have to go through all the menus to get back to what I was working in.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2008
Born NYC Living in CT
Be very careful when taking others suggestions!

I tried this hack on modmyi to get the iphone programs to open in full screen automatically.

Followed their step by step to the letter and was forced to do a full restore when I could not close an app I opened up and froze.

When I restarted all I got was the white apple logo, and that was the kiss of death.

Had to do full restore, they should really make sure these things are working, whatever, live and learn!


macrumors newbie
Apr 17, 2010
I've been using my ipad on and off since like 8am this morning. Probably used it for about 6+ hours mostly reading up on the jailbreak fun stuff and playing with new apps. I'm still at 44% so if the jailbreak did effect it I don't really feel it.


macrumors 68030
Nov 18, 2006
Yea - I think I'm going to hold off on the "making iPhone apps bigger" thing.
I hear Facebook works perfectly but I've not tried. Others I've tried have been wonky. There's a list out there somewhere listing what works, what doesn't.
I find it a tedious nightmare to find the right app I'm looking for.

My guess is 'they' will create some type of script or easy way to do this very soon. I think I'll try Facebook tomorrow if only to have something be successful, then be patient for a more elegant method.

I did get Voice Control from the 3GS on there and it's gorgeous.

I'm so happy - IDK what to say LOL


macrumors 6502a
Mar 26, 2009
Times 3... Meaning that since there is 2 others asking about a way to tether a Blackberry 9700 on earlier posts, I was just saying I was third in line waiting for an answer...

I know about the MiWi app, but I use a

Can you elaborate a little? What is X3? I can't find it on Cydia.


macrumors newbie
May 3, 2010
Times 3... Meaning that since there is 2 others asking about a way to tether a Blackberry 9700 on earlier posts, I was just saying I was third in line waiting for an answer...

I know about the MiWi app, but I use a

Ahh, gotcha! I just didn't want to miss out, even though I thought X3 was a program that might allow tethering between BB and iPad :) yea, I'm desperate :)


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2007
Mine has gone down 4% between this and my last post:eek:

So, 11min since last post and 25*4%=100%, so I am guessing about 275 minutes or about 4.5 hours if that rate holds. That's some serious battery drain compared to what I've been getting. Anyone else seeing a drain with Spirit? I suspect (but can't prove) I've have seen a similar hit on my 3GS with blackra1n over the past months but I guess it's worth it anyway...

California King

macrumors 65816
Sep 20, 2007
My iPad's already JB'ed, but is it fine to install the iTunes update that came out today? I think I read somewhere to stay at 9.1 or something?


macrumors 68000
Mar 11, 2010
3goldens said:
I tried this hack on modmyi to get the iphone programs to open in full screen automatically.

Followed their step by step to the letter and was forced to do a full restore when I could not close an app I opened up and froze.

When I restarted all I got was the white apple logo, and that was the kiss of death.

Had to do full restore, they should really make sure these things are working, whatever, live and learn!

They? The people who provide the tools that make this all possible, for free? The ones who posted the warnings on the very first page when you load Cydia that not everything is working yet?

Once you start jailbreaking, this is the stuff that can happen. Don't do it if the risk is too high for you, because no one can fix it for you but you. That's the price for leaving the garden.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
Yea - I think I'm going to hold off on the "making iPhone apps bigger" thing.
I hear Facebook works perfectly but I've not tried. Others I've tried have been wonky. There's a list out there somewhere listing what works, what doesn't.
I find it a tedious nightmare to find the right app I'm looking for.

My guess is 'they' will create some type of script or easy way to do this very soon. I think I'll try Facebook tomorrow if only to have something be successful, then be patient for a more elegant method.

I did get Voice Control from the 3GS on there and it's gorgeous.

I'm so happy - IDK what to say LOL

For me, changing Facebook makes it look so much better on the Ipad
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