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Aug 28, 2003
It's amazing how angry some people get at someone who's being nice.

This. They feel entitled to be bitter about their little lives I suppose, blame their lacking on someone else, rather than accept responsibility. That's the society we are now part of. Cook does tons of interviews, who cares if sometimes talks about things other than tech? The comment that Steve Jobs was always focused on tech was because Steve Jobs was a self centered SOB who let his ego drive him. Not that he wasn't a genius, he just wasn't a nice person. Cook tries.


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2019
Try being "out" or Uyghur in China and call me. That's courageous.

Knowing what I know now about liver transplantation, I really really REALLY wish Steve would have taken Tim up on his offer of a donation.

Living donors usually grow back approx 98% of their original liver, suffer no long term side effects, and in the process, save a life.

I was a candidate for a living donor for a while, and had a few friends/family members who offered to undergo the screening. By the time I was through the surgeries to make me eligible for transplantation (in other words, survive the operation) my MELD score dropped too low to be eligible for a transplant from anyone. I maintain "ready" status with my transplant program (HUP) in the event I develop a malignancy in my liver, which I am screened for on a regular basis.

Liver cancer is sneaky shiet. By the time you've got symptoms you're usually ready for dead.

Everything aside, I will not shed a tear when the Tim Cook Era passes. Kinda reminds me of the Sculley years. Company made money, but little else of note.

I do wonder what will come next. A visionary on the level of Jobs simply isn't in the offing, and the day may come when we wish we had Cook back.
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Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
He’s a visionary with a different style than Jobs.

I’m not even entirely convinced that Jobs wouldn’t have sunk the ship by now. If he had stubbornly adhered to his scruples, I think it’s plausible that Apple would have been left behind a long time ago. Cook has done a marvellous job of maintaining the Apple ethos, whilst at the same time steering the company true through a sea of increasingly sophisticated competition and evolving consumer expectations.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
Racist towards who, the whites?

Yeah, absolutely, but these are not working at apple. But on average - no, and this is only speaking about economic background without taking latent racism into account.

And since capitalism is diminishing class crossing and education is getting more expensive, it's going to get worse and not better in that regard.

Also, racism towards white people :D

Is capitalism diminishing class crossing? I came from a very poor background but have worked my way in to what I would consider a very comfortable life. My in-laws arrived in Australia from refugee camps in Malaysia and the Phillipines with only the clothes on their backs and have worked themselves to be multi millionaires.
I can only speak about the UK and Australia but university attendances are at record numbers despite increasing costs, when I was 18 it was actually free yet the numbers have gone up.
Are you suggesting it’s impossible to say something racist about white people? My wife (not white) had a much more privileged upbringing than I (white) with a lot more advantages.
I understand why people talk about white privilege but it’s a very blanket statement that you would never get away with saying about other groups and doesn’t reflect reality in my opinion.

Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
Tim Cooked will go down as the worst CEO in Apple History, causing even more damage than John Sculley.
Sculley had everyone bamboozled for 10 years. Cooked did more damage in less time.
Sculley. did not turn Apple into a Trillion Dollar company. Think whatever you want about Apple's products, but in terms of success, Tim has made Apple the most money. And in the world that we live in, money is most important
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macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2007
Because you miss the headphone jack? Please.
In a word, yes. It was an unnecessary thing to remove. I often listen to music as I lie in bed and thus I am charging my phone. Why should I get some 3rd party y-connector so I can charge and listen at the same time? Who cares it is older technology and took up space. They're clever people I am sure they can find a way to make it work as someone on YouTube already did.

The thinness fetish is stupid. The idea a MacBook Pro is thin and light weight is just as stupid. If you want a thin laptop get an Air. If I get a Pro, it should mean it, where you get more than Thunderbolt, you get legacy, you get SD, you get 10 GbE. Not everyone wants everything to be wireless. Not everyone wants the or be in the cloud. The fact they sold 1 TB iMacs a decade ago and still do today shows you they don't care about hardware.

Which is bizarre since you need good hardware to design the only thing Tim cares about, the iPhone.
So if he really does resign, I really hope they do go back to that company.

And rename the company back to Apple Computer, Inc.
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Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
Having spent a few years in Silicon Valley, and having met Cook at a few functions, I can tell you I am less than impressed by the tech industry's social justice "talk" for the sake of image. I've yet to see a company that backs up its talk with honest action. Remember Google's "Don't be evil"? What a crock of crap.

Apple has strayed from its core due to putting politics and fantasized image ahead of business. Jobs had his causes, but I never really noticed it creeping into the company's culture as much as Cook's tenure.

If what another poster here said is true, that Cook's days are numbered, I for one will not lament his departure. It's past time to move on and go back to what Apple was best known for -- Innovation and the Spirit of Invention.
In 2019, image is extremely important. Jobs would not get away with half the stuff that he is rumored to have done and said to his team.


macrumors 601
Jan 21, 2008
Is capitalism diminishing class crossing? I came from a very poor background but have worked my way in to what I would consider a very comfortable life. My in-laws arrived in Australia from refugee camps in Malaysia and the Phillipines with only the clothes on their backs and have worked themselves to be multi millionaires.
I can only speak about the UK and Australia but university attendances are at record numbers despite increasing costs, when I was 18 it was actually free yet the numbers have gone up.
Are you suggesting it’s impossible to say something racist about white people? My wife (not white) had a much more privileged upbringing than I (white) with a lot more advantages.
I understand why people talk about white privilege but it’s a very blanket statement that you would never get away with saying about other groups and doesn’t reflect reality in my opinion.

I'm suggesting that whites were historically less oppressed and were usually the oppressors. I mean, i'm white (slavic white) and i've yet to be subjected to racism.

Even in my ******** of a country, crossing classes was a lot easier 30 years ago.
My father was practically an orphan and came from a very poor rural background, and has done incredibly well for himself (and his family). But for every hardworking ""multimillionaire"" there are thousands that are born poor and die poor.
You cannot make it by hardwork alone. You have to be ****ing lucky or extremely smart to:
- educate in the right field
- invest in growing markets
else all your work is pointless and worthless.

On top of that, when you're investing in things that don't really have any added value (which rich people do to make themsleves richer) such as (stocks, real-estate, currencies), you're basically making money, with money, and whenever that happens there's a market inflation or thousands of poor folks being a little more poor on the account of someone being more rich. There's just no other way this works. You cannot buy something for 200$, do absolutely no work, and get 1000$ out of it, without someone being ****ed over.

Some people work hard their whole lives and die in poverty, and the only thing their kids inherit are debts, and a lot of it is down to random dumb luck. Fact is, if you're born into a tenant family, you're very likely not become a homeowner or a landlord, statistically speaking, and being white you're statistically being born in a % with more income than other races.

Not saying it's impossible, just statistically unlikely, and more of an exception than a rule.

Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
Tim has been successful, but only because he rode the coattails of SJ and the average rank and file worker at Apple - who, up until his point have kept Apple moving forward (albeit, at a very slow pace). He rung out every one of SJ's last ideas and now the chamois is dry and stiff as a board. He has done nothing for the company except lobby and showcase his hypocrisy. It's plain to see he only pursues causes that not only benefit and interest Apple shareholders, but himself. The former is expected, the latter is disgusting.

He has done a slam-dunk job of pulling the wool over the eyes of the board and convinced them he's doing anything less than a fantastic job. He's a terrible leader and I can only hope Apple realizes this and finds some real leadership talent to make them Apple again. Maybe they know he's awful and just have no one to replace him? That's my hope. If they remove him without an amazing replacement, the stock will tumble 30%.

I scoffed a bit at Amazon in 2014 when they started to push their Fire TV and Alexa devices. Now my house is filled with Amazon tech, and they are killing it. If they come up with a better phone, it could be trouble for Apple.
Amazon phone? We tried that, and it DID NOT WORK... At ALL

Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
Can he just give it a rest for once? Apple should be a lot more focused on technology and less focused on gender identity, sexuality and political issues.
Apple is a huge business, they can't just stay silent
This should be stapled on every shareholder's head.

What exactly has he come up with that's new?

The iPhone? Already there.
The iPad? Already there.
The Macbook? Already there.
The Mac? Already there.
iTunes Music? Already there.
The Apple Watch? Already in development.

Spec bumps, emojis, and accessories don't count as invention.
Apple Watch was not in development, also AirPods with W1 chip, huge advancements in processors, 3D/force touch. There has been so many things, you just choose to ignore them.
That, plus the iconic iphone/iOS design. Nothing like the crap we have today.
Thin sides, glass back with metal frame, grid of icons, its all still there
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Tim has been successful, but only because he rode the coattails of SJ and the average rank and file worker at Apple - who, up until his point have kept Apple moving forward (albeit, at a very slow pace). He rung out every one of SJ's last ideas and now the chamois is dry and stiff as a board. He has done nothing for the company except lobby and showcase his hypocrisy. It's plain to see he only pursues causes that not only benefit and interest Apple shareholders, but himself. The former is expected, the latter is disgusting.

He has done a slam-dunk job of pulling the wool over the eyes of the board and convinced them he's doing anything less than a fantastic job. He's a terrible leader and I can only hope Apple realizes this and finds some real leadership talent to make them Apple again. Maybe they know he's awful and just have no one to replace him? That's my hope. If they remove him without an amazing replacement, the stock will tumble 30%.

I scoffed a bit at Amazon in 2014 when they started to push their Fire TV and Alexa devices. Now my house is filled with Amazon tech, and they are killing it. If they come up with a better phone, it could be trouble for Apple.
For 10 years Tim has been riding coattails?


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2012
I'd focus more on fixing the insane amount of bugs iOS13 has currently and may be/perhaps invest some good money to help those people with this issue of gender dysphoria rather than make it worse for some. I guess your sexual orientation these days promote business better especially if you are gay or transgender?
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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2008
If the Christian right was as serious about criticizing adulterers, people who don't celebrate the sabbath, and those who don't honor their mother and father I could almost give them a pass on their gay thing. Why they pick out this one 'sin' and act like it's all that God cares about is beyond me.

God will sort out the degree of sin on each individual at their end time and it's not my privilege to judge in his place.

That said, Tim does focus way much more on SJW than MPBW (making products better warrior) which is not optimal for Apple. Stock may be at 240 but if he did his job better it (or if Steve were still alive) it would be way over 300, maybe 400.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
The Apple Watch — Tim Cook. Not in development until after Jobs’ death.

You are correct that "development" took place under Tim Cook's watch, but concept and initial design work began in 2011 before Job's death. Cook picked up the idea and ran with it, but to say it was Cook's conceptualized brainchild is incorrect.
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Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
The idea a MacBook Pro is thin and light weight is just as stupid. If you want a thin laptop get an Air.

I need the power of the Pro but I also need portability. I use it in the field and have to carry it around a lot. Where does that leave me, except in obvious non-complinace with your use case? :rolleyes:
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Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
Who is the most appropriate to take the steering wheel, by your opinion?

I really cannot stand all these "Tim, leave" shouts, while no one is suggesting any adequate replacement.

I want Scott Forstall to return.
The apple of 2008-2012:
Made a MacBook Air that was almost $2,000
Made an iPhone with terrible signal
Made Mobile Me, which failed
Introduced Apple Maps years before it was ready.
Refused to give the Mac Pro a proper update after 2010
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macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Tim is a sad and confused man. He loves to lecture America on what “good values” are yet turns a blind eye to Chinese oppression of Hong Kong and muslims.
Actually, leaving China altogether would be turning a blind eye to the oppression. That is what would happen if he opposed China's law. We haven't seen anything yet. These protest riots are a small harbinger of what is to come in China. Apple (and Tim) will be called upon to truly defy China's will and that's when we will see a major turn of events. I just hope Apple makes the right move at the right time to send the right message to the entire world.
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