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  1. S

    Sierra, High Sierra, Catalina, Time Machine and fixing a disaster

    People, Im stumped after 4 days and need help. While running Sierra, my system was upgraded to the Catalina disaster without my knowledge. The Time Machine backup last done that would save everything was done in Sierra. Of course, I cannot find anywhere a Sierra installer, but I do have one for...
  2. reukiodo

    APFS ROM Patcher

    Since @dosdude1 released the APFS ROM Patcher utility, has anyone used it to successfully enable APFS in their unsupported Mac's ROM? Has anyone been adventurous enough to try and fail? I've searched and searched and it is hard to find success and fail stories and I hope there could be a central...
  3. T

    Problems with Time Machine and Chrome update disaster

    I recently had a problem with my iMac not turning on because of the Chrome update. I first tried to reinstall Mojave without restoring it from a Time Machine back up. That didn't work....then I tried to restore the Mac from a Time Machine and it didn't would say 'An error occurred...
  4. T

    Deeply messed up APFS external ssd, what to do?

    Since, for some reason, my Disk Utility hangs every time I try to do this via "first aid", I tried vie terminal: Any ideas why the disk looks like this? diskutil verifyVolume disk2s2 Started file system verification on disk2s2 Verifying storage system Performing fsck_apfs -n -x /dev/disk2s2...
  5. T

    Restoring system from TM to external APFS?

    Is it possible with Mojave? Just found out that it isn't possible in High Sierra...
  6. spaceguns

    APFS system volume recovery after Macbook Air logic board failure

    I only have partial information, and do not 100% know the exact OSx version or how full the drive was, but I think it was pretty topped out. No recent backups, important data, and I have already put the fear of god into them regarding backups so this doesn't happen again. They have a several...
  7. H

    Need help unlocking APFS Volume from terminal

    My main SSD OS became unrecognizable and will not mount via Disk Utilities. I am trying to fix/mount via Terminal. This is my diskutil list: /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0...
  8. Populus

    Most versatile HDD File System

    Hello. I've been struggling for many years to choose a file format that suits best an external Hard Drive that is aimed to be read not only by macOS and iOS, but also by my TV, which has USB connectors. All my external hard drives are now formatted with the APFS file system, except this 2TB...
  9. haralds

    10.14.6 APFS Issues

    On my Mac Pro 5,1 I started seeing APFS stalling issues and PCIE controller trouble especially with a Catalina disk set mounted. There is frequent beach balling during heavy disk activities. Correlation is not causation. But has anybody else seen issues? My MacBook Pro 2018 seems fine.
  10. allan.nyholm

    I have to ask.. is your Desktop & Screensaver section slow also?

    Hi, So what I've been wanting to ask for a number of weeks and months is this; when in System Preferences and the Desktop & Screensaver portion of same - Is this also so painfully slow that browsing and adding wallpapers is a minute long process at times? For instance I have a series of...
  11. mikew67

    Can't get beyond Mojave 14.0 on unsupported MBP 4,1

    Gentle folks: Have been a regular user of the work of DOSDUDE1 and others in support of running current versions of macOS on older unsupported Macs, specifically on my MacBook Pro 4,1 (early 2008). Have upgraded my macOS version through Sierra --> High Sierra --> Mojave 14.0, the last shortly...
  12. M

    Machintosh HD is no longer APFS (Encrypted)

    I have a MacBook Pro with the T2 chip. It came with High Sierra preinstalled. When I Get Info the Macintosh HD on High Sierra, it says the Format is APFS (Encrypted). I have recently upgraded to Mojave and now it says the Format is APFS. It is no longer APFS (Encrypted). I did not do a clean...
  13. S

    Deleted files from iTunes on External Drive but not ending up in Trash

    I'm having a problem with a 4TB OWC external drive that I use as my iTunes media folder. It's APFS formatted. When I delete a track from iTunes, I don't get asked whether I want to permanently delete the track or just remove from iTunes. I just get asked whether I want to delete from my iCloud...
  14. Nessdufrat

    High Sierra, bootcamp, Windows, etc.

    Hi guys, I know a lot of people have been having troubles with bootcamp after installing High Sierra, not being able to install Windows, or not being able to boot into the mac partition when they were using the windows partition using bootcamp, but my situation is a bit different, I think. I...
  15. haralds

    System Disk First Aid on APFS

    I had some trouble with CCC backup disk corruption and decided to check the main system disk, a 2TB SSD on my Mac Pro 5,1. A couple of observations: - You cannot just boot into the recovery partition and run First Aid with the Disk utility. The recovery partition is a mounted container of the...
  16. P

    Object Map Invalid on APFS drive. Options? Sign of drive dying?

    Moderators, not sure if this is the correct place for this; feel free to move if needed. I recently noticed several files / apps had disappeared from my iMac's boot drive. At the same time, my Backblaze cloud backup locked because it detected too many file changes. I ran Disk Utility and...
  17. P

    Unrecoverable Partition, Mac APFS Disk Unmounted

    Suddenly i am unable to login with my normal user id, i booted into recovery trying to repair the disk but the disk utility are not showing my container. I then managed to installed the OS again on another apfs volume, everything working great until i notice my memory pressure shooting up to...
  18. B

    New to macOS, mid-2012 Macbook Pro 15, dual SSD raid0 questions

    Hi, Im new here and new to macOS. I recently got a mid-2012 Macbook Pro 15, and have some concerns. My purpose is for some light video editing and some PS work. And some fun with to learn more about macs. I bought the Macbook Pro 15 cuz it can use dual SSD in raid0, Can the Macbook Pro 13...
  19. cpmarshalljr

    Mojave Convert HFS+ to APFS

    Somehow I upgraded HS to Mojave but am stuck at 10.14.1 and can't update to 10.14.4. Since this is going to be the Apple standard does anyone know how to convert a SSD to APFS?
  20. J

    AFPS Formatted Drive

    Hi All Need some assistance please. I think my young daughter has been playing around with my Macbook Pro (Mid2010) and trying to guess the password. When I went to log in last night the password would not work. I eventually rebooted and it kept happening. So I went into CMD - R on start up to...