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macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2003
well the old suitcase/font book problems are back with tiger (like they ever left!)

Font book is a little more .... aggressive ... now.

I watched with horror/amusement as my fonts appeared and disappeared from my font list menu in InDesign as suitcase and OS X argued over who should and should not be turning on/off fonts.

so those of you hoping that OS X fixed the terrible font issues this time around, take the next couple weeks and console's still a step back from OS 9.

the spotlight renderer seems to have some will just close sometimes without warning.

I feel sorry for that guy who wrote Konfabulator.

safari with RSS is cool. Built-in PDF viewing, too.

...or so I hear from my friends who've already got a copy of Tiger.


macrumors member
Aug 12, 2003
gm bugs already?

i've found a number of bugs in the latest build available, 428.. wondering if anyone can re-create them..

among them the most glaring is malfunctioning proxy authentication for programs such as safari and softwareupdate.. normally when you have to go through a proxy that requires authentication, it's set once (in system preferences) and all programs that support it, use that information transparently (kind of like single-sign-on).. well it just doesn't seem to work.. i've even ran tcpdump to see what's going on at the network level and usually the server will say '407 proxy authentication needed' and the browser would retry with the proper username and password (which is what it does in 10.3.x), but with tiger, it just gives up and gives you the error page.. (and i know the proxy works fine because firefox authenticates just fine, though it doesn't use the system preferences (which seems to be a good thing).. my work around is to use a local proxy daemon that performs authentication behind the scenes (i.e. ntlmaps).

another problem i had is with ichat's use of the proxy setting, it just doesn't seem to follow common sense, in that if i say 'use system proxy' and i'm in a location that doesn't have a proxy defined, it wll still try to connect via a proxy (what proxy? i don't know, it just fails connecting).. so now everytime i change location, i also have to change my ichat settings.. ugg

another bug (though this may be a design issue) is how the list of prefered networks is in a "global order", meaning there's only one order, a global one, that all locations will use to.. this makes it impossible if, for example, you have multiple wireless networks in multiple locations and depending on that location you pick, you may want to try joining them in a different order.. in my particular case, when i'm at a desk, i will use an open proxy, but if i'm roaming around the building, i want to the closed one that allows me to have the same network access i only had when i was at my desk.. (ideally i'd like two airport cards, but that's pushing it i guess).

still these are just midly annoying bugs, none of these are show-stoppers of course, but they are rather annoying and i'm suprised none of those legit beta testers found these.. wish apple would open its beta testing program to people who can actually test it in a variety of conditions (like me :)..

but all in all, tiger is pretty sweet.. i did a fresh install and finish putting my settings and applications back and this thing is flying.. i am pretty sure it's not just the psychological phenomenon of 'fresh = fast'.. it actually feels fast.

plus i really like how tiger seems to address many of the relatively minor annoyances of panther and its predecessors.. some examples are 1.) problem joining an airport network? no worries, now there's a 'try again' button (really useful when you have a LEAP connection you previously had to re-type everytime it dropped you heh). 2.) want to 'fast user switch' (to lock your workstation w/o the screen saver) but don't want to sign off ichat? now there's an option to merely set you away.. 3.) ever set off the screen saver hot corner by accident (then had to type your password in), now if you pull your mouse out of the hotcorner immediately, it won't go into the screen saver..

little things like that show that Apple is listening.. maybe they'll read this thread and fix some of these other minor issues so this could be the really perfect o/s that everyone claims it to be (hey it's still the best that's available). oh well, there's always 10.4.1, i hear that'll be around the corner soon too


macrumors member
Aug 12, 2003
oh and as far as apps go, virtualpc's networking does NOT work with tiger, the kernel extensions won't kextload.. and also saft does not work with safari 2.x.. neither of which is apple's fault, just letting you know if you regularly use these features like i do..


macrumors newbie
Apr 21, 2005
kneeslasher said:
The copyright story is thus exactly the same. States simply do what they can to serve their national interest.

hmmm... Seems like a piece of faulty logic there, unless the Brazilian government is trying to protect its nascent OS development market? Governments use import tariffs or subsidies to protect domestic markets, as in your African coffee example. Governments also use import tariffs (or, in this case, perhaps a luxury tax?) to fatten the coffers. With respect to Tiger, I'd have to say any import tariffs are aimed squarely at increasing revenue rather than protecting the Brazilian OS manufacturers... In other words, in your African coffee example, the import tariffs are designed to protect a domestic market at the expense of foreign businesses. With Tiger in Brazil, the import tariff isn't helping anyone but the government.


macrumors 6502
Dec 30, 2001
Installed Tiger on my 1394 disc today... Wow, Tiger sure is a hyped update!
There's so many things i hoped they would have fixed from Panther.. but no... For the normal internet, mail, word guy this update is just meaningless!

Still a 2 minute timeout where Finder goes beachball when connecting to server.. Are Apple stupid? Wheres the freakin "cancel" button?

The slideshowthing in Finder, omg, thats total crap! I cant even view the next pic in the folder, and it has to be in fullscreen :mad:

Still no thumbnailview in Save/Open dialogs :mad:

Dashboard..I don't like it What's up with that rippleeffect!!? It takes freakin 3 sec before i can use the widget beause of some stupid effect! :mad:

Spotlight? no thanks, i know where my files are!

CoreVideo is the only thing I'm looking forward to try out when Motion2 comes! Lets just hope the keyframe editing will be more like AfterEffects!

Overall.. Tiger is a lousy update! Nothing new to see!


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
F/reW/re said:
Dashboard..I don't like it What's up with that rippleeffect!!? It takes freakin 3 sec before i can use the widget beause of some stupid effect! :mad:

The ripple effect should last as long as it takes the widget to load, so you wouldn't be able to use it in that time anyway. Like the icons bouncing on the dock.



Jan 18, 2005
well that didnt work. the DMG is sat here. no mac DVD-burner so im going nowhere. sure my XP system has one but ive churned through a million and one FAQs and guides only to end up with "sorry, you cant make a boot DVD from a DMG for a mac with windows". nevermind! tried 'burning' to my FW hard drive too. nope. it asked for a restart but just booted up as normal. i suppose i *could* try my iPod. but would that work? hmmm.
the next contact ill have with a mac DVD burner is Monday.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
I think posts like the one from F/reW/re simply indicate a computer user who's computer usage is so basic, they'd probably be happy with DOS. In other words, this guy/gal uses the computer to do *very* basic Web browsing, email and short, simple documents and nothing more. So, techie things like OS features, or even advanced application features, are beyond their needs, and they have no desire to try to understand them. Having said that, I'm not sure why F/reW/re would even bother to find MR and post.


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
Here's all of the widgets from Dashboard and how much system resources they take up.


Edit: What's cool about the Activity Monitor window is, if you scale it, the Virtual Memory column automatically resizes, and the column name changes from Virtual Memory to Virtual, then to VSIZE as the space gets smaller.

Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
adzoox said:
Proves Think Secret is not a fansite (which I consider Macrumors).

They will publish anything to peak curiousityand therefore hurting Apple in any way possible - hiding behind 1st ammendment whining and lawyers that openly hate Apple.
Is speech you don't like not worthy of protection? It sounds like the First Amendment is inconvenient to you.


macrumors member
Jul 7, 2003
Tiger is cool!

Okay here's my take. I really dashboard, starts up fast enough on my dual 1.25 G4, and there's lots of instant usability. Hit F12 instant Calendar and Calculator, Money converter, flight time and weather. It's simple but wonderfully impletemented, unlike Sherlock which just seems like a big hulk of an application. I really like the new dictionary/thesaurus. No more opening Word just to spell-check a word. LDAP connection in directory services in addressbook works well, even though Apple has mixed up ports 389 and 636 when you use SSL. Haven't had a chance yet to really test AD integration, but I noticed there's an option to connect to your home folder over AFP instead of SMB. This is cool for all user who previously used AFP to upload things which depend on resource forks to a Win2K server. Mail looks nice, with a real 3 pane view and automatically detected that my mail server requires SSL!!! How cool is that? Speed seems okay, although I'm booting of an external drive. Safari's RSS works fine, although this has been available in Firefox for quite some time. To bad mail doesn't do RSS yet. Overall I think Dashboard will become as indispensible as Expose, it just helps make the Mac experience even more enjoyable for those of use that work on macs 8 hours a day before we go home and play with Macs at night.

Can't wait till it comes so I can buy my legit copy and get Tiger server.


macrumors newbie
Mar 12, 2005
can't boot from tiger dvd?

When I try booting from the tiger dvd, I get a question mark, it doesn't load the installation, goes straight 2 the desktop, I'm running 10.3.9. Repaired permissions, and made 2 copys of tiger, and nothing, am I doing something wrong?

By the way, I preordered tiger, I just can't wait 2 try it out.

I'm running a mac mini (airport/bluetooth, 512mb ram, 1.42, 80hd, superdrive.)

Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
kromatic said:
When I try booting from the tiger dvd, I get a question mark, it doesn't load the installation, goes straight 2 the desktop, I'm running 10.3.9. Repaired permissions, and made 2 copys of tiger, and nothing, am I doing something wrong?

By the way, I preordered tiger, I just can't wait 2 try it out.

I'm running a mac mini (airport/bluetooth, 512mb ram, 1.42, 80hd, superdrive.)
How about calling Apple for tech support?


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2004
West Mids, UK
I must admit I was tempted to download it because I just CAN'T WAIT :D ...but morality got the better of me, and I'll be waiting for my family pack next week.

BTW - I hardly think this is the place to ask for help pirating it?


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2003
Toronto, ON
gopher said:
This has to do with Value Added Tax which often gets passed on to the consumer. Ask your governments to work out a better World Trade Agreement so that Value Added Tax is not so high.

Um, I think you are a little confused. A Value Added Tax has absolutely nothing to do with world trade agreements. It's a method of sales tax levied by the British government, similar to the way your state sales tax works (though much higher).

So yes, he could complain to his government about the high VAT rate, but universal heath care doesn't pay for itself! :D

Blue Moon

macrumors regular
Apr 25, 2004
Los Angeles
andysmith said:
I must admit I was tempted to download it because I just CAN'T WAIT :D ...but morality got the better of me, and I'll be waiting for my family pack next week.

BTW - I hardly think this is the place to ask for help pirating it?

I have no idea why you would want to pirate an OS that could be riddled with bugs, not to mention, viruses.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Blue Moon said:
I have no idea why you would want to pirate an OS that could be riddled with bugs, not to mention, viruses.
I think some people are just anxious to be the first on their block to have all those bugs, plus any features that happen to work too. Mac OS X isn't likely to have viruses, but then again you don't know if you are really getting Mac OS X if you download these supposed copies floating around.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2004
Just outside Boston, MA.
Yeah OS X getting a virus is as rare as Windows ever becoming stable. lol That may or may not be a good comparisson but I'm sure you know what I mean. The bugs though, are likely. I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of Tiger to arrive Friday afternoon. That evening I'm gonna be at the local mall for the release event :D


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2004
A quick Tiger impression on a 3yr old G4 800 QS (2002), 1.25GB ram, 32 MB ATI 7500.

Start up is 3x faster than panther (<30secs).

Comp feels snappier, much faster than 10.3.

Apps also opens faster (1 a 2 bounces).

Most programs seems to be working, except Netbarrier 10.3.5 - it doesn't record the incoming or outgoing traffic.

There was no Stuffit installed on my "copy". 10.3 installed a standard copy of stuffit.

No support for Core image on my mac, so no nice water ripple effects with dashboard. Weather widget is not really optimal, it says it was -1 degrees Celsius in Brussels this afternoon when in fact it was the sunniest day of the whole month.

Spotlight is fast, but it you look for a word, you still have to dig trough the doc or file to find it. I thought the word or phrase would have been highlighted for easy identification.

And yes I'm going to buy a new PM G5 with Tiger if the specs are okay.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
kromatic said:
When I try booting from the tiger dvd, I get a question mark, it doesn't load the installation, goes straight 2 the desktop, I'm running 10.3.9. Repaired permissions, and made 2 copys of tiger, and nothing, am I doing something wrong?

By the way, I preordered tiger, I just can't wait 2 try it out.

I'm running a mac mini (airport/bluetooth, 512mb ram, 1.42, 80hd, superdrive.)
You probably mounted the DVD image before you burned it. My past experience with OS X is that a *bootable* disk image cannot be mounted, prior to burning. I usually lock the image, then burn it. YMMV.


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2004
West Mids, UK
Blue Moon said:
I have no idea why you would want to pirate an OS that could be riddled with bugs, not to mention, viruses.
I have no doubt that it's the 'real deal' - various people on here have confirmed it's build 8A428. I think for someone to have leaked it, incorporated a virus/trojan/malicious script, and have it all packaged up and shared by thousands of Bittorent users, and go undetected so far is no mean feat.

I'd just be excited to play with it :D
I don't intend to put Tiger on my main machine that I use most without testing it for a month or so on my PowerBook, so I'm aware of any app clashes and bugs.


macrumors member
Aug 12, 2003
wow, lotta tiger tryers outt here huh, i thought my review would be the only one (then again i haven't read the entire thread since it's long)..

some thoughts..

"Spotlight? no thanks, i know where my files are!" <-- that has to be the lamest thing i've heard all day.. you know where your files are? on your hard drive duh, but you must not have many files.. seriously, spotlight is the kind of thing that's been done in other ways, but apple always tends to bring a nice spin on stuff that's been done (when they're not busy creating new stuff).. trust me, spotlight will grow on you when you give it a try.. i just hope 3rd party apps will start to take advantages (would be nice to search my entourage emails with that thing)..

".. LDAP connection in directory services in addressbook works well" awesome idea, i've done this before but forgot that the dashboard addressbook should poll this as well.. sweet!!!

"I feel sorry for that guy who wrote Konfabulator.", and i feel sorry for the countless people who the konfabulator people ripped off.. sure konfab had the best implementation, but if you read up on it, they weren't the first to do stuff like this (anyone used x-window managers, such as windowmaker or enlightenment? same thing).

oh and one of the coolest features i've seen in tiger so far.. DUMMYNET!! halleluyah! i've been wanting this since 10.1.x when i realized ipfw is built into the kernel.. i guess you have to be a unix head to know/use this, but dummynet lets your built-in firewall also do bandwidth limiting on your system (nice when you are using proto's that don't know how to be polite when it comes to bandwidth)..

looks like there's a rather nice list of features, new ones as well as ones that make OS X the best OS IMO.

oh and found another app that doesn't work "just right": menu meters, they work in the menu but when you click and get the drop down, they don't refresh (but i remember this problem when panther was beta also).

Mr. G4

macrumors 6502
Mar 29, 2002
Rohnert Park, CA
Little Snitch 1.2b1 is now working on Tiger.

lindmar said:
where the torrent is being downloaded they have the official list of software that doesnt work in Tiger already....

here is the list so far..

Stuffit (reinstall required to fix it)
Freeway Pro
The Official Bittorrent Client 4.0.1
Carbon Copy Cloner
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