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macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
So we should let companies abuse employees, breaks employment laws, etc, because they could always just quit?? I see. You aren't a business owner are you?
It sounds like you believe the deranged woman who seems to have a pattern of crazy complaints and not just regarding apple. Ask her apartment complex where she claims fumes make her sick even when her own tests found nothing


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Sure... how long has the person been there? I work for a company that has HIGH standards, but they still have much more reasonable policies.
The person was there for more than 3 minutes if that is what you are asking.
I'm sorry... I almost was able to let this slide without additional comment!! Do you seriously think a company that was founded by and still idolizes Steve Jobs really treats people with fairness and dignity all the time??? =).
All the time? What does that mean? A company with 100,000 is bound to have some employee issues, and this investigation is good as it will clear the air on the guilty before being proved innocent matter.
Steve was great at many things... dealing with people wasn't one of them.
Being terrible with dealing with people doesn't mean that Apple has broken any laws relating to employees. Nor does it mean that employees can't be required to perform at a high level.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
Hard to know how to interpret Millenials whistle blowers whose concerns are usually I had to work hard and not everyone validated me and sometimes there were deadlines we were expected to meet. There is a certain segment of toxic employees that are always bitter and you are glad to be rid of them but in todays environment they get a lot of publicity.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 14, 2007
I'm sorry... I almost was able to let this slide without additional comment!! Do you seriously think a company that was founded by and still idolizes Steve Jobs really treats people with fairness and dignity all the time??? =). Steve was great at many things... dealing with people wasn't one of them.
I’m sorry, while I don’t disagree with your assessment of Job’s early people skills, the fact that HR turfed him almost 40 years ago would indicate he didn’t control HR at that time. Perhaps he rebuilt the department in his image after his return, but there is little to indicate that and he has been dead for 10 years so maybe it’s time to stop praising and blaming him for everything and let the guy Rest In Peace.

The one person I knew that worked there seemed pretty happy, but that was ten years ago and was one individual in thousands, so it doesn’t really say anything about the overall experience.


macrumors regular
Dec 9, 2007
Hard to know how to interpret Millenials whistle blowers whose concerns are usually I had to work hard and not everyone validated me and sometimes there were deadlines we were expected to meet. There is a certain segment of toxic employees that are always bitter and you are glad to be rid of them but in todays environment they get a lot of publicity.

Thanks for generalizing an entire generation based on one woman's case against Apple.
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The Cappy

macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2015
Dunwich Fish Market
One day we can hope all companies will be liable. Hopefully the investigation isn’t just another fine.
Say what?? Even ignoring the allegations about the employee refusing to honor their confidentiality agreements...
she complains about everything about her working environment but doesn't want to leave? And you just happily swallowed that nonsense hook, line, and sinker. As you say, "Hopefully the investigation isn’t just another fine." Because it sure sounds like a toxic employee got the axe.

The Cappy

macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2015
Dunwich Fish Market
Why are there so many here defending a faceless, multi trillion dollar company? Apple. Doesn’t. Care. About. You.
Goes triple for you and that toxic employee who got canned. And the people heading that investigation? Do they care about you? Nonsense. They will posture and utter the incantations of caring that make the gullible shiver with delight. But they mostly care about the power they wield, which is why the investigation will be about Apple and not a better-deserving, less headline-grabbing company.


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2021
A lot of Apple employee's are just spoiled and out of touch with reality, and cry when they don't get something they want, meanwhile reality is that they work at one of the best places to work.

how dare people want to go to work and not get sexually harassed. are you a pedo or something that supports such behavior?

I've been following her drama on twitter since she initially requested to be placed on leave. This woman is deranged. She claims that because her office was located on a toxic waste site, it made her sick, she thinks Apple is secretly spying on her, so she god rid of all her Apple gear. She belongs in an institution.

That being said if there is actual workplace harassment, sexual harassment, etc, Apple needs to do something about it or the DoL will.

i wanted to call you out for calling her mentally ill but you weren't kidding. that twitter history is a trainwreck.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
I’m sorry, while I don’t disagree with your assessment of Job’s early people skills, the fact that HR turfed him almost 40 years ago would indicate he didn’t control HR at that time. Perhaps he rebuilt the department in his image after his return, but there is little to indicate that and he has been dead for 10 years so maybe it’s time to stop praising and blaming him for everything and let the guy Rest In Peace.

The one person I knew that worked there seemed pretty happy, but that was ten years ago and was one individual in thousands, so it doesn’t really say anything about the overall experience.
HR didn't turf Steve Jobs... the board did.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 30, 2005
Why are there so many here defending a faceless, multi trillion dollar company? Apple. Doesn’t. Care. About. You.
I'll never understand it either, but so many fetishize work and power.

To them, seemingly, workers are just numbers, who should drop to their knees and thank the heavens for a company allowing them to exchange their knowledge and skills for a livelihood. If the workers don't like it—tough—dispose of them quickly because there are untold numbers eagerly willing to take their place.

I'm not saying Apple is evil, and I don't know the evidence in this particular case. I doubt any of you know, either, but that doesn't stop some from falling all over themselves to pile on. How bleak.


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
Why are there so many here defending a faceless, multi trillion dollar company? Apple. Doesn’t. Care. About. You.
I’m more concerned about what commitments Apple has made to China vs some fairly typical labor complaints.


macrumors 6502
Apr 30, 2005
Because guilty until proven innocent? They must be guilty of gross misconduct?
Guilty until proven innocent is one thing.

All kinds of negativity directed toward the employee(s)—painting them as spoiled/lazy/untalented/mentally ill, among other things—is a long way away from "I'm withholding judgement until I know more."

I took OP's comment as not "Apple is bad and surely guilty of gross misconduct," but rather "why do people feel compelled to immediately cape for a corporate entity that doesn't need the help? Because we like the products they put out?!?!" and how weird of a rationale/instinct that is.


macrumors 6502
Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for generalizing an entire generation based on one woman's case against Apple.
"When I began my career, we worked 30 hour days, with no breaks for food or water....and we were thankful for the opportunity! People need to remember that work should be like eat crap until you get to the top and then have the privilege to make the people below you eat crap. Only way to develop such a good 'work ethic'!"
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