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macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2018
Yeah the pacing is beautiful. Skips along nicely, nothing rushed but nothing laboured. Definitely one of those "has an hour passed already??" shows. For me, it's fully A-list. The sort of thing HBO makes in their finest hour.

Exactly! I hope it continues to be this way to the end.

It’s also good to see that the show isn’t bias well at least so far. It’s showing both parts of the side and it’s not taking a political side. Which I’m surprised because Apple leans to the left so I hope this continues to the end of the series.

Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
Exactly! I hope it continues to be this way to the end.

It’s also good to see that the show isn’t bias well at least so far. It’s showing both parts of the side and it’s not taking a political side. Which I’m surprised because Apple leans to the left so I hope this continues to the end of the series.

The trick is knowing when to quit. Quitting while you’re ahead is the hallmark of all the best TV. Nothing sours a show quite like one season too many.


macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
Loving this show so far, I am hooked! I get the feeling this show is somehow linked to the disgraced Charlie Rose from Bloomberg, the timing selection of industry is very interesting, although they did switch it up a bit by using a morning talk show host with a co-anchor, but I can see bits of Charlie Rose all over this.

I am concerned the show tries a little too hard to be The Newsroom, which people liked but was actually a pretty terrible show. When it's not trying too hard to be Sorkin rapid-fire nonsense, I like the show so far. Of course, it's also great to see these three actors together on a show like this.

Hahaha! My first thought was indeed The Newsroom, I really liked that show but it did get very long winded and was clutching at straws, one gets the feeling that production pushed the writers and actors to be a little too dramatic, it began feeling a little too forced and far fetched.
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macrumors 68040
Nov 19, 2013
After one episode, it’s fine? I don’t know. I’ll stick with it of course but outside of the massive star-power behind it, this didn’t feel like it should be the marquee series for the service.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2017
I had no big expectations for the morning show and wanted to check out only the first minutes. But I liked it so much, that I have already watched all three available episodes.

I like all off the main actors, but in my opinion Aniston is just great.

Beeing a none native speaker I sometimes had slight difficulties to follow the dialogues, mainly because they are somewhat fast. Luckily subtitles are available, which is not always the case on AppleTV.


macrumors 68020
Sep 25, 2009
Orlando, FL
It seems Apple isn’t planning on encouraging ”hit and run” subscriptions where you sign up, binge and drop out. They’re releasing an episode a week, HBO style. This is the schedule for The Morning Show season 1:

1.4: Nov 8
1.5: Nov 15
1.6: Nov 22
1.7: Nov 29
1.8: Dec 6
1.9: Dec 13
1.10: Dec 20

For All Mankind: Identical schedule.
: Same schedule except only 8 episodes, so it wraps on Dec 6.
Dickinson: All 10 episodes available now.

I hate to admit it but that’s basically my relationship with Netflix.

There’s a few series of theirs I really like but I only sign up once a year to watch their new seasons and binge them all within that 30-day period. There’s no real need for me to keep the subscription all year long. And every time I sign up again I’m eligible for a free trial since it’s been a year since I last used their service.
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macrumors member
Oct 20, 2010
Breaking: McDonald’s CEO pushed out after relationship with employee (A real-world “Morning Show”-like event)



macrumors 6502
May 6, 2009
Only saw the pilot so far. Really hope it improves, because that was just as bad as all the reviews suggested. I can picture Paul, June and Jason on the How Did This Get Made? podcast being bummed out that this wasn’t a movie so they could tear it to shreds.

I’m all for protesting coal, but that scene where Witherspoon preached the ’5 facts about coal’ while a protester behind her nodded fervently was laughably bumbleheaded. You slide it in elegantly, you don’t turn the character into a politician delivering prepared talking points. I was half expecting it to turn into a GI Joe style PSA where they guy says”now I know!” and Reese responds ”and knowing is half the battle!”

The scene with her family was super clichéd. ”He’s an addict!” (Oookay?). And that mother roaring ”YOU ARE RUINING DINNER!!!!”... a prime candidate for ”Exquisite Acting” on Hollywood Babble-On. Also a prime candidate for creating more nightmares than Friday the 13th.

Aniston’s performance when Alex went on air to announce the news about Mitch’s firing was equally over the top. She gets $2M per episode out of the Apple war chest for this B-grade nonsense? Watch Savannah Guthrie announce the firing of Matt Lauer after learning of it moments earlier. She’s a bit shaken, but professional. But Aniston lays it on t-h-i-c-k. Maximum drama, DEFCON 1. Forget JFK assassination, Challenger disaster, 9/11, Vegas shooting... THIS is the big one, the official end of the world: ”Mitch” was fired.

Speaking of Mitch, his long defensive rant that culminated with him demolishing the TV while screaming like a lunatic was another candidate for ”Exquisite Acting”.

The scene where Witherspoon is interviewed by Aniston is downright cringeworthy. Her angle is bonkers and totally unrealistic - they’re doing a feelgood segment about a clip that went viral, and she goes into full gotcha interrogation mode, hell bent on exposing Witherspoon as a phony? What?

Then there’s the comically eager product placement. I expected some, sure. Did not expect iPhone ads with every single character introduction in the first few minutes.

- In the very first shot of a character (Chip), the first thing that happens is that an iPhone X/Xs on the floor next to him lights up with an incoming call.

- Next shot: Carell’s character introduction. Starts with... iPhone X/Xs next to him in bed, incoming call.

- Next shot: Aniston’s character introduction. Starts with... iPhone X/Xs next to her in bed, incoming call.

- Minute 4: Closeup #4 of iPhone display (call). Closeup #5 of iPhone display (text).

- Then an entire minute passes without iPhones. The 6th iPhone appears in the hand of some old dude at 6:30. Ahh, caught up with the placement-a-minute-minimum policy.

- Minute 8: iMac.

- Minute 9: Girl answers non-Apple landline phone!!! How can this be? Oh wait, never mind, she’s showing off her Apple Watch.

You’d think they’d throw in non-Apple tech here and there to look a little less sleazy, but no. It’s an all-Mac, all-iPhone universe. Aniston had a regular analog watch, maybe that’s the one token non-Apple alibi they would allow. After hours of fists banging on boardroom tables.

I hate ”Steve Jobs would never have approved...” arguments but honestly, I think he wouldn’t have settled until Apple TV+ was to HBO what Pixar is to Dreamworks Animation. This is bush league quality. Mobile Me original launch quality.
Was just going to point this out!

Finished Ep 2 last night and it does have a very "Apple-fied" feel to it. I get they financed it but it's like every scene has some Apple product in it. Everyone has an iPhone, everyone has a MacBook, they get their news from Apple News, they all use iMessage etc etc.
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macrumors 601
Mar 23, 2012
I respectfully disagree. I think it's entirely authentic for people to be swearing left & right in high-pressure professional environments. This show is depicting emotionally charged, career-shaping situations in a cutthroat business among ruthless peers. I wouldn't expect anything less than uncensored profanity.

That said, of course, we're all entitled to our own views.

Can’t say anyone I work with talks like this. I don’t care what kind of deadlines we got going. It sounds so silly you have to laugh.
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macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2017
Was just going to point this out!

Finished Ep 2 last night and it does have a very "Apple-fied" feel to it. I get they financed it but it's like every scene has some Apple product in it. Everyone has an iPhone, everyone has a MacBook, they get their news from Apple News, they all use iMessage etc etc.

That has been happening on a lot of shows and movies, not only on Apple Originals. Have you watched Big Little Lies? Everyone has a Mac, iPad, iPhone... And so many others.


macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2017
Watched the first episode. All the characters were detestable, self-centered, hysterical, cynical and hypocritical idiots. Couldn't empathize and care about any of them. Won't watch it any further. And what's up with Jennifer Aniston's grumpy face? Is it part of the role? Anyway, the show might be appealing to people who work on TV, entertainment or closely related areas, but not for me. Can't relate at all. Sorry Apple, try harder!
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macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
I respectfully disagree. I think it's entirely authentic for people to be swearing left & right in high-pressure professional environments. This show is depicting emotionally charged, career-shaping situations in a cutthroat business among ruthless peers. I wouldn't expect anything less than uncensored profanity.

That said, of course, we're all entitled to our own views.
Agreed, the world is filled with profanity. I hear it at work all the time.


macrumors 6502
Mar 14, 2015
Watched the first episode. All the characters were detestable, self-centered, hysterical, cynical and hypocritical idiots. Couldn't empathize and care about any of them. Won't watch it any further. And what's up with Jennifer Aniston's grumpy face? Is it part of the role? Anyway, the show might be appealing to people who work on TV, entertainment or closely related areas, but not for me. Can't relate at all. Sorry Apple, try harder!

All the characters being detestable, self-centered, hysterical, cynical and hypocritical idiots is a Sorkinism; The Morning Show has most often been reviewed as Sorkin Lite. It's a leftist worldview for sure. I hated everyone in the show as well. But I'm from flyover country.

Jennifer Aniston has injected her upper lip with a ton of Botox as a measure against aging. She doesn't seem to understand that nothing makes her look more like a 50-year old aging beauty queen than turning her face into a Dr. Zaius mask.

Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
Watched the first episode. All the characters were detestable, self-centered, hysterical, cynical and hypocritical idiots. Couldn't empathize and care about any of them. Won't watch it any further. And what's up with Jennifer Aniston's grumpy face? Is it part of the role? Anyway, the show might be appealing to people who work on TV, entertainment or closely related areas, but not for me. Can't relate at all. Sorry Apple, try harder!

This is their outward facing persona, but the dialogue and acting quickly reveal their human side, weaknesses and layered nuances of character. Just like real people, first impressions can be deceptive. By the end of episode two I found I was already developing a liking for nearly everyone. All the best character-driven stories are like this.


macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2017
Made an effort today and watched the 2nd episode. I still don't empathize with any of them yet I liked the way the story began to unfold. Well, actually, 2 episodes in, I'm feeling a bit sorry for Carell's character, poor guy. I'm hating Aniston's character and wishing she'd be shown the door once and for all. Guess my reactions are opposite to those the showrunners would expect from the audience. ?


Jun 6, 2010
I loved it. Great pacing and the characters are developing nicely so far. Aniston is great. Loved the part where she had seconds to spare before going live and just sat down and switched to broadcast mode.
Not sure what direction they will go in regards to a bitchfest/reconciliation/girls together etc. Strong references to #metoo might reveal the direction it’s heading. Perhaps Steve Carell’s character will challenge all that. Can’t wait for more. It’s entertaining. Servant is what I’m looking forward to most.
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macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Watched first 3. Enjoyed it. Am on board


macrumors 68040
Feb 9, 2005
Just watched Ep4, and I'm hooked now – which feels a bit irksome because this is straight up soap opera. Probably the most expensive soap ever made, but still, it's crammed with soap tropes. Which is probably why Aniston fits in so well. She was born into a daytime soap family after all.
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macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Episode 4 was a step above honestly.

The critics are clearly soft on this show but the direction this is taking is truly important

Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
Wow. This show is pure class. A true great. The pacing remains impeccable. Every episode is gripping from beginning to end. Love it ?


macrumors 68000
Jul 31, 2019
Just watched episode 4, and I have to say - it’s getting better with every episode. I think I‘ll keep watching.


macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
Care to elaborate?
If that’s his opinion, so be it. The 95% of users that like it on Rotten Tomatoes will continue to enjoy it.

Episode 4 is my favorite so far. And it’s interesting how relevant it is to stories in the news today, even after the episode was filmed. We have the story of the ABC news reporter who intervened a Jeffrey Epstein victim, but the network squashed that story.


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2015
Well, I got this to say: after checking out "See" and "For All Mankind", I find that a show about rich TV personalities embroiled in the Me Too movement and scheming network executives is spot on, that's some real people I can relate to! ?
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