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macrumors 65816
Nov 12, 2014
Since my original switch from Android to iOS in 2014, I tried Android on two separate occasions (the first gen Pixel and HTC U11). I spent approximately a week with each phone and realized how much I missed my iPhone both times. As good as some Android hardware may be, the operating system just doesn't do it for me.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2014
Dover, NH
I'm the opposite, I mainly use Android but for the past few years always pre-ordered the new iPhone, but end up returning or selling it and going back.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I've used a variety of platform, Android, Windows, and of course iOS. All of them have various advantages and disadvantages. For me at the moment, I really what the the iOS ecosystem provides
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Jan 10, 2012
I've been a lifelong Windows user and I started out heavily with Android. Joined iOS with iPhone 4s and went back and forth a few times but ended up sticking with iPhone. Android has come a long way but iOS's apps feel more premium, iMessage is great, and I'm using a 2010 Mac Mini for my primary PC that I got for $200 from a coworker (put an SSD in it with more ram, and it flies!). I find Mac OS just stays out of your way letting you work better. I like that Mac Minis use far less power than my windows PC box and require much less maintenance.

Only problem I see is... There is no way I can afford a Macbook Pro or an iMac so ... unless Apple comes out with another Mac Mini, I'm keeping what I have for awhile. But if I had to buy a computer now it would probably be a $1k Dell Latitude laptop. Both my wife and I love and use our Macbook Air 11 (2015) laptops everyday.

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
I've never actually fully switched to Android. I would buy an Android phone for rooting and tinkering and playing around with but I always keep my iPhone as my production device.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Chandler, AZ/Chicago, IL
I’ve had the Samsung S7, S8 Plus, Note 3-8(including the Note 7) and a Couple HTC phones thrown into the mix. I have also had every iPhone since the 3GS. Now I’m on the iPhone X. Every time I have an android phone I always tell myself that I’ve made a mistake after about a month on the android phone. One factor to always coming back to iOS is that we have four Apple TV’s, I have always had a Mac laptop and an iPad. So it just makes sense for me to come back to iOS.

Now here is the real question that I never seem to listen to. Why haven’t I learned my lesson. Haha

Knowlege Bomb

macrumors G4
Feb 14, 2008
I’ve had the Samsung S7, S8 Plus, Note 3-8(including the Note 7) and a Couple HTC phones thrown into the mix. I have also had every iPhone since the 3GS. Now I’m on the iPhone X. Every time I have an android phone I always tell myself that I’ve made a mistake after about a month on the android phone. One factor to always coming back to iOS is that we have four Apple TV’s, I have always had a Mac laptop and an iPad. So it just makes sense for me to come back to iOS.

Now here is the real question that I never seem to listen to. Why haven’t I learned my lesson. Haha

The hardware is tempting. That's what it is for me at least. If only they could make the software live up to and perform on the phones being sold these days.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2011
First time in 9 years im close to picking up an android device. My dad got the s8 and that thing is blazing fast, smooth and "good looking". Played with the X few times but still can't find the "wow" factor.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 6, 2010
I've tried several times, mostly with samsung, but also with a Nexus 5 and a motorola a while back. It seems like each year android gets better and the switch gets easier, but even still after 3 months with my S8+ I was happy to sell it and get back into an iOS device. I honestly just don't see myself trying any more it gets old constantly having to deal with selling phones and most likely losing money.

Also I missed my apple watch way to much and that was one of the more surprising things. I tried to do a Gear S3 and it was decently nice, but it doesn't really compete with the apple watch in terms of software or hardware.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
Yep. I'm on day 8 with my S8 after selling my iPhones X and 7. Lag isn't an issue, but everything just takes a hair longer to do vs. iOS. The edge / curve display is so useless. Overall I love the features of the S8 and Android vs. iOS, always on display and notifications are so nice to have. Verizon just pushed the November security update so it isn't that outdated. I don't care about Android 8 update, 7 is just fine and it's very optimized vs. my Pixel 2 experience which was so buggy.

That said, I still check the Apple store iPhone X stock daily for some reason. There's just something that always pulls me back. I was at a festival at night and it was freezing, I had gloves on. Was trying to coordinate meeting a friend and each time I took the S8 out I had to also take my gloves off and unlock the phone with the sensor. Occasionally it didn't work on the 1st try because I was shivering / moving my finger I guess. At that moment I thought wow, I would love Face ID right about now. I used my "old" X with touch screen gloves + Face ID and it was great. I despise the notch, but after using several Android phones over the years, Touch ID and Face ID really are years ahead of everyone else.

I may re-buy the X even though I swore I would never again, and just keep the S8 or get a Pixel 2 as a back up / Android fix phone.


macrumors 68040
Jul 27, 2013
Yes. Every time I try Android, I always come back to iPhone and I always end up keeping the iPhones much longer than the Android phones. I’m smart enough now to just stick with iOS, because I know I’ll start missing it very quick if I leave. Also, I’m more integrated now that I used to be with iOS (iCloud Photos, storage, syncing with my iPad) which makes Android even less desirable. Not to mention, I don’t trust Google with my privacy/data at all.


macrumors 603
May 6, 2008
I tried an HTC Android device way back in the day when I had my iPhone 3G and was not impressed with Android at all. Over the past year I acquired a Galaxy S7 and Pixel to play around with. While I admit that Android definitely has improved since I originally tried it, I never could go to Android full time.

With my Apple Watch, iPhones, iPad, Apple TV and MBP. Not to mention my wife's iOS/Mac devices, we're fully engrained in the Apple ecosystem, and IMO Android doesn't even come close in that regard.

The most I could see myself doing is getting an Android device to tinker around with as a secondary device.


macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
Yep. I'm on day 8 with my S8 after selling my iPhones X and 7. Lag isn't an issue, but everything just takes a hair longer to do vs. iOS. The edge / curve display is so useless. Overall I love the features of the S8 and Android vs. iOS, always on display and notifications are so nice to have. Verizon just pushed the November security update so it isn't that outdated. I don't care about Android 8 update, 7 is just fine and it's very optimized vs. my Pixel 2 experience which was so buggy.

That said, I still check the Apple store iPhone X stock daily for some reason. There's just something that always pulls me back. I was at a festival at night and it was freezing, I had gloves on. Was trying to coordinate meeting a friend and each time I took the S8 out I had to also take my gloves off and unlock the phone with the sensor. Occasionally it didn't work on the 1st try because I was shivering / moving my finger I guess. At that moment I thought wow, I would love Face ID right about now. I used my "old" X with touch screen gloves + Face ID and it was great. I despise the notch, but after using several Android phones over the years, Touch ID and Face ID really are years ahead of everyone else.

I may re-buy the X even though I swore I would never again, and just keep the S8 or get a Pixel 2 as a back up / Android fix phone.
I don't find the curve screen useless. In terms of viewing media it hurts it slightly but I find it much more comfortable in the hands


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2016
suspension waiting room
Disclaimer: I have no ill will for Android or it's users, Android is good for the smartphone industry. Just saying, I remember in my youth I used to start fights with a girlfriend just out of boredom. Y'all have A.D.D.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2014
I also go both ways ;) but prefer Android these days as it is just as smooth and fast, maybe faster than my iphone. I'm not liking the direction iPhones are heading. No customization really is killing it for me also. My 7 will be my last iPhone. I have a 5 year old MacBook pro and like it alot but not sure where I'll go when it finally conks out. I seem to be finding myself in the group that thinks Apple has gone downhill since Jobs died.
ALSO: A simple thing but sometimes it's the simple things that make my life easier and I wear snap pocket, denim western style shirts all the time and my iPhone 7 can fit in my shirt pocket with the snap snapped and safely secure and so easy to reach. Love it and haven't found an Android that does this and works on Verizon. :p


macrumors regular
Apr 7, 2011
I'm going to test out a OnePlus 5T and may return my X, I feel the OnePlus is basically what the iPhone plus models screen/body ratio should be, and amazing price as well for it's value. Been about 5 years since I had a droid.


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2007
I'm going to test out a OnePlus 5T and may return my X, I feel the OnePlus is basically what the iPhone plus models screen/body ratio should be, and amazing price as well for it's value. Been about 5 years since I had a droid.
and at half the price.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I'm going to test out a OnePlus 5T and may return my X, I feel the OnePlus is basically what the iPhone plus models screen/body ratio should be, and amazing price as well for it's value. Been about 5 years since I had a droid.

Apparently that phone can't even stream HD video


Oct 16, 2017
Both platforms are so much alike and do the same basic tasks like texting, email, YouTube, and browsing, I don't really need to keep going back and forth.

Apple is becoming like Google, more of a service company. Hence, why they bought Shazam and have Apple Music and iCloud. Google is becoming strict and more into selling hardware like Apple. Hence, Pixel products.

It's like choosing between fast food joints. Same junk food with little differentiating.


macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2017
I've used Android on 2 different occasions. There is nothing wrong with using an Android phone, but I personally prefer iOS.

For 95% of what I do - messaging, video/picture editing, social media - for me, iOS does it a lot better. IMO, social media apps work a lot better on iOS than they do on Android. Video editing is much easier and faster on iOS compared to Android.

I also use a lot of Excel on my iOS devices, and they work flawlessly for me. I think I went to Android the 1st time (back in 2012) because I was lured in by the bigger screen that the Galaxy S3 had compared to the 4S. When the the iPhone 6 came out in 2014, I moved over to iOS again immediately.

Earlier this year I decided to try Android again (Galaxy S7 Edge) and I ended up disliking it a lot in the 7 months that I had it.

I now have the iPhone X (had the 8 plus for ~6 weeks) and it's my favourite phone without a doubt.
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